PRINCE ‘Northern and Central Bri > iT A XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenuz M. H. LARGE RUPERT tish Columbia’s Newspaper x1, NO. 6° ou Fie General Naval Needs, or For Defense ster of Naval Affairs Should be Separate from Other Seafaring Affairs; Should Spend from $5,000,000 to $25,000,000. 0000000 a Year For [BITTER WORDY Defense on the Pacific! ~— DUEL IN HOUSE in Recommendation that could be used Offensive. 'N. W. Rowell and Charles Murphy But would Protect own Interests Defensively. | Selabor Each Other to De- ’ ; | light of Spectators. (Special to The News via G, Tf. P, Telegraphs.) TAWA, March 114.—If Canada decides to co-operate in CROWDS ATTEND TO eral naval needs of the Empire, it may be convenient to} LISTEN TO SPEECHES ; ,pasis on Which to build up a fleet. The basis suggested | these conditions is a fleet unit which it is considered that! epiences has shown should comprise in the case of Canada liser, two light cruisers, six destroyers, four sub- “Commercialized Christianity,” “Foul Slanders” and Other Interesting Expressions Used by Speakers. i two flee » sweepers. og uid two fleet mine sweepers (Special via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) | forces suggested as adequate purely for the protection ports comprise three light cruisers, one flotilla | day's proceedings in the House of twelve torpedo craft, and eight submarines with oif Commons were marked by a bitter hip duel between Charles Murphy, one @: above excerpts from the report of Viscount Jellicoe on his jtimme a member of the Laurier ad. mission to Canada, which was tabled in the House of Com-| Rowell, president of the Privy by Hon, G, C. Ballantyne, minister of naval affairs, indicate Council. It began a few minutes |} eminent authority thinks of Canadian naval requirements, ‘after, the House opened in the} is o play her part in Empire affairs and also if she is to\afternoon and did not close until ; Y:ouv in the evening. ; s ‘es . . : her own shores. ‘ Crowds jammed the gatleries wh advice was requested by the Government of Canada, it yacant. The official and public | laughter on the occasion when |‘ both the antagonists were called |! to order. The trouble all harked back to truisers, destroyers and other small craft rendered during} leighteen months of the war by the United States was a’ n protecting trade by coryoy and that without this help) | the “commercial Christianity” of jed last night at the Cold Storage OTTAWA, March 11.—Yester-|jail. The case is adjourned until | figure about town who is nick- Beatty, Fifth Ave. East, was held! : ‘ ‘ A ag ic . . . | jministration, and Hon. N. W.|named “Charlié Chaplin,’ came in the Methodist Church at 2:30 up charged with earrying con- this afternoon. There was a large ereport is not a lengthy one, After mentioning subjects! 4 in the evening not a seat was|was fined $25 for being drunk and Pereaved PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 41, 1920, | ti a ac a ii eee id PRICE FIVE CENTS —— —— er —_—<— Admiral Jellicoe Makes Report ee ee ee BUSY DAY IN POLICE COURT Twenty-one Cases, Including Per- jury, Concealed Weapons, Drug Act, and By-law Offences. Aerial Transportation Scheme is Planned For Stewart Mining Section Roy C. Price, of Anyox, who was formerly in charge of a Granby flux quarry at Swamp Poiht, is now engaged in working a out an aerial project by which freighting may be done between _ This morning was a busy one ‘the beach at Stewart and various mines up Ye Salmon River. It in the police court when Magis-| |. the plan to operate hydroplanes for this : tin Mebcedie: wae: weadenmt pe e hy planes for is purpose and the claim With no less than 24 eases rang-|'* made that freighting costs may be cut in half. ing from perjury to by-law of-| Phe plan,which is backed by influential mining men, is re- fences. The revenue of the de- |ported to be well advanced. ‘Chree machines have been ordered ose was considerably in-' from the Boeing Aeroplane Co. of Seattle and Mr. Price will bring Crgased by fines imposed and | +) wi ‘ : smeplf om : ; 1e first machine up self, f Ae cnnns “eeivn-eien ae ine ip himself The many lakes which abound in Sis. Kate ho Cal & witness | the district will be used as ‘landing places. Mr.-Price arrived in a recent bawdy house case, was |/"om Vancouver yesterday and is registered at the Hotel Prince charged with perjuring himself in|Rupert. the evidence he gave in that trial. | oT ERE He claimed that he had had no| conversation with Louise Adams, | RADES UNION the accused, after he had left herj by Sergeant Adams. suggested for $1,000, but was not| fixed and the accused is still in} Bail was ‘Sympathy of Community Goes Out house on the night in question. | ? The evidence of the police contra- | dicts this. His arrest was effect- ? to Nir. and Mrs. J. R. Beatty FAVOR STRIKE in Bereavement, ee 2 } Advises Continued Efforts by Con- March 48. The funeral service for John} stitutional Means to Effect Concealed Weapons. |Rutherford Beatty, the four-year-| Nationalization of J. H- Kampser, a familiar 0ld son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Re Mines. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, March 11.—The ‘ealed weapons. He claimed that #@thering of friends of the little special Trades Union Congress in he used it to support his back, OMe’s family present dt the last session here is overwhelmingly His case was remanded until) rites and the service was sympa against a strike policy and in March 18 and he remains in jaij,/thetic and impressive. The sor- favor of continued efforts by con- Fone Toner, an old offender, "0 Of the many friends of ‘the stitutional “means to effect the family was _ fittingly nationalization of mines. obscene Manifested. lisorderly and 7" y Sincere and heartfelt using ' wilful | | ocelot eae ; . : m nie benidie RHA NAA «Of words AL] wilh the question of a Canadian navy under a number of galleries were packed. There was ors m ee oe were spoken by Rey, T- H. Nuttall FOOTB ERS ( hecdings. It mentions that the naval assistance on the/@ Constant outburst of cheers and/damage against him was with- | . charge of allowing, @ his brief address. The Prince preferred against Rupert Symphony Orchestra, of irawn. A irunkenness active member, accompanied in Louise Adams was dismissed, She Which the bereaved mother is an| HAD MEETING (Continued on Page Six.) , the hymns, “There is a Home for Britain would only have been able to. use convoys to a)how a speech was made by Murphy | ee a eer eee Little Children,” “Forever With ,2!seussed Plans for Season and extent to meet the submarine menace by abandoning | nearly wo years ago in _ LARGER BOATS MAY ithe Gerd.” and. ‘Banas. Perfect | Elected Officers—Five Teams p{ her overseas expeditions, Murphy ‘attacked what he terme ‘Peace. Mrs, Nuttall presided at| : This Year. Makes Four Suggestions. |Rowell. Murphy again attacked | ‘sgesions ranging from a $25,000,000 feet to one |Rowell for “foul slanders” on the | : 0,000 was made by Admiral Jellicoe, Although he |way in which the French religious pecilically what would be the cost of the feet orders had conducted themselves jin the war. He talked of Rowell’s | “tissue of amazing evasions” and |] compared Mr. Kowell’s smile with | phasizes the importance of air work, stating that any navy|the shining silver plate on Rie ‘Mplele Must possess a proper complement of aircraft. coffin.” if Wer the heading of “Administration,” the report states that ee | Hpossible to omit mention of the immense advantage that ETHEL CLAYTON AT it “sul from keeping the naval reserve outside the region . 'Y participation.” It comments on the administration of 'Y ®y 4 Canadian naval board more or less along the lines militia council at present in existence. or Canada as given above, he includes a table in “which shows the cost of the various vessels mentioned. Ethel Clayton, well et for the 7 : ; st oust sins oo SS rht "the navy exclusively responsible for that service and |at o> Beupr s The etre tonight « le Other seafaring -; in ‘‘Men, 7omen and Money,” ale vet seafaring affairs siould be conducted by another|'" ™s er . story of today. he Minist Miss Clayton has a number of | _ ler Of Naval Affairs would be responsible to Parlia-|followers who always see her and the May under civil authority. expected tonight. large G, T, LAND AT STEWART the organ, the voluntary at the! There was a large attendance WITHOUT NEW DOCK commencement being “He Shal!'at the tenth annual meeting of Feed His Flock,” and at the con- the Prince Rupert Football Asso- clusion, “Oh, Rest in the Lord.” gijation. Delegates. were present Many of the friends accom- from five prospective teams in the panied the remains to the grave city league; the Trail Athletics, side where Rev. Mr. Nuttall con- q. T, p,, Callies, Sons of England. ducted the bunial service. There and the Great War Veterans’ As- were a large number of floral sociation. It is expected that S: hoate-mayAAHA tributes, among them being from these five orders will participate nse it : : cand i ' Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Jack, Mr. and jn the league games which will rere pending the construction Of mys) Wm. Keith, Mr. and Mrs. commence on May 4. It was an- he new wharf. The dolphins will ctantey Panker, Miss Georgina nounced last night that all teams \uthorization has just been ssued by wire to E, P- Gingras, dominion Public Works engineer, om the eonstruction of three sets if dolphins at the south end of he old Stewart wharf so that the EMPRESS THEATRE he tied to the shore and the large yonter, Prince Rupert Symphony will have to be registered by April boats will be able to tie up to the knows to/present wharf. There should be ajlocal film fans, is to be the star/materials are assembled and the yp ang Mrs. H. A. Harvey, Mr. adopted. : Orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. 45, The new rules were discuss- As soon as the Orme, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ross, ed but nothing definite was ‘gaa ae L There will be two cups ontract let, the work will be pro- and Mrs. E. A. Woods, Mr. and to play for*in the regular asso- eeded with, @ ‘Mrs. I, Director, Mr. and Mrs. J. giation games this season, these Tee ee ee ee W: Scott, Jr., Ladies Aid of the being the Mobley Gup, for the B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41.) vfotnodist Church, Sunday School league leader, and the Gilhuly ~ ‘and Women’s Missionary Society Qup, administration proper would place the final control/films and a good attendance is Ladysmith Goal. The best. Prince 5 ine Methodist Church, Sons of; A committee was appointed las! Rupert Coal Company, Phone 18. (nada, Mr. and Mrs. FE. A. Mann, ‘night to interview the baseball Royal Naval Reserve, “so recommends the continuation of the (ye ae eee under the title of the Royal Canadian Naval “list of estimates the sum of $10,000,000 for eet ‘rade in the Pacific is given in addition, | ‘aval force included in it which can be used i PB wanes whilst Ganada would be protecting Kingdom iicitee it would fall to the lot of the tO take oti 'e assistance of the other dominions to to ' achon as would be necessary to bring Mira] Je llicoe Nay il Re sery fs. In the ely, * COnclusion, NIEUSE LEAVES ihe ‘Where he will unload supplies at ‘ boat comes in from the fishing rd Pp, Hawkinson, wit, SPOunds. This §ara, Return. * Comes Back, afternoon — oil, During the feature the following mu bait and general supplies are be- ing taken on. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY J E. V. O Ketchum, Dr. and Mrs. A. Bayne, Mr. and Mrs. W. in “EYE FOR EYE,” 7 big reels Charlie Chaplin his store and leave the boat him- : i t production “A DAY’S PLEASURE” FOR FISHING BANIES .s0lt.:cdte cami temas ceceeo. the thk eee eee eee ee ene ae Admission, 3Q0c and SSc. i inka’’ stion, ‘‘Lucia di ’’; Selection election, ‘‘Katinka’’; Selection Lucia di Lammermoor ; R . ‘‘The Chocolate Soldier’’; Intermezzo, ‘‘Berceuse’”’ from Jocelyn. “= Mr. and ‘Mrs. H. M. Daggett,'authorities to arrange for the —=>\ Skeena Lodge No. 45, Knights of sharing of the Acropolis Hill Pythias, Miss Dorothy Grimble,'grpounds. This committee will Prince Rupert Dramatic Sociely, algo co-operate with the baseball Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Chestnut, Mr.'people to urge the City Council and Mus. Frank Bowness, Mr. and to make the badly-needed repairs Mrs, M- J, McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. at the grounds. Ling, Mr. and Mrs. C. G.| phe following officers were \. H. elected for the eunrent year in 8. the Football Association :— Fisher, Mrs, Irving N. Linnell,| Honorary President, Assistant ‘Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Thompson, |superintendent Carey. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Smith, Mr.| pipst Honorary Vice-President, jand Mrs, F. G- Dawson, Mr. and|y. G, Orchard. Mrs. John Manson, Prince Rupert; Second Honorary Vice-Presi- ‘Choral Society, Prince Rupert!qent, A. T, Parkin. ‘Branch Brotherhood of Steam | President, 8. D. Macdonald. Engineers, Mr. and Mrs. M,. M.;j Vice-President, W. Reid. Stephens, Trades and Labor} goc'y.-Treas., R. H. Shockley. Council, Mr, and Mrs- R. Gammon, = $$ _____— Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keefe, and Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Gavigan. TONIGHT ONLY sical programme will be played:— PPletaly Verhauled ang .. Lhe St. Andrew's Society Pipe the Tp. Band will play during the interval of Al BRS hay and before the football match on "Vening ‘06 » Sails Saturday next between a returned, is Under 4p lishing soldiers’ team and the All-Star 1 Axe] oo “ommand of fcam of Prince Rupert. Kick-ott PD is now os the: Im. by the mayor at 3:30 p.m, Tickets Dacity , ei '* foot poat|"20: Proceeds for War Memorial. Out, Mp 1 £6,000 Pounds | lawkingon will © North Island Pally is © new boat, Nson, Is Boots, shoes and rubbers, all s0ing at fifteen per cent discount, Jabour Brothers, Ltd. 64 | ACT Ogs The Shamrock Dramatic Club, Grand Dramatic and Musical Entertainment WESTHOLME THEATRE St. Patrick’s Day, Wednesday, 17th March, 1920. Tickets on Sale at Orme’s Drug Store from March 15, Price $1.00 115 PER CENT DISCOUNT tEMPRES S : AT JABOUR BROTHERS’ THEATRE ing 0 { ETHEL CLAYTON 1 At the opening of the new ex- n ’ ‘Men, Women and Money jtension to Jabour Brothers, Ltd,,| 2 Reel Keystone Comedy, “MUD” |stone on Third Avenue, a fifteen jper cent reduction will be made British Canadian Gazette Admission 5c aud 15c to purchasers during Thursday, Friday and Saturday on their en- tire stock, including all the new arrivals in spring goods. 60 oe: be be are ¢ 43.3 ae ae > oe ee oe a z é 3