“a rT LLL out LOTT ap you want to get rid of that old quickly take ~ PENSLAR herry Cough Balsam wild cherry bark, yy, blood root, benzoic id and pure ne sugar. It tends to e immediate relies by clearing the r passages )f the obstruction. There is no morphine, cocaine or other habit-forming drugs in sar Cherry Cough talsam and for your protection the exatt mula is on the label. We can recommend it as being most effective For ch Idren, we de f r their paruiculal needs. FOR SALE ONLY AT THE PRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO. HIRD AVENUE PHONES 134 & 117 combina ine ol NOW OPEN FOR BUISNESS IEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine- Ways, Ltd. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 hone 453 oped for r ar upped ful Wauing and Phone Red 391 recommend Penslar Children’s Cough Syrup / Oe mt et et es ee ee —_ ° | In the Letter Box ANSWERS LETTERS OF WRIT. ERS ON SPIRITUALISM. To the Editor,— I make no doubt that when you invited opinions on spiritualism your wish was to use such copy as might prove of interest amd venetit to your readers, and the article furnished by ‘“Doubter” published on the 19th is nothing ut pure, simple babble. ‘“Doubt- er’ has never made a study of it, has never attended a spiritual meeting, has never called on a medium, and yet he saws the air with his arms like a Duteh wind- mill and informs us that of the oulija board for instance “he don’t think much.” Seems to have cribbed the line from the old college song of “The Amsterdam Dutch.’ Then he intimates that A. Conan Doyle and his brainy collaborators are fools because they form offinions based on yeai's and of earnest research. “Disciplus” Answered. In your issue of the 19th inst. you publish a letter signed by “Disciplus.” He gives us the inn: pression of one who seeks and is open to conviction. In this he represents the major portion of the thinking world today, a world grown weary of many of the old dogmas and full of vague years tions of the cradle. ing now of the thinking world for most of the world does not think. And when these men and women come, blind and helpless to soine new shuine, seeking, they hardly know what, anything to allay the discouragement and _ discontent which they find themselves surrounded whenever they at- tempt to fathom the mysteries which lie Deyond that thinly in- tervening veil, I say it is little short of criminal] for such bone- heads as “Doubter” theories into their faces. with ing however was that “he don’t think inuch.”’ Evil Spirits. Then comes your issue of March 22 and the article of 8. T. E. Almost the entire letter is hypothetical and deserves to be treated as such. It assumes that because there are evil spirits, one must make no effort to come in Pr TI at OT ' NOTICE TO FISHERMEN IG SUPPLY OF FRES and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. BAIT contact with virtuous ones. It goes further and says that while the good spirits can communicate with us and help us they are en- tirely ignorant of the fact, else would these good spirits immedi- ately take advantage of a man, “dominate his will and thought and destroy his rational freedom.’ Can you beat it? In saying that ‘Providence has its own terms and means for dis- pensing spiritual truths,” the writer reminds me*of my grand- mother who went to her grave toothless because she deemed it Harry Hanson’s Patent Patent Ofllee, Ottawa, January 27, 1920, bit mt am directed to acknowledge receipt of your he. Lf ee {ith inst. on the subject of Canadian patent oe ree granted to you on the 18th May, 1915, for a ater Heater . and in reply to inform you that this patent Was not 4 the Pat Made subject to the conditions of Section 44 of Syn Act compulsory licence system) and is gov- Ras oe of the said Act, an extract from which » © enclose herewith, 1am also try iy i Years ‘iso to inforin you that the fee for the second six- erin has ) e 1@ ‘ ‘las nol yet been paid, but it does not come due unt MUI the 18 May Qo 1. i e and th May, 1921. The required amount is $20.00 a ee eller referring to the patent by date and » 1s ad ae we ig the purpose for which the remittance ats aA thal will be necessary. i tiave } lave the honour to be, Your obedient servant, Signed W. J. LYNCH, a Chief of the Patent Otlice. “? Hanson, Esq., 139 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. , With poy ae sare to the above letter, I wish to say that as arte section and paragraph 38 of the ‘“ ierefore do not come under Section 44 of have ( Patent Act the : aid Act, ¢ . Make and bp as | am equipped and willing to install, U therefore ace, at Water Heater” to any and everybody, he Privileges x ing to Jaw can, and hereby do withdraw Lam wil) v'hers making these water heaters, ing to neg Water Nk to negotiate for an agency to make my heatep, With ii ene anyone willing to pay the royalty of ven, lhe installed on the distinet. understanding buarantee goes with it. Harry Hanson The Reliable Plumber” «“ Phone 489 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. - 139 Second Avenue wicked to replace what God had taken from her. Did S. T. E. ever stop to think that God only gave man a rose with five petals and that out of that rose man has evolved the glorious American Beauty? Clairvoyant. Modern spiritualism had not evolved in the days of Swedenborg and while he may not have been a spiritualist he certainly was a spiritist. He was a strong clair- voyant, as evidenced when, in the middle of a sermon he saw his family within his burning home 200-miles distant, and he certain- ly believed in the communion of saints. From Plato down the centuries through all the thinkers of the world even to our own serene Emerson there have been none who did not keep entirely from their mind al! that was unknow able, but the advance made in spiritualism in the last few years shows clearly it cannot be placed in that category. It is not my desire or intention to go very deeply into this dis- cussion. You, Mr, Editor, could not spare the space the subject LAND ACT (Form No, 8.) FORM OF NOTICE. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. rk TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Sinith, of Dunean, British Columbia, occupation Spinster, intends to apply for peri ends: to purchase the following described lands: ‘ommencing at a post planted at 4 point on high water line on of the Portland Canal, dary of Lot 434, Cas on the North Boun- 06 minutes East, one thou- 6 degrees u cand three hundred and thirty-six and five- South 8 degrees hundred end +e tee oat os, 55 minute . ¢ finety-seven feet thence; following high water line northerly to point of cc mencement Area apr om 85. nore OF JeNORA MABEL SMITH, Forsyth. by her agent, A. A. Y Date 8th January, 1920, THE DAILY NEWS mis- | givings and doubts of the tradi- | I am speak- | to fling jeer- | One saving clause of “Doubter” | the Westerly shore siar District, in the Province of British Columbia, distant south : Y corner 0 : > tenths fees ence the northwest ces, 06) Labor Council and also by the minutes East, two, Are feet, ight | Civil, Servants’ Association both thenceNorth 84 de- Y red and]. a ; two hundred #" | it will give them an opportunity ‘roximately four and @ half acres the seven local churches, irrespective mens!ty of these millions great amount of money which is growing every ———— for an endowed Indian hospital to be located at Henryetta. besides incidentally contributing $400,000 additional to outside missionary funds, aggregating nearly $1,600,000, of religion of the white brother and the care of the sick of his own race Barnett, though a judged incompetent in the eyes of the law, is probabiy the wealthiest Indian in the world, baving near $4,000,000 to 4 68 his credit in Washington, to which he is adding a royalty income from g bis vast oi! well leases at the rate of $150,000 annually. an infinitesimal part of which is used to care for his necessities and simple wants He does not know, nor could many of bis white brothers realize, the im But be does comprehend that be owns a — RICHEST INDIAN GIVES LAVISHLY TO CHARITIES Among cle future red letter days of Henryetta, Okla.. there wilt be probably one known as ‘Jackson Barnett Day,” and right well should this generous full blooded Creek Indian be memorialized for his gifts to churches and for the benefit of Henryetta generally, for Jack son Barnett, uneducated and untutored ward of the government, has again loosed tis purse strings to the extent of giving $25,000 to each of of creed or tenant, and $1,000,000 given at one time to the cause day, and, realizing that he can never use such vast wealth for per- sonal needs, he has asked and received per mission from the In- dian Department to give millions to the cause of Christianity and charity In looking about for worthy institutions that he might assist in his home town of Henry- etta, Barnett saw the } need of better church buildings, and he forth- | With proposed, with the consent of Washington, to aid in financing new edifices. At that time. the summer of 1919, the | First Baptist needed funds for its new struc. ture, and a gift of $25,- | 000 from Barnett ma. | terlally assisted in com- | pleting the house of | | | worship, which cost in alt $65,000. Other charches, among them the First Methodist, Presbyterian, B Pisco pal, Christian, Catholic and Nazarene, received similar donations from Barnett The matter of permittine these gifts was brought then to the attention of the Indian Department. the BARNETT, INDIAN RICHEST, warrants. After all there is but one point at issue, the nest is too deep for the public ear and might, resolve itself into a question of| “throwing pearls before swine.’ The main point is: Can or can | we not have communion with our} dead? It is not suflicient to be- lieve, one must through personal demonstration, know. Knowledge- When belief passes to know- ledge it is calculated to dispel much of the tenror with which death is regarded by even sincere ‘Christians and it will surely take the sting from the grave. Surely it is a beautiful belief and one .for which most of men would give much gold. In his address to the envoys of Rome Spartacus once said: “See you yon rivulet high on the moun- tain side? Slenderly it winds, but soon it is swelled by others meet- ing it, until at last a torrent, ter- rible and strong, it sweeps to the sea.” | So in my humble opinion 'spiritualism comes on, 80 swells its force, small and despised at first but fast becoming resistless. Without ostentation its ranks are ‘quietly being swelled with the brain of the world, scientists, of- ficials, judges, lawyers, physi- cians. | Let me earnestly advise all who give to iife and death the past of life, the tomorrow of death, a passing thought. Let them draw from the immense library on the subject. They will very soon find an explanation and an intenmpre- tation which will give form and to the chaos within. Life ; will have a purpose and with jhardly a figure in the speech, they will find themselves humming, whistling as the hours pass and the shadows lengthen until the summons comes to “join that in- numerable caravan-” Their passing out will be as one who, flipping the ashes from a fragrant cigar and idly wateh- ing the blue volume of smoke Color curl softly to the ceiling, falls quietl¥ into slumber, CLAXTON. DAYLIGHT SAVING The daylight saving plan of putting the clocks ahead one hour during the summer months» has been endorsed by the Trades and of Vietoria, The latter body say ‘\to word their gardens and beat the high cost of living. ———$ By C.GARDNER ~SULLIVAN Directed ITCRAFPT Picture Starring tonight at the Westholme Theatre. es A CL ES A TT FOR RENT OFFICE SUITE, 3 Rooms, in Hays Block. Steam Heat. Suitable for Doctor, Lawyer, etc. DAVID H. HAYS Corner Sccond Avenue and Secend Street. Fire Insurance ~ = P.G- Box 1555 - - Phone 57 LAND REGISTRY ACT proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or te prevent such (Sections 36 and 134.) proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry Oifice prinee Rupert, B.C. this 96th day of ‘ no . i Mile 8304 November, A. D, 1019 Re Application No. 11484-1. File 6304. H. F. MACLEOD fAKE NOTICE that applica tua has beer made to register Stephen B, Adams, of Prince Rupert, B. C., a owner in fee un- ‘ der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collectop of Dpybane, the City of Prince Rupert, bearing Bae te the 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALL | AND SiNGUULAR that certain parcel | or tract ef land and premises situate, ty | ing, and bela in the city of Prince Rupert, | more particularly knewh and described as Lot Three (3), Block Eight (8), Section One (1 (Map 923). You are required to contest the claim District ro Alfred O, Brandt, Esq., Wash. —_—————— MINERAL ACT Certificate of tmprovem*nts. NOTICE KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral of the tax purchaser within 35 days from aums, situate In the Bella Coola Mining the date of the service of this notice; ivision of Coast District, ‘whieh may be effected by publication in} | Where _ located: -West side of” Dean the Dally News, Prince Rupert, B. ¢.,) and! ‘hannel, es of Cascade Iniet in Range vour attention [s called to section 36 of the Coa istrict, % 2 “Land Registry Aet? with amendments, | TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARC HIBALD and to the following extract therefrom:—- {ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL “and in default of & caveat or ceéer- ‘OMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. tifeate of Its pendens being fled be- ,239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date fore the registration as owner of the ereof, to apply to the Mining lhecorder person entitled under such tax sale, or a Certificate of Improvements for each all persons so served with nottce f suid claims for the purpose of obtaining . ., and those claiming through Crown Grant of the above claims or under them, and all persons clatm- And further take notice that action un- ing any interest in the land by virtue er section 85, must be commenced before ; issuance of such Certiflcaw of Im- of any unregistered instrument, and he roveniemts, all persons claiming any interest tn the land by descent whose title Is a this 15th day of January, A. D. ot registered under the provisions ‘ pot as » H. A. MACLEAN, of this Act, shall be for ever es topped and debarred from setting up anv claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar «shall register the person oMm- ¢ titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application bas been made for & Certificate of Indefeasible Title | the to the above-mentioned lands, in the name) north if Stephen B. Adams, Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean AND WHEREAS on investigating the Falls, &. C., eccupation logger, Intends to litle It appears that prior to the 9th day!apply fer permission to purchase the fol- of October, 1918, (the date on which the lowing deseribed lands: | Commencing at a post LAND AQT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- iriet of Goast, Range HI, and situate on west coast of Calvert, Island, near tts end Janted one half -ald lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the registered owner thereof. mile north of NW, cor, Lot 897; thence FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at thejporth 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; ame time Y shat! effect registration injthence south 40 chains; thence east 40 nursuauce of such application and issue a chains and containing 160 acres, more or rertineate of Indefeasible Tithe to the said) ess, MARK SMABY Advertise in the Daily Neva, lands in the name of Stephen B, Adams un- less you take and prosecute the proper Dated December 29th, 1919, “ x + Y