————— Phone 547 THE DAILY NEWS huesday, Map y, Me APSULES +, rin tT eS G7e IN YOUR HOME has an influence more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph} Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- know our necessary when you easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords just In Come and hear the world’s best artists. Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office that’s worth | A CAMP IN THE FOREST oo My fragrant couch of balsam boughs | On mossy sward is spread, ‘Neath shelt’ring ‘‘fly’ that ne-er allows The chill draught near my head. 'Deep darkness o'er the forest falls Investing it in gloom; /The cedar; boles, like giant walls, Enclose me in a tomb. ‘The twinkling stars shine high o'er all; The crescent moon lies pale, And velvet silence, like a pall, {| Enshroudeth hill and dale. The yapping coyote only makes | The stillness more complete; 'The thyvob of yonder cascade shakes | The earth feet. beneath my ‘A heap of pine logs, gummy, dry, | I’ve stacked my camp before: ‘Their ruddy flames now leap on | high, And fleck my auberge o'er. Beyond the circle of their blaze Dark shapes and shadows bland A horned owl, with eyes adaze, Flits ghostly round the bend. Black “pilly’’ brews the tea at last, My beans and bacon sizz; I sit me down to my repast, And leave the King to him. Ae Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. P. O. Box 725 E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phione Green 269. Hand Your Baggage Checks to JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 Quick Deliveries Seeorere LDP OPPODL OLE EBDPVOPOOOOODE “wre tL OLD SMITH & MALLETT Address, Phone 174 —- PLUMBING AND HEATING EXGINEERS Estimates furnished. 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. ~R P.O. Box 274 For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL, F, T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHO’ E Blue 421 or 444 Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Zetimates Cheerfully Given CONTRACTORS BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING —J. B. Mc, Damix, ist March, 1920. KK RK RK RK KK RK RR RS * IN THE LETTER BOX % KKH KEKE K RH HHS NOT AN INSULT To the Editor— In your issue of the 19th Irish- man gives vent to what may real- jly be disappointment cleverly ‘camouflaged. No right thinking Irishman ever was. insulted by ianything given in aid of charities ‘or for the benefit of schools, ete-,} and most certainly those famous! men mentioned by “Irishman” | |would not consider the portrayal | of “That Rascal Pat” as an insult} to them. Poltroonery may well! |be applied to his letter unless 'some more valid reason is forth-| ijcoming. Credit to whom credit| is due is applicable and merited by the whole company. “DISINTERESTED.” W. E. Collison of Prince Ru- pert has been appointed to be distriet registrar of births, deaths and marriages for Indians only for the Naas River agency. The appointment is gazetted’ this week, WATER NOTICE, DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose address is Alice Arm, B. C., will appl vr a licence to take and use 50 cubic second-feet and to store about 400 acre icet of water out of Clearwater River which flows southerly and drains into the Kitsault Hiver about 22 miles from the head of th juliet of Alice Arm, The storagerdam will be located near natural outlet of Clearwater Lake. Thi capacity of the reservoir to be created is about 450 acre-feet, and it will Nood nbout 50 acres of land. The water wil! be diverted from the stream at storag: dam and will be used for power for uuning purposes upon the mine described a5 the Climax Group, This noice was posted un the on the 26th day of January, 1920, A copy of this notice and an application ursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914,” will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Ubjections to the application may be iled with the said Water Kecorder or with ground he Comptroller of Water Kights, Parlia- nent Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of iis notice in a local newspaper, a M. P, OLSEN, Applicant, Tie date of the first publication of this iolice is February 5, 1920. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. h. S, C. Chapter 115. rhe Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk, British Columbia, hereby gives notice that it has under section 7 of the said Act, Jeposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, Gritish Columbia, a description of the site ind the plans of reversible Aerial Rope- way over the Skeena River, proposed to he built over the said Skeena River at Usk, British Columbia, the supporting towers of the said Ropeway to be located on Dis- trict Lots numbered 1437 and 833, Range 5, Coast Distriet. AND TAKE NOTICE piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the said Kleanza Company, Limited, will under section 7 of the said Act, apply to the minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and fer leave to con- struct the said Aerial Ropeway, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. ¢,, this 81st day of January, A. D.° 1920. KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, Z Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors. that after the ex- Thomas Il InCe presents [5él The above represents the num ber of years spent in fruitless ef- forts to cure a had case of eczema with ordinary ointments, com- pared with the time it took Zam. Buk to ef ect a complete and per- manent cure. This wes the experience of Mr. H. C. Buckley of 461 East Broad- way, Portland, Ore. Writing to the Zam-Buk Co., he says: “For fifteen years I suffered with a bad case of eczema, and used all kinds of so-called ‘cures’ and treat- ments, but nothing was capable of curing me until I tried Zam. Buk, This wonderful balm, how- ever, completely cured me in less than a year, and not onty so, but Ihave had no return of the dis- ease. I strongly recommend Zam. Buk to anyone afflicted as I was.” This is but one of the hundreds of cases where Zam-Buk has ef- fected a cure when everything else failed. The reason is easily explained. Zam-Buk being un- usually refined—containing abso- lutely no animal fats or mineral drags such as gre contained in ordinary ointments—is capable of penetrating to the underlying tissues where skin diseases have their roots. Ordinary ointments, on the contrary, never get beyond the surface skin and so are incap- able of effecting permanent cures, Zam-Buk is just as good for salt rheum, ringworm, boils, ul- cers, abscesses, blood-poisoning, piles, cuts, burns, scalds and a skin injuries. All druggists or 0c. box, Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, 3 for $1.25. AMA- es ms es rs ss me rs rt rm os BE The Man in the Moon { SAYS:-- x ee erm arse E ia lot of people who are not mai » WILLIAM $§ HART At the Westholme Tonight. been i THAT it is all very well for Scotchmen to go on quoting Shakespeare to the effect that ‘a man’s a man for a’ that,’ but the 1: of this paper says he He says there are ai =t knows better. enough to pay their subscriptions on time. THAT if it wasn't Shakespeare who said it, it was some other Scotchman. THAT the Manager says he be- lieves in the old theology, else how ave the delinquents going to be punished. THAT this’ is the latest from a contemporary moonshiner: To market, to market To buy a fat pig. Home again, home again, With half a pound of codfish. THAT the same contemporary says that a western man has been away from home for eight years and nobody knows where he is. As an afterthought he adds: “Maybe he’s in parliament!” . * * THAT all good young people had better stay: away from the Theatre on Wednesday night. THAT the show is said to be worse than a bathing beach. THAT a news despatch sug- gests the session of the Dominion Parliament may closé by the mid- dle of May- THAT no one would care if they closed up now, * * ° THAT if they closed at once they might forget to collect the income tax. *. . . pan-German party Germany. Now it is the turn of the can-German party. , THAI has the failed in THAT a murder trial was post- poned in Quebee the other day because the prisoner had no clean ‘ollar to wear. * * . THAT these murder judges area always careful about the necks of prisoners, * * . THAT usually they prescribe hempen collars, THAT the absence of men from the morning services on Sunday is said to be due to the fact that they are painting the boat. + . . THAT the moderation party want more beer and stronzer beor. THAT the most common word in their vocabulary is ‘\Comean- aveadrink,” The mayor reported at last night’s council meeting that the city auditor has completed his work and returned to Vancouver. His report, however, has not yet received, ee ee es hae err PAMTEDS. WANTLED—Boy leaving school— Position offers unlimited scope and opportunities for the fu- Pleasant work and rea- ture. sonable salary to start. Apply box 52 Daily News. ti WANTED TO RENT, centrally completely furnished containing six rooms Apply box 54, Daily 70 located house, and bath. News ollice. WANTED TO RENT— furnished or unfurnished, of four to six rooms and bath— Apply box 56 Daily News office. HOUSE \WANTED —- First class stenog- rapher and clerk, one with in- surance office experience pre- ferred. M. M. Stephens. tf WANTED—Active business part- ner with a little capital. Limited liability company. Good open- ing. J. F. Maguire, City. 68 WANTED — Housemaid at Hotel Prince Rupert. tf PORTER WANTED—Also cham- bermaid, Apply Hotel Central. SITUATIONS VACANT Representative for Frince Rupert and G, T. P. territory for Check- Writer, guaranteeing 100 per cent. protection. Only re sponsible and energetic men need apply. References essen- tial—Pullen & Co., 1144 Duncan Bldg., Vancouver. 70 PILING WANTED \WANTED—A quantity of cedar piling. Apply Prince Rupert Lumber Co. oflice at Seal Cove. Phone 361. 70 FOR SALE am installing a 20-22 h. p- in my boat and will sell my 13-15 heavy duty Buffalo at a low price. It is complete and in fine condition, including Apple Dynamo and 90 ampere hour storage battery, wiring, etc. Can be seen any time under actual working condition at the Cow Bay slip. J. Field. Phone Blue 400. 68 FOR SALE As a going concern the well known business, the PRINCE RUPERT BAZAAR, op- posite post oflice. Owner is leaving the-city and will sell the stock and fixtures on very reasonable terms: tf FOR SALE—12 h.p. heavy duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- peller, magneto, coil, etc. This is the engine I used in the “Aileen.”’ It is in perfect order and very little used. $1,600.00 M.M. Stephens. tf POR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Ignition, 4 cyl, 4 eycle, in per- fect condition. $1,500.00.—M. M. Stephens. tf TOR SALE—Spruce float-—36 by 66. Price $400.00 Apply Dyb- havn & Hanson. tf “OR SALE—Goose eggs for set- ting, 432 Seventh Avenue West- FOR SALE—20 gasoline cans 15c each, Daily News office. tf HOUSES FOR SALE TOR SALE — Apartment house containing two modern _ five- roomed apartments on Borden Street with splendid harbor view. $6,000, M. M. Stephens, Real Estate and Insurance, 3rd Avenue. tf FOR SALE—Five-roomed house and two lots in Section 7, Price $1,600. One-third cash, bal- ance one and two years. David H. Hays, General Real Kstate Agent, corner Second Avenue and Second Street. rOR SALE-—Five-roomed house and lot on Ninth Avenue, near McBride. Price $2,500; $1,000 cash, balance arranged. Ed. H. Mortimer, Real Estate and In- surance Agent, 324 Second Ave. YOR SALE—8-roomed house with bath and fireplace. Section 6; $3,000 on terms. H, G. Helger- son, Ltd., Real Estate, Insur- ance, Bonds, Rentals; Notary Publie- FOR SALE—Seven-roomed house with large lot on Atlin Avenue, Section 2. New, $4,250. Terms arranged, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd., Third Avenue. FOR SALE—Four-roomed house with bath on Fifth Avenue— $2,400, Terms: McCaffery, Gib- bons & ~oyle, Ltd. tf x ee Pe Oe ee Os Og ~ [CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS| cme ee Le eee rey LINt HOME, best vresidentia| section. Moderate terms. He} gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, Notary Public. LOTS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Fine level lot wit! harbor view on Fourth Avenue Near MecBridee Price 81,050 Half cash, balance 6-12-45 months. Theo, Collart. West- holme ‘Theatre Block ti FOR SALKE—Lot 10, Block 41, See- tion 5. Price $250. Ed. H. Mor- timer, Real Estate and Insur- ance, 324 Seeond Avenue. ti LOK SALE—Two fine view lots. Section 2. $750 the pair. Me- Calfery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Third Avenue, ti FOR SALE-—Lot 5, Block 46, Sec- tion 8 For particulars apply owner, P. L. Fossy, Jnr., Ross- land, B. C, tf FOR SALE Biock Ed. H; Avenue: Splendid view lot in 1, Section 2. Price $600 Mortimer, 4 ‘second tf 324 FOR SALE—Lane corner on Atlin Avenue, Section 2, $400. Theo Collart, Westholme Theatre Block: ti FOR RENT FOR RENT—One furnished roon and one furnished housekeep- with furnishings for sale. Ap- ply 222 5th Ave. West. 6S “<< OR RENT — Two OR RENT planos. Avenue. Sewing machines an¢ Singer Shop, 144 Thir« TWO ROOMS TO LET, with o1 without board. Phone Red 415 PWO-ROOMED HOUSE TO REN’ plastered. LOsT LOST:-—Meerschaum pipe in’ case last Monday. Finder Daily News oflice. Suitable re ward, 66 ,OST—-Lady’s purse between the friends. Poems of Love, Nature Religion and Sociology. fragrant with the balsams and pines, Leatherett covers, $1.50; velvet sheep $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing Co., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B.C FARMS FOR SALE MIXED FARMING—The C.- P. kh has still some choice lands in well-settled districts in West ern Canada for sale at low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny South ern Alberta, with loan of $2,00' in improvements to assist new market letter mailed at your request will give you latest re- liable intormation regarding Bonds, stocks and investments generally, Enquiries solicited regarding ANY Bond or Secur- ily. Particulars of prices, yields and standing of any list- ed or unlisted stock in the market forwarded without charge. Leased wires to all parts of the continent. Unex- celled business connections in New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. European invest- ments specially dealt with. Leading financial house ot Vanceuver and Victoria, Ad- dress all replies to BURDICK BROS, AND BRETT, LD., Stock and Bond Brokers, Hotel Van- couver Bldg., Vancouver, B. C. Advertise in the Daily News ing suite. 410 Sixth Ave. East Phone Blue 217. tf FOUR-ROOMED HOUSE for rent housekeeping rooms and one single room at the Drexel. ti 1 i 68 Phone 525. ti leave at ) Westholme Theatre and _ the Waldron. Finder leave at the News ollice. He MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the Prospector, will make a nic¢ zift book for your eastern It is breath of TRANSFER iALLOWAY'S CARTAGE—Orde! your Coal now. Patroenise re- turned veteran. Phone Green 325, t! settlers. Act now they aré going fast. For free booklets and full information write H G,. Loughran, Canadian Pacifle Railway Station, Vancouver, B. C, tf INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS — Our monthly The Camp Cooking| Revealed This ch 24 a — * 4 | bh i} sé | @ ot “TE SS , ‘TUT AY wa from a lade « ( ste; be Omitted She Said they “Soa } Y dig | ' | Milk While gh " Or le] e | | Shand in ae » summer, where no thea fo be had. ' t made gy © SUCH dealin fine g ained cakes a bre 1ds and at 1e88 cost Kept Using l It wy came back to town " he sax “Al : Ss} AYS “Always. pep at least half With cold Pacific Milk . Limited rake &t., Vancouver FACTORY AT LiDWeh at ee MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements we NUTICE : Copper Crest a Mineral Claim, g Deiahcs Mi B Uivision of Where locate; j C -s ated Glacler Creek, TAKE NOTICE that I, B L. John diner’s Ceriificate N 81769-8 ixty days from the date nereot oO the Recorder for 4 Y f impr ts, for the pu . aining @ Crown Grant of the above Anu Ke Notice that gy er section 85 must be commenced ath ICH Certlieaye @ rovements ’ anne d this 41th day of December, LAND AUT VANCOUVI LAND DISTRICT—py AST, RANGE fl TAKE NOTICE that J. C. Clg cean Fa t pation su Dt of \ unit mission t ase the following de ands 1 " ala St planted $4 1a nh from the west f t 897 on the we ‘ hence ha 4 miu nore CLAUSEN, eo Synopsis of Land Act Amend } Minimum price of first-clas reduced to $5 an acre; second $3.60 an acre. Pre-emption now confined t veyed lands only. Records will be granted covering land suitable for agricultural and which ts non-timber land. Partnership pre-emptions but parties of not more than few arrange fer adjacent with joint residence, but each necessary improvements en claims e Pre-emptors must occupy cial five years and make {mpro value of $10 per including ¢ ing and cultivation of at least before receiving Crown Grant. Where pre-empter tn occupation less than 8 years, and has portionate impro ents, he may, cause of |ll-health, or other cau granted intermediate certificate d yrovement and transfer his claim Records without permanent dence may be issued, previded a cant makes improvements to emt $200 per annum and records sam year. Failure to make imp or record same will operate i feiture. Title cannot be ob less than 6 years, and impro of $10.00 per ¢, including 6 cleared and tivated, and of at least 2 years are Pre-emptor holding P may record another pre-emptiot, s land in conjunction oy ag ith actual occupations vided statutory improvements and residence maintained on 8 granted land Unsurveyed areas, ot exe acres, may be leased as hom title to be obtained after fulfill dential and improvement cond For grazing and industrial r areas exceeding 640 acres ma leased by one person or com Mill, factory or Indust 4 timber land not exceeding may be purchased; conditions payment of stumpage. {nace Natural hay meadows !0 by existing roads may be me conditional upon construction to them. Rebate of one-hi f road, net exceeding half o! price, is made PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE % ACT. . e The scope of this Act |s include all persons enh 1 with His Majes time within which the heirs or de ceased pre-emplor oem, 2r0e this Act 1s and A for title under from for one year, trom S I rmerly, such pers | eras war troactive No feos rele y soldiers ff due or payable er June #, emptions recor ied al five ¥ , remit Taxes ore for return of moneys to pre-emption eee due id since AUR I een pa H crued, due ng on Ly eymenth - ee 0! lier pre-empt , fat »ments to PX n agreeme ity. ots held by ment aie Forces, oF dependents rg direct or 1! direct, remitte ) gi, 1920, listment to March 4%, ; crown P WASERS OF 8UB-PURC As . a de r iss nee Proviston _made {0F we al ts Crown grant icquiring TH ta wn Lane 1 cee ers who alled | ture, S purcha e, inv vi 6 i Wurehi filiment of co! dt i ane ru r ie ne aim whole ot OF ni gel, ygurchase jr! e due aonately 2 be’ Mystributed propor er est wt rea A pplicallt whole & be made by May !. GRAZING. ¥ 919, Qrasing A“ 4 fe toe development Orn aist vides for grasine ier administrallon, permits al grazing rior’ an umber Fete ‘toe ve whe an liehed Ai iations for fy { form, Free, o part ment. camper# for settlers to ten head. e