y 1920, vareh ‘ Py paday We have INSTALLED a Modern Dry Cleaning and OD TS Pressiag Plant To the well dressed man this will he welcome news. Our modern — methods make your clothing look like new. We remove spots and stains without injury to fabric or color. Have your clothes pressed aud cleaned regularly---look prosperous! mens Our Suit Club enables you to do this at a moderate cost. MAY WE SERVE YOU? } Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 i) ; Dry Cleaning Dept. => | uarry Hanson’s Patent || | Be Patent Office, Ottawa, January 27, 1920. put through its Jast reading and Sir—I a directed to acknowledge receipt of your }finally adopted at last night's t ‘7th inst. on the subject of Canadian patent council meeting. granted to you on the 18th May, 1915, for a | Os jm (00% ind in reply to inform you that this patent | The cily estimates for the year bjyect to the conditions of Section 44 of i920 were presented at last \ compulsory licence system) and is gov- night’s council meeting. They wi 8 of the said Act, an extract from which jtotal $287,375.48 -and include C eI herewith $68,816.18 raised by special by- a to inform you that the fee for the second six laws. The adoption moe laid or ii has not yet been paid, but it does not come due till a special meeting next ewe the 18th May, 4924. ‘The required amount is $20.00 whieh members of the School ut 4 covering letter referring to the patent by date and |Board are raised wo attend tatin he ) « se . . » Pa 9 2. ; e ab ; i Ly ures which the remittanc: ae Dy. Tal liveaes ahi det. the the honour to be provincial mining service in or : der to take a more lucrative posi- Your obedient servant, ition in Mexico, has found his Signed W. J. LYNCH, | health suffer in that country and Chief of the Patent Office. lis returning to British Columbia. nson, Esq., He will again enter the provincia! 139 Second Avenue, service under the Minister o! ce Rupert, B. CG. Mines. . a As a resull of the ‘equest of vd to the above letter, I wish to say that as the Prince Rupert Amateur Ath- \ pied with section and paragraph 38 of the letic Association for a grant.o! " U thetefore do not come under Section 44 of $500 to further the athletic train- as lam equipped and willing to install, ing of the boys and girls of the (Water Heater” to any and everybody, city, the city council last night ing to law can, and hereby do withdraw making these water heaters. others ing to negotiate for an agenty to make my P00 on. “ith anyone willing to pay the royalty of installed on the distinet understanding ~ eUarantee goes with it. __Harry Hanson The Reliable Plumber” Phone agg - 139 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©, NOTARY PUBLIC Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire tneurance Co., Limited. tondon & Lancashire Quarantee & Accident Co. Videlity-Phenix Fire insurance Co. Sop, Second Avenue an Second Street. ‘ance tould always be obtained to iwas done for one it should be done for all. All the aldermen spoke for or ‘against the report and it was | freight RE HS re ee THE DAILY News SICK LEAVE IS ALLOWED Provincial Governm-... is Apply. Officials of City on Salary Willi Get Ten Days With Pay Per Annum. After much discussion at last niglit’s council meeting a report rom the Pubtie Utilities CGom- mittee recommending that = all civic employees paid by monthly salary be allowed ten days’ sick leave without deductlon of pay per year was adopted: To this recommendation was added an amendment reserving the right af the city to call for a doctor's certificate if deeraed. necessary. voling against the report amendment were Aldermen Rochester and McLennan. Alderman Perry, chairman of the utilities committee, told how the necessity for some such legis- lation had arisen eases in dhe telephone department. Alder man Perry in his motion for adoption was seconded by Alder Kerr. ‘hose and over man be a retrograde step. It was time to meet trouble when trouble! There was no reason why such free legislation should be made with city money when the | methods would not be em-| ployed in private business. ‘The| advertising of this sickness busi-| would not be good for the If employees got sick there usually, be extenuating sickness eeaat arose, saine ness City. would, circumstances eover absence from work. If this finally adopted by a 6-2 division. FREIGHT TRAFFIC WITH GERMANY IS BEING RESUMED via 6. T. P. Telegrapns.) March 8.— Belgian, French, Swiss and German ad- ministrations which have been negotiating at Basle, have reachi- ed an agreement under which traflic between Germany and France and Germany and Belgium can be resumed. »pecial BERLIN, Li LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * The 1920 Indemnity By-law was allowed the school board $350 to this end with the provision that an instructor be employed to con- duet classes at the Agricultural Hall. The fire chief's report pr led at last night's council meeting for the month of January showed la damage from fire of 8450 in the city during that month, ‘The up- keep of the department had been $987.07. A recommendation for the purpose of 1,000 feet of new hose was embodied in the report. This has been provided for in the yearly estimates: . e . sent A general increase to employes lof the treasury department was ‘allowed by the City Council last night on the recommendation of ithe finance committee. Ten dol- th are given Brooksbank, Reith, lar increases per mon \Harry W. Bireh, A. | OF REPRESENTATION IS Alderman Rochester considered | the adoption of the report would | OVERHEAD CROSSING = | PLANNED FOR COW By ing to Railway Commission for Permission to Erect Such. Notice of application by the Minister of Public Works, Pro-| vincia] Government, to the Rail-| way Commission regarding the erection of an overhead railroad | crossing at Cow Bay was read at} last night’s council meeting. It} was explained by Alderman Dyb- | havn that the Provincial Govern- | ment had changes in view to making a more a@fessible road to the Provincial Government wharf by way of Cow Bay. The mayor drew attention to the fact that the proposed new roadway might block the entrance to Cow Bay for civie After some looking over plans and discussion the matter was left over for a week. PROPORTIONAL SYSTEM purposes. } person. PROPOSED FOR GERMANY LONDON, March 8.—The pro- gram of the German Nationa] As- sembly this week includes a new Imperial Elections Bill under which the system of proportion- ate representation will be intro- duced, the London Times’ Berlin correspondent. An interesting new feature is the proposed suffrage fom Ker- " mans abroad or in foreign lands. little garments—then take and clean and fresh, SaVSs Dainty Clot LEVER BROTHERS ATTACKED POLICE BARRACKS AT BOON LIMERICK, March armed men 8.—A attacked hun- dred the LUX Keep Baby’s Woollens Soft and Sweet | Even little garments are dear now—you must make them last, and of course you want them always soft and comfy for the important wee - The little woollens need never shrink a thread—never stiffen or grow thick—not after repeated washings if you cleanse them in the pure, creamy Lux lather. It's so simple to whip the delicate Lux flakes into a rich suds—so simple to squeeze the suds through the them out absolutely sweet Lux is on sale at-all Grocers, Departmental Stores, &c. A handy little recipe booklet entitled, “The Care of ” will be gladly sent free on request. LIMITED, TORONTO. police barracks at Doon. None injured and driving of the «police were they finally succeeded in off the attackérs. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvem*®nts. NOTICE KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Minerval jaime, situate In the Bella Coola Mining ivision of Coast District. Where located:—West side of Dean thannel, North of Cascade Intet In Range Coas. District. TAKE NOTICE that 1, HUGH ANCHIBALT 1ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEI SOMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No ,239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date ‘ NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BiG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY’ WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. ereof, to apply to the Mining Recorde: or a Certificate of Improvements for cacl f said claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above claims And further take notice that action un- ; er Section 85, must be commenced befor: [= he issuance of such Certificate of Im rovements, Dated this 15th day of January, A. D 1920. H. A. MACLEAN, — Phone 453 LAND ACT (Form No. 9.) FORM OF NOTICE VHINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. semerniataiek DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. PAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smiih, Duncan, British Columbia, occupation spinster, intends to apply for permissivt purchase the following described lancs Commencing at a post planted at the A. Swanson, President, Phone Red 391 NOW OPEN FOR BUISNESS NEW MARINE WAYS Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. Shawatlans Passage W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager South West and only South corner of | I Ex a Phone Green 153 two thousand one hundred and fifty] }$ thence; two thousand five “ ein FOR SALE Last, eet more or less xrees 06 minutes West, undred and fifty feet more or less thence; ‘orth $5 degrees 55 minutes West, four hundred feet thence; South following hish water line to point of commencement, Approximate area one hundred and fort ir acres, more or less. . LENORA MABEL by her agent, A. A. Date Sth January, 1920. Lane corner 52 feet MARINE INSURANCE Phone Blue 69 SMITH, Forsyth REAL ESTATE Westholme Theatre Block 34 Portland Canal Cassier District . s a ovince of British Columbia; South b a, egrces 06 minutes East, three thousand — PPO POPOL PLD ODO LL OA PRE PPLALCOLDE ELD POLLO LL OPE PIPL LELOLELP DA PLOEPLOCODOCOL feet thence; North 34 degrees 54 minuics veto TE THEO COLLART, Notary Public —Fine view and level lot, ith Ave. near McBride $1,050 — Half Cash, 6-12-18 Months. frontage Atlin Ave-, $400 FIRE INSURANCE P. 0. fox 66 LAND REGISTRY ACT nore or hss. of any unregistered mstrument, and 3. ae a Soi) all persons claiming any interest in LBNORA MABAL, we the land by descent whose title 1s Oe Ban ABOais, Seine: Oren ey not registered under the provisions Date sth January, 1920, of this’ Act, shall be for cver es r : es ti os topped and debarred fpom setting up NAVIGABLE W A PERS PROT E( TION ACT, any claim to or in respect of the i. S. Cc. Chapter 115. land so sold for taxes, and the Regis The Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk, trar shall register the person en titled a such tax sate 2 owner irvitish Cotumbia, hereby gives notice that ef the land so sold for taxes,” it bas under section 7 of the sald Act, SND WHEREAS. application has been}deposited with the Minister of Public Works ut Ottawa, and in the office of the made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands, tn the naine yf Stephen B, Adams, AND WHEREAS on investigating the title it appears that prior to the 9th day of October, 1918, (the date on which the sald lands were sold for overdue taxes), istrict. Registrar of the Land ~ Registry District of Prince Rupert, -Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of reversible Aerial Rope- way over the Skeena River, proposed to be built over the aid Skeena moyee at Us, ( are » registered owner thereof. iritish Columbia, the supporting towers o you HER TARE NOTICE that at the] the said Ropeway to be located on Dis- same time I shall effect registration in] trict Lots numbered 1437 and 833, Range pursuance of such application and issue @] 5, Coast District, “32 Ceptineate of Indefeasible Tithe to the satd AND TAKE NOTICE a lands in the name of Stephen B, Adams un- | piration of one month from the date of less you take and prosecute the proper the first publication of this notice, the proceedings to establish your claim, said Kleanza Company, Limited, will under any, to the said lands, or to prevent such| section 7 of the sald Act, apply to the proposed action on my part. minister of Public Works at Ms omee in the Land Registry OMMece,| the City of Ottawa, for approval of the that after the ex- ik, S. Allistone, William land F. Vickers: Misses Viereck, H Allan and St, Cyr are to get $95 lincreases. These increases are effective from February 1. free eae Phono 41. ee B. C. Undertakers. nD ' pple *huneee B. C., this 26th day of] said site and plans, and for leave to con- November, A 'D. 1919. atruct the satd Aerial Ropeway. a BO MACLEOD, Dated, a* Prince Rupert, B. C., this 81st rict Registrar of Titles day of January, A.D. 20, bar To Alfred a” Brandt, Eaa,, KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, ‘ Spokane, Wash. 4 Patmore & Fulton, Sollettors. DOLL OL LLL L LE LL OL LIL ILI E EL IIE IIE “ ores (Sections 36 and 13%. a ; _— come . LAND ACT Re Application No. 11484-1 Fileggi304 ae “ TAKE NOTICE that application been (Form No, 9 \ eet asett TC as Oem te en er }ORM GP NOTICE, fer a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector ‘ ae ie City of Prince Rupert, bearing dat ViuUNCE RUE BRT Lee pia Tak Fs he 93rd dav of Cectober, 1919, of ALI DISTRICT CASSIAR, } S ; certall pare . } vr Reaeacon ett ad meena ; th ‘ TAKE NOTICE thal Lenora Mabel Smith, | ne, and being in the city of Prines Rupe: cf Duncan, British Colulabti, nerittent ny more partic , ane sseribed ae | Splusie intends to apply for perniissions yi herr ewe ae Nps Sect mio purchase the following described lands: | FOREST RANGERS ine (4), (Map 923 , Commencing at @ post planted at a point ees y You are required to contest the clam yeu fish water une on o an ees shore | An examination for Rangers in the if the tax purchaser within 35 days from ]Jor the Poriiand Gand, ofl Av tet, im the; forest Branch of the Lands Department the date of the service of thts notice]Uary of : ae Walaa tibia, distant south | “!4 Le heid in the Court House, irince which may be effected by publication infd rovinc British Cole ees ta eet | iupert, om March rd, 1920. the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B, C.,) aud]s» tegices, OG Iiass toes and five- fhe cxamination will be partly written our attention is called to section 36 of the psand Uivee bundred ane whuteat: corner of } 22d partly oval, The questions will be “Land Registry Act’ with amendments, }tenilis feet froin the Dork iwes) eee 6 | mathly ob logging, cruising, surveying, ind te the following extract therefrom: Lot 434; thence 3 a fonts thence | {vf@st protection, ete., but will also test “and in default of 6 caveal or err iainutes East, two. ma aeene weit mate candidates: ability. to prepare reports, tiNeate of lis pendens being filed be- South § degrees 12 minu v eNarth ‘84 de- |i bysical ability and good character are fore the registration as awner of the hundred and ten feet, thenceNorth as Ge- | absolute requirements, person entitled under such tax sale, Frees, 0b ininu tes Wy oek, tee puneres ane Candidates must be British. Subjects, all persons so served with notice, binety-seven feet thence; t of com- | ‘ident tn Canada forsat least one year and those claiming through * Jlugh water tine northerly to point ¢ und uot more than 560 years of age. or under them, and all persons elaim Lchoeninat. ; te si at is 7 tras Iniuial salary $1,500.00 per annum, ing any Interest in the land by virtue Area approximately four and a helf acre Keturned suldiers, with the necessary quulliications will receive preference, \pplications to take examination will be ‘coived up to the day of examination by ihe District Forester, Prince ‘Rupert, from whom application forms may be obtained, X statements made by applicants as lo evperience, education and fitness are subject to verification by Examination soard, W. H. MACINNES, Civil Service Commissioner, Parliament Bulidings, 7-14-91 Victoria, B.C, LAND ACT, Notice of Intention to Apply to Furchase Land. nh Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- trict of Coast, Mange IIl,, and situate on the. west egast of Calvert Island, near its north end. Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean Falls, B. C., occupation logger, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands:— Commencing at a post planted one half mile north of N.W,. cor, Lot 897; thence porth 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; thence south 40 chains; thence cast 46 chains, and containing 160 acres, more or ess, MARK SMABY Dated December 29th, 1919, a . S's :