are. aT | Legislative Library The Daily News. , e28 TA XI oe eee Phone 75 and 35 ": fares We Never Sleep mguRe | PRINCE RUPERT | Wt ela esas Ea AVE. ‘Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper M. H. LARGE Sg EE TUESDAY, MARCH 146, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., 1920, x1. NO. 64 =_—_—=—_or— epende Rhine Valley; special to The News via G.T. P, Telegraphs.) ON, March 16.—-Telephonic messages from the Berlin OND : of the Exchange Telegraph Co. from different ee any report the situation to be rather complicated. of ance ot word that an independent government has Dates direction of the Socialist leader Herr Phillips. pg valley and Westphalia industrial regions the he have proclaimed a counter revolution and a general on number of labor councils have been formed at Ashen Bportmund. eavy fighting continues at Frankfurt. Bavaria, Wurttemburg Baden have joined as one state and Saxony, it is reported, iso enter this bloc. RLIN, March 16.—The counter revolution in Germany red last night to have reached the end of the road. There strong probability that shortly one government will be in | and that President Ebert will come back to Berlin with inisters. JELLERY HAS | RECOVERED onds, Sapphires and Emer is Purchased With Bogus Check are Returned. ee — SIR LOUIS DAVIES — HAS BEEN SWORN IN AS ADMINISTRATOR ‘Special via G.T.P. [elegrapns.) OTTAWA, March 16.—Sir Louis Davies, chief justice of the Su- preme Court, was yesterday sworn in as of the Do minion to act during the absence of the Governor General who has : administrator & Duncan, Vic- have been noti- y Of $3,000|/cone to England. wellery sold by them atichiieiacliisibclitplionie rate sago to H. H. Muggley, PUBLICITY FROM Montreal awaiting ‘ob- tno tala THE LUMBER MILL irges of passing et Full Page Article in the Western Lumberman Describes Seal Cove Industry. Prince Rupert is getting a good deal of publicity from the Prince Rupert Lumber Company in this city. The Western Lumberman of Vancouver has a page article, illustrated, telling of the big mill at Seal Cove, describing its plant, featuring the fact that the interests are again to wife and child geley and h ying al the Empress Ho-! nade his pur He of arti- é Vume he & Duncan. d quite a number! { Mitche g some diamond, rald goods ribed as the sperity” and uuu check body sus- specially since eived a prii- that Muggley scuver and "kK. In addition to that, 1 company he icouver and some of the and Emerson operate it. The same article deals with the improvements which are being made at the mill and is in all : good advertisement for this city The picture of the mill shows also part of the cold storage plant and the cannery up the inlet. LOCAL BIRDS TAME Visitors Remark on Appearance of Ravens, Crows and Gulls in Streets. Mitchell & Dunean that! arrested in in Min-| nla had filed later against Ccnarges enced to sus Visitors to the city are much { should be. interested in the birds in and Montreal police anound Prince Rupert. They re- deal and had a mark that never before have they “ft preferred against seen ravens, crows and gulls so ‘esterday they were tame that they would alight in 1, vat Muggley had turned the main street of a city and feed f “ purchased here on the garbage and other refuse Wil be returned. picked up in back yards. lnfentionally The big black raven with its heque or un- familiar croak is seen everywhere , A insti his ac- in the winter, and the crows and bell & Duncan ; : bt, and gulls are so tame at times that Ailing tat oe inclined it is almost possible to catch P main wom \t any nate them. MOnds \ ver, as the sapphires and rald way LULLeSs George Casey and D, 8, Cameron returned by the Venture yester- |day afternoon from Victoria where the convention of the B. FISH ARRIVALS |G. Federation of Labor was at- |tended-. Mr, Gameron was chair- and a Ale ’ Vietos their man of the committee on reports and was kept very busy during the sessions. The B, CC. Federa- |tion is practically dissolved now 1 heats in its purpose being covered by the old Storags ‘ana- scope of the One Big Union. ‘0. for) B, C, Federation is now under the « RK 2 /\ - 8 000 Pounds;/0, B. U. control. ounds unds: Volunteer ~? Alli, 7,000 900 Hoy . } 6,000 poy nds, and ! 66.009 nds The in Pounds hie lhe Car “ Situation ‘lief, Catches Sol orning & Old Here This xcept Omaney. he 4, | . ‘OllLow)y Morning old ‘F tishine And be: y 'y 0000 The tax rate in the municipality Agnes|of Esquimalt this year is set at ‘maney|}47 mills. Last year it was 18 not yet} mills. The difference is in spite Shows) of the increase of half a mill for educational purposes. Ounds;: junter Revolutions Are in Progress | hroughout Germany at Government in Silesia; Communist Rising in New State Formed Around Bavaria; Berlin Looks Better. The) ALVENSLEBEN NOW LIVES IN SEATTLE Wishes to Return to British Co- lumbla to Recover Some of Money Invested. VANCOUVER, March 16.—Con- flicting reports come here from | Seattle in regard to Alvo von | Alvensleben. He is now living in Seattle with his wife and is said to be anxious to come to British | Columbia before leaving for South ; America, where he intends to live. Alvensleben, who is said to represent the en-Kaiser and a |GERMANS KNEW OF — SAILING OF CONVOY’ large number of German notables, Code Message was Picked up and war against the Allies, was large- Deciphered, Admiral Sims ; ly interested in the Jingle Pot Tells Senate. ~| coal mine on Vancouver Island, |; which was wound up and re- WASHINGTON, March 16.—j/ organized under an arrangement That the Germans knew about) with the Government. Alvensle- the sailing of the first American; ben will try to regain his inter- convoy, was stated by Admiraljests in this and other concerns, Sims yesterday to the Senate; with the hope of getting away Committee, The code was inter-| with a modicum of the six to cepted and deciphered by the naval’ seven million dollars of his own department. jand clients’ money he invested in — —- | British Columbia during the days Centra] Labor Council meets of the land boom preceding the tonight at 8 o'clock. , War: Money Spent By F rande Was in Common Cause of All Civilized Countries (Special to The News vis G.T.P. Telegrevnhs.) PARIS, March 16.—Premier Millerand today put aside the German crisis long enough to discuss relations between France and the United States and conditions of international credit. He said to a representative of the Associated Press: “France and the United must continue the close friendship which has always been maintained. No fleeting mis- understanding must be allowed to tretble their relations. ‘The sooner misconceptions are dispersed the better. “This seems an opportune time to recall to our friends, the United States, that France is not asking for charity. The greater States PRICE FIVE CENTS Companies Formed Co., Ltd., have Ordered Three Hydro Planes at Cost of $20,000 Each. ; (Special to The News via G T.P. Telegraphs.) " VICTORIA, March 16.—Certificates of incorporation have been issned to two Prince Rupert companies, the R. C, P. Co., Lid., and the Northern B. C. Aero Co., Ltd., both of which are organized for the purpose of operating hydroplanes out of Prince Rupert, Stewart, Alice Arm, Anyox and Ketchikan. Thev have been organized by, and, it is understood, will be under the man- agement of Roy C. Price of Prince Rupert and formerly of Anyox, with a number of prominent mining men of Anyox and Stewart backing him. The companies, which are closely associated, have already ordered three hydroplanes in Se- eT ee arrive at Prince Rupert under its OF own power in about a month from now. It is understood that Mr. ! Price will go to Seattle to take Rupert. ers and Friends Attended The new company is dssigned| Last Rites. especially to fly between coast | points and mines that are difli- | supply the big mines on the Sal- #24 there was a large assembly mon giver from Stewart, and will 0 pay their last respects. The bring these mines in direct touch church service was held in the with Stewart without passing presbyterian Church at 2:30, Dr. attle, to be delivered at a cost of BERT GREEN over the first machine and wili' eae ts cult of access, carrying both pas- | ae ee oe ee through American territory. It is 4. R. Grant officiating. The $20,000 each and the first should fly in it from there to Prince Large Gathering of Fellow Work- sengers and freight. They will S. Green took place this afternoon claimed that by means of planes Knights of Pythias gathered at the cost of delivering freight to the Castle Hall at 4:30 and the inines will be cut in halfand marched in a body to the church { the same time will provide a where the brother machinists «od profit to the new companies. were also gathered. The Pythian There are small lakes adjacent sisters were also in attendance at to most of the mines on the Sal- the church. part of the money France borrowed from abroad was spent in the common civilized countries, a fact which might form the basis of a claim for special consideration, but such is not our intention.” interests of all SS Charges That Board of _ Works Is Not Consulted Regarding Improvements Giving for his reasons that the engineering department of the citv hall staff failed to bring important street werk before the Board of Works but simply went ahead without the authority of that body in putting in improvements, Ald. Casey last night intimated to the City Council that he was going to resign as chairman of the Board of Works to avoid responsibility for some “fool stunts” that have been done. The matter came up when Ald, Casey protested against the four-foot crossings that are being put in the business section of the city and urged that the work be immediately stopped. He stated that the Board of Works —=— had never been consulted on the it. As a member of the Board matter. It came out that the of Works, I was told that the width of none of the street cross-| bridge at Seal Cove was closed ings put down had been approved, today on account of its unsafe by the Board of Works although condition and all traffic to the the design had been. Another/cold storage is tied up. I had case of which the board had never; never before heard that this on the re-| bridge was in bad condition and which} I am a member of the Board of Works.” been consulted was decking of Fourth Avenue Alderman Casey considered work that should not have “I did not know the bridge was done. jout of order, either,” said Ald, “This seems a strange proceed- | Casey, “though I have mentioned ing,” stated Alderman Perry. “It; that it wasn’t in the best condi- to call a halt and find| tion many times but no attention where the nesponsibility lies. | was paid to me, It was decided However, I think it would show|to sink piles there but this was weakness to resign. May | ask | disregarded. I am sure I do not if his committee has | know who is responsible, there was been is time Ald, Casey a conferences with the city engi-,seems to be no one, neer ?"’ ‘ With Alderman Dybhavn en- “Yes,” replied Alderman Casey, | deavoring to conciliate between “but usually on matters of minor | the engineering department and importance. The heavy work does | Ald. Casey without the latter's not come before us.” resignation, the discussion closed. | “The Board of Works is an ee Se ae unpopular body,” said Ald. Kerr, Pianos cormeetly tuned, $6.00, “and nobody wants to belong to G, C, Walker. Phone Blue 389, tf == —* St. Patrick's Day Wednesday, March 17 8.15 p.m. Westholme :: [Theatre a ewe Musical Entertainment concluding with a One Act Farce entitled ‘‘THAT RASCAL PAT” by the Shamrock Dramatic Club. Excellent Musical Frogramme to be rendered. Tickets on Sale at Orme’s Drug Store. Admission, $1.00 mon River and also near pros-. “Phe servicéwas impressive and pects in the interior, and these {ouching and the words delivered will be utilized as landing places py Dr. Grant in his brief address by the hydroplanes. ‘were fraught with sympathy for wie The Aviators. ‘the bereaved family and sorrow- Eddie Hubbard will fly the first ing friends. Professor Harvey plane, it is expected, and it will and Miss Lillian Stephen played be turned over to Lieut. Ernest feelingly Grieg’s “Ase’s Death” Hall, one of the B. C. boys who as an opening voluntary and was overseas and who has done Chopin's “Funeral March” as a considerable flying since he re- closing number. The hymns were turned. “Nearer My God to Thee,” and Lieut. Hall is a native son who “Lead, Kindly Light.” born at Cumberland, Van-| After the church service the couver Island. When the war Knights of Pythias and many broke out he was working in the other friends of the deceased Merchants’ Bank here, but when proceeded to the graveside where it became known that there was the burial rites were conducted need for, airmen Ernie was one under the ceremony of the lodge. of the first to join. He saw a [he pallbearers were R- H. Chest- good deal of service overseas af- nut, Charles Stewart, W. E. Wake- ter training in Texas along with fjejq, George Rudderham, 8. V. : number of other Canadian and/ (ox and G. F. Gray. American aviators. On his re- Floral tributes ‘were received turn from overseas he rejoined! rtpom Old Friends in the Grand his bank at Vancouver, but he got ppunk Pacific Shops, Fellow Shop married, contrary to the rules of| Workers, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mur- the concern, and had to re-|pay One Big Union, Mr, and Mrs. linquish his post. Now he is to gam L, Massey, Skeena Lodge No. ly in northern British Columbia | 45, Knights of Pythias, Mr. and with Prince Rupert as head-| rs, Bailey, Lodge No. 207 Inter- quarters, : ‘national Association of Machin- The second and third ‘planes ists, Prince Rupert Temple No. will probably not be ready for 24,"Pythian Sisters, Walter Mc- shipment until June. |Leod, Prince Rupert Football As: ea ae eee |sociation and the Prince Rupert BUILDING COSTS i Athletic Association. NATIONAL SYSTEM WILL HELP C.P.R. TORONTO, March 16.—-Presi- that the cost of building is high.'dent Beatty in addressing the Those who are wishing to take | officials of the company at the advantage of the Dominion Hous-|C. P- R. banquet here said that ing loans are finding. in other|the success of the Canadian Na- places than this that they cannot| tional system would help the get mych for their money. At}Canadian Pacific. Esquimalt a few days ago the municipal council called for ten- ders for a simple bungalow for E. M. Root, a returned man, which | was Soidiers Find it Difficult to Get Houses Erected Under Loan Act. It is not only in Prince Rupert 8B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. they expected to get for $3,000, | Tonight On opening the tenders it was found that the lowest was for WESTHOLME THEATRE $4,355, while the only other ten. | der for the same house was for} $4,700. As the maximum they can lend under the Act is $3,800, if was! found impossible to have the house built. WALLACEREID IN “You're Fired” Mack Sennett Comedy Canadian Pictorial The entertainment that you can't afford miss. Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince Fupert Coal Company, Phone 15. To Operate Planes The R.C.P. Co., Ltd., and Northern Aero i Py uw @ hb Be a