, the J J.T !'O} ext Va stea pen and f ihe represen! up wou | h treme i the p dv wt rk to the Ihe winte! - “we will wn right through | Taylor, pr Larger This Sea May lor trip ¢ aviv PRINCE ‘Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newsp Legislative Libra? wo) r Dey i ly Nein RUPERT i ay ’ AD : tte? ow bt “ITA XI Phone 74 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE ily Varden Road ‘ear by May First: head of the ' e Rupert iC inspec 1 W olf Mit e on the st ommence very soon. ons developments generally as some sources to believe which in an operatil e advantage pl the { one has been, ke of the inthux district to operties and » Jabor situa- is as mild as ’ said Mr. ep the rail- this season’s Head of Production than Ever son at Alice Arm. ‘tion to the Alice Arm district and —. Mining Co., Looks laylor Mining Co., and his party to Vancouver last night after a ves. Mr, Taylor, interviewed by a stated that the work of He does not expect to eamer, , but the coming season will see will prove the country and put ig basis. The Taylor Company | a quantity of 56-lb. rails which! are to be put in from the whart to the depot in place of the pres- | ent 35-lh. ones. The work at’ Alice Arm will be under the same | personal management this year Major C, B. North will be in charge at the mine, E. G. Taylor on the PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920. COOKS PREPARING FOOD FOR THE POOR AT CALCUTTA, INDIA aper — PRICE FIVE CENTS ihe picture shows bow the poor of Calcutta were fed during the peace celebrations in that city. The food is seeu in course of preparation in great pots, watched over by the cooks, while the whole is guperintended by meaibers of the committee in charge of the business of feeding the poor ~ PRESCRIPTIONS IN ONE MONTH | That is Restriction on Under the New Prohibi- tion Bill. The following are the principal provisions of the new Prohibition Bill introduced into the legisla- ture by J. W. deB. Farris, attor- cy reneral: Physicians restricted to eight ounces in issuing prescriptions, for out-of-town patients or in cases of particular neces- except sity when statutory declaration must be made. ' Physicians must issue not tere than one prescription: to any one person in any one day and will not be allowed more than 100 prescription blanks per month. All prescriptions must be filled within forty-eight hours of date of issue. | Flavoring extracts containing alcoho] must be sold in bottles jrailroad, Thos. Delrymple will be r ‘ os = ence clearing | '0#dmaster and J. Matteer will be GASOLINE PRICES 1 i] commen t 4 ma ye r construction superintendent. woad about April 15 and ’ F id re a Me is again | Officials on Trip. ARE NOW GOING UP coc u : {. During the Accompanying Mr- Taylor on iabateian dean 2 ; his trip was E. H. Nutter, of the “Gasoline Cocktaij’’ is a Mixture e have been able to keep 7 ; ; ; cation open Mineral Separation Co., New York; of Gasoline and Kerosene 9 people at the| Mr. Mayers, his chief assistant; Which Takes Place of t oe , or Karri Davis Soi Africeé : ve at no time been cut off. | 00. oa aoe i ? em Afi oe Distillate. ' |W p looking into The Wolf a odie? | possibilities of the district, and VANCOUVER. Mareh 19-—So far wor o | a ). M. Rolston, a director of the | Me aioaat eh ee fhe rail Taylor Mising Go. and manager ** the Imperial Oii Company’s \ M Already |, ij I oka! ? 41 CG , 7 oflicials are aware there is no in- ced on this! Ses ~_— Pee aN- «urease in the price of gasoline, iilding bas start-| . . though an increase was put into going to put in two} ieee EGE effect at Seattle on Wednesday. mpressors. One} rhe price here still memains 40c¢ ind the other is ° at pumping stations or 38c in June 4 we | bulk. The gasoline cocktail that way I. and the a t . Fifty men are r first dies of SA Y be 4 new 1,000 Ton } lation was ; MM Wednes nN of SI Aly is wel rs. One of B Will be e other i Bs 1S NOW and they w ‘y} hing of the y T the Ste f 10 e charge o Bainst \W ill bd by gy ipen Aken ut ve 25 men engaged in ac-} velopment at the Wolf. omotives lot } Del W sR 1.00 the new a 45-ton engine s0-ton, of be taken in las 20 one- loco- Good made on at the be ready for con- e large con- Varden at the at the Dolly eady. tons of ore erminal for ne ers f are dolly one as so is the railway m. We expect aUY as soo to ship 200 the loco plant is concocting froin gasoline and kerosene for sumption by distillate engines, sells at 28c. HAS RESIGNED Barney Gives up Job at Head of Pilotage Board of British C Local Prices. lumbia. Gasoline (s selling locally at sa Ry 60c per gallon by the case and CTORL g ° » . . , om ' sr ee agen cig hat 414%c in bulk. The “gasoline ‘Barney” Jolinson, D. 8. O., has ed d hi antiia eS cocktail is not yet sold here al- ‘esigne s 8 . 8 Ff 3 - . ° ous en post he = though it is reported many of tendent ‘of Pilotage for British Solumbia. His resignation ws due to reach Ottawa yesterday. Capt. Johnson was appointed t) his present post when the pilot age of the British Columbia coast came under the federal operation at the beginning of the year. He was made a pilot on his neturn from overseas, where he had done submarine work that merit- the gasoline fishing boats use the mixture, making it up themselves. Authorities say that it almost identical with the distillate. SILVER CREEK UNDER RACEY is ius the season ed him the Distinguished Service oO 7 Citizens if Vaving for Charged with p Magistrate ga ably Nervous, t yy lam > ACCHse. Ss pr sed h ODable tha Although as liary | 15 ) the entire now em- laylor work at Alice by June 1 we will have Ing besides those ae- gaged at the extension allroad Lo the Wolf Mine, e Teco arrived at Alice Arm 18 year at the oyt, veek, She had 60 Of Supplies including SSrernrigeesnenenmeeennieinnins WEARING OF THE GREEN IN NORTHERN CAMP BANnCe under the auspices of wart Citizens’ given in the town day night in cele- Patriek 8 Crowd attended as Day. A this Was some time be- Owners of the eginning 4 i, The ne building enhovate and Associa- new 5 & town hall, KEIR Dismissep erjury Let id Prob- TIUry prefer- Keip Was dis- lin jy ae : = ‘ate oa "OE police Court this 1e mag Magistrate Suid he ad been lying the had been this could 4 excuse, Order.° With the trouble between the pilots and the Government over wages and other matters and the protest against the new rate scale announced, Capt. Johnson’s posi- Stewart Company are Starting Active Developments at Once——Supplies Are in. tion was not a happy one, and The Silver Greek Mines, Ltd., of matters are not yet straightened Stewart, announce the appoint ment of P. W. Racey, M. E., as en- Capt. Johnson has proved a gineer in charge of the develop- popular official and pilots have ment operations at the Silver nothing but praise for the man (reek properties in the Salmon and his work. River section. It is the intention of the com- pany to vigorously piss develop ment with an initia] crew of ten men, gradually increaging until a full force is employed. Orders for the requisite equip- ment and supplies have already been placed to insure the com- mencement of the work directly ONE OF RICHEST GOLD "MINES IN THE WORLD WINNIPEG, Mar. 19.-—Seventy mining experts and workers will be at work on the Flin Flon gold a ig yl vag see: weather conditions make it feas- 000 already spent in development ible. work it is intended to expend half | -——— a million dollars this year on (7° sinking, drifting and crosscutting. J. E. Hammell, principal owner, Says that it wili preye one of the richest gold mines in the world. | The wedding takes place af Vancouver today of Miss Edna) Crehan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.) cA s M. J. Grehan, to John Robert uction 'Bowler, of New Durham, UII-| , |bridge, England. Miss Crehan' Based entirely on facts: | will be remembered by many per- British jsons in this city when she visited | | the city with her father who was | |second in-command of the Irish | | Fusiliers on garrison duty here im 1944, Complying with ruling Prices, Evenings D. A. McDonald arrived Anyox last night. from ss WESTHOLME THEATRE. Tonight and Tornorrow M ‘The Super Sensational Screen Production of Ravished Armenia, ‘ vouched for by Viscount Bryce, Ambassador, of National Censorship Board no person under 16 years of age admitted. 55c. Matinee 35c EMPRESS THEATRE, TON i BARBARA CAST comedy JUNIOR LEAGUE SERIES FINISH in Well Contested Games Last Right the Cubs and Maple Leafs Win. L. J. MARREN THANKED BY LEAGUE PLAYERS The Junior Le basketball cames held in the rink last night proved .both well contested and CX He rrthy piave do FP ife* ares the last of the Junior seague series in which the Colts have proven their superiority the through and have won the most honors. Last night's game between the Cubs and the ivers Was particularly inter: In an encounter that was agfue marked WwW hole season esting. anybody’s game all the way through the Cubs were suecess- ful by a 6-5 score. The players were Harry Berryman, Cedric Duncan Albert Palmer, Jack Humble and Frank Morrison for the Cubs and Elmer Smith, Adolf Theodore Halverson, W.- for Francis, Lamble and Jack Berryman Beavers. ° In the girls’ games the Maple Leafs won from the Bluebirds by a 1-0 score. The players were: Mayle Leafs—Thelma Dingwall, Margaret Graham, Myra Harvey, Marjorie Carter, and Clara Me Lennan. Bluebirds—Lilian War- rior, Lita Corrall, Eileen Stephens, Zorea Sutilovich and Sundae Cal- derone. Charles Blythe refereed the games to the satisfaction of all At the conclusion of the games Miss Mills thanked L. J. Marren behalf of the Junior League players for his generosity in pro- viding the skating rink form the games and thus making the win- ier’s program possible. To Miss Mills, herself, much credit is due for the time and interest she has given to the youngsters in train- ing and managing the teams: BIRTH. daughter was born to Mr.) and Mrs. Sid. Hamblin, of Fifth Avenue East, at the General Hos- | pital this morning. = atinee and Night of Souls’ Tonight and Tomorrow ‘WHAT LOVE FORGIVES’ Ford Monthly containing not more than four ounces. BOWSER’S LETTER T0 | Details of alcoholic contents LATE SiR RICHARD must be placed upon all bottles of “near beer.” ‘Attorney-General Scores Leader Authority given municipalities and cities to regulate places of igure te Fig, ‘where soft drinks and “near beer” : jare sold. | The attorney-general was con- | Dentists may obtain one re- puted guart of liquor daily for use in their practice, instead of one imperial pint as formerly. QUANTITY OF FISH SOLD HERE TODAY ‘cluding his speech in the Legis- lature in a heated manner and was roundly denouncing the op-- sition leader for what, he al- leged, were the unjustified in- sinuatfons of the possibilities of | irregularities under the new bill.} aampeiorned to. the overseds sul-| ‘o@ Vote, intimating there had @ooth Fisheries Buy up a Carload been a plan to steal it, and, he to Ship at Once- declared, when the opposition ees The following boats were in for this morning's fish sale:—Cape Spencer, 11,000 Ibs., sold to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. at 10.5c and 6c; Signal, 24,000 leader spoke of the possibilities of irregularities under the new system of absentee voting thnough the sealed envelopes containing such ballots being tampered with, he must have in mind previous ]bs., sold to the Pacific Sea Pro- ifregularities by the late govern- ducts at 10.5¢ and 6c; Molly May, ment. 3,000 Ibs., sold to the Canadian’ “IT have here before me a copy Fish & Cold Storage Co. at 11.1c of a cable sent by my friend to'and 7.8¢;'Giifen, 4,000 lbs., sold the late Sir Richard McBride, to the Royal Fisheries at 114.4¢ and 7c. The Presho was in with 14,000 lbs. but up to 2 o’ciock had not sold. The one express refrigerator car in the yards will be used by the Booth Fisheries with the catches of the following boats which were bought at 14.8c and 7.38c: Pain of Jacks, 7,000 lbs.; Hippo, 414,000 Ibs.; Rennell, 6,- agent-general at London.” Hon. Mr. Farris said, and he continued to quote: “The soldiers’ vote may give {Plo 15 IT want 180.” Thére was hearty government ap- ws seats. plause- “T will read on,” he continued. “Slump is general everywhere, prohibition carried by over 7,000.” “Tulk needed .7,000 and my 000 lbs., and Nornen, 5,000 lbs. friend opposite says he wanted —$—$—$ $ ————__—__—_ — 180. It is any wonder he could MONEY IN ITALY speak as he did of election crook- edness? Is it any wonder he spoke} of the possibility of a close elec- tion and of its being possible | to tamper with these sealed en- | Coal $40 a Ton and No Sugar to \elopes coming down from the| Be Bought- upper country. The tragedy of | my friend’s position is that there is nothing he can talk about but we can show how he has been guilty of those very things he eX this government to do,” Farris, coneluding his IS WORTH LITTLE “Plenty of money but it’s worth nothing when you've got it,” says \A, Gamba who has just returned to his home at Courtenay after a five months’ visit to see his par- ents near Turin, Italy. | He had not had any sugar at jal in Italy for two months before jhe left. It was 9 lires for two {pounds when you could get it— CELEBRATED ON ‘and that was very seldom. In jnormal times a lire was worth ST PATRICK’S DAY 20 cents; today in Italy the Cana- ° idian dollar was worth 18.90 lires eee ‘and the people were glad to get The citizens of Alice Arm cele-' the Canadian money at that price. brated the anniversary of St.!¢55) was almost as precious as | Patrick fittingly Wednesday night diamonds, 750 lires for a ton or ,when a successful dance given in the hotel. Practically yajue in Canadian money pretty the whole town was out and @ nearly forty dollars a ton. Bread jolly time was enjoyed by them | was very dear and very hard to all. It was well on to 2 o'clock get. before the party dispersed. Among | the honored guests were CG. M. Rolston, manager of the Imperial Oil Cos at Vancouver, and Col. | STEWART, B. C. March 19.— Karri Davis, of South Africa. H.\]awley and Smith have opened up D. Browning, accountant of the (he Northern Grill in the King Taylor Mining Co. there, was one jdward Hotel at Stewart. William ‘of the most energetic of the com-/pDunn, formerly pnoprietor of the mitteemen, ‘King George Cafe at Victoria, is Sarena eer opening uy» a 15-room hotel in the Pianos correctly tuned, $6.00,/pajdwin Block. G. ©, Walker, Phone Blue 389. tf PRC AR ly ' pects said Mr. speech. STEWART ACCOMMODATION —_—_— Ladysmith Goal. The best. Prince 8B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Rupert Con! Company, Phono 16. ONLY HUNDRED - was translating the lire at its present * <, ~ i aa. 4" =, 4 a. ” - » x & ca ae % : a + Pew i‘ £ ee ie e