yarch 25, 1920. ’ PHE DAILY Newe oe prsdlay, e ec LS 9 ~~ . fae pee | : = rn pee Ss orrinnct aati ‘ siaiee j ve “ ae BRITISH MINERS SENDOFE TO THE | 4 nie a pike” ® ~ _ 77 3 , | q ros hie | oo j SELL | ou ae | an O V i, yyy Bo te ce at Dance Given by the Management | i wh ee, en of the Prince Rupert Spruce | 1 jection of Wage 5 a inetense, Mills Was Great Event. , need mak- -—- shige Seay Ad ce . 9 Still ih (Special via G. T. P, Temgraphs.) It is difficult to say, enough in} e a x yves In os business LONDON, March 24,—Another fea A oe aonte Gtven ae Seal | me line a | pes ta strike of miners appeared last ove last night without seeming | Hundreds In Me night to be in prospect. After the 2 eee Phe event was i Sh Id b Fi] rince Rupert. recent trades union congress re-| {@"eWell given by the management | Ou e 1 e =e gi jected the proposal of direct ac- of the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills ! i On § \1 tion to attain nationalization of “aye ry er i Aa ae] at Once ee d . rK’S the mines, the miners made nn de- li 2 le es a the Pe rik L , , vert lumber mill in a few days tO | mand for an increase of fifteen|! ; : te dns ; shillings a week in wages in or.| #4 the members of the firm (ook All persons residing in Canada, employed in Canada, or carrying on 4araware der to bring pressure upon the} “2/8 Way of showing appreciation business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: 3 VENUE government of the work of the staff. A num- { VD) AVN , we : hea Y Pte a Vise ks 1a ‘ i : ates phone Biack 114 Negotiations with Lloyd George |” Nek a Deaeris fo tee aan valet cabhnse a trshenging tal | All other individuals, Every corporation and me ‘ and the fuel controller have re-|“ 1 b rey. . ah oe hay | ee ae glen etl ort capecdga who during calerdar year Joint stock company, whose Rae ee CBS sulted in the demands of the 1e big room in the mill hote pen ents as defined by the Act, received or earned $2,000 profits exceeded $2,000 - ici miners being rejected. ‘The lat-| “2% ‘Stily decorated for the oc- who during calendar year, 1919, 5 during the fiscal year end- omememnmuocomage | Lor will meet tomorrow ko dobar. casion, a number of brass shells received or earned $1,000 or more. or more. ed in 1919. eee. mine their future course of ac used as vases being loaned for the Pv) " tion. peotait then z France, ac proach Ti Li i ee ie j g ; ‘0 ‘TE e 0 s Forms . . e Fe > 2 ‘ . . y] i}! GHT Bit Sa g|return from the war, The floor, : s to be used in filing ime Limit Forms to be used in filing Ui sali pmermaerme eras ass rere returns on or before the An sues : “Mea _ | returns on or before the i ‘ ] Which is an unusually good one, 31st of M h, 1920 persons in Class 1, as 1 : $e In the Letter Box was in excellent condition and T - mi ¥ shown hereon, must file on 30th of April, 1920: Eh caw'g :\dhntisacted. ds pig Trustees, executors, ad-| 0. before the Bist. of All individuals other | i > aray s rchestra providec 1¢ minstrators,® agents and March. 1920. _ than farmers and ranchers most valuable of music, assi 7 Marcn, ° ¥ on Te . a a FIRST IRISHMAN ae . oe assignees must use Form Saree must use Form T 1. snderetéod: ane: The piece de resistance of ij All persons in Class ai as Farmers and ranchers whieh, upon Rip Van Winkle:—What a pity the evening was the supper. Chef Employers making a| shown hereon, must file | must use Form T 1 A. be traced directly thou didst not keep on sleeping. William Quayle of the hotel was return of the ndmes and} om or before the 30th of Corporations and Joint sight A more fitting caste than Play-]®'*°" @ free hand and he pro- amounts paid to all dir- April, 1920. Stock companies must use wrinhitc Hpeadtie yoy" would. 4p duced wonderful results. Course ectors, officials, agents or Form T 2. ¥ 5us ' 5= . . =— cause will ee teliaae yeis . ; followed course, of all sorts of other employees must use b “25 sin ti ¥ ify raney 8s method for a goo¢ , | I delicate and ay * y thod lelicacies ending with fruit salad Form T 4 ; ree delicacies er g W ‘uit salads . . . robust health. cause. Adieu. ’ : | - ‘ Every person required to perly preserib- Not an Irishman, No. 4: Off un- and bricks of ice cream. } ¢ Corporations and Joint : General Instructions make a return, who fails to do. reine ren ; ’ os The committee in chapge con- Stock Gompanies making a Obtain Forms from the | 8° Within the time limited, eye eel fortunate man, not even related sisted of A. A. Ewart, P. I, Palm-| return of all dividends and ae : , Shall be subject to a penalty to these vermin that St. Patrick] ;, udlate as ise aes a bonuses paid to sharehold- Inspectors of Assistont | of twenty-five per centum exterminated, much less to elaim er, E. H. Lougheed, Ernie Hudson, | oe < . Inspectors of Taxation, or of the amount of the tax eee eens - , Gilbert Campbell, A. H. Gee and ers and members during ‘on » payable. no relationship with those happy], ga Auge Cin ih pi 1919, must use Form T 5 from Postmasters. Any person, whether taxable 1 re “| Robert Walsh. They, under; the | ae hetee : : Wisin f i Bs a ho. fail a d loudr angels above the clouds, Perhaps wadion: ot the aene on eee NOTE.—Individuals compr'sing part- ead carefully all in- | or otherwise, who fails to re = z you belong to the brotherhood of Sue ey 1 eee ae en earthy Rae ttle! ers al structions on Form before make a return or provide seal Optometrist! the t ott tr Ah writh Cosotfie that Mr. Campbell, looked after the | spe oma ea eens i obi S cha filling it in information duly required Practical Uptometnis at Ol yUNCH WIN Lucier that) «+ oductions and saw that every- | PENALTY . according to the provisions is ca Providence exterminated from a : : E hoi Pre-pay postage on of the Act, shall be liable on Ta rince Rupe Heaven and ace ati) Ue roaming one was enjoying the fun | Every person who is required ie Saori ns Sirdl f summary conviction to a fice , : ’ . ' The refreshment committee | t6 make this return, who fails etters and documents for- | penalty of $100.60 for each lion seeking whom you may de- acnsiated of Mira: Rowers and Mel to do so within the time warded by mail to Inspec- day during which the default ie vou, A woman’s heel is too dis-|,;,y1e and Mrs. Atk k| limited, t $10 be subject ae tors of Taxation. continues. Also that any “ scat : " : at ‘ Juayle, and Mrs, 4 inson |ook- | penalty of $10. for each day person making a false state- —-— —_. | tinguished to trample thee, a pen iy ¢ ’ | during which the default i cn eiietie tccenetths thes sult al" after the ladies’ room. Sen taicd aeamaltauateian 2 : past in oy setain Fie nie eS SCé , 2e ’ The party did not break up un- |} 7 cn ee ae) ake our returns nformation require y the sword too honorable to sheathe in} , ; a ; t} ge ‘clocl * ? ee alties shall be assessed and : y Minister, shall be liable, on Rat at the thee, hence we will turn you over]. ee 0 ChOeK and com | eco tome Ene) eaeee prompily, and summary conviction, to a Lat at the : gag eae te : pun eet __ | veyances were provided to take | liable to make Ses nore Me ae avoid penalty not exceeding $10,000, to your prototype “Pat the Ras- the guests home. Nothing was the same manner in which a : or to six months’ imprison- ees i eal,’ the fool———Place, Market] j,—) ,,, sani’ thn’ tha Homtort-aent taxes are assessed and col- péiic.iies rent or to both fine and SiON i} Diane; time, 43 sides weapons ee re re ; nfor and} lected. imprisonment. t wal i, cs oe : : : *| pleasure oO 1e guests. shillaly; pillow, a rock—presto ep en nN Address of Inspector of Taxetion for this District: |e en Se ae ees. — 7 nm LAND ACT | VANCOUVER, B.C. Tah ta, N- A. N. A. I. should be ly a 5 ITE COOKS A. 8. 8. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase | 1 R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation. rib ed Not an Irishman 2: is a dis- —" a aha vi s ONLY tinguished gentleman of refine- | VANCOUVER ibe ekes nee eee ays ment and culture with a sense of , ; ss se ere Be en re ‘ ‘ : i ‘ And situate on the west coast of Calvert | sana Sete” eae the be autiful that all might do sland. Dentin wan in PROBATE. : ——o but SWIFT'S well to imitate. Thank you, Num-]| TAKE) NOTICE that Helge Smeby, Of) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH rT, BACON and Prince Kupert, B.C., occupation foreman COLUMBIA. 9 » nan x = ber2. of fish station, intends to apply for per- are . 4 tly Egg The curtajn is down. ee purchase the following described | IN THE. MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- | , € a ect ae AN IRISHMAN. Commencing at a post planted 1% miles | vey ee —and— » , Ms north of the N.W. corner of Lot 897;;IN THE MATTER OF THE EST OF me : STD ID thence “ 40” chains; ace a a JOSEPH BROWN, DECE < B Good B fast, try our chains; thence west 40 chains; rence | ated j - : x suuth 40 chains, and containing °160 acres} ‘ TICE ‘ rder 3 & pocToR. svield Soosaze and Hees 4} TREE AND COONS south 40, ghains, and containing rico acres} | TAKE NOTICE, that in order of His HdwMocd WILL ; HELGE SMEBY, jof February, A.D. 1920, I was appointed You GiMHE iF 4 SOLD FOR $168 14 By Mark Smahy, Agent. | Administrator to the estate of Joseph ALe THE OTHER . . Dated January 21st, 1920. | Brown, deceased, and all parties having es iN scHoo- Se na - | claims against the said estate are heret f Good : . 5 LAND ACT required to. furnish ‘same, properly vert. i THE MOMPS-~ ; ee chai. LONDON, Ont., March 23,—A a ci i : ied, to me, on or before the 6th day of { Cooker ’ : , Ori NO. ¥.) March, - 1920, 3 é yarties ebte ; ed few days ago William Elson, ‘a mr ney ak Ne EE i ge farmer residing near Wingham, ¥ORM OF’ NOTICE. amount of their Indebiedness to me forth felled a huge soft elm tree, and in PRINCE RUPERT ib AND. DISTRI r. E JOHN H. MeMULLIN, : Ss 3 ( CASS ‘ Omete ‘ strator the top of it was the winter nny Dated this 6th day ore pee ites: } fa Th ilv f raccoons TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, home of a family of raccoons witb | ,- "Duncan, British Columbia, occupa tot LAND AGT three lusty youngsters: Mr. Elson Spinster, intends, to “apply for permissi JAND AG Oo purchase e follow! escribec was cut the tree into three logs and dommencag at a post planted at the|IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — DIS- | had them sawed into lumber. ist Seeman ee ae Ore EB ne TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, | They yielded 2,804 feet, for which |Province of British Columbia; South TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain, | a , degrees 06 minutes East, three thousand|of Vancouver, B. C., occupation returned Hotel ARS SODA per cent. Beer, BRE Dens E N Tv ron ae | iw i RY ememenapie ED FFICR ¥ RS to 4 "12; 1:30 p.m, to 5:30 p.m. OR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIaT ‘mith Block, Third Avenue. Pre aa) OP cna “ts ome el Prince Rupert be PHONE 93 Mena we, i reasonable Rates, “USC facilities, Parker, Manager 6 mene nme ane ene POMC COCOOOS LLLP OL OLE LO OOO DOM ae e ? EUROPEAN PLAN 0 pep day and up, "IRST-CLass CAFE beesees 8 (arte, POOP Oe oo wens is DS CARTAGE LTD. $98.14 at $33 per Then the farmer sold skins of the coons for &70, making the total amount he rea- lized from the tree and its oc- cupants $168.14. Mn. Elson feels established a record for he received thousand, the | he has 34 degrees hundred North 55 feet thence; North East, two thousand one feet more or less thence; grees 06 minutes West, two thousand five) st and fifty | le de- high finance in furs and lumber. 54 minutes; sa Idier, Intends to apply for permission to ase the following described lands:— Commencing at a post planted on the} 1ore on Sewell Inlet about 3 miles dis- hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; tant, and in a westerly direction from | North 85 degrees 55 minutes West, four entrance of Sewell Inlet; thence 5 chains hundred feet thence; South following high; south; thence 40 chains east; thence to water line to point of commencement shore; thence following the shore line to Approximate area one hundred and forty- | point of commencement and containing 2¢ our acres, more or less. acres, more or less. ”* LENORA MABEL SMITH, THOMAS B. STRAIN, by her agent, A, A, Forsyth W. E. Green, agent Date sth January, 1920 Dated 26th October, 1919. Fs | CHPe as y A DAISN (LL Just HAVE TIME Te CHANGE MY CLOTHES AND GET TO THIS \S THE FIRST — {LL FEEL FRESH AS IN THE MORNING AND WILL Do A DAYS WORK THAT WoOLt MAKE & LONGSHOREMAN es Savs:—It’s a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken.” . oe = S ss OW AAN & 7 AlodT We Mit THE HAY { Rapire \ ONL Be AT NINE IN TWO YEARS to hee THOVGH A BED Your YOUNGER — 1M ees 2 i (SEE WERE YOUNG COMPELLED YOU - you LOCK AD ) HAV EN T FOR A MONTH YoU Leok FIVE YEARS WENT To BEP EARLY- TOcK MY: ADVICE AND \LL INCREASE YOUR SALARY a 2 , ye LITTLE | ‘Tris SEEN Ne BECAUSE 1 GLAD Ou iM a 7 THAT CALL THE BOs® GAVE ME MORNING & TO KEEP THIS APPOINTMENT Me \ ae £ SHAKY ABOUT \ AAVE MADE IT THREE WEEKS AGO LIFE IF You DONT WEAKEN HIS IS THE LAST HAND FORGET 1T— \TS ONLY FOUR Oo cLocK - GIVE ME & CHANCE TO WIN BACKS SOME. OF MYX ITS A GREAT net — cect eateecaeetaninaetantianniiisaneientt = aa I tae ia aaa ten a «