14, 1920. THE DAILY NEWS > _» March 2? a ———eee SS Oe Dh : age 8 ~e lay: a — ~ - - ul . : . i ——— TE : ————~| FINE PICTURES | | ‘ 1% e es ‘ f : Cne of Largest Crowds on Record } Attended Last Night. | , LILO ——ooeeeaeeeeeee | ; of | Two big features brought out ja great crowd to the Westholme |Theatre last night, one of the LLED M d ‘biggest crowds on record, The ‘“ ¢ We have INSTA a odern | high liner was Nazimova. The 6 , if beautiful girl who plays the part O] { S aACCO-s a e | of a Bedouin maid is instrumental e in rescuing a French naval com- 6 anin | mander, for which she is con- || demned to death by her own peo- | ple. She is left in the grave dug an | for the man shé freed with no ee a food and a small quantity of e water. This has all gone when she is captured by another wan- / Sl dering band and sold to a French circus man in Tangiers. / | In France she is recognized by N the man she helped to escape and N d thi ill is freed from practical slavery by ) a, , the well dresse man 1s Wl him and eventually becomes his N 0 ; \ bride. N . he welcome news. Our modern | The story is picturesque and| || e in itself makes a good program. h d ake our clothing look il In addition, however, there is the - . Aa methogs m y | latest big Chaplin film “A Day's | Two §1zes 15+¢and 20+ W t d | Pleasure, Those who drive or 1] TTT | ’ : : ; like new. e remove spo $ afi ride in motor; cars will particu- 2 Bi is larly appreciate this picture as 99 tains without injury to fabric or | will also those who have been to I] : 5 |} sea on a rough day. There is no 6é a Have our clothes pressed need to say it is extremely funny | color. y | and clever. . ad d | | | } One more feature of the pro- i and cleane regu ar yuee ook | gram will be of gneat interest to ! those who love the outdoors. The | prosperous. | outing pictures show angling for if salmon in New Brunswick rivers : , ‘ and there is a fine film of live Our Suit Club enables you to do moose in their haunts in the same country: number of Vancouver and Vic- . ; si toria artists here and to engage : this at a moderate cost. o aire If you want to get rid of that | local talent. Mr. Maguire, as im-} — - CONCERTS HE pressario, will give his services| Cold quickly take MAY WE SERVE YOU? | free and any profits over and; Fe ae r: above expenses will be given to PENSLAR securing more and better artists. Ch C B i The program for the opening erry ough alsam — — concert a week from Sunday has A combination of wild cherry bark, J. F. Maguire is Arranging to Have | not been definitely arranged as it wine of antimony, blood root, benzoic ° Musical Events More jis not known if a Vancouveresing- acid and pure cane sugar. It tends to 4 , R re i sy 4. If it t t give immediate relief by clearing the Da heen ii lii7 alia lall eam aun r egularly- es can be secured. v is no air passages of the obstruction. en pgene.* to get outside talent, a There is no morphine, cocaine or other hebit-forming drugs in ° Arrangements have been made|/special local feature will be se- Penslar Cherry Cough Balsam and for your protection the exact Dry Cleaning Dept. Phone 8 ron tke a i i ty: ffecti ry ea g pt. iby J. F. Maguire with the West-!cured, which, Mr- Maguire says, formula is on the label. We can recommend it as being most effective tholme Theatre management to line is e will prove uttractive For children, we recommend Penslar Children’s Cough Syrup | holm sme of Ast }mean looking like a stuffed idiot. 3 z and a covering letter sfepr r >» nate > ds ‘ 1914," will be filed in the oMce © ie . Nee eee ee ee ee ee ee nn ee ESN eaes 2 or ) I le se ferring * the ard by ee and Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, 8. a ° lik > rOR SALE—Fine view and level lot, 4th Ave. near McBride humber, and stating the purpose for which the remittance biections to the application may be THAT . se says a man likes made is | that ill t . a9 i sod ith the said Water Recorder or with PHAT MeLuke ve ‘ ant $1,050 — Half Cash, 6-12-18 Months. ade is all al will be necessary. he Comptroiier of Water Rights, ro. to get the bes of an arngumen Lane corner 52 fect frontage Atlin Ave-, $400 : fictor . rar . Da ; : at » cor Pr ve . Cf BS " Ihave the honour to” be, alll eniges Victoria. ppearance of | When he is out, for he never gets a s notice local newspaper a chance ¢ ’ STA IRE INSURANCE Your obedient servant, his notice In a loce) ON. Applicant. a chance at pome. ‘ sj MARINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANG Signed W. J. LYNCH The date of the frst publication of this Phone Blue 69 Westhoime Theatre Block P. 0. Box 66 aw »J. LYNCH, yotice is February 5, 1920. THAT you can tell a sailor by . _ 2 Pp j eT ete ee ; f . ‘ . COLE POLO OLE OLDIE LL OO LL ODS DOOD ODD BDOOLDD DDD DOI avec Chief of the Patent Ollice. LAND REGISTRY ACT the way In which he hitches Nis | queenecevooosrorowes ° por eT SOneOn, Sais Sections 36 and 134. trousers, it is* said- =— aa tad neces ily — 139 Second Avenue, anil : LAND ACT 4 Prince Rupert, B. C, Re Application. NO. 1A ri el cn THAT someone asks how you (Porm. NO, 9: C. made to register Stephen B. Adams, of tell them in the south seas where FORM OF NOTICE. } : Prince Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee Ub iii do not wear trousers. - 7 a With regar rf Sale Deed from the Collector of} bit. *RINC UPERT LAND DISTRICT. n gard to the above letter, I wish to say that as 04 a Tax Sele toes Rupert, bearing Gate ° . . PRINCE ROPE OF CASSIAR. Have Coinplies tian 4 aragra ‘ . ‘e 93rd day of October, 1919, of | THAT since harems nave been : eee | oa with section and paragraph 38 of the the id day in’ ‘that.’ certain parcel PHAT sine e hare ms have | : TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel eahith, ey 208, ‘and therefore do not come under Section 44 of or tract of land and premises asuate. a abolished in Turkey there have] or puncan, British columbia, oomapeees | da : d . the city of Prinee Rupert, ast ee aides 1 an = ‘nds to apply for permiss ‘el, and as I am equipped and willing ‘o install, A known and described as been a lot of girls out of work. Tae tke rollowing. described lands: FOREST RANGERS @ al @, 9 . P oe : (8), Sectior . ° al eas » s ' os t ad a < ca il said “Water Heater” to any and everybody, Lot 1 aret (3). Block Eight (58 w tt Commencing ats Ro Soe esarty po 5 ‘ ; setae’ fe ta therefore : Me ap vee tas , T , s ’ ejon his ate _ * Past Mastin ! “xamir I r anger rding to Jaw ean, and hereby do withdraw You are required to contest she. claim CHAT the opposition a ; of the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- | ae ane ion om mg 2 4€ privileges of other os thik ant id s ’ of the tax purchaser within 35 days ™) Canadian House of Commons Sang |dary of Lot 434, Cassiar District, in the] (urrer Sreia in the Court House, Prince I ers making these water heaters. the date of the service of this notice = ; ay ince of Briush Columbia, distant south) fino: on mareh grd, 1920 ; / am willing to negotis ; ie chieh may be effected by publication In|sajouette” as the votes against) ¢-"Gogrees, 06 minutes East, one thou- The ‘examination will be partly written alii’: ling to negotiate for an ageney to make my the Daily News, Prinee Rupert, as ss them were being counted. sand three hundred and thirty-six and ee and partiy oral. The questions will ‘be viler hewter, with anyone willing to pay the royalty of Jy) xpur attention,» cates vith ‘amendments, aa ea feats fect from the northwest commer Of ainky on, hogging, erasing, surveying GeO Laine ; y : 1 “Le legisery ; »refrom:— 4) 34; thence m™ PS —o. thanen | LOres rotection, ete., but will also that li one installed on the distinct understanding and to the following extract th or. cer- THAT if Colonel Peck was not |minutes East, two. hundred feet; anenee tandidacess ability to prepare reports. wet @ year’s guarantee goes w . “and in default of @ caveat ono F ., |South 8 degrees 12 minutes West, Clb) Davsical ability and good character are ‘ Euarantee goes with it. tificate of lis pendens being filec “ f singing, he was wanting to do it |j}undred and ten feet, thenceNorth 84 de- absolute requirements. . \ fore the reg.stration as owner of the grees, 55 minutes West, two hundred and candidat must be British Subjects ; , , y sue sale, or badly eve 6 ance; following the BNOrGeses . > person entiied under such tax sal. | pretty badly, ninety-seven feet thence; ; resident in Canada for at least one year H - ail prrsons a goeved ee Mw a4 * . . high water line northerly to point of com- and not more than 50 years of age. kh and those cla aro : " rp }mencement. 3 Sa ry ,500.00 per annum, arry anson f or under them, and all persons clan: THAT at the present rate of |M*necmen imately four and @ half acres Te alielex OO Pee eed ing any interest in the land by ‘nerease tnere Wi , .ed for] nore or less. ci ee alifications will receive preference. Th. R. : . 9 IWF any unregistered instrument, and | increase there will be no need LENORA MABEL, SMITH, qualifcations | wil. ce Ave proteretee. a. sie euadile Plumber all persons claiming any interest , |immigration to Prince Rupert. by her agent, A. A. Forsyth, received up to the day of examination by Phone 489 the land by pesos’. ret rovisions 2.8, 2 née sth Jannary, 1920. the District Forester, Prince Rupert, from not registerec ae nt oa at ins , whom application forms ma, aine PRINCE RUPERT, B a rant hee of this ‘ta ae rt z sting UD THAT the home product ought] y,yjganLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT.) aii statements, made by applicants as -C. topped and debarred from st . ‘ atter j sted. }. Chapter 115. . to experience, education and tmess are \ : ans’ claim to or in respect - to be better than the imponted i. @, C, OOae abject to verification by Examination \ land 80 sold for taxes, and me non: vac d Id he Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk.) Board. W. H. MACINNES trar shall regis . bd THAT » Gov 2 s »ld- itish C a, hereby gives notice a . H. MACINNES, G titled under such tax sale as owner ; QHAT the Government is hc British Columbia, ber ny & ap et ee cle ee anones. een —— 4 the land $0, $00 plication. has been| ing a caucus today. jeposited with the Minister m rome : - Parliament, Pulldings = Sd AND /HEREAS 4 le T p at ih) th’ ae 186 rorks Ottawa, and in the oMce 0 e | 7-14- oria, B. C. - SS made for a Certificate of Indefeasible wee THAT it is easy to guess that Works at, Ostet nd in tne ot Registry 7 to the above-mentioned lands, in the ao ents District of Prince Rupert, Prince Sees LAND ACT. Stephen Adams. 2 : i tai a ‘itish Columbia, a description of the § OF ND) WHEREAS | on investigating, the|the most important decision will Britis Cees of reversible Aerial Rope- ; lon to Apply to Purchase title 1t appears that prior to the Ott Ghe)be to hold on for another year] way over the Skeens River, proposed to be |flotice of Intention to Apply Fivery of October, 1918, (tne ar overdue taxes) tw built over the oald Skeena pore at oe mae, **Toomed house ¢ said lands were § saath 7 ‘jor v0. British Columbia, the supporuin yer , aaial Y x Aid view oe se and two lots on Overlook Street, Splen- or wONER. registered or tat ee ee . . . the said Ropeway OP locates s nanps 2 eee te , recorteiie an , ll @ ‘ 7" SUR THE , a ss . NE Te de s » Dn ‘. + . & bee “I cultivated garden— same time 1 shall effect registration |" THAT sessional indemnities to] {SC ,o"pitinet. the west coast of Calvert Island, nest its suance of such applicarn 6 var “re ime” ‘AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-Jnorth end. $1 600 00 Prrtineate of Inderessinie . y Ph. OOVOE the cost of a “re al time at acetie net one month from the date of} Take notice that Beart, Snay 7 oe One third ea > ° lands in the mame 36 Step the sroper| Ottawa do not come many timeS} tho first publication of thie Roriee, | the a oO. on ot ischase eer tae '; balance one and two years at 7 per cent. leat Saings to re uch a in a man’s life, sa why not get st of the sald it, apply m "2 ones a eee lanted one half , lands, or to > ; ; ~ ” . ; > » Wor s office in ‘ommencin DAVID H H A YS any Me action on my part. ome. all there is in it now? mainisiee 1 ie approval at the}mile north of N.W, cor, Lot 897; thence a ° DATED | at me aaa neon day of ° ° 4 said site and plans, end for eave to con- porte 00 de ee mont Se a Corner ei Real Estate Agent. aco Ab ng vig 1919. EOD THAT “the public,” did you struct the *Brince Rupert, B. ci, this sist|chains, and containing 160 acres, more oF 6 ’ , 1. F. MACLEOD, 7 ¢ ‘ : i ¢ 7 , ? 0, ess. Fine INSurance Sond Avenue and Second Street. piinet Registrar of ites. |Say? The public to dismantled | aay of Janay COMPANY LIMITED, MARK SMABY - - P.O Box 1555 - - Phone 67 To Alfred ©, Brandt, Esq., (Heligslandl Z Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors. Dated December 29th, 1019, Spokane, Wash. ee Oe ) 2. gters ; a Pye eee S. . ° ey w= aS - ry thie a St? 2 * wg —. c = ts Fp; 7 22 ve ‘2 “- et # ol“ #F. kann