‘ THE DAILY NEWs ty, Maret Os Se e nn " 2 ; o niiliilnieilial ne nena 1) PIPE BAND H oceans» ine" || i | Are Washdays Necessary in Winter? There was a time, back in the days of stone hatchets, when woman was hardier than she is today. A biting wind, damp air and slush underfoot did not so much endanger her then. But is this exposure necessary now? Is woman exercising her best judgment in hang- ing clothes on the line in winter weather? Is man showing chivalry when he permits it? A simple and safe solution of this problem is to send your family washing to us—es- pecially during these days while the weather- man is surly. No washboards or heavy soaps are employed We wash for you in the twentieth ay by letting soft water and billowy It is a launder- by us. century W suds surge through the fabric. ing method that saves clothes. So, also, is our ironing process. We give a charming lustre to your linens not with hot irons, but with special steam heated presses that protect the textiles. Telephone us, Our driver will call at a definite time for your family bundle. At a definite time also he will return it. Our method saves you labor and protects you from the rigors of wind and weather. “Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 Harry Hanson’s Patent Patent Oflice, Ottawa, January 27, 1920. rl am directed to acknowledge receipt of your eter of the 17th inst. on the subject of Canadian patent No. 162632, granted to you on the 18th May, 1915, for a “Water Heater” and in reply to inform you that this patent Wis not made subject to the conditions of Section 44 of the Patent Act impulsory licence system) and is gov- ered by Sect 8 of the said Act, an extract from which I beg to enclose herewith. lam also to inform you that the fee for the second six years ty y eT i years term/Nas nol yet been paid, but it does not come due pill thy 18th May, 1924, The required amount is $20.00 Pre A0Vering let er referring to the patent by date and Apher, and stating the purpose for which the remittance Will be necessary. I have the honour to be, * made is all that Your obedient servant, Signed W. J. LYNCH, a? Chief of the Patent Office. son, Esq.,, 139 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C, With regard to I have Patey the the above letter, I wish to say that as With section and paragraph 38 of the and therefore do not come under Section 44 of “id as Tam equipped and willing to install, Water Heater” to any and everybody, lo Jaw ean, and hereby do withdraw 7 olhers making these water heaters. co . Negotiate for an agency to make my suet anyone willing to pay the royalty of installed on the distinet understanding Fuarantee goes with it. complied t Act Sdid Act AC and sel] I therefore bees { aCCording le Privileges ; | Wate; 2.00 On @ach thy 1 @ach one a Vear's : Harry Hanson The Reliable Plumber” Phone 489 — 139 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©, INSURANCE David H Hays General Real Estate Agent Sor, § *°ond Avenue and Second Street. NOTARY PUBLIC Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire insurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Quarantee & Accident Oo. Fidelity-Phenix Fire insurance Co. eee, i SPLENDID DANCE Good Growd Present at the St. Andrew’s Hall Last Wight for Enjoyable Evening. The dance held in the St. An- drew's hall last night in aid of the funds of the Callies’ Pipe Band was a well attended affair; and one that was thoroughly en- How to Make useP Its so. jJoyed by all those who were in attendance. Although the weath- er was inciement and the invita- question. tions had been issued rather tate, ‘there were well over 200 persons } | present. A good sum was rea- lized towards buying unifortis ‘for the pipers who were then- jsetves present and gave selec- jtions. The atmosphere seemed ! proper for dancing last night and jstray's Orchestra provided their jV sual captivating music. Before the opening waltz the pipe band gave a selection, “The! 79th’s Farewell to Gibraltar,"’| iwhich was loudly encored, bring- ‘ing the response in a strathspey land reel, During the supper in- terval the hand gave = another | selection, “Highland Laddie.”’ The jpipe band is a body worthy of special mention and is a credit f. to Prince Rupert musical circles. a oe The players are really talented : and many do not appreciate the practice and skil] that is neces- sary to bring them to the poini of excellence now attained. The band was last night composed of Pipe Major Mellis, Pipe Sergeant Stevens, Pipers Alex. McDonald, Jas. Bruce, Philip McKay, Drum- mer Sergeant McNeil, Drummers “Sunlight” way. yourself if you— Kiddie’s Clothes There is stringent need of it, as every mother can testify, in these days of mounting prices. occur to you that harsh, common soaps, and the ordinary rub and scrub of the wash board, break down more clothes than are ever actually worn out in That’s why Sunlight Soap purest and best of soaps, was first evolved, years ago—to wash clothes gently but thoroughly, without rubbing—the special It’s easy to do the washing Insist on getting the Soap you ask for—SUNLIGHT SOAP. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Them Wear Longer Well——did it ever We’ve studied the —-_- — ACCOMMODATION FOR BOATS AT SANDSPIT An application from residents at Sandspit for the support of the Board in securing wharf accom- modation was discussed by the MeMillan and ©. Brown. Those in Charge- Arrangements went off with the usual ease and despatch that characterizes St. Andrew's” af fairs last night under a com-} mittee consisting of Capt. J. Me- Gregor, chairman; Geo. Delgarno, Jock Campbell, Ed. Ross, Wilson Murray and Cecil Brown. Presi- dent 8S. D. Macdonald was master of ceremonies and Wm. Murray | Board of Trade last night. The was on the door. Excellent re-|"ailways, navigation and port freshments were provided and|Committee, to which it had been handed, recommended that in- stead of a wharf at an impracti cable point where it was too i/much exposed to the weather, a road should be built to some ‘other port of call on the islands. | This too seemed a large ex- FOR FEBRUARY °: to recommend, so it was | finally decided to send on the ‘letter asking that the Govern- The class leaders for the differ- | ments interested investigate and ent divisions of the city schools |take steps to alleviate the condi- during the month of February | tion. follow:— King Edward School. served by the Ladies’ Auxiliary of) which Mns. Reid is the president. | eee ares =a wyin | The Man in the Moon Division 1—Felix Batt, Harvey, Marjorie Carter and Car! Gustafson, | SAYS:— } Division 2— Frances Cross, | Meme Paul Johnson, Annie Morrison. THAT the big dog team race Division 3—Florence Smith,jis to be held very soon. Julia Calderone, Inene Morrison eee Division 4—(a)—- Yoshi Kat- THAT it is now in order for suyama, Mary Walters. (b) Harry the sentimentalists to protest against the cruelty of animals. Forse, Jim Parker. i ie Sega aii Patna Division 5—(a Bernice Bro | ‘THAT the men walk or run the eee ate, wamer |same distance and they enjoy the Me ary, A ais S 3 Bs Nivieion: .8-—. Auntie... Walker, | "Por: *So°da the dogs Robert Stalker. (b) Margaret Gil ‘THAT the local pipe band is a christ, Stanley Dalby. orbat saueneas, Division 7.—(a) Fred Letts. a THAT a small hall is hardly the place to listen to pipe music, vet the audience at St- Andrew's Hall Jast night asked for more. b) Perey McIntosh, Clara Lund- quist c Klsie Finley, Inene Mitehell. Division 8—(a) Terence Orme, Arwin Peterson. (b Joan Mc- Lennan, John Robertson Seal Cove School. way Drum Major those sticks is a THAT the McNeill wields Division 9 a) Grace Crate, wonderful sight. sario Soriano. (b) Cora Ken-| |. ou is ae h astole 6 rHAT someone remarked dur- neqay, : ‘doe nie. ing the perfommance that it was Mike ssanic Margaret McKay. : Mike Bussanich, Margaret Mc difficult to hear the musi? for the d) Clarence Letness, Fred Ding- well, noise. i A a Division 10 a) Gertrude Had ‘THAT the Board of Trade is land, Alton Akorberg: tb memnoes so enthused over its success in Sullivan, Marjorie Blance. (¢ regard to open fisheries that it Juliett SPE On Os eee te is now after something else. d) Peter Krowk, kdw uindseth, aie. Borden Street School. THAT this seems the Division 114 Lizzie Gurrie, place for the G, T, P. Reid MacLennan, Teddy Tite. Steamship head office. Division 12—Netta Clark, Hazel | are frie Richardson, Ivan Cameron, Roy Calderwood. Division 13—-(a) Bruno Basso- Bert, Evelyn Dalby. (b’ Ernest Allistone, Katie Sutherland. Division t4—(a) Phyllis Har-| Bernice logical Coast THAT a school boy once said the greatest difficulty George Washington had to contend with was that he could not tell a lie THAT it might be a good thing fon the community if others were vey, Winnie Exley, (Db ee :. ly Aaaiak’ Dovnb dk: {similarly afflicted. cate vivision 45—-(a) Victoria Koik’; An invitation to send delegates evisky, Frank Tabrum, (D David) to attend the meeting of the Westaway, Lennea Hanson. /Manufacturers’ Association at Division 16—(a) Eleanor Pat-| victoria in June was received last more, promoted to Second Prim’ | night by the Board of Trade and er, Jean Macdonald. (b) Willie] il) be acted on later. Visher, Sheila Stuart. os Waleed ienaioomanatins Fiipary Weeiia Seer ‘The annual daffodil ball which ¢ iv April It is just as cheap tu get your|!* 6 oe es Pa printing done wel’ and done at;%, Will, sual, = —— THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE—Fine view and level lot, 4th Ave. near McBride $1,650 -—— Half Cash, 6-12-18 Months. Laue corner 52 feet frontage Atlin Ave., 3400 MARINE INSURANCE Phoue Blue 69 REAL ESTATE Westholme’ Theatre Block “FIRE INSURANCE P. 0. Box 66 a! tine) LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) FORM OF NOTICE, PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. Britisu of Durecan, Columbia, Spinster, intends of the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- dary of Lot 434, 55 degrees, U6 minutes East, one thou- sand three hundred and thirty-six ard five- tenths feet from the northwest corner of Lot 434; thence soul 85 degrees, vo jiinutes East, two hundred feet; thence South 8 degrees 12 minutes West, eight hundred and teu feet, thenceNorth 84 de- grees, 55 minutes West, two hundred and Linety-seven feet thence; following the high water line northerly to point of com- mencement, Area approximately four and a half acres hore or jess. LENORA MABEL SMITH, by her agent, A. A, Forsyth. Date Sib January, 1920. i NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. h. S, C. Chapter 115. rhe Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk, British Columbia, hereby gives notice that it has under section 7 of the said Act, leposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Regisiry District of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of reversible Aerial Rope- way over the Skeena River, proposed to be built over the said Skeena River at Usk, British Columbia, the supporting towers of the said Ropeway to be located on_iis- trict Lots numbered 1437 and 833, Range 5, Coast District. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ox- piration of onef month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the said hieanza Company, Limited, will under section 7 of the said Act, apply to the minister of Public Works at his office in ihe City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to con- struct the said Aerial Ropeway. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.c., this 31st jay or January, A, D, 1920. ; KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, Z Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors, fonders for Freighting of Supplies for-the Yukon Telegraph Line. SEALED TENDERS addressed to. the indersig ed, and endorsed “Tender for acking Supplies,’ will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Thureday, April 15, 1920, for the packing of material and supplies for points along the Yukon telegraph lin petween Hazelton and Atlin, in the course of the scasons 1920, 1921 and 1922. Forms of tender and specilicaltion ia) be obtaired from the Superintendent of Government Telegraphs, Vancouver, B. C,, District Superintendent Government Tele- graphs, Victoria, B.C., and from the Gov- ernment Telegraph Agents at Ashcroft, B. C., Quesnel, B.C,, Hazelton, B,C., and Telegraph Creek, B, C. Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders Will vot be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied and signea with their actual signatures stating thet occupations and places of residence, Each fender must be accompanied hy an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourab'e the Minister of Public Works, ten per cent (10 p.¢.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned, War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as security yy War Bonds and cheques if required t make up an odd amount, The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, R, C, DESROCHERS, Secretary, Department of Public works, Ottawa, February 14, 1920, Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement tf they insert it without equal tr some as it is to send it away. Try | auspices of the Queen Many Chap- The News Print Shop. ter, [.0,D,E, authority from the Department,--89807, TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Sniih, occupatiun | to apply for permission | lu purchase the following described lands: | of Duncan, cCuolumencing at a post planted at @ puilit) Spinster, on high water line on the Westerly slvre/to purchase the following described lands: LAND ACT FORM OF NOTICR. PRIN€E RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. | DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, British Columbia, occupation intends to apply for permission | | (Form No. 9.) } Commencing at a post planted at the Cassiar District, in the) South West and only South corner of Lot Vrovince of British Columbia, distant south | 434 } Province (Portland Canal) Cassier ot British Columbia; South 55 degrees 06 minutes East, three thousand feet thence; North 34 degrees 54 minutes East, two thousand one hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; North 55 de- grees 06 minutes West, two thousand five hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; North 85 degrees 55 minutes West, four hundred feet thence; South following high water line to point of commencement. Approximate area one hundred and forty- our acres, more or less. LENORA MABEL SMITH, by her agent, A. A, Forsyth. Date 8th January, 1920. District, FOREST RANGERS An e@\unmuuation for Rangers in the Forest Branch of the Lands Department will be held in the Court House, Prince Kiupert, on Mareh 3rd, 1920. ‘ iue cxXumenation will be partly written and partly oral. The questions will be mainly on logging, cruising, surveying, forest protection, ete., but will also test vandidates» ability to prepare reports, vnysical ability and good character are absolute requirements, Candidaics must be British Subjects, resident tn Canada for at least one year and not more than 50 years of age, Initial salary $1,500.00 per annum. Returned soldiers, with the necessary quaiineations will receive preference, Applications to take examination will be received up to the day of examination by ihe District Forester, Prince Rupert, from whom application forms may be obtained, All statements made by applicants as education and fitness are to experience, by Examination subject to verilication Board, W. H. MACINNES, Civil Service Commissioner, Parliament Bulldings, 7-14-21 _ Victoria, B.C, MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvem*"nts. NOTICE KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral jlaims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining ivision of Coast District. Where located:——-West side of Dean thannel, North of Cascade Inlet in Kange Coas, District, TAKE NOTICE that J, HUGH ARCHIBALD {ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL SOMPANY, Free Miner’s Certificate No. .239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date creof, to apply to the Mining Recorder or a CertiNcate of Improvements for each f said claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un- der Section §5, must be commenced before the issuance of sueh Certificate of Im- provements. ena this 15th day of January, A. D. H_ A. MACLEAN LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land , n Vanccuver Land District, Recording Dis- trict of Coast, Range IIl., and sitnate on the west coast of Calvert Island, near tts north end, Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean Falls, B, C., occupation logger, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing deseribed lands:-— Commencing at a post planted one half mile north of N.W, cor, Lot 897; thence north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains: thence south 40 chains; thence ast 40 chains, and containing 160 acres, more or ess. MARK SMABY Dated December 20th, 1919, fa a ee .. 8 =a Soe Sete ME le AS Fe: = mer, ‘i 3 Peeks xs A > ew , taal we \ o Me = - £. pe % ‘s « eee