. | Legislative Library | ae ues OF gE 6th Street aii PRINCE She Daily Ne RUPERT * ra 7d e #4 Z ou Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper tA. ITA XI Phone 76 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINGE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE ) | x], NO. 4 asin — aims caiaaiaial — pe Passed and Franchise Act; Canada (special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) OTTAWA, February pmality Parliament was opened yesterday afternoon of Devonshire, 4n the Commons chamber of the new vaines, Ladies in evening gowns occupied seats on the floor aad i galleries, while here and there were parliamentarians brilliant court uniforms. The sun streaming through the west ndows made the interior of the chamber a sea of color. The Government legislative program outlined in the speech »m the throne comprises a bill to provide for the Dominion nchise, a bill respecting copyrights, a bill providing for the rendment of the Patent Act, of the Loan and Trust Companys of the Indian Act, and the Exchequer Court Act. There will o be a bill to ratify the International Opium Convention. The speech from the throne referred to the ratification of the ace Treaty between the Allied Powers and Germany and the mal constitution of the League of Nations. “It is satisfactory note,” the speech significantly rémarked, “that the status of ada as a member of the league has thus been definitely fixed.” jn the European economic field,” the Governor-General con- ved, “clear vision is still impossible. The unsettled state of » exchange, the lack of International credits, and the inflation the paper currency, combined with scarcity of raw materials 4 the demoralization of labor and transport united to retard nduction and restrict the rebuilding of waste caused by the . But it is cause for thankfulness that of all countries affected the war, Canada has maintained a record of social order and ustrial and commercial prosperity second to none.” EY ‘METLAKATLA BAR DLSHEVIK a ADVANCING a wns «si rosa Gasoline Boats Between Here and Outside. ‘ihe Department of Public Works is calling for tenders for mp and fo Mm the Duke @ Reached Chinese Frontier and Demand Surrender of Ruscian Prisoners. sch from Throne Mentions Unimportant Laws to in League of Nations. 27.—With all the glories of pre-war Parliament Opens with Pomp And Formality of Before War’ ’3 Position Fixed ‘BLUEBIRDS AND CUBS VICTORS LAST NIGH? Junior Leaguers Played Last Night in the Skating Rink —Sundae Calderone Starred. Two interesting games between the school girls and boys were’ played, in the Auditorium last inight) The High Sehool Fire lFlies went down to defeat at the jhands of the Entrance Bluebirds iby a score of 7-1. Sundae Cal- iderone, of the Blue Birds, was ‘the star player of the evening. | The line-up was as follows: Fire Flies—Grace” Leek, Helen Harrison, Vera Shockley, Alberta Hill and Millie Gurvich. Blue Bitsis—Lita Corrall, Lilian Warrior, Zorca Sutilovich, Kileen | stephens and Sundae Calderone.! The Cubs and Beavers of the boys junior League met and the Cubs carried away the honors in a well played game by a score of 11-8. The Dry Dock Juniors have dropped out of the Junior League race. Lee Del] referreed the games, } j Pianeas correctiy fined. 86.00, G, ©. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf Of Wounding PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FE be! rT. P. Telegraphs,) es the dredging of Metlakatla Bar, eb, 27.—The_ Bol- ONDON, F ‘ ‘ : which will be another great im- idvance in Siberia is con- a lo having " Troops have reached|Provement and aid for the smaller George Webb, charged with \ Chinese frontier in the Ili boats passing thnough Metlakat-| With knife play involved, was disr McMullin this morning, stated that he had given a lot of ind have demanded Chinese governor give up Failing com- t district the Passage and outside by Tug- At the present time la t { well Island. hesitated : s danis this bar can only be crossed at the| 'sitate d about his decision on y the provir ae SO" higher stages of the tide and much| 4®d used more force than was a eae nes lime is lost. The larger gasoline | However, seeing the crippled cor ‘om boats cannot pass over it al all.| probably justified under the e LROADMEN Fee AOE: CORA. hn Cree acted in defence of the accused a right across the channel between fugwell Island and the mainland forming a barrier to Metlakatla Passage except at high tides. The dredging of this bar wil] be in line with the improvements and aids to navigation that are being placed in Metlakatla passage. ‘The ,; work is to start before March 25. ing for the crown. In giving his evidence yester- ARE ON STRIKE buble Commenced at Paris and Men Out at Nice. day afternoon George Webb told of a spectacular experience he had gone through in connection with the affray. According to his story there Was a malicious feel- ing against him on the part of Telegraphs,) the employees of the camp gen- he railroad- is Cte aie en ed 9 erally and they are far fre en ov oti Sa oeeee FISHERMEN WERE ol ies roi : his attitude is: ie nd the strike situation be- DISSATISFIED AT Sra iae cts webb at Northern Station, vice to suburban further diminish- told that he had just been out of for about three undergone ser- had been EXCHANGE TODAY refrigerator car shortage hospital He the months. had ‘The | a £ ious operations and vorkers at Nice threatens to send many of the een , ® struck. Pi fish | t lan warned by the doctors not to do nerics . ats dws erican 82: Oats AWA) any heavy lifting or engege in port with their catches because any sculites, the buyers cannot bid as high as quarter of becf falling on A MONTHS AND a his if the fish were’ to be shipped ; ; | CAST hand, every bone in it had been FINE FOR SELLING fresh, As it is what fish is being rinininanh tn dade takhie td. clon bought today has to be frozen in’ Ast ~ tsar of Port Clements and the price offered is not at all “y v ent to work at Goose Bay ’ suits , > or , { ’ r P nt Down fop Supplying suitable to the Ashe rmen, ment Inet “Saturdity,’--ileb>. continued Indians, of whom were expressing C@lS-)uong within an hour of my ar satisfaction this morning with a jthe local situation, At 2 o'clock B.U. Telegraphs, } asked if I belonged to the 0, the following boats were register To Hang H'm, He Declares In dismissing the accused the magistrate necessary in defending himself. UIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1920. FIERCE RAIDS MADE ON IRISH } ,Many Dead Found After Midnight Seige—Attempt to Burn Barracks. Special via G.T. P. Telegrapne.; DUBLIN, Feb. 27.—Two con- stabulary barracks at Timmo- league and Mount Pleasant, Coun ty Cork, were subjected to a seige i prolonged till well after midnight. Large bodies of armed men were employed and the be- seigers made use of their usual tactics of blocking the roads with trees and cutting the telephone connections. The attacks lasted more than two hours, during which time at- tempts were made to burn the batracks by piling hay against the and setting fire to it. Phe assailants'were finally driven off. The bodies of several killed civilians were found, the dead men being members of the raiding party. There was also found a wounded man who declared that keven other wounded men_ had been carried away. CUSRANTEES WHEAT GROWERS BIG PRICE whic doors Special via OT. P. Telerraphs LONDON, Feb. 27.—The minis- icr of agriculture announces that the British Government has de- cided to guarantee _the wheat growers of the United Kingdom 100 shillings per quarter for the next year. ; Threatened vounding David Dion in a fracas iissed by Stipendiary Magistrate thought to the matter and had the point as to whether Webb dition in which he was, he was|] rcumstances, L. W. Patmore CONSTABULARY TO UNITE stitutes by United Columbia; Trad VICTORIA, B. C., February rarmers of B. C. to form one thus end the feud between the ins of representatives of both sides which came to @ unanimous de- cision in favor, of amalgamation. H. W. Wood, president of the United Farmers of Alberta, pre- | sided over the peace conference. | He declared that government aid | to the amalgamated body could be accepted without sacrificing independence. Before amalgama- tion is achieved the United Farm- ers will have to become fully in- couporated-as the farmers’ insti- tules are, because it would be im- possible for the institute to join with a non-incorporated body. The name of .“The United Farmers of British Columbia” will »e adopted. Commercial and trading branches of the institutes will be put under contrci of each local group on possibly be put into district groups. J. W. Berry presiding over the igricultnral conference urged the delegates, when they returned to their, locals, to .use the word ‘nmaleamated” and shun the ex- soossien ‘that the institutes were to be absorbed by the United Farmers,” as that might irritate institute men and impede amal- gamation. (Special to The News via G. f. P. FARMERS’ ORGANIZATIONS THEIR FORCES Decision at Victoria to Absorb Farmers In- Farmers of British ing Branches to be Formed. Teiegraphs.) '.—The Farmers’ Institutes of ” British Columbia will likely pass from the agricultural life of the province before next year and will be merged into the United great independent farmers’ or- ganization free from all government strings and control and titutes and the United Farmers. This is the result aimed at by an executive committee consisting ——- LOGS PURCHASED FOR LOCALMILL E. F. Duby Buys Ten Million Feet From J- R. Morgan Co. at islands. ’ LOGGING CREW Is ; GOING IN AT ONCE Four Donkey Engines are to be Utilized in Getting Product Into the Water. Ten million feet of logs have been purchased by E. F. Duby for the Prince Rupert Lumber Co. to be cut at the local mill, the pur- chase being made from J. R. Mor- gan Co. Logging will commence at once and it is expected that some of the logs will be here by April 4- E Mr. Duby and Mr. Morgan re- turned on Wednesday night from Masset Inlet and concluded the deal whereby the timber should be taken over by the Prince Ru- pert Lumber Co. and be logged by them. A camp will be established at once at Shannon Bay not far from Port Clements, and a crew of men will be up on the next LONDON TIMES ON SITUATION boat to go to work there. Some Es men have also been’ engaged Suggests General Election in Or-| !°°ally. The mill is being used at pnes- ent by the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills, Ltd., who are engaged in mh culting up the last of their logs der to Secure Strong Leoders. id Chief Minty did the question- | as told that every man in the} inp belonged and I would have! ) join up. I stated that I would} join was as I opposed to} ir radical ideas. Trouble Brewing: j “I took hold at the camp on | Sunday about noon. I saw Dion, } , ‘engineer, for the first-time on) inday night when. he asked me| f could have breakfast ready for him at 7:15. T inquired if he asking this because I was a| man and he replied that he | had had it there before. L then} said it would be alright. He namai n for breakfast on Monday morn- | ing and I gave it to him at that} \ Besides this, due to time. After breakfast, on inquiry,| Miss Sarah M he said that he was well satisfied. | did mot mention that it was later than he wanted it. | ‘On Monday afternoon the| oreman, who is a rabid O. B. U.| brought Happy (Martin Rogers to be my thunkey, I Bave | an, nival there T was approached and, !\im brief instructions as to deal-|pocame the wife of George Kadie, centinned on Page Four.: OW] Gra MI NTS I’ ’ Q.CL1,, Feb, A ‘Ted before Magistrate Mal- ed for sale locally although none a ~ Paul Massari, thr local of them had sold at that time: (a> , | a “per Was sentenced to gix Livingstone, 18,000 Ibs.; Agnes, = : E. : 50 f0 'Mprisonment and Sean 15,000; Presho, 4,000; Mable A.,, WESTHOLM aa aS @ 4s Selling liquor to Indians 1,000; Magnhel, 10,000; Grayling, Tonight and Tomorrow--Matinee and Evening ' ‘Soner will be sent to New| 2900; Atlas, 25,000; Nautilus, === ee aaa nen emaincs ek SeneiaeanmnemaeE The ri On the next boat: | 7,000; Agnes B., 10,000; Nuba, Martin Johnson’s Great Pictures of the o Caused a great deal of , 01000 pounds. South Pacific Islands t he 7 wae \ food deal of “ceived from outside GERMANY WILL TAKE the ail o and others! PRUSSIAN RAILWAYS Nee. Or Overrindul- | eae ee (special by 4,7, P, Telegraphs.) “( APTURED BY (ANNIBALS” Startling Scenes of Cannibal Life; ioj n LONDON, Feb, 27.—-A wireless Original, Unconve tional, Sensational. BIRTH i —————— ——— SS Sa . , despatch from Berlin says the oc 6 , phere Was born to Mr |German state will take over the MONTAGU LOVE in THE ROUGH NECK Dybhayy $ ‘ ao Mrs.’Prussion railways for 34,000,- at the ware FOES — Wser St. ow, 2® home on' 000 Castleton an ran ayo Farad Wednesday even. | 000 marks. Cast includes Barbara y * =, & daughters &B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41.) 'Lon as the most likely successor | | the people of the CSpacist TUM: Es Fi TOREEOR) ijand as soon as that work is LONDON, Feb. 27-—The Times) finished the mill will be taken editorially comments on the open” 5yer by the other concern with ing of Canada’s new Houses of} yp. Duby as manager- Parliament. It regards Hon Ar-} Mr. Duby says that he has con- ihur Meighen or Sir Henry Dray- tracted for a quantity of logs, about enough to last a yearn. The equipment used by J. R. Morgan Co. previous to the shut- down of the Government work following the close of the war, is , }still on the ground at Shannon y mean consultation of) Bay There are four donkey en- Dominion ) By} ines and everything else neces- neans of a general eleetion. sary for logging so that work can commence immediately. DARING FLIERS CROSS SAHARA Land Safely at Mentaka East of Timbucktoo After Being Lost a Week. to Sir Robert Borden in the pre-' miership. The urgent need in|} Canada at the present moment;! ays the Times, is a strong Gov" | ernment under strong : leaders, | which ma BULKLEY VALLEY — COUPLE MARRIED acdonald Becomes the Bride of George Eadie, of Walcott. The home of Mrs. Paul Cote, of North Bulkley, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding last week when Miss Sarah Macdonald (Special via r. 0, Tetegraphs., » PARIS, Feb. 27.—- Major Muil- lemin, pilot and Lieut Chalus, observer, who have been lost more than a week in a flight across the Sahara Desert, landed safely at Méntaka east of Tim- bucktoo on the Niger River. if Waleott. The Reverend Mr. Dean, of Smithers, performed the ceremony and Mrs. Paul Cote played the wedding march. The bride, who was dressed in cream voile, was given away by ' Houston, groom, her brother-in-law, Mr. Paul Cote, while Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Allen, of assisted the bride and Only the immediate rela- tives and a few friends witnessed the ceremony and were present at a brief informal reception, the table being beautifully decorated and presided over by Mrs. Cote. While the register was being MADE BIG HAUL Bandits Got Away With $8,500 From U.8. Food Supply Bureau. (Special via G.T.P. felegrapns.) NEW YORK, Feb. 27.—Seven armed bandits last night held up the United States navy food sup- ply bureau and made a haul of $8,500. signed Mrs. D. C. Sheldon, of Houston, sang “O Perfect Day” and ‘Beloved, It is Morn,” The happy couple left on the -next morning’s train fer Waleott ee where they will make their future | Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince home: j Rupert Coal Company, Phone 16,