l D We tus” | Phone 7§ and 35 PRINCE RUPERT ‘Northern and Central British Columbia’s eatin" ee ecdpare: We Never Sleep PRINCE. RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue PRINCE RU PERT, B. G., THU RSDAY, MARC 4H 25, x], NO. 7* pee , | hinks Canada Will | Accept The Ships st Lord or ¢ British ish Adutiralty Answers Questions i in London Concerning § Naval Policy in This Country. ——————— Ihe News via GO T. P, Telegrapns.) 25 In the House of Commons yesterday, h 2b. ONDON, M ; , as to whether it was true that the Canadian ,rloaqut Vil 7 : ied to close the two dockyards at Halifax | had declined the offer of warships fron ; oes is a result of the report by Admiral Viscount 1s the First Lord of the Admiralty said he hac c on | Canada had declined the offer of the warships. Ee nant his impression was that Canada had practically ted the ¢ ffel he First Lord said he did not know that the dockyards had ed bul would make an inquiry. He added that Admiral! : -ppyices on his recent tours had been of immense value eood would accrue to the Empire in the pro- co-operation between Great Britam and the 095 FROZEN (STRANGE STORY DEATHIN | TOLDBY WOMAN FAR RUSSIA|=x, x2, 2% oe: oven sna Ran Away and Sought ) Anti-Bolshevik Soldiers Refuge. isi, According to Soviet toa FINED TEN DOLLARS; ee EXONERATES FRIENDS graphs ; MDUN. MM 25. —- More Rose Craig, the woman of mys- 16,000 ¢ Bolshevik sol- tery, came up in the police court to death this morming and was fined $10, Ti vag nnounheda pleading guilty to the charge ol viet ailtiters communication drunk and disorderly. She sas a4 today { , Moscow by {Just recently arrived in town and / " [is an American, claiming to be a have been irozen lains is the steer Aa nurse. Her case has caused a he w itic provinces good deal of local curiosity. e st el ports progress Pleading guilty to the charge of e Red troops against Gen- drunkenness no evidence was nikine’s forces along the taken, but before her trial she i in the Ekaterinodar peat statement to the chief of or the s fpont. police clearing anyone else from any charge. ory “! just arrived from the States NY NOV ELIST lately to go to Stewart,” she said, “and on my arrival in town went iT to the Prince Rupert Hotel. About RN) YF STERDAY two o'clock in the morning the Li) manager of the hotel ejected me . on account of disorderly conduct. Humphrey Ward was the| After wandering about for a time I finally managed to obtain the loan of a room at the St. James Hotel. “Shortly after, on the same night, I met some people who in- Viled me out. Previous to this I had been drinking and then I had some more, Liquor has the effect of making me crazy and on this occasion I got the idea into from ‘heaseioee head that these people were ly began trying to nob me, I ran away in ng going. *o hysterics shedding some of my wearing apparel on the way and oF finally went to a house on Fourth anddaugh- . Arnold, well known as Avenue. Here I was admitted in ashonil® drunken condition and the mat- mt if Brown's ter was reported to the police. Pol Days S first: agua “Tl realize now that my fears elist with | “ere unfounded and the people I in 1888, | 85 with were all right. The faull ‘\is my own drunken fears. I am written a ; : ories leaving for Stewart on the next p , steamer,” en AVICH PUT ALF LARSEN DIED ON OBSERVATION AT THE HOSPITAL to be Dra Sded Out of Court Tne Room Loudly Voicin Death from Uremic Poison Which 9 His Seemed to Have Been Result of Drinking Squirrel 1, the Whiskey. ‘n Who ¢laims nd Daughter of Famous Head of Rugby. . 8 lelegraphs,) NDON, March 25.—Mrs. ) ie novelist, hospital. ng for many ement in at Aylesbury, She ! Rugby publie Indignation ““Henl of B, 4s m With vagy “. and} The death oce urred at the Getal N the polices coupe aed Genera] Hospital this morning of B and was ana 8) Alf Larsen, a fisherman from the phe ght day neteG 'o be|Corvona. He is an American, 40 Certain hig ,, &'vation} years of age, and died from ure Wanted | os 7 : Condition. mic poisoning: Horning and fr ge on bonds Before leaving Seattle Larsen a the i anather | had been drinking squirrel whisky bean Wragged down ica which he called French vinegar, ing he let of polic ; 'e@/It seems to have contained a 8 indignation, oudly | quantity of wood alcohol, for the "@ reached the tinue patient developed the symptoms cell-| whieh follow the drinking of that smi oo, : | poison, including blindness. Mt te h —~————— » Som a pee Prince| Pianos cornectly tuned, $6.00, one 45. G.O, Walker, Phone Blue 389, tf LATEST PHOTO OF EARL OF READING lis is the latest photo o1 | the United States, taken while he took a stroll in Hyde Park, I with a friend CAR SHORTAGE C ~ So OK CU BIG STORMS here and have been indignant that the on worrying over » to supply the reason for the trouble. Canada and this has 1,050 cars the east indicate the Frederickton alone and men had to turn out with picks to free there have been frozen in the them from the ice. url of Reading, former Minister to 4 v on i, AUSE - -= a AND BuUZZARDS the railway company of exchanges Fierce storms have shortage two of which TA Pe portation to such in many places the RY ft ae ; HUE In many Cities of New and there has been rauch sulfer- In fifty cities holidays we team, In New Hampshire the condition Hockey to be postponed and business Was a standstill. ‘FURIOUS’ Wo HON LINCOLN (Special via G, T.P With two victories ive but to oar ssessione » Lincolnshire mile straight 7,500 was won yest the south ves eded to Hazelton on the train. al via G. v. P. Telegraphs.) March 25. man hockey, the the Pacific Coast, champions holders- strenuous night, the home by three to their Mrs. D. A. Harris are on their way to Stew- | Harris also tenday ar A AGAIN EATS SEATTI HOCKEY Cne More Win Will Give Eastern Champs the Stanley Cup. Association, proved their superi ttle Metropolitans, already, | of the & A A ATE WESTHOLME THEATRE Seer eRe RENTS Te “Back to God’s Country” CHESTER OUTING Admission (eo A UNIQUE PICTURE featuring the famous Canadian Actress Nell Shipman Showing wonderful scenes of the North Country and of wild 16 different varities of wild animels appear in this film, CHRISTIE COMEDY 55c and 30c — a - PRICE Fiye CENTS Ww as Virtual Chaos in U.S. Navy when States Entered War (opecial to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) WASHINGTON, March 25.—Virtual chaos existed in the Navy Department at the time the United States-entered the war, Capt. varris Laning, assistant chief of the bureau of navigation during ihe war, testified yesterday before the Senate Investigating Com- mittee, Capt. Lauing said no one knew what to do after a plan of ction submitted by the bureau of operations had been dis- ipproved and the “personal characteristics of the secretary of he avy taade it impossible to get approval of really important policies. te FINANCIAL POST UNITED STATES ‘TELLS OF B.C. NAVAL BILL IS compiimentary Avaate on Finan [JP TQ SENATE cial Statement paecentiy Issued by Provincial Government. chelate _—— Provides for an Expenditure of fn c; gard to the financial state- $425,000,000 in All—Passes ent recently issued by the Pro- neial Government the Financial — pcos Post of Toronto says:— (Special via G.T.P. Velegrapns.» ihe first annual statement of WASHINGTON, March 25.—The public accounts of any Canadiar Vaval Appropriations Bill carry- vernment — federal or Drover ng approximately $425,000,000, ial—to be issued with revenut } >4sSed the House today without a and expenditures of each denart 7 , aow goes to the ment of the government seg, senate ruled under one heading, and The appropriation includes with corresponding tables ShOW-} jpevious expenditures aggregat- ing actual and estimated revenue ing $104,000.000 The remainder and expen Giure 2 each san is to carry on construction of new side by side, 86 tabled in the ships authorized in the 1916 British Columbia legislature last§t)pe¢_year program and for an week. This business-like form of anliated personnel averaging 125 sg ) presenting the public. accounts-4¢ 800 in the navy and-20,000 in the tLe sculmination of a series of important improvements in gov- evunment auditing that have char- acterized the accounts and esti- mates of.the coast province dur- ing the past two or three years. it will be remembered that esti- Bean a eee mates of revenue and expenditure ‘or the year 1918-1919 showed PREMIFR MINE improvements in anrangement a4 and classification, and these im- provements have been adapted to MANAGER TELLS ie public accounts. 2 ud : Departmental Classification. “Under the old form of esti- PLANS OF YEAR nates and public accounts, which is still followed in all the other so Canadian provinces and by the] Wilt Continue Development and Dominion Government, it was ln- Expect to Ship Ore All possible to arrive at the total cost Summer- of any one service, nor could re path liable estimates be made from Dale L. Pitt, manager of the year to year. Unler the new sys-] Premier, mine at Stewart, is in tem, “it will be possible to make} the city today on his way back to these comparisons, and the ac-/{he mine after attending a meet- counts are simplified to such an]jinge of the board of directors in extent that in one small table the] Spokane. It was at this meeting revenue and expenditure of each that R. K. Neill resigned as man- unit of service—the premier’s of-|ager and Mr. Pitt was promoted fice, department of mines, depart- from the position of assistant to ment of agriculture, etc.—is]take his place. shown in comparison with the es- Speaking of the intentions of timates for the year- the company Mr, Pitt said that “Net revenue of the province] jt was the purpose to continue de- ‘the year was $10,931,279, ex-| velopment work with the diamond ceeding the estimates by nearly} driJl. Two engineers were ac- 1,000,000 and the 1918 figures} e¢ompanying him back to the mine, by $2,100,000. A large part of] Messrs. Hansen and Trojanowski, the increase in revenue came}of the American Smelting & Re- from the income tax, which} fining Co. staff. They would look brought in $1,506,669, as against] after the plans and the site for omy $670,638 in 1918 and $296,-|the new mill which is about to be 804 in 1917. The largest single] erected at the mine. The equip- item in the revenue account was] ment is already on the ground. again timber licenses, which Increase Capacity- prought in $2,276,795, as com- Mr. Pitt further said that the pared with $41,797,978 in 1918.) saw mill would be operated again Other important items, with com-] just as soon as they could get parative figures for the previous} started in order to cut timber for year, are: real property tax, 1919,/the new plant. They were also marine corps: he bill has no provision for new construction in addition to ves- sels already authorized and con- tracts for which have been awarded. / $991,203; 1918, $1,013,983; wild] installing two new compressors land tax, 1919, $792,416; 1918,)in order to increase the drilling | $690,638; personal property tax;| capabilities. 1919, $800,415; 1918, $524,206.” Labor conditions Mr. Pitt said _-— were more satisfactory than dur- WANTED ing the winter, The company ex- -_—— pected to continue to ship high- A good pump action shotgun] grade ore and to mill the low and -22 high power rifle. Must| grade. They hoped to ship all be in good condition and cheap] summer in wagons over the road. for cash. Apply room 7, Savoy|'The lower part of the road was Hotel.—J. F. Osterbauer. 72} not good, but they hoped to have ——-— it good enough for the purpose, Sidney we ermig returned from|He hardly expected that aero- Vancouver on the Prince Rupert] planes would be used to any ex- yesterday afternoon on his re-|tent at the Premier. turn to Winnipeg. He will re- a jing with his brother, Fred Wer- Secrest tare /| mig, before going east: 8. C. Undertakers. Phone 41, main a few days in the city visit- Advertise in the Daily News,