“True DAILY NEWS ma: siete *DrUArY 27, tbe .% “a i —__+--—-- ae eR eer ee ' ae a. e ee SS iert beeen tegen een tees) -. k " ; ari* ~ —— j WY Vie “ MAIL SCHEDULE . . 8g THE DAILY NEWS Peet PROM |... SS Steet. an 5" PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA oe : ; For the East. el ») aw! Published Every Afternoon, except Sur Jay, by The News EE] (al Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- \ Prirfting and Publishing Co., ’hird Avenue. ‘LE LUI urdays at 10:30 a.m. a 4H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Epiror. | From the East. 2 Of .. is Ards Danceremermes'y | Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. f pate + fSUBSCRIPTION RATES: en — days at 7 p.m. ALITY ity ° : . : ; ie Se ; ; i ; City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per oe 75e. eas sean: Vaccinia Gel: Balai ‘gh By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Nias tn ce 7). iM. ri To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 Thuredaye ouvcicss cod 11 p.m, r r Baturdays. «i ivvsis. 10:30 a. m. e ayne ly TELEPHONE 98. waver: OFFICE HOUR m is yee From Vancouver and South. s-+; t ya TRANSIENT DISPLAY *DVERTISING — 85 cents per inca. Sundays Biss cesses 10 p.m. Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, 9 {, 12 ony | Se walt Contract Rates on application. Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m. Every Evening from 7.30 to 3 eee ———————————————_———_—————————eGS—_—_—_—_—_—_——EOE— - : : :j wee Friday, February 27, 1920 For Anyox and Alice Arm. Dentai Nurse in attendance y iday, Feb ¥y 2, 1920. i a Sa : Hi DAILY EDITION. . Sundays éekeees Cas 688% 11 p.m. Phone 109 for appointment ge. eee eee ee ——— = a8 Wednesdays ........-- 11 p.in. Fermers Will Not ¥ . ait = 5 et F A “ ént Bike Sein Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th Enter Political Field. MAS. M. J. GORSE Oar Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C $928 T’nion St., Vancouver, B.C, |Tuesdays .........-++.++. D. Mm. ‘ The United Farmers have decided not to enter politics this} 8°51 vith all the symptoms | ‘buredays .......-s..ce++ pem.[ A year. The intimation seems to be, however, taat they may dO SO| o¢y.inale Trouble, with chronic Con- = —— in the future. It is probable that just mow they can do more by) stipation and constant Headaches. ;For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill —_—_—— ———il a using their influence in other ways than in securing a minority} J Aed pains low down in the back and |Bay, Wales Island and Naas Rivor. ? in the legislature sides of the body. I tried various {Sundays ...... ..++++- 11 p.m. in s ‘ ra remedies without relief, and then put pt Ree CANADIAN PACIFIC RA LW The farmers doubtless deserve a great deal of consideration, myself under a doctor’s care and he |From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! = stl, Y iF CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services especially in a country where the farms have to be hewn out ©f] advised me to have an operation. I Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. i a forest. At the same time being a farmer does not mean that] refused. CUCSGRPE acc c ec ee cei ces p. m. Then, I started taking ‘Fruit-a- caine " >» wil rote f roe > is a farmer premier eee ae a — _ ere) fs : ro tives’; and from the outset, I felt Queen Ciarlotte Islands: in the province just now and he has made good. Alto there is! jttor and this medicine has completely |For Massett, Port Clements and —_— a farmer minister of agriculture. Some more farmers in the] felicved me of all my misery and Upper Island poiats: 8.8. PRINCESS MARY liouse would be all right. suffering. My weight was only 143 March 4th. for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert: “= pounds and now it is 168 pounds. J | q + 4 February 9, 23; March 8, 19, Apothe sis of Sk ak Bde dth ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert The F. a ey ce eeeeee Upper Island points: February 14, 28; March 13, 24 F eet iden de ate , March 5th. S. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE " Teday the farmer is being more or less deified. He is set} ™e from ee the aphadid fruit Sor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Hardy Sey, Alert a ‘i a x " 7 : : medicine, ‘Fruit-a-tives’. ai ae EN Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victoria— y abi” up on a pinnacle and all bow down and worship him. In Ontario MRS. M. J. GORSE City and Lower Island points aia ict gone ; everyone voled for the farmer candidates in some constituencies. Bc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. ‘ ee oe a tae. erie: RAMEN ORM aalimes, spol wat People like something to worship. Some years ago it was labor] At all dealers or sent postpaid By |"TO™ S*iGegate. Queen Charlo! ts W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent. q that was Ceified by the politicians. While very few labor candi-| _Fruits-tives Limited _Otiawn, Ont. dome nes Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C - dates were elected, the political managers made out their pro- LAND REGISTRY ACT cae - grams especially to catch the labor vote. They were the ones (Sections 36 and 134.) For Skagway and the Yukon. aetrmeanigiaseii eshte nasil that were set up on a pinnacle and everything political was made] pe application Nc. 11085-I. File 6207. February 9, 23; March 8, (9, | gg PPD IPP TAKE NOTICE that application has been} and 29. 7 subservient to them. Now it has been discovered that laboring] sue to register Edward H. ne ny i 7: . Ty ‘ , ce pe se 3 i DB err r oa men are just common clay like the rest of you. They have the|rince Rupert, B.C. as owner in fe Pcaen Oh é Yur rt . ; : : : peel “ a . ‘ ector of the City of Prince Rupert, bear rom agway an unKon. same interests, are made of very much the same kind of flesh] iy Gate the ‘oth day of July,’ 1918 Votitukve:. 28: Mepoh. 12 and at eWe a and blood only better kept and purified by sweating. It is no} f Abt, A)0 SINCULAM inat conta parce |, | SCORE ACIFIC a use truckling to labor, for the interests of the workers are the [100 Peing ny known and. described — PACIES Soc Pekar hc ge He / a ta we . * “| Lot Seven (7), Block forty-one (41 7 . i 3 interests of all, except possibly a few idle parasites that may] ‘ot.y"fiknt is), (Map 923) You are re | wart, Maple Bay and Swamp Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, i easily be dispensed with. ; eae te cee teek foe. Cee ot eee Pe F Wed aaa Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. aes of we : laieies 3 notice (which may be : or—-Wednesday p. m- ade : ei It is also noticeable today that political tricksters are easily |*¢fy2G py" papucation inthe Daily News| Hicid'Taureday ss nt Wednesday Midnight for Anyox. j L- > I VU d S $s - sectiu : * Z * found out. They do not make the appeal that they once did. | ‘?*,%: “tLand ‘Registry Act” "Same omens EA AE A ae S.S. PRINCE ALBERT With an educated working community the political sower is | 2¢uis: ud +e the following extract there Advertise in the Daily News For Stewart, March 3rd, 47th and 31st . ; % of reat o - asse ‘ tleme ; are , and 18 pes spreading his seed on bare ground. cat tn efeuit of 9 chest of ectia ——— Masselt and Port Clements, March ith and : the registration as owner of the ber. Southerm Queen Charlotte Island points Marc! : son entitled under sucn tax sale, al! ‘ Board of a persons so served with potice, ae a * TRAIN SERVICE And Price ulation. - + . &nd those claiming through PasSenger Monday, W*dnesday and Saturday af 11:38 am. for Smithers Jud Robe has resigned f the Board of Commer OTe any iaterest in. the and by virtue Frince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct convections for e Se opson as resigne rom ° ar ’ : of any unregistered instrument, and all points east and suuth. < ew ; j ices : zs ig ail persons claiming any interest in mere because he doés not believe in regulating prices. He seems i9 ci, “Sead air aeeee econ atte cia Agency All Oc-an Steamship Lines ; if s ices 2 ss e hot registered under the provisiuns z think that if some prices are to be regulated, others should be ae shin hats dil ke for taee comes BkAi@h SERHEEE “adavedeeé to. tes = 7 treated thé same. He says that regulating profits lessens pro- and debarred from setting up any ‘ndersigned, and endorsed “Tender for For Information and reservations apply to P d d ari ’ le t Hi i : h th com Je + in peepect of ~_ pad So weere ~ eee Pe: C.,” will be received City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. Phon® 260 Ss , s x SW ay sold for taxes, an e Reg r S$ oMfce unt o'clock noon, Frida ji Sea 2 ~ s to drive peopie to seiling luxuries when 1ey shall register od person aren un- ee 5, 1920, for the construction of % Ss i ies. er such tax sale as owner of tie vharf at Stewart, District of Skeena, B. C. shoul © scumg seoessaric land so sold for taxes.” Plans and forms of contract can be seen} = * SCS To some extent it is the correct attitude that Judge Robson] AND WHERESS pplication ‘has been} nd specification and forms of tender cb- hes: ; ; made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tith | ained at this Department, at the oMce of i a a Bh takes. As a matter of fact this whole matter of price regulation to the above-mentioned lands, in the nam} he. District. Engineer at. Prince “Rupert, rk . a5 } : oe 7% ae *O8 : , Vv G % has been a farce. There was really no regulation, or so little} "ND '“Watneas on” investigating im | hd Sows, ost Omees, Vancouver, B.C., ° ° What we need now is production] ‘'e !! appears that prior to the 14th cay] Tenders will not be considered unl ss 5. eo of it that it was not noticeable. ’ 7 ee ; f September, 1915 (the date on which th ade © ss y 2 and nobody will produce unless there is profit in so doing. said. lands’ were Sold for overdue taxes Neomtinent and in eotirdanee Clie ioe ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS | you. were registered and assessed own ‘toes gon panned therein. r_ thereof. A t us cach tender must be accompanied hy Should Labor Have FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the} n accepted cheque on a chartered. bank Board of Directors: ame time shall effec registration !— ayable to the ler of th Minis Paid Leaders. . pursuance of such application and issue 4 Miblic. Works. equal to 10 a oF ins SIR VINCENT MEREDITH, Bart., President. te The question whether a man who is not working at his | certineate of sae ae xTSe 0 fee Sai( mount of the tender. War Loan Bonds SIR CHARLES GORDON, G. B. E. Vice-President. 4 tnade «< ale ce : < ,| ands in the name of Edward H. Mortimel} f the Dominion will also be accepted as é irede should represent labor on her councils, opens up a hig inless you take and prosecute the prove: | eeurity, or War Bonds and pens tea i R. B, ANGUS, Esa. LORD SHAUGHNESSY. K.C.V.0. C.R. I!OSMER, Eve question. It is the one whether labor is wise in employing paid procmedings oo estapiien. oe oes. an aquired seer bP #0 008 in H. R. DRUMMOND, Ecq. D. FORBES ANGUS, Esq WM. McMASTER, Ess. ; : oe ; y, & s lands, o: ove 1c I ?.—Blue prints can be obtained at y 5 an egeretyy , representatives who make their living by organizing and urging | eroposed action on my_ part. this Department by depositing an ac- Lt.-Col. HERBERT MOLSON, C.M.C..M.C. HAROLD KENNEDY, Esa. H. W. BEAUCLERK, Ex ie on the workers. The organizers have to earn their money and] },JATED at the Land Registry OMce.} epted bank cheque for the sum of 810, GEORGE B, FRASER, Esq. COLONEL HENRY COCKSHUTT !. HH. ASUDOWN, Eu. I s 5 Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20th day Of] ayable to the order of the Minister of E. W. BEATTY, Esq., K. C it is by keeping affairs in a ferment that they are able to do so. | \veust, A. D. A ian ublie Works, which will be returned 11 SIR FREDERICK WILLIAI TAYLOR, os, . ‘: . F. 3 2OD, e inte er submit a r bi AMS- General Manager. - s On the other hand the workers claim that they have not a District Registrar of Titles By order, «ene: 6 tume to attend to their own organization and they are feady to|'° Cah: Royal Bunk ay Canada, ee Capita! Paid Up ; : $ 20,000,000.00 bp jump at the chance of getting a clever, glib tongued man to he!p| ————_Prince_Rupert, B. C. Department of Public Works, : oe 4 ap, 4 : - ‘ 20,000,000.00 _ th : oe " aes aoe awa, February 5, i ndivided Profits : . 1,812,854.43 em out. The whol ues 11S é * Y solve. RR rmp Tne rte ee renee Smarr , 4 o ' ole question is a big one and difficult to so LORD Keer cee ACT aan he Total Assets (31st Oct. 1919) - 545,304,809.49 ee - —— —_—_—_—— ‘Sections 36 and 134.) Branches throughout Canada and Newfoundland; in London, England, a I i Paris, France, New York, Chicago, Spokane and City of Mex : also in : TAKE NOTICE that application has beer San Francisco—British American Bank (owned and controlled by nade to register Stephen B. Adams, of Bank of Montreal). ‘rince Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee un —— ' ler a4 Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of . = . J BRANCH. | the City of Prince Rupert, bearing dats nn at aS. an) H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, : - . ° PRINCE RU T RANE the 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALI} Se L. F. BEESLLY, Pro-Manager, . * f f STEWART BRANCH } AND SINGUULAR that certain parce! ' E. W. MARENTETTE. Pro-Manager, : : wees ernst | r tract ef land and premises situai _— - : ge ng, and being in the city of Prince Rupert COURT OF REVISION. - - ——— more particularly knewao and described a< — anor ot Three ‘3 + Block Eight (8), Section Prince Rupert Assessment District. ee ae > ee me (1), (Map 923). are the one and only factor which Interest You You are required to contest the claim NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that a Court f the tax purchaser within 35 days from f Revision and Appeal, under the pro- the date of the service of this notice prey i. We “Taxation Act” ena the ¥ which may be effected by publication i *ublic Schools Act,"’ respecting the as- f _~ Sy fy the Daily Nowe. Prince Rupert, B. C.,) end essment roll for the Prince Rupert As es er? Cri IiGaa your attention {s called to section 36 of the} essment District for the year 1920, will i: ‘Land Registry Act” with amendments,| ¢ held at the Provincial Assessor's office MMBASUR broecenins in the | and to the following extract therefrom -— rince Rupert, on Friday, the 23rd day of ee) SRUBARLY: ric is o . 1 “ “i i “and in defanit of a caveat or cer- anuary, 1920, at 10 o'clock in the fore & : vic) to agri- Moder n Practic f D th ty tifeate of Ms pendens being fled be- oon, cultural interests, we havo ¢stab- eo ents y | fore the registration as owner of the Pared. ot Prince Rupert, B. C., Januar) lished 270 of our S9O branches person entitled under such tax sale. th, ‘ Jane 7 n te } all persons so served with notice, JOHN DYBHAVN, : pe ore cana Coen ies ‘ nope x . | and those claiming through Judge of Court of Revision and Appeal xtend the fullest possible bank- or under them, and all persons claim- - ing servico to the Prairie Fro- ing any interest in the land by virtue hy vinces, I Get Results! See Me Today! of any unregistered instrument, and LAND ACT ‘ all persons claiming any interest tn _— Our managers wiil be glad to dis- sustomers. VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT-—DISTRICT j the land by descent whose title ts ire one ancing b 8 witl i mer DR JOS M GUIRE hot registered under the provisions OF COAST, RANGE Ill, ones farm finan-ing problema with their farn 498 A ! of this Act, shall be for ev ° ; sonora 1. 0 ° . | topped and debarred from setting “up TAKE NOTICE that J. C. Clausen of Soe chee Y PHONE APPOINTMENT By he Se athatatt EaRt ihe Neate | utter aig, iuenasts woot: | — CINTON BANK OF CANA land so sold f ce “ 0 i, e Oo apply or per- G90 sold for taxes, and the Regis mission to lease the following described A 575 trar | shall resister the person eo-- | men : itled under suc x sale as owner sig (Lady Assistant) ND WHEREAS spplicatinn ha na mortuerly direetion ‘trom the’ nortns Il. Managet AN A , “ ) » north. i ; roderick ané Office Hours: Open Evenings mali. WHEREAS ' application “has been West corner of Lot e907. nthe west coast Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manas odie” ahaa: ; ; ; the « chains; 98-12 n 1-6 Sunday by Appointment * oe Grove -siranenes lands, In the name hence west 40 chains; thence south 40 ree? AND WHEREAS on 1 ‘hains; thence eas chains to point of eng alicia siti wrens i? ‘ DTRETET « title it eee Gas Wide te tae ot je’ commencement and containing 160. acres, LT cm TE ani ; f October, 1918, (the date on which the} More or, less. : sig ee ae SS —_ sald lands were sold for overdue taxes), J. C, CLAUSEN, ane = you were. the aegistered owner thereof. Date January 2tst, 1920, —————— ea a | ; AK TICE that at the | | same time I shall effect registration in LAN 0 A pend gma “ —_ opesentics and jeune a D ACT THE ROYAL BANK OF CANAD | Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe to the sald eC S | eor etown m r lands in the name of Stephen B, Adains un-|IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — p1s-| | ay hans e less yon take end prosecute the proper] TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, | }) MONEY ORDERS proceedings to establish your claim, if eee i PHONES 130 ad any, to the said lands, or to prevent such} TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain, | 4) : teting amounts UP and 408. P. O. BOX 1632 prepceed eer -, , part.” of Nameouver, o c., ecupation returned As a safe and economical method of remitting &™°' a e Lan egistry OmMce,| soldier, intends to apply for permission to] 3 = Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. prince Rupert, B. C., this 26! day of|lease the following described lands. | {| These M to $50. t any branch of sf FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY November, A. D. 1919. Commencing at a post planted on the] ]) ese Money Orders are payable without charge at an; the princlpa otk ¥. MACLEOD, ee shore On fewell Tales about 3 mites dis- bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newfoundland, a! n points ric egisirar o thes, . » Wester rection from the iti » United S 2 » negoti » ypver SUU pe +e aieaeia tk ee Sah OOS EP &, weeny, cimgotion from the | cities of the United States and are nenptiable at ove! ; AR Spokane, Wash. south; thence 40 chains east; thence to in Great Britain and Ireland. - $30, 10.cente | Bap as aa shore; thence following the shore, line to|§/ $5 and under -— - ~Bcents Over $10, not exceedine % "15 cents | Consult Us. Two-color window cards take point Of commencement and containing 20/§/ Over $5, not exceeding $10,6cents Over $80, not exceeding *" ager | the eye quickly. See them at the ’ THOMAS B. STRAIN, Prince Rupert Branch - - - A. W. Camero”, Man oo Sooke : . E. Green, agent, - News Job Department, Dated 26th October, 1919. WP | sccncammemnnmn nen seers ecieininiaanin