a 94, 1920. rednesday: — Y Quality. F lavour &. fy and Aroma S/ ‘Sy S / yy SY yy Two sizes Sa ® y \15t=! ZOtg
q “ ne iy A % LEO wih Sa | { Z Pe S Zag Ba ss AZ you want to get rid of that old quickly take - PENSLAR herry Cough Balsam of wild cherry bark, iony, blood root, benzoic It tends to pure cane igar. smediate relief by clearing the ages of the obstruc tion. ‘vere is no morphine, cocaine or other habit-forming drugs in sar Cherry Cough Balsam and for your protection the exact mula is on the label. We can recommend it as being most effective For children, we recommend Penslar Children’s Cough Syrup ie for their particular needs. FOR SALE ONLY AT THE PRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO. IRD AVENUE PHONES 134 & 117 NOW OPEN FOR BUISNESS IW MARINE WAYS ne 453 Shawatlans Passage ped for bu , and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. ODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Jest equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Neal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. anson, President W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager hone Red 391 Phone Green 153 q NOTICE TO FISHERMEN G SUPPLY OF FRES_ BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. Patent Office, Ottawa January 27, 1920. Hy “i directed to acknowledge receipt of your on the subject of Canadian patent you on the 48th May, 1915, for a ‘nd in reply to inform you that this patent me subject to the conditions of Section 44 of iipulsory licence system) and is gov- ol the said Act, an extract from which herewith, Eranted t On SS ' you that the fee for the second six et been paid, but it does not come due Ne 18t M ye f h lay, 124 lhe required amount is $20.00 in reterring to the patent by date and $ all that punpose for which the remittance Ul that will be necessary, honour to be, Your obedient servant, Signed W. J. LYNCH, Y Hanson. | Chief of the Patent Olflice. 1 Bronce na” } ' ’econd Avenue Prince 1 Mi upert, B. C, ze. : ith ard to the al i ) “OMDlied Witl ne letter, I wish to say that as Mt Avy and thener section and paragraph 38 of the 8s “tore do not come under Seetion 44 of : + 4nd as © and sel | sald nee quipped and willing to install, ‘ter Heater” to any and everybody, acl Privileges oh sec “Ww can, and hereby do withdraw ‘M Willing | ‘rs taking these water heaters. 5 ( eR Otis : heatey with ; Bollate for an agency to make my "Cah One incr, Sitting to pay the royalty of 4 Yeay “ted on the distinct understanding Fuarantee k0es with it harry Hanson v4 Reliable Plumber” PRINCE RUPERT, i Pia Second Avenue F | Pso forth. THE DAILY NEWS | Orw fe In the Letter Box ' ~~? \The Old vs. the New Revelation. =m. & Editor of News,— Your editorial on spiritualism and your invitation for corres. pondence in reference to it stirred up suflicient interest to cause me to lo®k up information on the subject. From your reference to Gonan Doyle and his books and \from other press notices 1 wa ‘led to believe that he would be joue of the most reliable and in- forming authorities on spirit ial- j sm that I could procure. Throae) }your kindness I have had the priv- lilege of reading his book “The New Revelation.” This I have read and reread, and along some jlines have carefully analyzed. As the whole subject hinges on the messages that come from the departed spirits, I gave close at tention to all the author said about the spirits from whom the messages came, the mediums through whom they came, and_the way the validity of these mes- ages was tested. ———$$_—__— Mistakes of Spirits. After speaking on pages 90 and! 91 of the mistakes tie spirits | make in their attempts to foretell | events, he makes the following} statement rgarding a certain class | of spirits, which to me is very | significant, and speaks Yolumes.| The author says: “But apart from these have ,un-| happily, to deal with absolute! cold-blooded lying on the part of wicked or mischievous — intelli-! genees, Everyone: who has in- | vestigated the matter has, I sup- | pose, met with examples of wil-| ful deception, which occasionally | are mixed up with good and true} communications. It was of such | messages, no doubt, that the} Apostle wrote when he said: “Be-| loved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of} Giod. These words can only mean, that the early Cliistians not only practiced spiritualisin as we un- derstand it, but also that they) were faced with the same difli-| cullies.” Everything in the above limitations we Aa 4 S78 Pen yy Widat at ak De THE universal desire to make Easter breakfast a really delightful meal, is easily fulfilled by housewives who use Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon A few slices of this mild, delicately- cured ham or bacon—cooked to a tempt- ing brown—served sizzling hot—make a meal the whole family will enjoy. For Swift’s Premium is outstanding in excellence: the Ham, because of its extra mild cure and juicy tenderness; the Bacon because of its succulent fat and enticingly flavored lean; and both because of their characteristic savour- iness due to the exclusive Swift pro- cess of selection and curing. Serve Swift’s Premium on your Easter breakfast table and we know you will insist on this brand in future. Order today from your Butcher or Grocer Swift Canadian Co. Limited Toronto Winnipeg Edmonton quotation finds its analogy in the teachings of the bible, with one exception that the early Christians not only + derstand it, but also that were faced with the same difficul-| ties. The early Christians were wicked ing with lying spirit of anti-Christ in the con by Conan Doyle. of this with modern spiritualism spirit with entirely ualism by the early Christians y west. (See ist John 3-22 4-6, Anti-Christ. Spiritualism as set forth by Conan Is Christ spirit as set forth in thee Revelation’ the author’ says: carious sacrifice, nor in the God means. understand such ments with the following scrip tures: our sins aceording to the scrip- tures,” ist Cor. 15; 3. “Ye LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) vORM OF NOTICE, PRINCE RUPERT ‘LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR, Spinster, intends to apply for oe to purchase the following descri Commencing at & post planted at a point of the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- 85 degrees, 06 minutes East, one thou- sand three hu Lot 484; thence south 85 degrees, 06 South & degrees 12 minutes West, eight ninety-seven feet thence; following mencement, nore or IENORA MABEL SMITH, by her agent, A. A. Forsyth. Date 8th January, 1920. faced with the difficulty of deal- speaking of the spirits, beyond says: whom the Apostle John calls the absolutely uniform yonder, any more than it is here, but reading text of the passage guoted above!, number of messages upon this A comparison subject, quotation and context There are many higher “One can see no justice in @ VI- | making tended for the truthfuiness of who could be placated by such) {he claim. Above all, many cannot the spirits who denied the deity expressions &S5)of Christ to the mediums of the the ‘redemption from sin,’ clean-/ spiritualists have been the spirits sed by the blood of the Lamb,’ and of these wicked Jews who were Compare these state-' going to stone him for making |himself God, “For | delivered unto yOu) earth? first of all that which I also tre-| spirit of their father the Devil, ceived, how that Christ died for} whose works they did. John 8-44- TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabe! Smith. “The . : “Cc ( : : ef Dunean, British Columbia. neem that modern spirit messages have sage. dary of Lot 434, Cassiar District, in the} sé Vrovinee of British Columbia, distant south of ‘The New Revelation ea with the precious blood of Chnist ! Phat is the assertion as of a lamb without blemish and that “these words can only mean without spot.” 1st Peter 41-18-19 me ‘The blood of Jesus Christ, His practiced spiritualism as we un-|gon. cleanseth us from all sin.” they 4st John 1-7. Christ Spirit- On page 57 our author in spirits in the “Opinion is not they amount to this: spirits os 8S with our departed; they vary in taught in “The New Revelation, Gegree;: call them “angels”? and has convineed the writen that itl, is identical with the anti-Christ ¢hought. ou are in toueh with old religious High above all these is which the Apostles the greatest spirit of whom they had to contend, I see by compar- have cognizance—not God, since ing the teaching of the Apostles God is so infinite that he is not with modern Spiritualism that the within their ken—but one who is method of testing the messages nearer God and to that of the lying, wicked spirits was represents different. I have also ¢ found that the practice of Spirit- direct denial of the deity of Christ. extent God. This’ is” the hrist spirit.’ Here we have am just wondering if these may and modern Spiritualists are as not be the spirits of some of the far apart as the east is from the wicked Jews we read-of in John 10-30—-39, who stone Christ, and when he asked A comparison of the following |them for whieh of his good works statements will show that modern | they were stoning Him they said: were going to For a good work we stone thee Doyle is identical with the anti-|pnot put for blasphemy and be- ause that thou, Bible. On page 55 of “The New) pakest thyself God.” not deny the charge that he was being a man, Chnist did himself God, but con- Again I ask, may not when he was on Or perhaps it was the Lying Spirits. The admission that modern know that ye were not redeemed). jpitualists bad “to deal with with corruptible things ... But cold-blooded lying on the part of , : wicked or gences’’ came to me as a shock, for it with a case, the record of which is 2817 years old, mischievous _ intelli- accurately corresponded The author of New Revelation’ admits ed lands: | rvijed when tried by the test that on high water line on the Westerly shore proved the validity of this mes- A comparison of page 90 ’ with ist ndred and thirty-six and five-| Kings, chapter 22, will verify this tenths feet from the northwest corner of statement. This passage in the minutes East, two hundred feet; thence/fn.¢ book of the records of the hundred and ten feet, thenceNorth 8 de- kings of Israel and Judah, tells grees, 55 minutes West, two hundre and of. a visit Jehoshaphat, king of high water line northerly to point of com-| Judah, made to Ahab king of Is- Area approximately four and @ half acres rael. Ahab proposed that they should seek to regain Ramoth (Continued on Page Six.) OTHER COALS WE HANDLE ARE: SPECIAL PRICES QUOTED ON CAI: LOADS. Household Stove Coal, Sacked, Delivered ... 13.00 “ OR A OR IO LA OO OG, Ladysmith Lump Coal is the Best Burns Longer, Better and Brighter, and Gives More Heat. Steam Coal, Bulk on Dock .............. $8.25 per ton- Steam Coal, bulk, Delivered ............ 10.00 “« * Household Stove Coal, Bulk on Dock ..... 10,00. 5% Househo!d Stove Coal, Sacked on Dock .... 17.00 “ “ Household Stove Coal, Bulk, Delivered 12.00 “ “* o PHONE 15 SICKO AAI PRINCE RUPERT COAL Co. RI PAAIIAAAIIIAAA IAA IASI SASASSNCSIAB IASI SISA SIS AIS SSI IS ASIA AIIAAAAACR ~~ FOR RENT DAVID H. HAYS Genera! Real Estate Agent. Corner Second Avenue and Sccond Street. Fire Insurance - - P.O- Box 1555 - - LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134. | Proposed action om my Pp Re Application No, 11484-1. File 6304. TAKE NOTICE that appiivalion. pas peer made to register Stephen B, Adams, Of)... . 2 Prince Rupert, i Cus eS owner in fee un-| fo Alfred O, Brandt, Esq., der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of | Spokane, Wash. the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date a tehiews aren the 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALL AND S{NGUULAR that certain parcel or tract ef land and premises situat: ing, and being in the eity of Prince Rupert, more particularly knewn and described as Lot Three (3), Block Eight (8), Section One (1), (Map pee}: ‘eet sat You are required to contes ne claim] . of the tax purcnaser within 35 days from] +laims, situate in the Bella the date of the. service of this notice] ‘vision of Coast District, (which may be effected by publication in) , Where the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B, C.,) and| ‘hannel, your atiention Is called to section 36 of the Goad. District, “Land Registry Act” with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom:— “and in default of a caveat or cer- i tiNcate of lis pendens being filed be- ,239, | Novernber, A, D. 1949 NOTICE OMPANY, Free Miner's person entitled under such tax sale, or all persons so served with notice, . . » and those claiming through or under them, and all persons claim- ing any Interest in the land by virtue all persons claiming any interest in rovements, the Iand by descent whose title Is not registered under the provisions 1920, of this Act, shall he for ever @s- ; OFFICE SUITE, 3 Rooms, in Hays Block. Steam Heat. Suitable for Doctor, Lawyer, etc. Phone 6&7 | proceedings to establish your claim, any, to the said lands, or to prevent such art, DATED at the Land Registry Om | Prince Rupert, B. C., this 26th day o H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles, MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvem*nts. KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral Coola Mining located:——West side of Dean North of Cascade Inlet in Range TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALD {ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL Certificate No, ntend, sixty days from fore the registration as owner of the ereof, to epply to the Mining Recorder a Certificate of Improvements for each f suid claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un- er section 85, must be commenced before of any unregistered instrumept, and he issuance of suena Certificate of Im- Dated this 15th day of January, A, D, H. A, MACLEAN, topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the Jand so sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person en- titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes,”’ ' LAND ACT, ‘to the above-mentioned lands, in the name/north end, of Stephen B. Adams, of October, 1918, (the date on which the lowing deseribed lands:— said lands were sold for overdue taxes),| Commencing at a post vou were the registered owner thereof, (mile north of NW, cor, Certifieate of Indefeasible Tithe to the sald) ess. jands in the name of Stephen B, Adams un- | less you take and prosecute the proper) Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. n Vanecuver Land District, Recording Dis- AND WHEREAS application has been|trict of Coast, Range Hl,, and situate on mace for @ Certificate of Indefeasible Title| the west coast of Calvert Island, near its Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean AND WHEREAS on tnvestigating the| Falls, B. C,, occupation logger, intends to title it appears that prior to the 9th day! apply for permission to purehase the fol- lanted one half Ot 897; thence FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thet at the}north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; ame time I shall effect registration in| thence south 40 chains; thence east 40 pursuance of such applica fon and issue a@ chains, and containing 160 aeres, more or ' M4RK SMABY Dated December 29th, 1019, é, £2 * = - & a fe. Ngee | esa " oor z ‘és = ae * ; we