. 71 g, 192 Mare! satuiday: comte PRINCE RUPERT rowmoe HEADQUARTERS Ww nIaOE Rejieved in @ night P. \Northern B. C. Farmers’ Co-oper- ative Association Consider This Place Promising Market- Yhe Smithers Farmers Insti- tute has decided to form a North- ern Interior Co-operative Asso- ejation which wil] supersede the Farmers’ Institute and for which |, certificate of incorporation has been received. They will join lwith the Telkwa Farmers’ Insti- tall dais itute who have already entered. | With the two institutes lined up ee | for the amalgamation of inter- losts, delegates have been appoint- led who will attend the meetings j of other Farmers’ Institutes in ithe district pressing their joining ae shoe Findings lup in one big body. t is the purpose of the newly formed association to obtain bet- iter contreol and management of ee lhe tremendous markets Prince George and . | between . F, Maguire takes in the | Puince Rupert which inumerous lumber Camps, can- Prince SRR | neries and other centres. The ‘city of Prince Rupert is also con- potential market for ijhandling many times over what ‘the valley would produce. For _ | j } 35m your phy | a | | kind ks, etc duroys Handbags Clothing. ssware | Mattresse + the Above Carried in Stock 2 gecond Ave } sidered a existing | THE DAILY aa ee Page 8 Treatment {or Ward Off Attacks in Early Stages. . The appearance . influenza should be the head used, in last year's laught us that the fought in its early stages. symptoms are similar and the same treatment usually with effective Any physician will tell you drugs to use in such Phenacetine, Quinine, Salol, and Camphor Monobromate. of these is to quickly and even conquer Grippe. These drugs Girip-Fix, home, It epidemic should be results, The break up an advanced stage are offered 4 preparation§ for has been on the the public use in market the ‘flu epidemic of last year. in capsule form, convenient to take giving quick action. It relieves a cold i night and usually breaks up”an attack of grippe in 48 hours There is in Grip-Fix which works injury system. On the contrary, ining up effect, Grig-Pix for to is sale by ali druggists a box to-day and have it in the Prompt treatment of colds is half the hattle When asking your druggist for It be sure to get Reid’s Grip-Fix there no preparation “just as good” ‘ds sells at cents per box. et house ae is for It 35 Py | pl: per control of this market the co-operation of all the farmers jin the entire district was neces- | | sary. | iu SIGHT st valuable of Cutlined Plan. A. J. Prudhomme in addressing | m {00 feet in dimensions With an approach of pile work 200 by 20 feet. There will also be a 30 by 115 landing float with a stationary This will smaller On }patform and stairway. accommodate the many jboats that call at the port. Influenza Gases Simple Home Treatmeni to disease Here to a cold in the the cases are Cascara, Caffein Citrate action the cold of in the for ten years and did wonderful work during comes and in nothing the it has a general ee GY MINIATURE RADIOPHONE, NEW FARM BOON, AND INVENTOR ———— Lhe complete outfit of the “baby wireless’ ealis and the receiving set. The inventor, D, Lee De Forest, says the occupant ot a moving automobile. with this telepbone, showing che transmitter, the tuning set for jocating equipment it is possible to talk = LAND. ACT a ae the senses — 18 the most a meeting of the Smithers Farm- | the Stined Sanit be’ semaine = wate e EMISSARY OF PRINCE REGENT OF SERBIA 1 and the least understood, ers’ Institute outlined the plan of , ‘ _ | Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Mer fron ‘hich, upon Fl organization for the new associa house 30 feet long, 20 feet wide, Land. ey fte m orgt g the new as a- tion, can be traced directly ff)” tating that it was a shane | With a height of ten feet. There|ysxcouvin Lano vistricr—pisraici | tive eyesight | ony aoe ag will be a derrick put in with a ten UP CUAST, KANGE Il. ' capital plan whereby the farmers | And situate on ihe west coast ' foot swing operated by a 4,000} siana. 1 ot the couse win f/ would bave an interest in the) ond hand winch” operated: by} rise’ AUTce, Anat pilelse Smeby, o’| y rOuUl t ring tune ‘ ‘ zo rest the delicate and ! company. The shares were in) ?0U"' ian n peré 3 cs n naneet, po. a nf _ » ¢ WT fish sta mi, intends é Wy for wel robust health. fil denominations of $100 and to/"* ‘an. Diission to purchase the following descrivc y prescrib- j a lauds ye Lalas a lmake it easy for the buyers they ‘Commencing at & post plutited 1% & Find eliminate all eye strait lcould be bought in $10 install-| SMITHERS north of the N.W.. corner of Lut F | ments every three months. Ware- Mus; th nee west 40 chaius; then } sent {0 ehaines. an . taining i¢ == iouses would be erected at vari- ‘ Nene ow AARIE CSE Bose csi 9 | At a meeting of the Fair Asso-|" , HELGE SMEBY ous centres and the market could HELGE. SMEBY, F d J d rt reby be controlled to protect | ciation held last Saturday, the} aia Bs Mark Sinaby, Agent ere “ f % ° ed January 21st, 20 re ou ry ii y . m,,,| date of this year’s fair was set} - - j thie farmers against loss. The ni ctadaiins Bd sale of'stoek LAND ACT ( i as Septe ’ . A sale of stoc: AU Practical Optometrist head office would likely be Prince |* , 4 > ae with Y thie | Vwi . sornoratec ; a bk: i. Prince Rupert | Rupert, where the general man- | ane, Sea eee vy (IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — DIS hind Ave. year’s fair- Great expense will |TixicT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND: os Aaa j}ager would be stationed. ; saree dhe Seat ta the ies | Mr. Prudhomme stated that a/?° 'meurr us year ID “| TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain, j provement of the fair grounds. Vancouver, C., occupation returne eT piles good inducement had been offer- ia ee : lier, iniends to apply for permissiott t : ; wid . r lense the following described lands ne ed in Prince Rupert whereby the) stephen H. Hoskins, govern- commencing at & post planted vi th 5 cea . . see si e on sewe nile about miltes dis association See into aa ah rg ment agent, has returned from altani’ and ins westerly dite t city am ye provided with ie S wes 2itia eb rance of Sewell [niet te 5 chain - that ve , . sit to coast and praime cities, south; thence 40 chats ¢ thence t at the jfree light, rent and water. e. e shore; thence following the shore line t —— } “lwo dozen of the Smithers |? ns “inore ut ess. eee i" NEW STEWART WHARF 3une folks took possession of Fads. soma HOS ‘On call ith e home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dated 246th Vetobe BS eee OF ADEQUATE SIZE | Doodson on Tuesday night, the N ee leall being a surprise on Miss ane ACT ; —— Kittie Doodson, who is to leave|yancovuvER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRIC? m Landed | 3RLANI ; WHITE COOKS Larger” Boats ay be | sé ne for Australia to be married. OF, COAST, RANGE™ U5 | There Than at the Wharf olly d ce was enjoyed, after} TAKE NOTICE that J. C. Clausen o! ONLY sony can ° joyed, ! eran Falls, B. C., ecenpation superintend nae i Used at Present. i a most delightful luncheon | x: of logging, intends to apply for pe: okie ee i'was served. A feature of the-| misston OD, OREO ete emma ey Coen : The new wharf at Stewart, for)». ening was the dancing of little} STuntiuarlh direitian’ tram’ the wor ik € carry I OWIFT Ss ‘ pine @ . A “¢ > in e . “ n a nortuerly direction from the rth Basis “Ha \ I { STR . . ‘ ri » eric 4 abbey one land convenience. It will be built;}day. She was accompanied by SHS, RATER: OF. THE: AAEAIB EA Miss Helen Losanitch, ‘emo a rived a cia sea Bele try t | . regan: f if» mitilon des bia. i jabout half a mile west of the|Mrs. Mitchell, who will visit| | THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 0} eee Ss, = Se ee sresent wharf and landings may South Bulkley for a short time. 1UNY RADOVICH, deceased, intestate} _ ak a a , | as d VAKE NOTICE that by an order of His TIMBER SALE X 1988. TIMBER SALE X 1940. ; i a specialty of Good | be effected at it by any steamers | A large and attentive audience licnour F. McB, Young, made the 8th da) Oak 0 j . . , j , 3 ne > 1 ; f Janu . 2 4 rointer ox aks or a W Cooked at any point of the tide. This | was present at the Methodist se tanuatys A.D, 1980, f or tae nae ealed tenders will be received by the| Sealed tenders will be received by the Dinne was impossible with the oldjChurch last Friday night when|\i-n deceased, and all parties having | Minister of Lands not later than noon on Minister of Lands not later than re | . t » § state “e ‘re the th avs Oo March, 1920, for iu re 4th day of March, zu, - whanf, as at some stages of the|Rey. Mr. Deans gave a descrip- Oined tk tataich seine: promeely varied i eiees of Tien x 1088, to cut 1,449,- | chase of Licence s Seek ° = tor 2073, > . , “c » > ‘a j ariences oO . afore the 5th lay of feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an) feet of Spruce anc emlock on Li ' wee | tide it could hardly accommodate I Live lecture of his experiences on one oe or betore ine 19th day of |uou feet of Fir, Cedar and, emmy oe ee | eee ert inlet, Queen, Chariorte elends- Dis- a steamer the size of the Prince |the Western Front. debted to the estate are required to pa) , Coast District. | trict 3 j i he amount of their indebtedness to me two (2 years will be allowed for re- | One (1) year will be allowed for re- John and it was also built out « . orthwith, mofal of timber, ar ther particalars of the Chief Forester ; ; . 7 e } : ) ars o p orest Further articulars 0 e , along an unsightly mud flat. | Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, JH McMULLIN, Fs aa Ser yy <5 f Spe FMset Roveater,| | FURteet Oaruniirt ice Parente: Petes me ING The new wharf will be 50 by |G. C, Walker, Phone Blue 389. tf} jyated tenis tan day of January, 192) tupert, B.C, | Rupert, B,C. i ! —<————=$ + ———_—_——————— ' it Home ooxed Meal ire unexcelled ae Gene Byrnes Says:— ‘Here’s the Music—Write Your Own Words.” , breakfast 35c and 400, fom 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Luncheon 11:30 to 2 : 50c Inner 5:30 to 7:30 50c j Apreciat een of our H J : ome. Mked Me ils n by ou Salistied ere the y . vew Management 7 "188 May Bil ings Short Orders ; Ser ime from ved at Any ‘M. to Midnight For @, or Comfort, Courtesy and Ser Vice 69 to The The SAVOY | HOTEL .T, a ae Ww * Man ae ess ANGER Phone 7 PO, Box 1704 i er } oan HE FoLLOmi no ye Be BPS =e ms ae 2 ie ge ee ¥ + 2 St oa! Cw