————<—<—<——_—— a ail y SLAIN i, Li . QD eS Quality, Flavour and Aroma Q a Or: Y — FINE CONCERT Much Excellent Talent Displayed at Caljies Football Club Recital. The Grand Concert of the Uai- lies Football Club in the St. An- drew's Wall last night was well] palisuized, There were inony excelient numbers on the pro- araii and the patrons came away well satisfied with a fine evening s entertainment. Owing to untore- seen circumstances two or three of the best numbers on the pro- gram iad to be left off, but never- theless the concert was of excep- tional merit. Mayor McClymont was chairman of the evening and in his opening remarks empha- sized the need for more players instvad of so many spectators. The Orchestra. Shortly after 8:15 the program opened with a march by the So- ciety orchestra, It may be said that the orchestra is steadily improving and now provides excellent music for the organization. Eddie Craggs sang “Dear Old Pal of Mine,’ and was loudly encored- An ex “Crescent Queen.” 1 solo “How Scotland won het;name.” The duet “Hunt- Tower” by Mrs. Millar and A- Clapperton proved very pleas- The first part of the pro- krami was concluded with a vocal is followed by ing ing. olo “Thistle, Shamrock and Rose’ by Wm. Murray which was loudly applauded. Pipe Band. The selections of the pipe band opening the second part, brough forth the applause. The pipe band is certainly creating a great impression. J. E. Davey was in his usual excellent styl in singing ‘‘Mary of Argyle” and an encore. Mrs. W. Millar again pleased the listeners with *‘Angus Macdonald” which she full justice to. Jack Sinclair sang tue old favorite “Annie Laurie” and was well appreciated. Mrs. Captain and Miss Reid proved excellent duettistes in “Whispering Hope” answered by “Lullaby Land.’ Miss Edmands sang “I hear you Calling Me” and “My Brown Rose” and A. Clapper- ton a selected solo. Ed. Ross sang a couple of comic songs in excellent’ style. After the concert the hall was cleared and the dancers took the floor and danced till the sma! hours to the strains of the society orchestra- usual does Susie MAGISTRATE ADVISES MAN WHO COMMITTED ASSAULT ON HIS WIFE Henry John Clarke, charged with assaulting his wife, was released suspended sentence this morning after receiving a reprimand from Magistrate Mc- Mordie. “There is no doubt,’’ said the magistrate, “that ing both physically and mentally from the effeets of the war and the serious wounds you sustained. on you are suffer- i}done., TEES a want to get rid of that quickly take ’ ¢ ¥% Ay PENSLAR ’ } ° ‘ ry Cough Balsam or binat cherry bark, Fa 1d root, benzoic E’ It tends to 3 y clearing the Fa ion ii; Th truction. ; ine, cocaine or other habit-forming drugs in salsam and for your protection the exact We can recommend it as being most effective ecommend Penslar Children’s Cough Syrup needs, 1k SALE ONLY AT THE ; iy PD | INCE RUPERT DRUG CO. AVENUE PHONES 134 & 117 NOW OPEN FOR BUISNESS W MARINE WAYS ¥ avi SA DN ; Shawatlans Passage pairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. ACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. lant in Central British Columbia. Nansen 5 al Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. , t W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager e Red 391 Phone Green 153 NOTICE TO FISHERMEN SUPPLY OF FRES BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY CITDN DAC SERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. Saneediiieena \ 2 iy ? aif tiansons Patent tO! Ottawa, January 27, 1920, ected icknowledge receipt of your inst. 16 subject of Canadian patent dk on the 48th May, 1915, for a 1 in to inforin you that this patent ect he conditions of Seetion 44 ol Olly y licence system) and is gov- $ ol ald Act, an extract from which nere ifo that the fee for the second six L } ii paid, but it does not come due ay, rhe required amount is $20.00 let ring to the patent by date and uli purpose for which the remittance ha » necessary. ho be, X¢ bedient servant, “Ap ied W: J. LYNGH, Chief of the Patent Ollice. ub Ond Ave F sae h . pl ae Ove letter, | wish to say that as ‘ton and paragraph 38 of the Le do nol come under Section 44 of Hild sel mes “ egdulpped and wifling to install, “r Heater’ to any and everybody, iW Can, and hereby do withdraw M Willing | iaking these water heaters. Neatey "sovate for an agency to make my PL each one j, Willing to pay the royalty of Year's guanas ' On the distinet understanding S98 with it. Harry H “The R ‘yY Manson ne tal * eliable Plumber” PRING 139 Second Avenue E RUPERT, B.o. a y However, there is no exeuse in this country for treating your wife violently, which you have Such actions as yours to- wards the woman were both cow ardly and brutal. Do you not re- member the promises you made when marrying her? They were made for better or for worse whether you had provocation or not. If it was not for the fact that it would be working a hard- ship on your wife I would most certainly send you to jail. As it is I am going to let you out on suspended sentence to give you a chance. Remember you must work for her and take care of her and must never lift your hand to her. Advertise in the Daily News. — 4 eR RR OR RO OR * , * TU SUBSURIBERS * * termes * * Subseribers to The News * * are asked to pay the de- ¥* * livery boys each month * * when they call. except * where payment las been * * made for the year in ad- * %-vance. The boys when * collecting carry official re- * ceipts which should al- * ” ellent violin solo, “Elysium” was } layed by Robert Arthur, Jr. Mrs. \W. Millar sang a selected solo and uswered the persistent applause wilh “Comin’ Through the Rye,’ i. Y. Fraser pleased everyone wit! song, “Hail Caledonia,’ which THE DAILY NEWS LAST EVENING HE universal desire to make Easter breakfast a really delightful meal, is easily fulfilled by housewives who use . Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon j | | | | j | | * * ways be preserved. * * *e #* Ce REE Re A few slices of this mild, delicately- cured ham or bacon—cooked to a tempt- ing brown—served sizzling hot—make a meal the whole family will enjoy. For Swift’s Premium is outstanding in excellence: the Ham, because of its extra mild cure and juicy tenderness; the Bacon because of its succulent fat and enticingly flavored lean; and both because of their characteristic savour- iness due to the exclusive Swift pro- cess of selection and curing. Serve Swift’s Premium on your Easter breakfast table and we know you will insist on this brand in future. Order today from your Butcher or Grocer Swift Canadian Co. Limited ht es ee ts ee BE fine. * * : lHAT the bears and other ani- frsals in the play add much to the } PRINCE RUPERT COAL Co. PHONE 15 JORIS IOI II II III IIIT OO SOTA A A A I II | ROR OO OO OR The Man ia the Moon §/¢ Lad ith L Coal is the Best j SAYS:-- j * a ysml ump 0a 18 e es | sy SSMU NE cet st Burns Longer, Better and Brighter, and Gives More Heat. THAT the open fisheries seems | ——— — anise i . - | ——— — Lo be an accomplished fact. B - OTHER COALS WE HANDLE ARE: THAT C. C. Ballantyne etiokd | Steam Coal, Bulk on Dock ....... $504 Ape $8.25 per ton- lo his guns at any rate and the|x Steam Coal, bulk, Delivered ............ 10.00 “« “« general opinion is that this city|% Meusehold Stove Coal, Bulk on Dock ..... 70.00 “ “* will benefit. | Household Stove Coal, Sacked on Dock 329° °° WARES If Houschold Stove Coal, Bulk, Delivered 412.00 “ THAT the man’s’a man for a’ It Househcid Stove Coal, Sacked, Delivered ... 13.00 “ “ ; | et. ae 'f SPECIAL PRICES QUOTED ON CAR "DADS. THAT the scenery shown in| ¥ ‘Back to God’s Country” is very x * w * * + * iterest of the story. THAT even if they are not wild bears and cougars and porcupines they make an integral part of the show, THAT there is an old English west country story told in dialect who at a harvest much fat of a boy supper ate so home bacon that, when the suet puddings were broke down had on, he because he brought blubbered, and eater ’ so much bacon that he had nt room for pudding: rHAT nothing like this hap pened at seal Cove dance lasi night but a similar tragedy almost 1 occurrea, PHAT the boy on that oeeasion boy and she did duly manfully. . . was not a ery, but did her not THAT the serving of five or six courses at a dance supper is not usual and there was an excuse for everything that happened. eo THAT “early to bed” seems to be the rule in certain quarters in this city. ecg h oinh rHAT 2:30 or 3 a.m, looked upon as early. * . . THAT there is doubt as to the healthy, wealthy and wise” which is said to follow the early to bed. * * * THAT’ sometimes the arly hirds get wise to things they would be better not to know: NOTICE To FISHERMEN [ have for sale at my residence on 1st Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines: Two seven horse power. One twelve horse power. One twenty horse power: All the above are new and will tf be sold at a sacrifice, P, RORVIK, is usually General Real Fire Insurance - = P.O. | FOR RENT OFFICE SUITE, 3 ooms, in Hays Block. Steam Heat. Suitable for Doctor, Lawyer, etc. DAViD H. HAYS Corner Second Avenue and Second Street. Estate Agent. Box 1555 - - Phone 67 LAND REGISTRY ACT sections 36 and 134, Re Applicatten No. 11484-1, File 6304, PTAKE NOTICE that application has beer ade to register St ‘o B, Adams, of vince Rupert, B. C., owner in fee un- fer a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of he Ciry f Prince Rupert, bearing date ve 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALL ND SINGUULAR that certain purcel r tract of land and premises situa ing, and being in the city of Prince Rupert, more particularly knewo and described as 3 Section Lot Three Block Eight (8), GQne (t (Map 923). You are require to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from + tals, the date of the service of this notice which may be effected by publication in the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B, C.,)_ and your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom:— “and in default of & caveat or cer- tiffcate of lis pendens being fled be- fore the registration as owner of the person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, . . and those claiming through or under them, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest tp the iand by descent whose title ts not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person en- titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sald for taxes,” AND WHEREAS applieation bas been made for @ Certificate of Indefeasible ‘Title t) the above-mentioned lands, in the name of Stephen B, Adams, AND WHEREAS on investigating the title it appears that prior to the 9th day of October, 1918, (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the registered owner thereof FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time IT shall effeet registration in pursuance of such sperication and issue a Certineate of Indefeasible Tithe to the said lands in the name of Stephen B. Adams un- | less you take and prosecute the proper: Se ee proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to prevent sich proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry OMmc I'rince Rupert, B, C., this 26th day o . Db. 1919 N vend er, A. . Hi. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles, lo Attred 0. Brandt, Esq., Spokane, Wash. ——E MINERAL ACT Certificate ‘of Improvem*nts. NOTICE KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral situate in the Bella Coola Mining ivision of Coast District, Where located:——West side of Dean channel, arm of Cascade Inlet in HKange . istrict, , © NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALD IACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL ‘OMPANY, Free Miner’s Certificate No. ,239, nlend, sixty days from the date ereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder or a Certificate of Improvements for each f suid claims for the purpose of obtatning Crown Grant of the above claims, And further take notice that action un- er peclion 85, tmust be commenced before he issuance of such Certificate of Im- rovements, Dated this t5th day of January, A, D, 1920 H. A. MACLEAN, LAND ACT, Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- trict of Coast, Range II,, and situate on (ie West coast of Calvert Island, near Its north end, Take notiee that Mark Smaby of Ocean Falls, B. C,, occupation logger, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing deseribed lands;— Commencing at & post planted one half mile north of N.W, cor. Lot 897; thence thence west 40 cane) north 40 chatns; thenee south 40 chains; thence east 4 chains, and containing 160 acres, more or ess, MARK SMABY Dated December 29th, 1919, 28 7 a eae © oe as ut _ FP 4 tae >