priday: galol, O* i Fred Joudry Practical hird Ave Eat NesIh a it Hom Breakfast fom 7 a.m UNnCheon 1 Pinner 6:30 PPINCIALio} ' Meal Salis {le oT Migs hort Ordep Ime from 1 and FE. T hone 39 february oe » Monobromate sour phys! wo ay pw a Atall Druggists. of Se ous faive Dada res Ce = Full operating instructions are furnished with each machine, and its mechanism is so lessona-2nom:ia pil in-dhe salty? = — : can be operated and kept in order by any person. Its power can be harnessed Ici lini dixenncthes chil tia chanianell = to the eed cutter, the pump, the cireular Saw, the churn or the separator. management of the enamored and| = We carry in stock at all times in our Vancouver Warehouses a full line of service helpless male the metropolis| = Parts. In case of emergency there is no long wait for delivery. could teach the township nothing-| = ; “pian ils seiaiaisee sie cil Write For Our New Illustrated Folder. Sent Free If You Mention This Paper. that the fashions go out into the = country like daily newspapers,| = The “Wee Ma automobiles, mivies and agents | = WEE M GREGOR “ wes Gregor” for The Makers of Canada, and | s ac eenaae ne eee that wherever there” are women | = fon of Canada in the | = Fisheries and Agricul- Forestry Service Provincial Farm. TIMBER SALE X 1940. sealed tenders will be received by the than noon on iv20, for the pur- cuese of Licence X 1940, to cut 1,092,000 t of Spruce and Hemlock on Lot 2073, iii day of March, { the packing of material and supplies | .- anit ; . * TORONTO, February 26.—The|!" points along the Yukon telegraph line aiid these handed eat tire si ahd ave trict : : ee are | beiween Hazelton and Atlin, in the yourse Tienths feet from the northwest corner o! ue (1) year will be Methodists of Canada have set|or the seasons 1920, 1921 and 1922 Lot 434; thence south 85 degrees, 06 | moval of timber. The Anglicans whose objective! ,,() ep fcone considerably over their ob- $4,000,000. Pianos correctly tuned. 86.00 G. C, Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf - was $2,500,000 at first, are now If the out for a $3,000,000 objective. |1 1 The Presbyterians are also con- |)", tinuing the campaign and have | Phe jective, Secretary \nd further take" notice that action, un- | mova Nepartment of Public works, ’ er section 85 must be commenced before | Ottawa, February 14, 1990 issuance of such Certificate of Im pes te Newspapers will not be paid for this rovements. thpert ; : Dated this 11th day of December, A. D. THE minion will also be accepted as security ms of tender and specification may | iinuies East, two hundred feet; thee 15.000.000 as their new objective \, obtained from the Superintendent oj) South 8 degrees 12 minutes West, eigh | in the inter-church campaign D alat Guseeiont’ err 2. hundred and ten feet, thenceNorth Ss de- | Rupe : ; x , a 55 minutes West, two hundred and which is still going on through | graphs, Victoria, B.C., and from the Gov ty-seve “et thence; following — the iment Telegraph Agents at Ashcroft, B n feet pene; & the national campaign for the|¢ Quesnel, B.C., Hazelton, B.C., and|#'h water line northerly to point of com . ‘ Iris . » ‘dq | Tclegraph Creek, B. C. " Atee ‘ADDPO ately a a halfacres| Sex denominations offic ially : endt | Persons tendering are notified that ten n a Cen ee y four:and ‘a ‘ha Pat Mini enna Om mame rere 94 B00, 000 | tere Se aes seer en fee ge ms Rl RO 2 -easUr P printed oe a 7 , y her nt, A. A. Forsyth. now practically in the treasury,! yin their actual signatures stating thei matid sth eer aeent, A A. Forsyth, | pur : ‘ 600.000 i ipations and places of residence : ‘ jand an additional $8600, Each. tender must be accompanied b oo saan E sight, the directors feel Justified | in accepted cheque on a chariered bank MINERAL ACT ‘ . | ;peyable to the order of the Honourabl mova in aiming at collecting a million} Minister of Public Works, equal t Oalheiie sot Aalesdtidiniole. | ru are > fg irs 1~ | te per cent 10 p.c of the amount ¢ Viet dollar more than at aret 1 jt tender, which will be forfeited if thr NUTICE | Wupe e 2 erson tendering decline to enter int tended itract when called upon to do s t “Copper Crest’’ Mineral Claim, situate in work contracted for Naas HKiver Mining Division of Cassiar accepted the chem Loan Ronds of th © complete the » tender be not ” returned War trict Where located:—Glacier Creek, Granby ay. TAKE NOTICE that I, B. L. Johnson, Free | the viner’s Certificate No. 81762-B, intend, ixty days from the date hereof, to apply 000 ar Bonds and cheques !f required t up an odd amount. » Department does not bind itself t t the lowest or any tender © the Mining Recorder “for a Certificate area By order, f Improvements, for the perpone of ob- « ast , aining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Ty R. C. DESROCHERS withon R9eN7 they insert it the Pepartment tieoment tf rity from 919. Vicloria, B. C., ster of feet of Fir, rwo (2 yeal rt, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 1988. 1led tenders ith days of March, 1920, é ! of timber. ther particulars of the Chief Forester, or District Forester, Prince ria, B. C,, ti TIMBER SALE X 1987. {ith days of March, 1920, Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Dis- allowed for re- Further.particulars of the Chief Forester, or District Forester, Prince will be received by the Lands not later than noon en for the purchase of Licence X 1988, to cut 1,440,- Cedar and Hemlock on an irca Situated near Lot 1087, Dean Channel, , Coast District. years will be allowed for re- Sealed tenders will be received by the | Minister of Lands not later than — on or nurchase of Licence X 1987, to cut 1,040,- feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an sitnated on Dean Channel, Range District. o (9) | of tmber. ria, B.C rt R, 2 COLUMBIA, years will be allowed for re- rurther particulars of the Chief Forester, , or District Forester, Prince SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Gene Byrnes Says:—“It’s a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken.” (ta A PACIFIST — \ AR WERE SOLDIERS BUT IM ST A PLAIN ORDINARY NERYDAY PEACE ADVOCATE, AND. THEY OUGHT To SOME SENTIMENT EH? MOERSTAND “THIS UFF AT ALL -— MY FATHER AND GRANDFATHER ERECT A MONUMENT FOR. THE GUY ‘WHO WROTE THAT BONG *| DIDN'T RAISE MY POY TO BE A SOLDIER, — THE BEST THEN OUGHT “TO TAKE ALL 1 THINK BRYAN {S “\ EMPERORS MAM OF ab KAS aD DUKES - ae eae KAS (DEAS OCK THEM IN A ON PEACE WILL FIND & Se sage FOUNDRY AND LET You PLACE IN THE CLASSICS MAN WIN a» — Phe Hh wm i