pray eaps, ye ree. orning ummer, Wm. Ivens, R strong, of Prisone jill not go to Jai 5 verdic’ ayy found guilty on enced at 4:30. granted by His Lordship. PRINCE PRINCE RU PE rey B. C., SATU RDAY, RUPERT : MARC H 27, 1920, Northern and Central British Columbia’s ee TA XI i Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE PRIOE FIVE ) GENES on Minor cspecial to The News via G. T. P. Telegrapns,) at eleven. with headquarters in Winnipeg. The charges were denied, 17 Disagreed at First But Returned and Decided INNIPEG, March 27.—(1:45 Prince Rupert time.) t in the strike leaders’ trial is as follows: found not guilty on all charges. the charge of being a “common ce”? which charge is not punishable by a prison sentence. rmstrong, Pritchard, Ivens and Queen were all guilty on s charges. INNIPEG, March 27.—At 2:30 this afternoon (Winnipeg there was no verdict returned by the jury in the trial of strike leaders at Winnipeg with Mr. Justice Metcalf pre- The jury had been out since last night and had failed They so reported to the judge who addressed them ond time and they again retired. was half an hour after midnight last night when the pre- y judge concluded his charge t the jury, his address having His lordship’s charge followed the rebuttal Bc: of A. J. Andrews, K. C., senior counsel for the crown. pjections to the judge’s charge were taken by W. H. True- K.C. who applied for a reserve case and the application The court was adjourned until ul . Winnipeg Prisoners Are Found Guilty of Charges Pritchard, Ivens and Queen on Various Counts, Charge and Alderman Heaps not Guilty. rs Fonnd to be Common Nuisance and il; Exception to Judge’s Charges. The - he charge, which is one of seditious conspiracy, is against leaders in the big strike which spread throughout the West The prosecution to show that the aim of the leaders was to upset the present tutional. government. and replace it with a soviet. stated that an actual attempt had beeg made to form a in Winnipeg, he men whose fate is being decided are W. A. Pritchard, of ; Alderman John Queen and A, A. Heaps, of Winnipeg; . H. Bray, William Armstrong, and R. he Johns. It was HPENSATION TENDERS FOR KON BEING ASKED sentations ish Government Regarding tention of peclal via G. T. F INDON high . ent, {} Mk One. Herday MAPK Of Thuy Orniy bo bound «gf Wehth | BT STATES Being Made by German Ships. erection of ain tation on the the othe | It Is ji} here this year. ae seems to be Nd Stenjj lis the j ing Mada i s the intention ada 9 Made Quick Jump! ;,, me Sa "day on New York put up a fine Stock Ey lil is started hange- ‘ NK Mat h oF \ Ur bye . exchaner lf Cents above fand a quar. high has been Nn the value Wotations lighep ; of Disley, Thing than ew The TELKWA DEPOT Will be iis id Permanent Structure Built With Tile and Concrete Foundation. Tenders are being called for the station al Teiegraphs ; Telkwa. The bids are being ask- Ma r Grant 1 in three styles, stucco, solid the-presen tvle or inter locking tyvle. They the Unite i| close on April 7. The new bo sti ion will be a modern and up- Imperator ang. *074ate one somewhat similar to en tit the one nearing completion at ted States ltouston. It will be of two storeys ere en with a conerete foundation. © On «| the main floor will be a waiting ins rraarert room, a baggage room, ticket of Yanna € fice, agent’s room and kitchen. The calling for tenders for the dy have B&W building would indicate that d. States the expropriation action for the 1e British land which belongs to the Cassiar e despatch | 208! Go. is to reach a settlement ‘atisfaetory to the railway com- pany. It will be the third modern line west of Prince r two | Suthers and Houston. believed that may Commence on a new station being at operations thief delay financial, as it of the structure cope with the hoppers, company once mo | GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE Wi iotrennee| IN SASKATCHEWAN hd hill up to $3.90, Swarms of the Insects Reported Swarms of} day and ¢ Bevel in the prasent id a In Southeastern Part of ho movement bai. Province. if Y record \ WAS B44 ¢ iy 4, 19 made (Special via G, T. P, Telegraphs.) 4 dollars ‘i REGINA, March 26 Were qu a Unt of eigh voted Srasshoppers are reported on the lands of Southeastern Sas- oe katehewan and also in the vicinity The department of ag- riculture is investigating and urg ing immediate action on the part of farmers and municipalities to ‘COMMITTEE SITS ON NEW ELECTIONS ACT Number of Olavees Considered; Curious Provision Regard- ing Arms. the were sections of Act Kighty-nine Provincial Elections considered at Victoria by the Legislature in committee and, wilh the exception of a little more a dozen of the more conten- were disposed of, Under the provisions of the old act separate polling booth es justice form three hundred and no change had been before its inclusion in the measure. The leader of the opposition suggested that the word two hundred be substituted Lian Lous clauses, one voters made present JUDGE YOUNG SPOKE ABOUT SOCIAL EVIL Told About biases “Work of Red Cross and Gave Startling Facts and Figures. “There is an enemy in our midst today.’ said Judge Young to the St. Andrew's Society last night thal threatens more dam- Ireland (Special to rhe News aging effects to our nation than ever we faced in the Great War. This enemy is disease—disease that could be prevented, can be prevented but is not prevented. Medical examinations in connec- tion with military enlistment brought forth the information that 30 per cent of the flower of our manhood suffered from de- fects that could have been eradi- cated if checked in their early stages. Under military rule diseases were prevented and cor- rected and it seems apparent that something similar must be done in civilian life, tood over and very probably will; imended in conformity with Bowser’s suggestion. Expert Advice. I'ypical of the minute examina tion to which each section of the} Mr. measure is being subjected was the discussion on the clause re- quiring the stamping of ballot papers with the official but secret mark, Suggesting the additional) ufeguard of each envelope itvaled bY the” voter himself, ! sjowser raised the point for liseussion. ‘The Premier observ- d that the idea of the official -tamp had been considered from the point of view that by the use ink of a particular, kind any aitempt at “steaming” an envel- ope would cause the ink to “run” and reveal the evidence of tam pering at once. The “Mickey.” One of the purely legal sections of the new will demands the st render to the returning ollicer o1 his deputy on nequest any offen- of such as firearims, or bludgeons, with | sive weapon, swords, staves, which any such person may be| The leader of the oppo- mused, as to whether the} “mickey” might be ineluded in this provision. Mr. Oliver replied that. it might well include | armed. sition ‘brute majority.” On arrival at the viding for penalties for tion the member for IKsquirnal did not like the idea of no stipu iated mihimum fine. The omis- | sion, appare ently, was an accide! n- | clause pro-|} persona- tal one as other clauses provi | for both maximum and minimum, Phe clause was stood over. The new measure similarly pre vides that the expenses of trans-| porting voters to and from polling | places within the electoral dis- | trict shall be paid, bul such pay-| ment is not allowed in respect o! | transportation from one electoral | district to another. Legalizing It. Me, Bowser was somewhat sur- prised the provisign and nquired whether the old act econ tained it . The premier replies that it@was a new section design ed to legalize a practice indulged ‘in by all pacties hitherto without statutory authority: {oO see any ROOF OF HOUSE WAS ~~ BURNED YESTERDAY Department Had a Call to House on Second Ave. West; Damage was Slight. department had a call vesterday afternoon at 5:30 to the house oceupied by Louis Robi- sheau on Second Ave. beyond the junction when the roof caught on fire. The blaze was quickly ex- tinguished with smal! damage to the premises, The fire was,caus- The fire } ? + Nurses, being a: | versity of B. for the larger number because of Asks Co-operation. the additional work that would Te Red Chose ot Ganade 4s error’ upon Cleres i ae opela-| alive to- the situation and it is tion of that clause in the new bill with the authority of the society which requires the comparison! )).¢ 1 address you tonight. In of signatures, The se¢tion was) ; |conjunction with the Federal and Provincial governments and vari- ous volunteer organizations such the Women’s Institutes of Canada, Victorian Order of St. John Ambulance So- and the Daughters of the Eimpine we are about to start a campaign in the interests of pub- health. The one thing that we have is co-operation, and we obtain that co-opera- mm our efforts will be futile. The people must be educated to the danger facing them and the bene- fits that may be derived from the of these institutions. We iear talk of our mighty natural resources but it seems that our as ‘iety hie must i Uni2ass work zreatest asset—human_ health— is the least considered and the least conserved, “The work of the Red Cross is the earing for rural health and uready organization work has been done. Arrangements have been entered into with the Vic- torian Order of Nurses and the Provincial Government for the supplying of district nurses. lhese nurses are to be given sup- training at the Uni- ©, besides the train- already received to become graduate nurses. When i district calls for a nurse this nurse will be provided and it is the hope that the people thus sup- plied will learn much about the plementary ing they have ‘ave and prevention of the pres- ent physical defects. Any dis- rict——-Prince Rupert ineluded— may get such a nurse, During the war the Red Cross provided an inexhaustible depot of money and supplies for military purposes land we will do the same in peace A main supply depot will be opened at Vancouver with branclres at Prince George and Prince Rupert. Venereal Diseases. “Tl have taken a good deal ol! time and trouble to assemble the rination - will now give you on venereal diseases. These dis- eases are at the present time sapping the tife blood of our country and their disastrous pry- valence is terribly surprising. It is a well known fact that syphilis is destroying the health of thé nation. Authorities state that from eight to ten per cent of the population of both Canada and the United States is affected with this loathsome disease.. Do you know that there are 130 cases at the Essondale hospital in this province? Treatment for this disease costs the government of B, ©. $32,000 per year or $482,750 to cure those cases already under the eare of the government. Why, if we had the money that it cqsts B.C. to treat syphilis cases, we would be able to build a road around the world, to say nothing (Continued on Page Three). times. tuned, $6.00, tf Pianes correctly G, C, Walker. Phone Blue 389. Central News, The Lord Mayor of Dublin quest, it is reported, was due UST OFFICE CLOSES SUNDAY No One Will be Allowed In Lobby Until Early Monday Morning. Acting under instructions from Ottawa, Postmaster McIntosh will »se Lhe postofiice all day tomonr- iow and from this time on every Sunday. The post box outside will a available for oe let- 1d the. inceming will be received and sorted and will be in readiness for the opening on Monday. This order makes the local of- ice conform with the other post offices throughout the Dominion mot mail KING’S EMPLOYEES ASK MORE MONEY AND SHORT HOURS (Special via G,T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, March 27.—The em- ployees on the seotland including Balmoral astle, are demanding an eight- day and a raise in wages to pounds weekly. James D. King’s Commissioner on the Balmoral estates, has given the men the option of working ten hours a day or quitting their jobs) As far as is known he has snid nothing to them concerning hour three Ramsay, res, CAN HAVE MARKET iF WILLING TO PAY RENT THAT REQUIRED The report of the market com- mittee that the City Market be eranted to the Northern Interior Co-operative Association on the condition that it be operated un- the rules of the market by- dev law calling for a $300 yearly rental was adopted by the City Council at a special meeting last night with seven members in at- tendanece. This will necessitate personal negotiations between the present holder, Mr. Glennie, and the Association as his lease does not expire until September. “) am. returning to Telkwa to report to the Association,” said the general manager of the Asso- ciation, Mr. Prudhomme, at the train this morning. “We have several plans for disposing of our think we have to. Both the coun: tagonistic to us in their of the local merchants so, tion. its action.” B. C, Phone 1. Undortakers, ed by a defective stove pipe. Another Murder in Yesterday Magisirate Bell Taken from Tram and Killed at Roadside Opposite Masonic Club by Four Armed Men. via U 1 P. Telegraph.) LONDON, Fiarch 27.—Alan Bell, resident magistrate, who presided over the inquiry into the deatings of the Sinn Fein with Irish banks, was shot dead this morning outside the Masonic Club in Dublin, according to a despatch from that city to the Magistrate Bell was on his way from his residence in Monk- town to Bublin Castle when the tramear in which he was riding was held up at Ball’s Bridge by four masked men, who pulled the magistrate from the car and killed him at the roadside, Asks Police Protection. has applied to the authorities to furnish police protection to the Mansion House, according to a despatch to the Central News from Dublin. Mayor O'Neill’s re- to the fact that the mayors of Limerick and some other towns had received threatening letters such as the one said to have been sent to the Lord Mayor of Cork, Thomas MacCurtain, before he was shot. MAXWELL NEW PRESIDENT OF WAR VETERANS Was Chosen for Coming Year by Majority of 104 Over Dr. Forbes. ' (Special via G, T. P. Telegrapns.) MONTREAL, March 27—R. B. Maxwell, of Winnipeg, will be King’s estates in] president for next year of the Great War Veterans’ Association. He was elected this afternoon by a majority of 104 over Dr. Mac- kenzie Forbes of Montreal by the delegates attending the annual convention of the association. GOVERNMENT OF TURKEY HAS RESIGNED Former Grand Vizier and Foreign Minister to Form a Cabinet. (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) CONSTANTINOPLE, March 27. —The Turkish cabinet headed by Sali Pasha which was formed on March 9 has resigned and the Sultan has asked Damad Ferid Pasha, the former Grand Vizier and Foreign Minister, to form .a new government. SCOTTISH LEAQUE. Oukehs 1. Celtic 2. Dundee 1, Falkirk 4, Hamilton 1, Dumbarton 3. Hibermians 1, Airdrie 4 Partick 1, Clyde 2. Raith 0, Motherwell 4. A building permit was yester- day granted to Walter McLeod for ertensions and alterations to his residence on Borden Street to the value of $665. Lodysm th Coal. The best. Prince ®unert Poot Cormnany. Phone 16, —__———— —_—_—_— Tonight WESTHOLMRE THEATRE William Farnum produce and we do not neces- sarily have to come to Prince! Rupert, The council seems to} cil and the papers seem to be an- | support | natur- | ally, I cannot give much informa- | will probably be back in} Rupert in a week's time when the | association will have decided on | **Wolves of the Night”’ A story that carries the spectator into the greai Northwest, into the heart of | South America and into the whirlpool | of Wall Street. |] SUNSHINE COMEDY - “A TIGHT SQUEEZE” FOX NEWS | EMPRESS EMMY WHELEN | IN if “The Belle of the Season” 2 Reel Comedy. Mutt & Jeff hos Fe ie o i o# wiperqen Fen alk Spieiontenl — -_- oe