ie Bi ss oR ae. i . THE DAILY NEWS rarer A SHOE that is smart and practical, sub- stantial, well constructed and fits the foot, is worth a good price for you get correct style, real comfort and jong wear out of it. When you consider the service- able quality and style value of OUR SHOES you know they will prove an econ- omical purchase. Come in and be fitted. Family SHOE Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. eevee: IN YOUR HOME has. an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph; Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- necessary when you know our easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords Just In Come and hear the world’s best der furnishings ALD. PERRY ON SCHOOLS Continued from ‘Page Three) vO sted for this By tat, it was the prevailing understanding that the sum of $150,000 would cover thé entire cost of the school establish- ment fully equipped and ready for use- was voted™on and passed by the people, and as a result of the issue I took with the School Board to the effect that I considered the Board should submit’ their ‘complete classified estimates, the jSchool Board, six months after jand as soon as exeavalion con- ‘tract had been awarded, requisi itioned an additional $14,000 for furnishings and equipment, and leven to this date no. requisition ‘has reached the Council for the extraordinary expenditures — in- volved, except for the cost of re moving ‘the pipe-line and clearing the grounds. } The policy of the School Board ;seems to be to ereet the school [building and, when this is con | pleted, make the public come through with the balance which should properly have been re quisitioned from the Council un- classified estimates, when the, building was first asked for. Some Questions. Why did the School Board not! make application for $14,000 for and equipment when | it presented its application for the school? Why was provision not me al the same time, by by-law, to ‘over extraordinary requirements is vequired by School Law? Why has the School Board per- sisted in its refusal to discuss he estimates with the Council? If the School Board intended artists. . 1 Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office i ‘ Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 ; TOM LEE CO..| 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES f Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 oe E. H. SHOCKLEY | GENERA! CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- Ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith’s hardwood.- Estimates Given REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269, LOO LALO MOOD MB POOLE PPP OO SOLO OLDE SPARPDOPLOL LDL CP OL OOP LG LD OG PC PPLOOR. Hotel Prince Rupert EURCPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. “FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte, POOL PELL LA LLL LL OID ile tee “OP ere Ter. oe of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 Pe : PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD; PHONE 93 Reliable Service at reasonable Rates. We have Warehouse facilities. 8. E. Parker, Manager Phon® Green 507 1017 Sra Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS & eclalists in Light and Heavy Cou- struction, Repairs and Alterations: First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS LAND KEGISTRY ACL, (sections 36 ald 134.) Application No, 11565-1. File’ 6274.} fAnhe NUTICE that application has been ia iu register David ti. Hay ipert, B. U., a3 owner in tec under a 444 Dale Veed irom ilie Colectyur oul it srd day of October, wie, of ALL AND INGULAN tial certain parcel or 4d aud preinises situate, lying and hae ng | u tir City Of Prince Hupert; more par liathy KuOWH and descrived as Lot iurty 3U), Block torty-two 42), Sec uu Cight (38), (Map ‘¢ You are re quired tu coulest the ciaim of the tax purchaser within 33 days from the dak | it hue service of this notice which may } * Board to expend a quarter ofa tillion dollars” directly or in- dicectls in connection with the new school building, the hoard should ask the public to support if estimates in complete form and not introduce a series ef minor money by-laws as though public were easily forgetful ‘of by-laws already voted on. [ have been asking in the coun- cil chamber that the School Board be eilected by publication in the Daily veWs, Prince Kupert), and your attentioc a} is Called ho section 36 of the “Land Regis try Act With amendmenis, and to the fullowRig extract therefrom:-— “and in default of a caveat or cer- tlicate of is pendens- being filed before tue registration as owner vl lic person entitied under such tax suie, ali persons sou served with hulice, . . . ad those ciaiming “iruvugh or under them, and aii peg- sulS Cidiminbg aby interest in the land by virtue of ahy unregistered iistrument, and all persons claim- Mug any iflerest if the land by ! descent Whose title is not registered ullder tbe provisions of this Act, sail be for ever estopped and de- Halted troith selling up cian to or lib respect Of the land so sold for , 2d ie Kegisivar siiall registei tie person entitied under such tax alk owner of the land so sold ier bist 3. AND WHEREAS application has becu made for a Certificate of lndefeasibie Title to the above-mentioned lands, in the name of David H. Hays. AND WHEREAS on investigating the title it appears that prior to the 10th day of Uelober, 1908 (the date on which the said lands Were sold for overdue taxes), you were the Crown Granted owaer thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time | shall effect registration in sursuance of such application and issue Ceruilicate of Indefeasible Tithe to the s4id lands in the wuame ft David H. Hays Uivess you lake and prosecute the proper proceeding fo eslabiish your claim, if , lo the said jands, or to prevent such i yoed achliol i M@y part. Dated al the Land Hegistry Office, Prince {‘upert, B.C., this 7th day of Ne vember, D, 1919, ; Hi. F, MACLEOD, District Kegistrar of Titles. ) Ethel Tate, - Vie toria, _B. c. 56 N PROBATE. ' ‘ IN THE SUPREME @G®URT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- f1ON ACT — and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF 8) JUSEPH BROWN, DECE TAKE NOVICE that in order of His Honour F, McB. Young made the 3rd day of February, A.D, 1920, | was appointed Administrator brown, decea Claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, yroperly veri Ned, to me, on or before the 6th day of Mareh, A.D, 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate of Joseph sed, and all parties having to the estate are required to” pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth- with JOUN H. MeMULLIN, Official Administrator. Dated _this 6th 1 _day of February, 1 1920, MINERAL AGT Certificate of _Improvem*nts, NO't rIc E XING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral laims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining ivision of Coast District, Where — located:—-West side of Dean ‘hannel, North of Caseade Inlet in Range Coas. District, TAKE NOTICE that J, HUGH ARCHIBALD IACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEI OMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. 239, ntend, sixty days from the dat ereot, to apply (to the Mining Recorder or a Certincate of Improvements for each f said claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un er Ser.’on 85, must be commenced befor: he issuance of such Certificate of Inf rovements, = soon as the building by-law ; Dated this 15th day of January, A. D Hl. A, MACLEAN, 1920, am TTT — disinfected tool Everyone likes Wed-linen, blankets, etc., to be super- clean— immaculately fresh. The best of ail soaps to use is Lifebuoy—it actually dis- infects as it cleanses LIFEBUGY HeaitH SOAP The carbelic odeur in buoy is a sign of its protective qualities--quickly vanishing after eS we Bem : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS) ! that th $150,000 "was to cover he cost of equipment as well] as the building, why does the Board) fnow requisition additional money; ! WANTED TO BUY—Second-hand typewriter, Remington or ¢ | by-laws? Why was the public not invited | ‘to inspect the competitive plans, | but only called upon to inspect) j the accepted plans after the re- jturn of the others? To answer that such matters as exchange and deductions on} ——— the sale of bonds are provided for | WAN’ ED—Rowing boat. § in the building by-law is not to my mind sufficient. It does not alter the facts that a bond issue greatly in excess of the actual! cost of the building will be neces- and the public will be called; Woman wanted for laundry work. \pply lanadian pte am Laundry sary, upon to foot the Dill. Only One Reason. ' ' Phere is only one reason that an see form the attitude of the} soard to the whole question. It} is that the School Board fears the } public may not be willing to vote | liy of Prince Kupert, bearing date the} i noney by-laws ‘to cover such | ve expenditures if asked to do} in which event the Board may | lhe called upon to consider apo other program to meet school re * quirements throughout the city. My position, briefly, is that if} Classify and complete their esti nates, and also for a joint meet- ing to discuss the proposed extra- ordinary requirements Surely Iny requests are not unreason- able May be Wrong. As an alderman Tf think I am entitled to express my opinion on these matters. \ frank discus- may prove that I am in-the wrong, i nwhich case I will be man enough to admit it. There ;should be ‘enough public repre: | /sentatives in both bodies to show | }me if lam under a false impres- | but 3 one has yet done’so. en to conviction. fhe utter silence of the School Board on this question is more “imful than a straight up-and- down scrap. For merey’s sake Ssiart something, The school is bally needed, and the School iB ! and Council should have a Cleat;-and mutual understanding On so Vital and urgent a matter. Thanking you for space, Yours respectfully, CHARLES C, PERRY, Alderman. THROWN TWICE BY USE OF HEADLOCK (Special by G.T.P Telegraphs | ROCHESTER, N. Y., March 44. —Strangler’ Lewis, heavyweight wrestler champion, threw Jack Iniwards, Pacific Coast champion, twice in an hour and thirteen minutes, using the headloék for both falls, In addition to those mentioned yesterday, the following people sent flowers for the funeral of little Jack Beattie: Mr and Mrs. OW: Nickerson, Misses Margaret and Annie Gilehrist, Miss M._K. Nason, the Eby children, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Humble, Mr and Mrs, A, Rh. Jayne, Mn, and Mrs. Wig ie i Parkin, I\\ VANTED Aes Et ee ee Oe o Fee et eters —-- os ef wertet Applications will-be received un- til March 19 for junior the office of the District Fores- ter, Prince Rupert. per month. Age at vears- One year High School. Must be experienced with type writer. Apply Distriet Forester | for information and application | forms.—W. H. MacInnes, Service & jommissione r. WNT D Bos jeaving . S Position offers unlimited scope and opportunities for ture. Pleasant work able salary to start. x 52 Daily News. s;UILDING LOAN WANTED on cle lot. Block 8, Section nting Second Avenue, ticulars apply box Ws o1iee, WANTED—To rent centrally ‘comple ti Vv containing six ind bath. Apply box News oflice. WANTED + Fi irst class rapher and clerk, one with in- surance otlice experience ‘ferred. M. M, Stephens. house Price Dal - } David > Estate Avenue | and two bois in Section 7. anee one and _Second Streit Five-roomed house near | . balance arranged, 24 Second Ave.’ Op enenial a} . LOTS FOR SALE 6-12-18 West- SALE mares 5, particulars Second Mi ¢ Ltd. a 5 reek a } cs remier, Apply P. O. Sec . Estate and hand Encyclopedia. Apply box 880, Prince Rupert mensions and price. 55 Daily News ollice, Insur- ~To purchase a second Oe eee eT $1,060! vie, H H, | ; wi i ° 2 Wace 7 es Y SALE ap | Fred § ai TTEQ Stork, Avenue | Hardware $1.050 SECOND AVEND} | F’hone Bi; ack 1}4 tf | apply f*"\ 1 Boel 1) (7) eS Na tf a ae u oe TT 2056 N/ ’ u'or-|] Talking Over ull The High Cost _MeBride and Ninth { 3s the purpose of the School TWO MACHINISTS WANTED kerberg, Thomson & FOR CALE }] have left with the Cow Bay Shop the following for { 5h. p. Palmer, $275.00. {5 h. p- Adams, $100.00, { 28-28 Hyde propellor, 32 { 26-26 Columbia propellor, $26.00, 1 18-18 propellor, $3.50. ik. & W- Ifigh tension Digenaud $30.00. { 12-foot skiff, $25.00. or apply to J. Field, 84, Prince Rupert, FOR SALE—12 h.p. heavy Atlas, with bronze shaft, peller, magneto, coil, is’ the engine I used : ” . >. “Aileen.” It is in perfect order and very little used. $1,600.00— M.M. Stephens. FOR SALE—For one week only ¢ less than half price, one 15 h. p. heavy duty Buffalo en- gine. Can be seen running any time at Cow Bay float. J. Field, or address P. 84 FOR RENT ‘UNC oH COUNTER FOR RENT. able. Apply housekeeping Se wing machines 68 B.C. Avenue rwo-R ROOME 1D HOU Sk ro nexr|} 721 Third Ay TRANSFER iALLOWAY'S Green INVESTMENTS NV I: STMIN r Ss monthly | your request will give you latest FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Duty Sterling Engine, 4 Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, fect condition. $1,500.00. M. Stephens. appoin tment. P. O., B.C, gine. Price $400.00, Kohrt, Cow Bay. hi wn & Hanson. FOR SAL b “Goose eggs for set- ting, 432 Seventh Avenue West. HOUSES FOR SALE intormation slocks and investments ' solicited * Secur- be Pz iss senger Service Particulars prices, | ae EE and standing FOR SALE -— Columbia graph and records. Worth $250 for $165. Phone Blue 4 the without | all} Quicl k Deliveries he continent. connections Montreal, | ato | SMITH MALE FOR SALE—Milk Goats, strain—some with kids st side, p oJ saruss Apply to J, Larusson, Kuropean inves| with. and Calgary. FOR SALE—12 h. p. Buffalo en-| E Ad- PLUMBING “AND H FOR SALE—Spruce float——36 66. Price $400.00 Apply Dyb-| . stock Estimates ful _MISCELLANEOUS > UNBIDDEN," the nice eastern FOR SALE FOR SALE — Apartment containing two modern roomed apartments on Borden Street with splendid view. $6,000, M. M. Stephens Keal Estate and Insurance, 3rd Avenue, $3,000 on terms. H, ¢ son, Ltd., Real Estate, anee, Bonds, Rentals; Publie- Seven-roomed house | with large lot on Atlin Avenue, | Section 2. New, $4,250 arranged. McCaffery, & Doyle, Ltd., Third Avenue. FOR bons & . oyle, Ltd, s. Poems of ere N Religion and is of balsams and pines, Leatherette $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing smith Blok, 7 Co., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B.C. FARMS FOR SALE FOR § sSALE—8&-roomed house with bath and fireplace. Section 6; | MIXES D FARMING- has still some choice well-settled irrigated lands in Sunny South- a, With loan of $2,00/ improvements to assist new . SALE—Four-roomed with bath on Fifth Avenue—-! $2,400, Terma. MeCatfery, Gib- information Canadian Pacific Railway Station, suin]f Of Living Theo. rh . . Theatre Phis is partly soled tt by using our oy ap! Her. $13, 50 lor lump delivered) those who use it. 7 al Or and Phone Black 85 “‘eason- or|} Terminal Coal Rupent, 63 ‘ oom at} tf and Third madérn Pool Room tf . tf osite The En press Hotel ~Order eee nj} CIGARS 0D kd Two per cent. Beer, L poecoenet PPPS DPC LILLE OOOO LOL PROCPP LL OL OOD OOLS > ? Hand Y > atet re JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and ge. Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 34 1 Re alins eee ree erneet punt n| yas ooorecooneecert weet | rr ENGINEERS onisheds nish Address 3ed Avenue, hea of Secont Phone 174 paeareeeeenee? [DEN ENTITY | Street. p. 0, Box # 8 a.m. to 12; pr. J. 8. BF enTiat 7 nird Avent Office ah. Phone Senn Re aren sate MINI RAL ACT ; ent Certificate of improve nuTrick& 1C al, 1 t Mi nerniy “Copper lres i he Naas live jatrict tacated Gla Where soca ' yonni take NOTICE that} Bag. by 7 te F ¢ I q100F ye (rom, the date es cee . ixty dave ning Recorder I moss @ o the Min . for thé fe ve f ing wre wn orant of Oh i ac a } tee aining ake Op comme of And fi r . er ey $5 mus t ferincal™ he issuance rovements day of neceanbets Dated thls iith 910. jet creeks 0