panes -* ayaa Pi iste oimtlith THE DAWLY NEWS Friday ~- Mareh 12, 199) nama . — eS a ——ee : — — 929, — a . ans Os ane ee pormermnermermers Y ~ = = Local News Notes = Water ass iiL_OH F. W. Graham returned from i Smithers last night. FAV ORITE — , e * a SS s 30 s7cPs COUGHS Matinee tomorrow at the West- zi SS a nes | }0 me at 3 o'clock. I OBAC<( ‘O SS e if e eke 7 ° ® ° P Our shipment has arrived. ee J. R, Morgan was @ passenger Two Sizes, <== 4||! The Man li the Moon south on the Prince Rupert last 15¢c. and 20c, Ss : i ; ight. . Ba It is of good quality. SAYS: nig Rect | SS em ts rt tt ers ~ + t Best Household Lump Coal, THAT it was anything but good|13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. taste for. Wesley Rowell and] —Terminal Coal Co. | e ¢ Charles Murphy to air their petty ; Son tf S7meie. galt S imited spites in the House of Commons-| We offer steam coal-in var load rm ee ee lots $7.00 per ton f,o.b, car— ; THAT such action on the part] Albert & McCaffery. tf ° bk ae ; i » ° / P fr »~Oliticians or newspapers ; Hosa weg , he toneer Druggists aibcie be frowned upon. R, Cruit, of the Soldiers’ Civil P.O. Box 1680 9.3 f . Re-establishment Boand, returned Phones 82 and 200 ay THAT the only thing to be said|from Anyox last night. of it is that it is amusing. Si Ro ah see Three days of fifteen per cent The Rexall Store THAT while people laugh at! discount—Thursday, Friday and #j the play they hold the actors in|Saturday—at Jabour Bros, 64 AS . > *. . * : " - _ LS contempt. oe y There will be a special musical ial NOTICE TO FISHERMEN THAT there is nothing against service in the Presbyterian high class comedy, but Billings- Church on»Sunday evening next. k E d S : | I have for sale at my residence gate is always bad form. ee Ged —__— ee nl pecia S on 4st Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines: | Sie aches path I. Director and William Gok {AUC UUUU UK. OU Two seven horse power. | ee KK A Re ee & He HH DlOOM, the fur dealers, ad we ¥ Hy One twelve horse power. | LOCAL NEWS (TEMS * Leen Falls on the Rupert last t Ladysmith ae Coal ; IS the Best One twenty horse power. night. ie ‘ oy) | ea ee a Pi tee SS x ' ee cae pan er B, O. Andrews arrived in town] gijk skirts, silk blouses, silk x Burns Longer, oeeer ang Brighter, and Gives more Heat, ve sold at a sacrifice. Fe rye ry ae i ea ik Bids a . jfrom ‘Terrace on last night's! j,gerwear, all going at fifteen b4 saad . . RORVIK. | ; ar... 8 Guaranteed Strictly is train. per cent discount at Jabour > OTHER COALS WE HANDLE Are: Fresh D Don't miss our fifteen per cent! . ait - R. M. p..| Brothers, Ltd. 64 x Steam rte oe ~ wel Wig itr eases $8.25 per ton res. 70 ozen ss a eR ae nspector Aclé 1, » RM. “ er ¥ Steam Coal, bulk, elivered ............ 10.00 « « ; : c fe ene ae Aa ao, ae returned from a trip up river last) Reginald Beaumont, superin- * Household Stove Coal, Bulk on Dock ..... 4000 a Special Price to Cafes day and Saturday. Jabour bro he /night indent ot “tie. AyUNE ROOTS . dcuecbait Biecs Mall Backed co mock cae es a ° Captain Groves, of the Pacific;stca™ship service, went south — Household Stove Coal, Bulk, Delivered .... 12.09 « « = wy ak é roves, ? al Sop «x “ou YELLOW NEWTON APPLES [Stevedoring Co., went south last|/@St night. % Household Stove Coal, Sacked, Delivered -.. 13.00 « Jtimble pack, Special “a night. Fifteen per sent. discount: on ro: SPECIAL PRICES QUOTED ON CaR Lonps. per box, 4 Ibs for 26¢ | a‘ ‘ ; everything in our store on Thurs- ———— > i Captain Donald, of the Prince Baa : ae ; x VAN CAMPS PORK & BEANS is ; sy Bet as fe day, Friday and Saturday only.—| ¥ in Tomato Sauce, Spec. 14¢ bocha tat Ga south- Jabour Brothers, Ltd. 61|¥ PRINCE RUPERT COAL Co, vO ( ° . . . EARLY JUNE PEAS gr ogi cae Bag x We-peenah erent, ta Tenders addi =a Deputy Mint | After spending the week in the = “ ie vce ae a 54 PHONE 15 | enders addressec 0 e eputy Minis * . Star i gery t Shar > the P. & G WHITE NAPTHA |ter of Marine will be received at Ottawa city, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipsett ee ok aie Pleasure,” aka. habeas d-nhsainaohlabed »':lbe!-nihobuc Lad liohal alt thelelalalelalebalalelaleletelebi: jup to noon of the 22nd of March, 1920,’ pe ne as ig , l¢ er. ashy es or ? : | ae {0 bars to arta 89c tor che? Bib eriGtibn ot ae edto ects, Re Eee seme niga - vensony holme Theatre. No advance in| Ere et rerconoooooessooreen ats : oh a | seventy-five er long, for use in the \ ; Mra. “George ,' prices, WHITE BEANS |Lighthouse Service on the Pacific Coast, | es ee at Tesi ce at hoe . ® . THEO COLLART, Notary Public Special 3 Ibs. for 25ce § / Plans and wpetitide ations may be inspected And daughter Bessie left for the Handing olane’ slanting Mandas! pe = a as ; Jat the following Government OMices:— jsouth by the Prince Rupert last’ Sneins CORE. ays wrt ra KOR SALI Fine view and level lot, 4th Ave. near McBri¢ aot ke J Vietorla os... Agent of Marine. (night, ener 29. Bb ho, AACR Rae $1,056 — Half Cash, 6-12-18 Months. Pern Oase yi .Ss5 ois $7.50 Vancouver ........ Harbor Master. : . 3 ‘ jfrom 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Wed- a Atl Ave. 8h WAGSTAFFE’S JAMS Prince Rupert dhe Agen: . Se W. H. Ferde, of Smithers, ar-|nesday and Friday. Payments ct an eg ae ee! . * ie ae i-lb. Pails). fk tee a Behe woes, 'rived in town last night and is made each night. Instructor J- R. MARINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANOE Peach, Pear, Plum, Resp- Nanatno 45321804555 Harbor Master. |registered at the Hotel Prince Slaggard. 65 Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Bor 66 » g » Gre . All tenders are to be accompanied by an) ‘ i . . mee eke bey Ap oot, pail $1.10 accepted Deposit Cheque on a_ regular Rupert. é ‘ ¥ L. Ss. McGill, the Vancouver wworesrrr i serve, pEtee eer pal Chartered Bank of Canada for an amount | ; : barrister who arrived in the north} Se ee equalling 5 per cent. of the tender price. | Anyox arrivals by the Prince hea ‘ ; Rupert Table Supply CO. The Store of Quality. Phones 211, 212 FOR SALE Three Fine Lots and Four-Roomed House $2,600.00 “McCafiery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Cadomin Coal FURNACE & STEAM COAL 12.50 ME 6:5) ss ¥ 6 3 wo 0% Ton Loose $13.75 ............. Ton Sacked CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP. 046.006. 0. on oor Ton Sacked SCREENED EQ@G COAL $13.50 Ton. NO WAIT — FULL WEIGHT. Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Smith Block. 7 and Black | 293. FOR SALE Five-roomed house and on Ninth Avenue near McBride Street Price $2,500° CASH, $1,000. Balance to arrange. Room 11 ” Phones: Jot Apply to Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue | PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT | OF OF BLOF RIOT ES EIEIO BIOS BL RTO RIT ET ESY All tenderers are to specify time of de- livery, which time will be guaranteed by} the Contractor by a demurrage clause. The lowest cr any tender not necessarily accepted. A. W. R. WILBY, 62 Agent of Marine MM. Stephens Notary Public FOR SALE Conveyancer Borden Street $6,000.00 This consists of two modern five-roomed apartments with a splendid harbor view. A first-class investment either rent or for for homes. M. M. hati Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent > si left for Apartment House : est Coa Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton PONY 1s aise ach ate $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD. Phones 564 and 116 DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.380; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings Tuesday, Wednesday and day; from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE ri- —- = | ‘Rupert last night included E, J. last Wednesday, has opened up Conway, A- Wilkinson and Wil-.4n office at Smithers. He found liam Logan. |Stewart amply provided with oo ears members of his profession. Captain Percy Miller, who re| pes tr a ‘turned from overseas last Sunday,! Building permits were yester- Prince day granted to George Sweet for jan $1,800 residence on Fraser 8t. | jand to A. Barnes for a $1,500 one | The Westholme Lunch will be! storey frame house on Eleventh | closed for a week or ten days Avenue between Dominion and | | ' Victoria the Rupert last night. on while repairs are being effected, Edward Streets. Contractor Eby ifler the recent fire tf | will put up the residence for Mr. . ' Barnes. John Whitehead and W, A. we ee | Wallace, who have been inspecting| The teams in tonight's basket- the ships at the local drydock, re- ball game between the single and| : | 7 : turned south last night. /married men will be selected an *. . s ithe following: Single Men- | Miss Roberta Sully, who {has |Corkle, Sid Hardy, Frank gh ‘been a popular member of the G. _Blythe, Eddie Smith, Harry ee I’, P, oflice staff here and who was yjs and wallace Anderson: Mar-| of the leading spirits in the’ nied Men—H,. Menzies, Eddie! formation of the Baptist Corner Mann, Clementson, Blythe, Kelly, | Club, left for Vancouver by last)Moersch and Martin. | \ight’s steamer, eke Tye-« J. H. Kampser, charged carrying concealed weapons, was one The “Dinector” Corset, factured in Prince Itupert. Blue 92, Manu- Phone tf! with REGLAR FEALERS \ Lose iT MO DIDN ") Gor IT | {remanded on his appearance in ,the police court this morning. ‘Some necessary witnesses were not present so adjournment was | made, | - * . Judge H. A. Robson, cently head of the ,of Commerce, arrived from Win- nipeg on last night’s train and will visit Prince Rupert until to- morrow when he returns eA&st. ,This is Judge Robson's first visit until re- Canadian Board Fen be 7 (pa FA ES =a a i BAe ge Se ERO UZ ES POZE Fifteen per cent. Discount for Three Days ae) rad YAMA ; PBR GeC5D) here and he is much interested in|! the place. He is accompanied on his visit by Mrs. Robson. have made a large extension in our Store premises and a large WE coming in. Sheriff's Sale Of Mining Machinery, Plant, Tools, ete., in|! the County Court of Atlin holden at Prince Rupert, Ww.M } Ne illine w Milliner Johnson and Wm, Burke, y PLAINTIFFS, N D Molybdenum Mining and Reduction Co,, cw resses Limited, DEFENDANT, “By virtue of Warrants of Execution, fssued in thie action, and to me directed, 1 have seized of the goods of the de fendant the following: All the goods and chattels of the de- fendant company at the beach and at the mine, situated on Alice Arm, B. C., con- sisting of stationary engine, flotation out- fit, crusher, rubber belting, rollers, ele- vators, shafting, pulleys, assay office com- | plete, 6,280 feet 4-inch air pipe, one tram, tram line one thile, and numerous other articles, Inventory can be seen at my office, All of which, or sufficieny to pay claim and costs, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction Tor cash on ‘Yhursday the first day of April, 1920, at eleven o'clock in the costs, forenoon at my office, Court House, Prince Rupert Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., March 11, 1920, JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff of the County of Atiin. _ extension in our Stock. New Shoes New Blouses New Skirts Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street ROLES DUD MOLE DLN DAUE re New goods for Spring are const: antly Something new awaits our customers on every hand. yNew Piece Goods To mark the occasion of the extension of our premises, W° are offering a fifteen per cent. reduction on everything in our store mM THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week only. Here is your opportunlty to take a slap at the present day high cele 2 Gipwe