Page 6 LAST WEE ere nn ct, POG ron ee oer On Sale Saturday 70c Values Blue Ribbon Fuller's Best .. Fuller's Ka-De Tea ... advance to 75¢ per pound BUY NOW. per dozen: “Our wn Brand” Butter 75c Fresh fruit and green stuff . every boat. é FULLER'S Limited Ae 45 | HO" SES eee ian i w 7-room house and large lot, if Atlin Ave., Section 2, new— $4,250.00, Terms. sais igrooin house 5th Avenue, P Section 5 $1,575, Terms. Bil wn 4-rooms and bath, 5th Ave., Section 5 $2,400, Terms. ah gf — vee! LOTS FOR SALE. ar 2 fine view lots Section 2— § $750 the paix. , McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. TEA! ihe above teas will shortly Thursday, Friday and Nabob ....... On Sale 60c Malkin’s Best On Sale 60c . On Sale 60c On Sale 60c 50c Get a dozen of our Strictly Fresh Eggs, selling at 80c The Best Creamery Butter : : L 3rd Ave. Phone 11 7 as {Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. eK Sacked ..... $16.00 per ton ’ Sacked ... $7.75 per ' ton " PU i oe a $13.50 per ton Gnly a Limited Supply Wy Phone Your Order Now ty Albert & McCaff . ert cLaitery | LTD. a, i Phones 564 and 116 " . ee ‘ s re ' eh ‘ . DENTISTRY : 4 Don’t neglect your Teeth } One decayed or missing tooth ? " lowers’ your efficiency } bY DR. BAYNE thy Office Hours--Morning, Dito 129°} , Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- ; t d-y, 9 to l2 only. Evenings, + ) Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- ; day, from 7 toD. hai DENTAL NURSE IN $TTENDANCE | v PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT i BF IOI OIL OIE NI OIE BLOF OP RI OLE OA OT OS + be 3 3 » iy hay _ ii : A good double corner in Block 23, “ Section 8 for . $560.00 ad Lot 10, Block 41, See 6, price $250 _ Lot 34, Block 50, See, 7, price $96 my A splendid view lot in Block 4, ROGHONTS, LOO. 0 6k sok oe a $600.00 * Apply to : Ed.H. Morti mi, ri. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue EGLAR PONT ASF So MANY CoRIOSITY KILLED THE CAT ee VESTIONS- VEALERS FCOTBALL TEAMS The following is the lineup for tomorrow afternoon’s’ football game between the Callies and the Trail Club:— Callies — Clapperton, Murray, McLean, Abbott, Bennett, Camp- hell, Grant, Kinghorn, Ross, Sel- Jars and Black. Reserves—Wig- Foote and MeCulloch. Clementson, Harry Men- Ed. Craggs, Harry Day, Albert Craggs, Anderson, Hardy, Currie, Fallon, Vic. zies, Shaw, Gilmour or Waugh. zins, Trail— zies, Brown, BIRTHS There was born er and Mrs. Mohr, of Francois Lake, on Thursday, February 19, at the | Francois Lake Hospital, a son- There was born to Mr. and Mrs. James McRae, of Telkwa, on Thursday, February 19, a daughi- ter. NOTICE I, Walter Oe Utley, of Hays- port, be responsible for any debts con-| tracted by my wife, Kate Utley. | HENRY UTLEY, i Haysport, B. 1920. 51 February 27 zt; v St. eis Cafe | Friday, February 26° BREAKFAST, 35c 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes Mush or Grape Nuts Hot Cakes Stripped with Bacon Toast and Coffee } eer rs cio LUNCHEON, 50c 71:30 to 2 p.m. £ | AND 2 | DINNER,, 59e : Dinner 5 p.m to 7:30. | Clam Chowder Tene Ee OLR of" Sole, Tartar Sauce Boiled Halibut Sauce Cod Ish Cakes, Boiled Beef and Creamed (Carrots Baked Macaroni and Cheese Atkins’ Sausage and Mashed Potatoes Chicken Giblets with Rice Asparagus Tips on Toast Roast Stuffed Young Veal Coffee |! | | | | | | FTES CAT i RF ERNE WO. | | “86 Cream Sauce Ree we Erne ORR w Tt te ies & a ‘py on the table of every home ‘ * appeals to Father, Mother and HE entire net print f ehildt en alike, to the Amputation ciy} e TH finest publication ever len Who have been maimed a, @ issued dealing with British Great War ; ~ GUPINE the Columbia its work during ‘ oe the war, itS repatriation ac- tivities, Its reconstruction ob- ligations, visit of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales Only a Limited Number of Copie On Sale at All Bookstores SRS Ss CS tots sos me. 9s, a + 5 Left |; Albert & McCaffery. if . s ° Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duboard were arrivals on last’ night's rain from Hazelton. e* ° * Carpets, floor oil cloths and inoleums at special prices-— Barrie’s Furniture Store. if *. ° . Mr. James Currie wishes to an- iounce to the public that he Will] pen the premises on Third Ave itely occupied by Candyland as} first Class bakery on Friday ots Nebruary 27: i) ST. A NDREW’S SOCIETY Address on the trathcona”™’ will be given tonight at 8:30 in the Society’s rooms by red Stork: Members and the \uxiliary are invited. Good musi- ‘al program, Iwo trds take See tha moat the e Coles Window ickly cH ERR ARERR RHR SE TOG LATE 1G CLASSIFY * ;* RAE RHEE RR ESE @ 2 OS SITUATIONS WANTED !xperienced gas engfneer wishes position. Apply box 50, Daily News oflice. 52 vey SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary ef tidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply r a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following escribed lands ;— Commencing at a post planted twenty hains north of the south-west corner of ‘1, 266, thence west 80 chains, thence rth so chains, thence east 80 chains nee south 80 chains, to point of com- inencement, ated this 23rd day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant, SKRENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of nidegate, B.C., settler, intends to appty r a license to prospect for coal and traleum on and under the following sertbed lands: ‘ Commencing @ post planted at? the of DL 498, thenge 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, east 80 chains, thence north 80 to point Of tommencement. 22nd day of October, WILLIAM J. LEARY, at corner “St hence hains, 1919. Apa rae This Week’s Specials Strictly Fresh Eggs, per doz. 7Be clal price by the ease to fish- boats, hotels and cafes, En- * at store, No, Creamery butter, lb. 7TW2eo Blue Ribbon Tea 1-lb pkg. 6220 Cowal’s Cocoa %-lb, tin .... 266 Cowan's Cocoa 1-Ib, tin ..... 49c Potatoes, Lilloet Netted Gems, per Rr ss oy do ite gle 25 1 imit 9 sacks to any one custo- mer, St. Charles Milk, per tin, .... 166 68 TINS 10 COSC . Wei ccccen 7.35 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes....3 ¢ r 350 C.€.C, Norwegian Sardines, i ; lar 366. DOOCIN sities eer 250 sry Salt Pork, Special, lb., 32! Hirondelle Mac; ‘aront 16- oz. phe: Special, each, .. 150 Baker's Kagle Sweetened ‘C hocolate, OR As Gi ean Oy FTE OS 45c Baker's unsweetened Chocols ate, per aN ates Gr hhic oskik PU cis fart 50c | Rupert Table Supply Co, Phones 211, 212 | “Life of Lord| & 8.8. Magoflin, are registered R. E, Dugan and f Prince George, } it the Hotel Prince Rupert. . . . James Turnbull, ng a holiday in the Okanagan Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wright en- rtained a few friends last even- ng, the oceasion being the third inniversary of their wedding. Among the passengers leavin for the south on the Prince George last night was J- H. Pillsbury, superintendent of the Prince Ru- pert Dry Dock and Engineerin-: Company, There will be a matinee on vaturday at 3 for “Cannibals of he South Seas” at the Westholme "heatre, when the full orchestra ‘ill be in attendance. Ten reels ut no inerease in“prices. it of the forestry | }department at Hazelton, is spend: | j ‘te S el —- — CAREER EERE EEUU E LUE OLY : ) x 2 ‘ : Programme of Special Music x ’ ; - al— y x 6 ) hodist Church ; Methodist Churc s ' ' x SUNDAY, February 29th, 1920 ' | * ‘ | * ‘ | * ' | x ’ x Anthem——‘How Lovely are the Messengers Mi } Fe Violin Solo “Andante Religioso” ......... ‘ ‘Pe Mrs: Taylor ; |x Vocal Solo—'The Silent Voice” ......... a e Miss L. Pim , [= Dello Solo—“The Lost Ghord’ti;,. ....v2.... 8 ' : Mr. Will Edmunds q |x Vocal Solo-——""The Peace of God” ........ Gj ' : Mr. EK. V. Ling ' i Instrumental Trio—“Berceuse” ........... § ‘ Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Will Edmunds, Mr. A. J. I f . Anthem—“What: are: "Phese’”’ .20sit...... Stair q x MD CNS oe LAs tree's d 6S 93 os * 7:30 ; x os . Rm ' pe Seve ed Organist: iis x Sis ince ae Mr. Aod. La 7 * ’ * SOIT IA IAI AI IIS AI I ISI IIIA AOA IOI OIA OM ns INSURANCE - David H. Hays NOTARY PUBLIC Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., Limited. London & Lencash Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co re Guarantes & A special coach is to be attach- ed to the time freight on Monday, | March 8, to bring dancers from Burns Lake to Smithers for th big opening dance of the town| hall at the divisional point. While roaming around the hil! during the recent cold spell, Ste, Young, of Telkwa, had the mis fortune to have several of his | toes frozen. One of them was so badly frozen that amputation wa necessary by Dr. Hankinson in th smithers Hospital. | Bicycle for sale, complete. Ap- | ly Fritz, the Handy Man, . . , } Stuart Henderson came in :e train last night from Hazleton nd went south to his home in| ‘ictoria. He was instrumental! in setting the Indian, Hamadan, to surrender tosthe charge of mur- ler and he defended him in eourt vith the result that the case was | dismissed. NOTICE ‘To FISHERMEN oni I have sor sale al my residence m ist Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines Two seven horse power, One twelve horse power. One twenty horse power. All the above are new and wil! be sold at a sacrifice. tf P, RORVIK,. INFORMATION WANTED Joe O'Donnell, last heard of in Prince Rupert abeut a year ago, ‘s being enquired for by his sis- : | | ter, Mrs. M, J. Flynn, of New York, in order to have the estate of a late relative cleared up. tf Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. if | Cheese Sale on at Fuller's. | ¢ General Real Estate Agent es Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. A YOUNG JUNO. ° -. wee ce ie ene alt | A. eH § ouns ‘ue (Dra *. Matania for the London Une ot Matania’s famous rawiipe, which ‘be " Ye alls Among the Pine: and Snows, FURNITURE, DRAPERY, CROC KERY, LINOLEUM, "TES FEBRUARY PRICE