; hey iw + i" i THE DAILY NEWS Friday, February 4 ‘ Page 4 . eet * j — rnrr A SHOE that is smart and practical, sub- stantial, well constructed and fits the foot, is worth a good price for you get correct style, ral comfort and long wear out of it. When you consider the service- able quality and style vaiue of OUR SHOES } you know they will prove an econ- omical purchase. Come in and be fitted. —_—_—_—_—_ Family SHOE Store Geo: Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. IN YOUR HOME influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph * has an Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- necessary when you know our easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords Just In Come and hear the world’s best a Will Edaunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. Se ee ee ee eo VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall General Contractors and Labor Exchange. CORO Ome Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 PIO OE RL OM TOOL OD PLO PIE LOPE OOP E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERLL CONTRACTOR ‘ Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith’s hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. 4 r Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte. A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 ween momer 1g PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93 Reliable Service at reasonable Rates. We have Warehouse facilities, 8. E. Parker, Manager Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing, Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS { { ‘| " because ‘between political parties it would SE ms ee et te rt ns eats pres te BE The Man in the Moon | SAYS:-- { . Hi THAT if oil should be found on Queen Charlottes it would mean that this part of the country would be afflicted with another gfusher. ‘ . THAT it might be a good thing, if there were friction pe easy to pour on a Jittle oil. THAT, happy thought, they might find a gusher of distillate. THAT since Asquith’s eleetion Paisley shawls are likely to come into fashion again. THAT if women are not show- | ing more endurance these days | than ever before they at any rate} j show more backbone. . * * THAT in most big lawsuits it| is not a question of who wins, ! but who loses least. THAT it is just the same with ‘strikes. THAT cigarette smoking for ladies is often discussed. THAT in most places it has passed the discussion stage. ° | mT ’ | PHA'T it looks rather better to, see a ljttle rol] of paper contain: | ing tobacco between the lips of a fair one, than to see her pulling | at an old clay pipe or even a. cigar. . * * THAT in these days of equality of the sexes either should be! yuite “correct.” THAT Queen Mary is said to' ndulge, not in the common clay but in the soothing cigarette after lunch. LAND REGISTRY ACT, (Sections 36 and 134.) 4nd and premises situate, lying and being 5s Calied to section 36 of the ‘Land Regis taxes, and the Registrar shall register the person entitled sale as ,owner of for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application has bee ijude for @ Certificate of Indefeasible Titk to the above-mentioned Jands, in the nam of David H. Hays. AND WHEREAS on investigating the tith: t appears that prior to the 10th day of iclober, 1908 (the date on which the sak inds were sold for overdue taxes), yor the Crown. Granted owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at th same time | shall effect registration {i sursuance of such application and issu 1 Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the | under such tax the land so sold Hi. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. | fo Ethel Tate, } Victoria, B.C. | TIMBER SALE X 2086. sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 26th day of February, 1920, for Un purchase of Licence X 2086 to cut 2,600 v00 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock o | CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP. $15.00 Ton Sacked Full weight. No wait. Consumers Coal Company } J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block. Phones: and Black 293. ling | ¢ ‘Never ito them,’ with 6 | knew it, too. | miserable him from the camp. The engineer only got what was coming to him given on tT ODay | {n medicines, as in every other necessity, the public {s satisfied with nothing but the best! This explains the ever-increasing demand for Zam-Buk. Not oniy is this great. balm the best household remedy to-day, but it is also the most economical. Zam-Buk’s superiority is due to the fact that it is all medicine, con- taining none of the coarse animal fats or harsh mineral drugs found in ordinary ointments. Again, the medicinal properties are so highly concentrated that they contain the maximum arhount of healing, sooth- ing and antiseptic power, so that a little of this balm goes a long way. Another reason why Zam-Buk is most economical, It will keep in- definitely and retain to the last its strength and purity. Best for skin diseases and inj@ries, blood-poison- | ing and piles. AIl dealers, 60c, box. | WEBB DISMISSED ON CHARGE OF WOUNDING: THREATENED TO HANG HIM, HE DECLARES. (Continued from Page One.) with the men and he said: mind the men, I'l attend in a tone of voice from which I could see there was some- thing behind it all. Later there was some criticism as ta my not being an O. B. U. man and I said that IT was a member of the Inter- national Brotherhood .of Cooks, ‘and that I had a wide experience as a cook. Was Attacked. Tuesday I was. getting for Dion and, in “On breakfast neady fact, was preparing to dish it up when he started to talk about when he was ever going to get his breakfast. I went back to the work table to get it when he came running towards me shaking his fist. He called me offensive names ae and his fist touched my nose. 1 we Application No. 11365-1. File 6274. {hen told him that I was in no TAKE NOTICE that application has been’ ¢ qndition to fight and told him ade to regisier David H. Hays, of Prince +), 99 hack to the table where he nupert, B, C., as owner in fee under ¢ a ake Beer og fax Sale. Deed from the Collector of the Peclonged, pointing the knife in ity of Prince Rupert, bearing date the the direction. I had no intention 2rd day of October, 1919, of ALL AND whatever of hitting him, but he INGULAR that certain parcel or tract of | cked up a cup and I shielded }) Ae t h vself with a coffee-pot. He then it the City of Prince Rupert, more par- | iicularly known and = described as Lot ne runing towards me with a ihirty (30), Block forty-two (42), Sec } poker ion eight (8), (Map 923). You are re-| at juired to contest the claim of the ‘ta | _ Struck Butcher Knife. purchaser within 35 days from the dat “T saw then that I would have f the service of this notice (which ma) | {; step ouf and = shield myself e effected by publication in the Dail . 3 ms ) ! ) 1 ¢ ¢ ry a sw yews, Prince Rupert), and your attentio: j Ere m the man. Making a wing the poker he brought him- vy Act’ with amendments, and to the|}self up against the buteher knife se iisecdiae’ i nish: ireinadese eS which T was then holding in my “and in default of a caveat or cer- 4 © . . naeeae-t $ tilexte sof (is -pendens “being filed hand. | made some passes at his before the registration as owner of hands with the knife as I knew the person entitled under such tax 4 oe ; sale, all persons so served with that if he ever got in a blow at notice, . - and those claiming : : . cae ; a through or under ‘them, and all per- with the poker I would be a sons claiming any interest in the dead man- As soon as I could 1] land by virtue of any unregistered . . < instrument, and all persons elaim- arted for the door of the kitchen ing any interest in the land by me : . . : a descent whose title is not registered and he hung onto me until he under the provisions of this Act, foll exhausted from the loss of shall be for ever estopped and de- J ‘ . barred from setting up claim to or biood sustained from the knife in respect of the land so sold for |. ounds. I believe that, had it not been for his collapsing, he would have killed me.’ Webb had cuts and bruises to show where he had heen struck by the poker. Tied Him Up. “IT then went out of the cook ouse and about 22 men, I should judge came and trussed me up, ying that they were going to hang me. In fact one of the men pul a noose around my neck. 1 iiought they were surely going ‘ald lands in the name of David H, Hay |}{o do so, so I asked that they, at inless you take and prosecute the prope . its # oo proceedings to establish your claim, i je ast, let me write a letter to my iny, to the said lands, or to prevent such) | ‘ fe. llowever, they tied me up proposed. action on my part. a threw me onto a bunk, leav- Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince | jing two men to guar 2 iitupert, B.C,, this 7th day of November. | ; é » guard IS: All sur sea: lth is Lime they were calling me all ianner wilnesses of vulgar; names and the heard this morning On my request they ‘gave me a cup of coffee. “Taking me down to the boat, they tied me to the rail and told mie that T would be kept that way until I reached Rupert. On get- ne oul of sight, though, the captain, who had seen what had fone on released me. I went as far as Thurston Harbor on that boat and then was transferred to the Fie Leaf and brought to Prince Rupert. The witnesses ex- amined this morning did not tell an area adjoining Lot 505, Chuek-wallij/half the cire stance ci Kilver, Range 2, Coast District, I ” OL MAGRNOSS <5 | te One (1) oer will be allowed for re- | Case. moval of timber. yatret pertieuless of the Chief Forest Counsel! for Defense. er, ctoria, P B C * B or, y ‘ . ‘ : . rine ee 8t: ne District Foreste: L,. W. Patmore, acting in the ree a nnnnenneenans (defence, then argued for the ac- »/cused. ‘The man had done what # any ordinary man would have done, The engineer, in shaking a Omi Ha his fist, had committed the first assault. Mr. Patmore was satis- PURNACE & STEAM COAL 7 ; sth aioe wah oO fan Leos fied that there was some premedi- Ge ot Ton Sacked tated plan to make the man’s life and, eventually, drive ind what him, his own anybody Webb bail have released required to would was and appear this morning for; sentence. —V——— te WANTED. WANTED—Young lady who un- derstands photo printing; also young lady with or without ex- perience to help in photo studio. F. W. Chandler, 318 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C: 52 WANTED —2 or 38 furnished housekeeping rooms or small house for man and wife. Apply box 42, Daily News Ottlic e. Aa W ANTED - — First Class stenog- rapher and cierk, one with in- surance oflice expenmience pre- ferred. M. M. Stephens. tf WANTED—Woman cook or help- er at the Inlander, 830 Second Avenue, between 7th and 8th streets. tf Competent stenographer wanted for railway ollice. Apply box 14 Daily News office. tf WANTED — Man or woman. to clean oflice windows, apply Daily News. tf HOTEL HELP WANTED — Both male and female. Apply Hotel Central. 49 SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and sten- ographer wishes position. Ref- erences. Apply box. 49 Daily News oflice. - 53 FOR SALE OFFERING FOR SALE, 30 unite of $500 each to purchase and operate a well developed prop- erty at Alice Arm, B, C. The property consists of two full claims, with a well defined sil- ver-lead ore. A tunnel has been driven forty feet on the ore, and has the ore the entire length of tunnel, with 4 feet of solid ore in face. This prop- erty is proven to be able to produce tonnage and has the earmarks of making a very large and profitable mine. Every dollar veceived from sale of units will go to pay for the property, and working same and putting on paying basis. The property will be under’ the management of a mining engi- neer who has made good in other properties, if he can be cured. This property should pay returns each month of the investment after six months operations, with silver at its present higheprice. D. J. Han- cock, Alice Anm, B. C. OR SALE—4 heavy double beds with spring and mattress in perfect condition; kitchen table: i chairs; 1 two-burner coal oi! stove; 41 dresser. ‘Very cheap for cash. To be*seen any time. 508 Fifth Avenue East. Oppo- site Hospital. 43 OR SALE—-12 h.p. heavy dul) Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- pelier, magneto, coil, ete. Vhi is the engine I used in thi “Aileen.” It is in perfect orde: and very little used, $1,600.00 M.M. Stephens. tf “OR SALE—Edison Diamond Dise Gramophone. Owner leaving town. Cost $265 new. In good condition; with forty records. Cash, $225. Apply box 47 Daily News ollice. bY OR SALE—-25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Ignition, 4 eyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $1,500.,00.—M M. Stephens. t! * BOY,” 1% year old Airedale; 54 Ibs., registered pedigree; ex cellent watehdog and good to childnen, is for sale. Price $75.00. Mrs, Bay, Anyox, B. G, FOR SALE—Fully moderm = six roomed house on two good lots close in. Apply to owner at 216 5th Ave. Kast, or phone 209 FU RNITURE of five roms for in good condition. 221 Avenue or, phone Red 415 FOR séLE — Remington — type writer No. 10. Apply box 46, Daily News ollice. 48 FOR SALE—Gerhard Walnteman phonograph. Sixty dollars cash. Singer Shop, 144 Third Ave, sale Bixth 48, POR SALE—Gerhard Heintzman phonegraph- $60 cash, shop, 114 Third Avenue, 54 FOR SALE — 100 bundles of old newspapers, cheap for a job lot ——-News Oflice. POR SALE— Range, six-holed top, almost new. Phone Red 198. Advertise in the Daily News. RE ae me ec re ers a mnt mn tat wane x (CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : oes ee oe os os SE Pe Singer | —- ii Ml aBNN al FOR sete FOR REN T—Steam heated with two beds, suitabie for gentlemen. Apply 708 ‘Third Avenue West. LI I OR RENT- ply box 43, TRANSFER room, Furnished room. Daily News ollice. CARTAGL—Order Patrouise re- Phone Green iALLOWAY'S your Goal now. turned veleran. 325, ‘ t! iwvesT WER TS VE Ss T MED Our monthly “preset agi mailed at your request will givé you latest re- liable information regarding Bonds, stocks and investinents generally. Enquiries solicited regarding ANY Bond or Secur- ity. Particulars of prices, yields and standing of any list- ed or unlisted stock in the market forwarded without charge. Leased wires to all parts of the continent, Unex- celled connections in New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. European invest- ments specially dealt with. Leading financial house ol Vancouver and Victoria. Ad- dress all replies to BURDICh BROS, AND BRETT, LD., Stock and Bond Brokers, Hotel Van- couver Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. business Ei ROPE AN INVESTNVENTS exceptional opportunities for investors just now on account the low vaiue of Kuropean currency and the fact that the Canadian dollar ata ium in most Kuropean codun- tries. British, French, Belgian and Italian Government wa loans can be bought with 15 105% better opportunity of return by Canadians than by investors in the countries men- tioned. Confidenti..l cirtular it this regard mailed upon of 1s prem- Lo request. Ask to be placed on our mgil- ing list for monthly financial revieysw which deals with every phase of the investment situa- tion. Latest information re- garding standings, prices, yields, ete., of any bond or se- curity supplied free upon ap- plication. Vancouver and \ loria’s leading financial house. BURDICK BROS, llotel Vancouver, C. & Brett, LTD., Vancouver _B. FOUND of rosary Oflice. FOUND — Two beads, apply sets News OUUND—Tobaeco pouch. Apply Daily News oflice. tt MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of Dulsams and vines, Leatherette covers, $1.50; velvet sheep, 82.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing o., 524 Yates St. Vie toria B.C, B 1G OPPORTU NI ry WEALTHY—Invest in Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico oil leases in proven territory. Fifty to one thousand dollars often makes fortunes. For .particu lars wire write to Pryor & MeDonald, Hotel Cadillac, Wichita, U, 5. A. 50 FARMS FOR SALE Pp. iA, PARM farms in well district in Western Canada; low twenty years to pay; TO BECOM! or Kansas, LAND settled Choie prices irrigate: lands in Sunny Southern Al berta, with loan of $2,000 iy improvements to assist new ettlers Act now they are some fast. For free booklet and full information write 1! G. Loughran, General Lai agent, 744 Hastings St. West, B.C, Vancouver, MINERAL ACT Certificate of ‘Improvements. N 0! T 1¢ E KING SOLOMON and. IKON KING Mineral ‘jdims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining Vision of Coast District, Where — located:—-West side of Dean Channel, North of Caseade Inlet in Range 3, Coas. District. TAKE NOTICE that J, HUGH ARCHIBALD MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEREI ‘OMP ANY, Free Miner's Certificate No, 7,239, ntend, Sixty days from the date ereof, to apply to. the Mining Reeorde: or a Certificate of Improvements for each f said claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above elaims. And» further take wotice that action un der Section 85, must be commenced befor the issuance of such Certificate of -Im- provements. Dated this thth day of January, A. D 1920 H. A. MACLEAN, Olfer ——— » 199 | a | i f Ss Ap: | 924 ( BSaiadite, Ue Pag TOR Kal SELL Tovey SA, cence, —_—=—=—=. Gurneys ‘ecient mmenced y ing stoves in 1942 cot 3. Still the sume line of busin mn £ 1919, Hundred in ug " ; © TD Use Prince Rupert, in ey On SALE Fred Stork, ardware SECOND AVEND} Phone Black 114 a@erve Te. See 42954 Talking Gees The High Cost of Living This is partly solved by using our coal f $13.50 for lump dl livered, | Ask t t Phone ‘I Phone ot ack 85 Terminal Coal Co, - Nn «~ OUR t Pool Room moved to 721. Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA 7 Two per cent. Beer ; ee SPO DOD GH OOOO OO PO PPOOOOTIIE Hand Your Baggage JOE BROW Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress H otel Phones 176, Black 334 Quick “De liv eries ee a — There 1s } A Photographer} in town T. J. DAVI The Dees Cth Suite 22, Alder Block PHONE Red 328 ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. o head Address, 3rd Avenue, h of Second Street. po, Box 21 PLUMBING AND HEATING v ; Fhone 174 , DENTISTRY OFFICE HOU nS: 9 e.m. to 12; 1:30 p.™ ” } pn. J. 8. BROWN | pENnTist smith Block, Phone 464. meen natn err eea OnE 190 9 wae Office: