~~ os deena » THE ey, sh oe halla ihe a ly 26 shed — = —_ = ee LAST WEEK OF TITE’S FEBRUARY GREAT HOUSE- FURN SHING | 6 SA oo TEA! On Sale Taursday, Friday and Saturday 70c Values Nabob ....... On Sale 0c On Sale 60c . On Sale 60c On Sale 60c 50c Malikin’s Best Biue Ribbon Fuller's Best. . Fuller’s Ka-De Tea ... The above teas will shortly advance to 75c per pound { BUY NOW. Get. a dozen of our Strictly Fresh Eggs, selling at 80c per dozen: “Our Own Brand’”’ Butter 75c The Best Creamery Butter Foesh fr uit and green stuff -a.”s. every boat. ° PULLERS, Line HOUSES FOR SALE 7-room house and large lot, Atlin Ave., Section 2, new— $4,250.00, Terms. 4-room house 5th Avenue, Section 5 $1,575, Terms. 4-rooms and bath, 5th Ave., Section 5 $2,400, Terms. LOTS FOR SALE. 2 fine view lots Section 2— $750 the pair, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Best Coa Alheria Screened GUARANTEED eee For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per \2 ton Bulk ....... $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD. Phones 564 and 116 CS a tam DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- diay, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- FOOTBALL IS ~ DISCUSSED AT Year—Cup by Fred Gilhuly. wether last evening in St. topic of conversation. Repre- four ‘league last of the Callies, J. Sons of England, Harry Day iTrail, and J. Haugh of the G.I | P., to further this year. year, and J- the arrangements. for It is expected that on additional two teams will# enter the league this season, making six teamsiin all. The first game will be played on Saturday after- noon. Il was announced by the chair- man, 8S. D. Macdonald, that a cup vould be presented to the league by+Fued Gilhuly to further inter- est in the sport. der which the cup will be played for will be drawn up by the new officers of the Football Associa- tion, which will hold its annual general meeting in the near fu- ture. Arrangements were also made for the presentation of the medals won by the Callies in the league games on jast season. Prospects for a successful fool- ball season this year are extreme- ly bright and great interest is being taken among the athletes in the city in the game. FLYER IN OIL Marquis of Queensbury Sas Failure Due to Exploit. LONDON, Feb. 26—The affairs of the Marquis of Queensbury were again before the bankruptcy court yesterday. This is his fourth failure and in the public examination he indicated that his shortage of funds was owing to an exploit in Canadian oil and mineral properties in Decembi rc 1918. St. Regis Cafe Friday, February 26 BREAKFAST, 35c 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes nh or Grape Nuts Stripped with Toast and Coffee Mus Hot Cakes Bacon ‘LUNCHEON, 50c 11:30 to 2 p.m. AND DINNER, 5c Dinner & p.m to 7:30. Clam Chowder Tenderloin of Sole, Tartar Sauce Bolted Halibut, Egg Sauce Codiish Cakes, Cream Sauce | Boiled Beef and Creamed Carrots Baked Macaroni and Cheese Atkins’ Sausage and Mashed Potatoes Chicken Giblets with Rice Asparagus Tips on Toast Roast Stuffed Young Veal ; Coffee SW ARE day, from 7 to 9. 3. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 1(9 FOR APPOINTMENT i Pr EP OIE OIE E* BELO OL OE CHOI ODO BION EL O FOR SALE A good double corner in Block 23, Section 8 for.... . $550.00 Sec 5, price $250 Lot 10, Block 414, Lot 34, Block 50, See. 7, price $86 A splendid view lot in Block 4, Gestion 3. £06. 6 aoe. sas $600.00 Apply to Ed. H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue nnn —_——r— Auction Sale Having received instruc- tions from Mrs, R. S. Wright 216 Fifth Avenue Kast, I will sell by auction the Household Goods ' consisting of dining room, silting room and bed room furniture, also kitchen uten- sils Friday, at 2:3 Feb. 27 p.m. sharp. FIRST MEETING May be Six-Team League This Soccer enthusiasts gathered to- Andrews Club rooms when the coming sea- son’s football prospects was the sentatives were present from the yjetoria on teams which constituted the Watson pe Day Bell of the of were appointed a committee text | SINCE, 5 sans ILOH 30 37? COUGHS —-? Local News Notes od iD Oo — rw Fuller’s for Tea Specials. Full line of corsets at Demers. * * * NEWINGTON NOW IS ON HER WAY NORTH Left Victoria on Tuesday—Crow se Are to Live Aboard Vessel. completed the Newington Tuesday for Rupert where she. will in stationed. No been made for Having her engines have repairs on left Prince future arrangements the housing Fishermen's Unit O.B.U. meets tonight at 8 o'clock. The “Dinector’ Corset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Plone ul Blue 92, F. G. Sherbonmne, of Ocean Falls, is registered at the Hotel Prince )Rupert. J * « We offer steam coal in car load $7.00 per ton f.o.b. car: & McCaffery. tf lots Albert Basketball tonight at the rink: of the crew ashore and they will Girls—Fireflys vs. Maple Leafs; all, from Captain Bilton down, boys—Cubs vs. Beavers. live aboard the vessel till the new Rs Vie cae buildings for their accommoda- Carpets, floor oil cloths and tion at Digby Island are com- linoleums at special prices. pleted. . Plans for these new Barrie's Furniture Store. tf aire Met wer ee T. 6, Dunean returned to town ; yesterday morning after a trip see south in connection with the THREE GAMES FOR business of the municipal utili- TOMORROW NIGHT The rules un- Girls te Play Basketball as Well As Men Tomorrow Night. —_—_—— games have been the formal openin Association's Three anged for the Athletic tomorrow night. boys will play the Junior and the High the Entrance Leafs. The feature evening will be between Dock and the Callies.