g20, march 8 * monday Ts 1 prand Refugee the choices 0 ; peans grown in . of British | | } Quaker pat ked fresh esh, qa minute. picked fr j iy to serve 1D reat | minion Canners) B.C. Limited Head Office, vancouver, BC. 0 sit 1 most valuable of ig the most least understood. which, upon traced directly No ypsioHut Tl gli the senses giected and the fer from 1s ny sul mination, can be gefective eyesight iF removal of the cause will I fen restore the delicate and te own suiferer to robust nealtb. ire properly prescrib- n to nor- strain. pen glass tore the visi } and eliminate all eye ————— — Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist ind Ave. Prince Rupert Boston (rill WHITE COOKS ONLY but Swirt’s 3ACON ning and Strictly Fresh Eggs. 1 Breakfast, try our i Sausage and Eggs Country Style. of Good | Cooked make a specialty ra We Dinner kstime LUNG Far a Home ‘ooked Meal unexcelled ie Cooks are at Home Cooking Breakfast 350 and 40c, tom 7 a.m. to 10:30 a. m. uncheon 11:30 to 2 Pinner 5:30 to 7:30 50c ff 50c §) Phteciation of our Home- | Meals is seen by our | salistled customers ‘der the new Of Miss May ihanagement Billings. hort Orders Served at Any Méfrom 7 a.m. to Midnight * Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service £9 to l he SAVOY HOTEL F T, LOwness MANAGER THE ——$—— DAILY NEWs by Mrs. Director's clear-cut, sharp manner and she answered the encore with ‘“‘My Sisters Best Feller.’ John Fotos played God- ard's “Berceuse” with a good deal of feeling and his technic, for a boy, is indeed excellent. Schu: bert’s Serenade played as a cor- inet solo by J. Peyton, accom- !panied by the orchestra, was one |of the most beautiful selections {of the program. ROYALIST PARTY IN GERMANY IS FORMED LOCAL TALENT HOLDS ITS OWN Last Night’s Concert Shows Prince Kupert Does Not Have to Im- pert Entertainment. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IMPROVING RAPIDLY Chat plenty of real excellent musieal talent, both vocal and} instrumental, exists in this city vas fully proved by the perfonm- ‘Special via G.T.P. felegrapns.) ance put on last night by the BERLIN, March 8.—German Prince Rupert Symphony Orches-| Royalists have organized a party tra Society. The Westholme| with headsuarters at Leipzig, the Theatre was practically filled to) object being to organize and co- the dodrs with an enthusiastic) ordinate the nations monarchical audience to whom every number! pjements. offered was fully appreciated and| loudly applauded. It was indeed! a treat for the most of the listen- | ers to get away from the ordinary | (Special via u. f. P. grind of moving picture and} LONDON, March 6.—Egypt is dance music and hear something| threatened with a serious food in the way of art. The sixth! shortage. The handling of sup- concert given by this organiza’| plies has again been placed by the tion which has brought an in-/} food department in the hands of valuable and heretofore unknown! a4 board of control. form of entertainment to Prince se Rupert music lovers was as big} CROSS BREEDING a success and as fully enjoyed as} any offering yet made by them, | (Special by G. 7. P. Telegrapns.) MONTREAL, March 7.—Excel- composed as it was of entirely} local talent. ilent results have been obtained Speaking for the orchestra it- | from cross breeding buffalo and self, it is now whipped into alcommon cattle, the new breed class which would do credit to | known as “‘cattalo’’ is hardy and the most of professional bodies: | efforts will be carried still further. To Professor Harvey who has de-| voted many hours of his valuable time without reward or hope of any, great credit is due. He has; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Seaman was made an onchestra out of what,!celebrated. There were a num- a year ago, was only a handful|ber of the childnen and grand- of amateurs. The members play children: present to honor the oc- with a precision that would hard- casion, among them being Mr iy have been thought possible to'and Mrs. W. DB. Moxley of this gain. city. Mrs. Moxley is a daughter The were of Mr. and Mrs. Seaman and Mr. Sousa’s “High School Cadets| Raby, of the G- T. P. Telegraphs, March, Czibulka’s waltz inter-\is a grandson. mezzo, “Love's Dream After; the — — Ball; Air from Louis XII., Am-; RK. L. Clothier went south on aryllis Pizzicatto by Ghys, Doni-|the Princess Beatrice last night. EGYPT HUNGRY Telegraphs.) At Gedarvale last Tuesday, the golden wedding anniversary of orchestra numbers zelti’s “Sextette from Lucia di|—_— of the evening, fully lived up to, solos were executed with a sym- | Simple Home Treatment to answered the continued applause | The appearance in iast year’s epidem! f Lammermoor,’ and Handel's | =a ‘Treatment 10 Soloiste. her reputation as a vocalist. Her| clear and sweet soprano was| pathy and feeling that would be | 2 hard to excel. She sang Piccolo: | Ward Off Attacks in Early Stages. . e > shi influenza taught us that the disease with Mother Machree, which 'should be fought in its early stages. Here was equally delightful. Mrs. Jarvis McLeod, as soloist | Influenza Gases pleasing to the audience and her | mini’s “Queen of Angels’ and AS heP ine symptoms are similar to & cold in the second number on the program head and the same treatment should be she sang Ethelbert Nevin's im-|"sed, usually with effective results ‘ ‘e ” | Any physician’ will tell you that the mot tal Rosary. oe to use in such cases are Cascara, Professor Harvey came to the | phenacetine, Quinine, Salol, Caffein Citrate aid of the concert well last night|and Camphor Monobromate. The action when it was ascertained, at the{°! these Is to quickly break up the cold x land even conquer an advanced stage of last moment, that J. Stuart Pud-| Gripe. ney could not be present to re- These drugs are offered the public in ite, He delighted all with “I Love|Orip-Fix, @ preparation for use in the , ’ > ” : : home It has been on the market for ; “4 s rich| at and Flowers in hi r ‘Nten years and did wonderful work during enor. The piano solo by Miss} tne ‘nu epidemte of last year. It comes Lilllian M. Stephens, Rachman- | in capsule form, convenient to take and It relieves a cold in inoff’s beautiful “Prelude in .|#!¥ins quick action. Sh Mi ” , ll tly |* night and usually breaks up an attack sharp inor was excellently | .- grippe in 48 hours. There is nothing rendered and Miss Stephen prov-jin Grip-Fix which works Injury to the ed herself to be an excellent solo- system. Gn the contrary, It has a general ist as well as accompanist. Mrs. ase wage sale by. sil druggists Director's recitation “Caudle Has|qe: a pox two-day and have it in the Been Made a Mason” was a pleas-|house Prompt treatment of colds 1s half ing diversion placed just in the|the battle. When asking your druggist ons ’ ‘ middle of the program. It was for it be sure to get Reid's Grip-Fix as . there is no preparation “just as good” for made very pleasing in its humor colds, It sells at 35 cents per box, SS — — i i OS PO br JS cents Packages of IO =2 for 55Gnis “There never was a purer CG garette” RK. KE. Walker. of the city water: | works department returned from! the east on last night's train, where he was called by the serious iliness of his mother, who is still far from being recovered. LAND ACT Nautice of intention to Apply to Purchase Land. VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT-—DISTRICT OF COAST, HANGE UI. And situate on the west coast of Calvert sland. TAKE NOTICE that Helge Smeby, ot Prince Kupert, B.C., occupation foreman sh station, intends tu apply for per mission to purchase the following describes lands ;— commencing at a post planted 1% miles north of the N.W. corner of Lot 897 thence east 40 chains; thence north 4 haines; thence west $0 chains thence: south 40 chains, and containing acres mere or less 160 HELGE SMEBY By Mark Smaby, Agent Qist, 1920. LAND AUT fated January IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — DIS ThICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FAKE NUTICE that Thomas B. Strain, f Vancouver, B. C,, occupation returned soldier, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands:— Commencing at a post planted on the shore on Sewell Inlet about 3 miles dis tant, and in a westerly direction from th entrance of sewell Inlet; thence 5 chains south; thence 40 chains east; thence shore; thence following the shore line tl port of commencement and cuptatning 26 wres, more or less. THOMAS B. STRAIN, W. E. Green, agent hated 964th October, 1919 Fr TIMBER SALE X 1988. Sealed tenders will be received by the “inister of Lands not later than noon on the 41th days of March, 1920, for thi yurchase of Licence X 1988, to cut 1,440,- \u feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an trea situated near Lot 1087, Dean Channel, (. 3, Coast District. rwo (2) years will be allowed for re noval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B, C., or District Forester, Prince iupert, B, U. TIMBER SALE X 1940. Seslied tenders will be recetved by th Minister of Lands not later than hoon © the 4th day of March, 1920, for the pur chase of Licence X 1940, to cut 1,092.00: feet of Spruce and Hemlock on Lot 2073 Moassett Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Dis trict One (1) year will be allowed for re moval of timber. J Further particulars of the Chief Forester Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince Gene Byrnes Says:—‘It’s a Great L Rupert, B.C. ee LAND ACT N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- 0! ACT i iia oeatas : ~ i based ia ied + ond — VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTHICT |N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF mission lands west corner of Lot 897 on the west coast; 0 OF COAST, RANGE Ill. TAKE NOTICE that J. C. Clausen of yeean Falls, B. C., occupation superintend-|Honour F. McB. Young, made the 8th day nt of logging, intends to apply for per-| f¢ January, A.D. 1920, I Was appointed to lease the following described Administrator of the estate of Tony Rado- vich, “ased, and all parties having Commencing at a post planted 2% miles|claims agatnst the said estate are hereb hn a nortuerly direction from the north-| equired to furnish same, properly verine me, on or before the 15th day of February, A. D. 1920, and all parties in- to the estate are required to pay TONY RADOVICH, deceased, intestate, TAKE NOTICE that by an order of His wf Calvert Island; thence north 40 chains; hence west 40 chains; thence south 40/debted hains; thence east 40 chains to point of} he amount of their indebtedness to me mmencement and containing 160 acres,| orthwith. nore or less. J. H. McMULLIN, J. C. CLAUSEN. OMcial Administrator. Nate January 21st, 1920. Dated this 13th day of January, 1920. AMBASSADOR WIFE aND OF ITALIAN DAUGHTER Gees Se / The photo shows the Baroness Avezzana, who formerly was Miss Jacquelin Taylor, o¢ St. Louis, and her daughter, Donna Y Baron Romana Avezzana was made the Italian Ambasador to this covntry last year and came to America, bringing with him his wife and daughter. ——— ——— ——-—__— ife If You Don’t Weaken.” T's A CREAT Lire) iF YOU DONT &. WEAKEN