: THE DAILY NEWs ~ 9 ‘apruary 2! itt oS Bed Page 8 jay, Februar === = = — — wenn ia FridOys we ee CAP \ +1 rere ewer en ewes! ; Gag * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS + el "¢ ‘ TEKH KER EH RH RH HH ate of CANNIBALS F- W. Moersch returned on the | Prince George last night from a ri /O uz 5° u trip to Anyox. Sig Spectacular Film to be Shown \ld 4 ied i erman J. CG. MeLe is ; 9 at Westholme Theatre To- as i wining ag now in charge of the realty office night and cree of Westenhaver Bros. The wonder ful ‘atory of life} Otto Johansen and Alex. Ab- among the savages of the south|rams arrived from Alice Arm on seas as pictured in ‘‘Cannibals of|the Prince George last evening. the South Seas” at the Westholme Ree ie 2 Lonight, is one that should not be| J. Ben Agar, who is in eharge | missed. It is not only thrilling}@f Little’s store at Teiyace, ar-| end intensely interesting but also rived in town on last night's | Py it is educative. No geography or| train. ki Two sizes descriptive book can tell of the | ' ‘ + 98 : ‘ spe ‘ ay Pr Smo ing pecple of that land like the pic-!| 7 ey sti er ae returned : on last ‘ *' . ‘p= T bacco 155 $ an 2 tures that will be shown. pon i ste 7 Ss * ain from oP rn ; ; rive rhere he he 2 , Q I'he pictures show the picture |" Fr where he has been making } ' 01920 ABS. Ltd. man and his wife captured bye eee? school inspections. nnibals. 0 te tart the bundle is tagged to’Shub cannibals. They also show the} A slight biaze at. the Pan- unless e un e iS e 0 ert’ Hursine old Levwle alive, antatn? |terium occurred on Wednesday! Phe Highest Prices Ever Known burying old people alive, ambush-| atternoon as the result of A £aso- ed by naked savages, ine oF With line explosion. It was extingu- That’s What You'll Get from “SHUBERT” - sixly tae m7 es ue WINAT | Sshed by the fire department be- WE WANT ’EM NOW—AND WILL PAY THE PRICE TO GET EM inimals, face to face with a man- sro. any di: d Seon . 2 y damage was done. STEXIRA LAR ° o 2 Set ern anne eee nase’ we RIOT URGE [RE MARGE, [EEO | ARUSHA, [NP 2 a , vice, through a path of skulls and; Mrs. A. J, Wheatley arrived on Mv A, RTEN other thrilling events. |the G. T. P. steamer Jast night none : ner oo from Alice Arm where she now Heavy Dark {200.00 to 160.00]150.00 to 100.00] 85.00 to 65.00 { 50.00 to 40.00 | 59.00 to PIPE NOW LAID |makes her home. Mrs. Wheatley| [Fured] palo" | 75.0 to, 50.0] 48.00 te $5.0] 30.00 ¢0 28001 2500 to sap laeoeretoee : " Satie bikes ‘ . 09) 45.9 ; . ; 0 to .00 to If you want to get rid of that ater ;was formerly Mrs, La Fortun¢ Light Dark |100.00 to 80.00) 75.00 to 60.00] 50.00 to 40.00 | 35.60 to 28.00 | 35.00t0 20.00 ‘ Sibieipenacgiearneniaibe and is well known in town. Brown | 75.00 to 60.00) 55.00 to 45.00] 40.00 to 30.00 | 26.00 to 22.00 | 26.00to 15.00 Cold quickly take Test Will be Made of New Span. ee Furred | Paie | $0.00 to 40.00] 35.09 to 30.00] 28.00 to 24.00 | 20.00 to 1800 |20.00t0 seth Across Shawatlians Passage. Constable Alex Saint returned MINK PENSLAR ' jfrom Terrace on last night's train c h B The new line of pipe across!having in charge Matt Maki, who Fi Dark wp sin aisam -hawatlans Passage form the city, is to serve two months in the ne, Dar 40.00 to 32.00 | 28.00 to 22.00 | 20.00 to 15.00 to 13.00 | 15.00 to 8.00 Cherry oug gi iy 7 Fe Usual Color | 30.00 to 25.00 | 20.00 to 17.00 | 15.00 to 13.00 | 12.00 to 10.00 | 12.00 ¢0 6.00 combit of wild cherry bark, vaterworks is now laid. It still local jail, having been found Coast 22.00 to 16.00 | 15.00 to 13.00 | 12.00 to 10.00 | 8.00 to 7.00] 8.00 te 4.00 on of ¢ nony, blaod root, benzoic "emains to connect the span up | guilty by Justice of the Peace J. acid and pure cane sugar. It tends to and test Tt with the water force.'R. Campbell of assaulting J. K. ‘ve immediate relief by clearing the a : Re g passages of the obstruction rhe city officials are very san-|Gorden, the hotel keeper. air passag De ee mde * i herr et a | ‘ ‘ There is no morphine, cocaine or other habit-forming drugs in guine as to its success. The test; = = ata Spring 8.00 to 7.00 | 6.50 to $50 | 5.00 to 3.75. | 350 to 275 | 3.00 t0 2.00 Penslar Cherr' Cova Balsarn and for your protection the exact will probably be made in the} ©. W. Warwick, who met with Winte 6.50 to 5.50 | 5.00 to 4.00 | 3.50 te 2.75 | 250 te 1.75 | 250t0 150 formula is on the label. We can rgcommend ineok oe eee course of a week. Work has been,@ painful accident in the Terrace inter to te te to For children, we recommend Penslar Children’s Cough Syrup seit SRE oes «|sawmill some ‘ ie made for the particular needs. going on for nearlf three months | sawmill some months zo id These extremely high prices for British Columbia Furs are based on the well- FOR SALE ONLY AT THE on laying the piping along the was treated at the Hazelton Hos-| known “SHUBERT” liberal grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. yottom c e ; e. ital, arrived on last night’s train No. 3, No, 4 and otherwise inferior skins at t market Mago oe CO bottom of the passag : PRINCE R ° patteetlhbisabilbeeiicn from Terrace on his way south, wuivu we want ’em. You'll get “more money” and get it oh a al : f pr om quicke 00. THIRD AVENUE PHONES 134 & 117 M STERFUL MAN where he hopes to be restored to a is — A 4 |his usual health. He was aceon- SHUBERT” RETURNS S WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY _ panied by Mrs- Warwick. SHIP TODAY—AND. KEEP °*EM COMING FAST ts John Masters the Hero of the —=— SHIP ALL YOUR FURS OIRECT TO as j New World Picture, “The LIMITED . e ingen sels sae «ye Rough Neok.” British Columbia, hereby gives notice herewith, that place TAKE NOTICE that in order of His NOTICE it has under section 7 of the said Act, L ’ to infor , 4 . sl —-_“—“€— Honour FP, MeB, Young made the 3rd day ee teposited with the Minister of Public ‘tori you that the fee for the second six r February, ALD, 1920, 1 was appointed] PPLICATION FOR GRAZING FERMITS FOR) Works at Ollawa, and in thp-omen of Ee ‘Has no } 70 i , ’ . , Administrator to the estate of Joseph THE SEASON OF 1920. | District Registrar of the Lan iegistry Lil the {8th ms : by yy ’ ie but on 8 not ae aus PROHIBITION ISSUE Bre ay deceased, and all "parties re ne 7 } o pees of ae e mee lena , aces : ay r 1e require Oo B20,01 ; claims against the said estate are hereby / a . ; mi ~ “aze live- | British Columbia, a descr on 0 e Md a lett th tha Gitane ie date NOW IN NEW JERSEY required to furnish same, properly vert: wee te ine ode anes whic mae | und the plans of reversible Aerial Rope- humbe “eer referring to the patent by date and hoM = | ted, to me, on or before the 6th day Of] razing district of the Province of British W&Y over the Skeena River, proposed ‘Usk ,. Jit stating the purpose for which the remittance March, See eee oe ene ‘olumbia must be Med with the District pulls over tye. said Suse Luts Fat Usk NVA ! ; 0 5 AOS é se , resters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kam- | '! : ana wae ato “he latate 2 ail that will be necessary. (Special via G,T. 1, Teleerapns amount of their indebtedness to me forth- oops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, “Vancouver | Wie Late auonberes 8457 and 833, Kenge I have the honour t 5 ’ YORK Fel 4 Open with Rew MeMULLIN nd Vernon or with the Commissioner of ; IP'Ct tastes : hdd) ir to be, NEW YORK, wits oer Je pe FB. JU 05 Lae si irazing, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B NR TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- Your obedient servant warfare between the ‘wets’? and Datadicahia. DU TAAY CO: Renn OSs" sy Oh or before February 29, ‘eee. + an-| Piration of one month from the date of SOrvant, ‘Caren New Jersey is pre * : rs Blank forms upon which yo tg Py ‘ihe first publication of this notice, the Signed W. J. LYNCH the “drys in New Jere : N “p licatlons may be obtalied from the Dis-| via Kieanga Company, Limited, will under oe pat dieted by leaders in the prohibi- LAND AC eer ar ak haan Spore Remed piace | section 7 of the said Act, apply to the ‘hie > 2@ . . et = ae r from the vartme of Lands b= | ininiatar O ‘ublie. Works , Harry Hane . Obfet: of (he. Patent .Ofice. tion movement as a result of UNC] \oeice of intention to Apply to Purchase} OM Bb. ©. NADEN the City S Ayre a She heeroval of Oak {! ‘nson, Esq,, passage of a 3.50 per cent Dill Land. Bacuty Sinise ar ‘Lands alt Sie ane a 1h wy oe Y Secone = yassAake ye) — Sune te , : struct the said Aerial Ropeway. id Avenue, hy the New Jersey assembly. VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—pisTnicT| Department of _— Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 81st Prince Rupert, B. @ 0 7 : OF GOAST, RANGE UI a yr PY lay of January, *A, D. 1920, ' , : And situate on the west coast of Calvert fade pecember 98d, 3! Re ee KLEANZA COMPANY LIMIT ED, ohio r rrow afternoon the first] sland, eat ae a Z Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors, With en? t tt will |,,fASB, NOTICE that Helge Smeby, of WATER NOTICE. tH regard ve a . 3 4 . . ame oO 1e season Crinee Kupert, B.C,, occupation foreman "ERS ; ISE Pegg | to the above letter, E wish to say that as football game ¢ . re we pe BERN ei Cooma saree, DIVERSION AND USE. Pat “Mphed with section and paragraph 38 of the be played when the Callies ¢ mission to purehase the following described! = wyne NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose “ENE ACL, ang lps , j ret In a] lands:— 088 Alice ’ ’ the Said A nd therefore (lo not come under Section 44 of the Trail Club will hk : lis "commencing ata post planted 1% miles wi eon tae’ im use 40. ue ‘vl, and as Tam equipped 1 willi t stall, friendly game at the AcropOlls|porth of the N.W. corner of Lot 897;] or fa rect and to stone about 400 acre. make and ell s wy Wuipped and willing to inate Before the game the] thence east 40 chains; thenee north 40) root or water out of Clearwater River which I the ald “Water Heater” to any and everybody, grounds, erors , chains; thence west 40 chains; thence | mows southerly and drains into the Kitsault ip vefore according to law car 1 hereby do withdraw St. Andrew's pipe band will pa-| south $9 (Cnens, and containing 160 avres iRiver abcut 22 miles from the head of the “le privileges of otherg 1 a pay sal Sys AB mit - rade and then will proceed to the | ore OF 1 VELGE SMEBY, Pe i Mice ATI. ill be located near| QEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE. lam \ ® inaking these water heaters, ‘he llection at the By Mark Smaby, Agent. |naturai cutlet of Clearwater Lake, The FISHERIES BRANCH. a ! Willing to hegotiate for ‘ney to make my grounds. The collec Dated January 21st, 1020. capacity of the reservoir to be created == Water heater, th ; POP, Ot agency . grounds will be towards the sup-|--- Pe rte er ern Tis about 480. acre-feet, and: it will food SEALED TENDERS on the prescribed $2.00 , ) vos anyone willing to pay the royalty of N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTHA-]about 50 acres of land. The water will] forms ind accompanied by five per cent th N each one Installed on the distinet derstanding port of the band. TION AGT he diverted fromm the Stream at storage of the contract price, will be received Dy Wat ; nT hae adistinet un , ti as A — and — dam and wi e@ use for power for] the undersigned at the sherics 5 VERT S Suarantee goes with it 7, ..|N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF |mining purposes upon the mine deseribed}| Prince Rupert, until the twenty-ningh day 7 . In charge of Constable Mc- TONY RADOVICH, deceased, intestate.}as the Climax Group, of February, 1920, for the constMiction : 43 AKE NOTICE that by an order of His This notice was posted on the ground}of a foat, gangway and approach on the : ’ Mastin, of|,, TAKI Glinehy and Captain Mas , Honour F. MeB, Young, made the 8th day]/on the 26th day of January, 1920, Prince Rupert waterfront in the vicinity Salvation Army Simon V.] ¢ January, A.D. 1920, I was appointed A copy of this notice and an application} of Swanson’s Wharf (site will be distinc- arr an the Salvation : or ..1 {Administrator of the estate of Tony Rado-|pursuant thereto and to the ‘Water Act,| tively marked). Plans and specifications son Duff, Richard. Leachy, Daniel vien, deceased, and all parties having| 1914," will be fled in the office of the| may be had on application to the office J : : Mr Belle} ¢laims against ‘the sald estate are hereby| Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B, C.] of the Inspector of Fisheries, Prince Ru- eachy. Bessie Riley, Mrs. equired to furnish same, pro erly verified,| Objections to the application may be] pert, on payment of the sum of one dollar, e Leachy ; quired to furnish same, p P J pp Pho e€ ia e um er” ‘ard. Toy On and Sam King left] o me, on or before the 15th day of} sled with the said Water Recorder or with} whieh will be refunded on receipt of ten: ne 489 Ward, oy n ; . February, A. D, 1920, and all parties in-|} he Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia- | der, — 139 Second Avenue for Okalla on the Prince (eorse|qepted ‘to the estate ‘are required to pa)| nent Buildings, Victoria, B. within Envelopes to be marked on the outside PRING tences for} he amount of thelr Indebtedness to me/thirty days after the first appearance o/}*Tender for Float.” E RUPERT, B.C, last night to serve senten ie orthwith. his notice in it local newspaper. ; Lowest or any tender not necessarily ‘. }, Prohibi- J, H, MeMULLIN, P. OLS pplican accepted, : —_ infractions of the B, ©. I OMelal Administrator | The date of the frst putiication of ‘this F, H, CUNNINGHAM, tion and Drug Acts. Dated this 13th day of January, 192). | rotlee is February 5, 0, Chief Inspector of Fishertes, 2} |