“ail —_—_< - ~ ee : — _- Water Glass re rk Phones 82 and 200 Our shipment has arrived. It is of good quality. Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists P.O. Box 1680 The Rexall Store THE DANLY NEWS ae bi Friday, Mare) Locai News Notes Om tt ee James Yarelii returned from Alice Anm last night. Mrs. Grant Mahood, of Stewart, : visiting in the city. H. S. Wallace was a passenger southbound last night. T. J- Marks, of Hyder, is regis- tered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. * . . A. Nelson, the pioneer barber, returned to the city on the Prin- cess Mary. today. * . . | J. N. Soskins was one oi the Stewart arrivals on the Prince John this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Smith Ieft for Port Clements on the Prince Join this morning: * . . 4 RK. O. Jennings was a passenger = \for Port Clements on the Prince Rupert Table Supply C0. PHONES 211, 212. Our Special Weekly Grocery Bulletin EGGS Every Egg Guaranteed Strictly Fresh 60c Dozen Special Price by the Case Prunes 70-80s, special prive Pt Lp 2 ibs. for 45c. 25-ib. WIM oo cecad a 4, 300s $5.25. Coffee, fresh ground, Special Grice... 32 3 Ibs: for $1.35. Corn. The famous De] Monte Brand, usual price 30c— Special price ........% 25c. furnips .... 8 Ips. for 25ce. Carrots .... & Ibs. for 25ce. Sunkist Navel Oranges, extra targe. Special price 90c doz. Libby’s Spinach 2%-lb. tins, regular 30c; Special ... 26e White Beans 3 Ibs. for 25c Lipton’s “‘A’’ Blend Teas in %4-lb. packages. Special 35c. Clark's Tomato Ketchup— Special, per bottle, .... 21¢ Quaker Tomatoes, 2’s, Spec Ty er ss uso kk ae. 5 17¢ Quaker Tomatoes 2%’s— BORCIR 050d 3 8 doae 210 Mexican Beans 4 Ibs for 25c¢ M.M. Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer FOR SALE Aparimen! House Borden Street $6,000.00} This consists of two modern five-roomed apartments with a splendid harbor view. A first-class investment either for rent or for homes. M. M. ais jae Oveeea naw vee © KT | | Princess Mary today after a months’ visit to Scotland. e+ tmeseaaesaerteeevreaestests @ * TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY PILING WANTED WANTED—A quantity of cedar|]ots $7.00 per ton f.0.b. car piling. Apply Prince Rupert} Albert & McCaffery. tf Lumber Co. office at Seal Cove. Phone 361. ply 222 5th Ave- West. James Dick, one of Prince Ru- pert's old timers, returned on the Six! $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. “* i Spring Millinery Opening SATURDAY Rea! Estate Insurance Financial Agent Cre we New Spring Models in Tailored Suits and Dr. sses, which show originality and perfection of workmanship Mrs. SE rizzell John this morning. Best Household [ump Coal, |} —Terminal Coal Co, } * . . restaurant man, is spending a} few days in the city.” * * . We offer steam coal in var load! j | eit . 0 ee eros | 4 i Gus Anderson, the Alice Arm, * . . 0 Mrs. George Matheson arrived | — jin the city from Alice Arm on the! LOST—Girl’s patent leather slip- | Prince Rupert last night- per between Convent and the rin 7 ater ee Catholic Schoo]. Finder please The Westholme Lunch will be return to Convent. Reward. 68]{ ©’ ‘sed for a week or ten days | While TEPairs are being effected FOU R- ROOME D HOU Sk for rent fler the recent fire. tf | with furnishings for sale. Ap- Mes ao enee. 69 Joe Rogers and Pat Phillipson, | fur dealers, returned from a trip} aa/to Anyox and Alice Arm by the) i|steamer last evening. | R, W. Martin. the Seattle min- ing man, arrived frome Stewart this morning and is registered at! ithe Hotel Prince Rupert. * * 1 4. L. Brownlee, port engineer | of the Grand Trunk Pacific steam- | ships, rmeturned to Vancouver by the Prince Rupert last night . . . After spending a few days visit-} ing with his brother in the city) Sidney Wermig returned to Win- nipeg via Vancouver on last night's steamer. | * *. , Dancing class at St. Andrew's Hall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9 p. m. Pay-! ments made each night. Instruct-} ne ewer ren | FOR SALE Five-roomed house and lot on Ninth Avenue near McBride Street Price $2,500 CASH, $1,000. Balance (o arrange. Apply to Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue Meeeoor nos 9) “Or e + Sno ee tne Another Big aa eee CAME IN THIS WEEK in the newest Models for Spring Wear. We invite the Ladies to inspect our en- larged store and view our display of Spring Millinery Jabour Bros. LTD. Cor, Third Ave. and Sixth St. rv J. R. Slaggard. tf | BCS A deal form the bonding and de- | edenblont of the Moose Group at} Alice Arm having fallen through, the owner, Don Cameron, is start- 2 ing the development himself Joe Scott, Sr., of the Kaien Is- land Hardware, returned this norning from Stewart. He says | hat they are expecting prpees fifteen to twenty thousand people, there this year. | E. C. Pickett, the Alice sal noining man, returned from the] south on the Princess Mary at | 100n today. Mr. Pickett has pena} pending the winter on his vine-| yard in California. | Impossibility to get lumber is | | was ae : i a | hinder;ng building operations at} nT IG Ht il} tii} HTH DLL bell ballad wee) If you wish to rise above the commonplace in dress, buy quality clothes like 20th Cen- tury Brand. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY Alice Arm to a certain extent.| 7 RA J.B, Robertson is planning a new | BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. hotel there but the commence- T cS ment is being held up on this ae- ve Cloth a aw for Sen count. In the meantime he is PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. renovating his present cigar store PTT Th iii i iin TT and has put in a short order OUT et ee eee counter, Sa OEE ad BS OE ee ee Aes eT ee In the practice football game eee it soveconcessenrti hetween the G. W. V. A. and the OOTIO® 2 os a ITICT G% T. P. tomorrow afternoon the : ' rts) { DI NTIS rR Ow are of |§ oP} Ah Wt ah railway players will be selected Se ieeeck s enue aaeeo : a ! at i be ae bl Teeth me Kiddie Smith, Albert Craggs, I rovinee, it is strongly urged that] 4 U id ; Don't neglect oe th . A, Roberts, Stanley Smith, J-lall those be vaccinated who have nites: ; One dec jor! oo Brice, J. Jackson, Ed. Hardinge,|,.o1 been. previously su full | lowers your effet H. Hamilton, W. Waldorf, H. M.|’” a ine en } | Foote, V. Alexander, “Millwater ea ae. ial Board of Healt! | Three Fi ne Lots ; Dix. BA shard 12; land Bricas. t OF ) e ih Morning QO to requires all children attending Office on 1,30 to 5.80; Sa _ . wm |PuUblic schook to be vaccinated o1 al ud Four- Roomed ny B vente show a certificate of vaccinatior gens a J. P. CADE, House " opnpanet 67 Medieal Health Ollicer. — | DENTAL NURSE IN AN ong ~~ $2 600 00 PHONE 109 FoR APPOIN | NOTICE TO FISHERMEN | , r Lenrernrnrerererrn, le Terms | Alberta Screened IT have for sale at ny residence | eed GUARANTEED LUMP on 4st Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines: | For Kitchen Stove. Two seven horse power. (" . at 110 0 Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton One twelve horse power. Cla ery, I ons a ( I Sacked ... $7.75 per '% ton One twenty horse power. | FURNACE & ereAm OOM at ( @uik ne $12.50 per ton All the above are new and will| S D | Ltd $12.50 = wi | Only a Limited Supply be sold at a sacrifice, tf . Oy e, ? eee SCREENED KITOEN bao Phone Your Order Now P. RORVIK, Big $16.00 1 igo ™ | een | 3rd Ave, — Phone 11 J.J soncenen #00 20t — The city electric departme s | ous | D partment is | Albert & McCaffery busy working on a seheme for a | an eomeaaneroesat 6 - | ronsimers Cal a LTD. bell alarm system at the General | The “Director” Corset. Manu-| J. Lorne Mack gmith "soo Mo Phones 564 and 116 Hospital, It will be operated by | fac tured in Prince Kupert. Phone| Room 1, ous | the city electric current. | blue 92, tf i —