Ww os wah | a al sai * Page | rerr SHOE that is smart and practical, sub- stantial, well constructed and fits the foot, is§worth a good price for you get correct style, ral comfort and_long wear out of it. When you consider the service- able quality and style value of |/; OUR SHOES you know they will prove an econ- omical purchase. Come in and be fitted. Family SHOE Store Geo. Hill £. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph‘ Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- necessary when you know our easy terms, Shipment of New Rec- ords Just In Come and hear the world’s best ey Will Edmunds. Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 + ‘ ~~ ‘ TOM LEE CO. | 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall General Contractors and Labor; Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lurmber al- Ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 2698. owe o 2 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La farte. -" A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93 Reilable Service at reasonable Rates, We have Warehouse facilities, 8: E. Parker, Manager Phon® @reen 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Liens and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations. ~ First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS THE DAILY NEWS Monday, _— Sndtens ed MODERATIONIST MEETING HELD N's Wid Fesolution Pressed | Asking New Law for Protection of Per- sona' Liberty. VANCOUVER, March 6.—De- ionstrating the intention of sup- yortinge the efforts of the Moder ation League, a mass meeting last night unanimously passed a reso- lution calling on the Government to enact a law better to protect the liberty of the subject and main- tain their rights as free men and vyomen. This was done after Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper had de- clared that no government - or her body of men had any right to take away the personal liberty of the British subject or to dic- tate what he shal] eat or drink. Charles declared the men behind the Prohibition Aet had not the courage of their con- as they hadsin the United There neither nich nor could keep liquor in the but here the Government ‘Id in the hollow of its hand only the poor man who had no noney and no cellar. iia Sir rere victions, states- poor house, Fe mm me rms err { Sport Briefs x ss te es os a es ee BE Frank Goddard, the English ieavyweight, who defeated the American fighter Eddie MeGoorty in the 13th round of a bout held n the Holborn Stadium on Friday last, is a big, heavy, unimagina- Liive man. He is not a clever soxer but he can hit hard and ake almost any amount of pun- ishment. He is avery plucky fighter and in the absence of any outstanding genius among Eng- lish heavyweights, is very nearly, if not quite, the best English big man at present. In a ae with ‘LAND REGISTRY ‘ACT, (Sections 36 and 134.) Application No, 11%65-1, File 6274. TAKE NOTICE that application has been aude to register David HK. Hays, of Prince supert, B. C., as ownegp in fee under a tax Sale Deed from -the Collector of the ity of Prince Rupert, bearing date the 2ard day of October, 1919, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract 0 and and premises situate, lying and being nm the City of Prince Rupert, more par- icularily known and described as Lot liirty (80), Block forty-two (42), Sec- ion eight (8), (Map 923). You are re- quired to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date the servige of this notice (which may x effected by publication in the Daily yews, Prince Rupert), and your attention 5 called to section 36 of the “Land Regis- wy Act’ with amendmerits, and to the ‘oHlowing extract therefrom:— “and in default of a caveat or cer- tiflcate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, > and those claiming through or under them, and all per- sens claiming any interest in the land by virtue+of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and de- barred from setting up claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, aud the Registrar shall register the person entitled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes,”' AND WHEREAS application has been wade for a Certifcate of Indefeasible Tith to the above-mentioned lands, in the name f David H. Hays. AND WHEREAS on investigating the title { appears that prior to the 10th day of setober, 1908 (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the Crown Granted owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time I shall effect registration in pursuance of such application and issu : Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said lands in the name of David H, Hays inless you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your claim, ii iny, to the said lands, Gi to prevent such yroposed action on.my part. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Princ« fupert, B.C., this 7th day of November, D. 1919. Ke H, F.. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. fo Ethel Tate, Victoria, B. C, 56 IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISE COLUMBIA, 'N THE MATTER OF | THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT and — 'N THE MATTER ‘OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH BROWN, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Honour F, McB. Young made the 3rd da) f February, A.D. 1920, | was appointed ‘dministrator to the estate of Joseph Hrown, deceased, and all parties having ‘laims against the said estate are herebs required to furnish same, properly veri ‘ed, to me, on or before the 6th day of March, A.D, 1920, and all parties indebtec to the estate are required to pay the imount of their indebtedness to me forth- with, JOHN H, McMULLIN, P OMeial Administrator. ated this 6th day of February, 1920. Cadomin Coal ‘ ZURNACE &« OTEAt OORe r ‘on 08e $13.76 Ton Sacked CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP. $15.00 on Sacked Full weight. Consumers Coal Company J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block. No wait. She says she buys Pacific Milk by the case and has been using it for over a year. In her experience it is splendi for baking, in fact it is so good she will use nothing else. It is quite remarkable many people are buying Pacific Milk by the case. We are sending her the recipe she asks for. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 332 Drake St., Vancouver, B.C. FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. .cs Coghill at the National Sport- ing Club some time ago Goddard confirmed these views. Coghill is a hard fighter and in the first round he put down Goddard for the count of six. Goddard, how- ever, aust be knocked out com- pletely, for when he got up he fought harder than ever and at the end of the tornado of blows was finally successful. Coghill s continually knocked down but until the fifth round he always got up and fought on. ° ° Chairman James G. Merrick, « the Canadian Olympic Committee, has received the ofticial program ind rules. governing ice hockey al the Seventh Olympic Games to held at Antwerp. The oflicial i.tes of the games are from luesday, April 20, to Friday, April 30, the entries closing on Mirch 19. The rules. of the aes, with a few minor excep- ions, have been adopted from those Which governed the Ontario Hockey Association seven or eight years ago. The teams are allow- d seven a side and the Canadian puck and stick will be used. The surface, on which the games are to be played at Antwerp mea- suves 182 feet long and 58% feet wide- . pees i Lalonde, of the Mon- trea] Canadiens, has been forced from first place to third among he leading scorers of the National Hockey Association as a result of compilation of the averages at the commencement of the last half of the second half of the eastern senmies. Joe Malone, with nine goals, is leader, while Cully Wilson, of St. Pats., moves into cond place, by virtue of his joints, eight of which he gained mn one game. Sprague Cleghorn, of Ottawa, Jack Darragh, of Ot- tawa, and Arbor, of the Cana- jiens are tied with Lalonde for :rd place honors. . 2 « With Vancouver practically as- ‘ured of first place in the Pacific vast Hockey race, interest will now centre on the play-off for che championship of Canada be- iy. cen the winners in the National League series and the coast. Ot- tawa is the eastern champion city year and the coasters will so east. Although the games are nol played at home, interest neverr theless will be just as keen on the coast. After the hard games iiyed through. the winter and the keen rivalry between Victoria, Seattle and the champs for the Pacific coaost honors all the coast will now be backed up behind Yeuncouver in the hope and desire bring the world’s champion- ship to the Pacific coast. It is to be hoped that the players are not so unfortunate at this year’s play-off they were last year when the games had to be can- celled, ce “Newsy” Set this as *. . . President Hermann, of the Cin- ‘inmatti Reds, has made the an- icuncement that there will be no ‘hange in the regular roster of the Reds this year. This state- ment.was made by Hermann in response to a report that had been going the rounds that Man- ‘ger McGraw, of the New York Giants, had offered to trade “Pepp” Young for Eddie Rousch and Larry Kopf. Hermann is highly satisfied with last year’s victorious aggregation and is g0- ing to leave well enough, alone: The Reds are now in training at Miami under Manager Moran, FOR NEW YORK -——— LONDON, March 6.—April 3 has been tentatively fixed as the date of departure for Sir Auckland Geddes, the new British Ambas- sador to the United States, for Phones: 7 and Black 293. New York. yw he ‘ thd het * tl noms oe BE ame em WANTED. WANTED—Young derstands photo printing; also young lady with or without ex- perience to help in_ photo studio. F.W. Chandler, 318 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C. 52 \ ANTED—Boy leaving school-- Position offers unlimited scope opportunities for the fu- ture. Pleasant work and rea- sonable salary to start. Apply pox 52 Daily News. t! and WANTED — First class stenog- rapher and clerk, one with in- surance office experience pre- ferred. M. M. Stephens. tf Competent stenographer wanted for railway oflice. Apply box i4 Daily News oftice-. tf HELP WANTED at the Inlander, 830 Second Avenue, between 7th and 8th streets. ti WANTED—Small-@as boat about 21 ft. Phone Black 202 morn- ings. 58 WANTED FOR RENT —Three to five roomed house. Phone | 193. TWO MACHINISTS W ANTE D— \kerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. FOR SALE O¥FERING FOR SALE, 30 units of $500 each to purchase and operate a well developed prop- erty at Alice Arm, B. C. The property consists of two full claims, with a well defined sil- ver-lead ore.