" Mareh 97, 1924 gal urday, eA een # ‘anc ‘ee re eae ’ eywhere are asking about the Ty veekly. They're waiting for a heir subscriptions. You pe en oe aie any article you desire can lo t j rhe coupon below brings all wit 7 ; me hay yne can come in on this. he detail Te ‘TheAC \eterans Weekly TheBC Veter | «es an opportunity here that will prove offer ot aueistance to those who desire | wee a ) extra money would give os cae is no guess work—no risk we sion vou get means a definite \ _ attainment of the article \ | 7 oe i outfits—a new fishing | ¥ course—all these are Koel g us your spare time . er advertisement—some- r xu may write tonight and i "S | Mail this Coupon tonisht forparticulars te and fillin your simp!) tei name and idres il] particu- a ae jars W me by return madl Sileth te thal iad “a THE 6.C VETERANS WEEKLY iz offer. 65-09 Province Buliding a VANCOUVER, B. ©. AMM aan = wmr rea eae ese ee FOR RENT OFFICE SUITE, 3 Rooms, in Hays Block. Steam Heat. Suitable for Doctor, Lawyer, ?tc. DAVID H. HAYS General Real Estate Agent. Corner Second Avenue and Second Street. P.O. Box 1555 - - Phone 57 c= Fire Insurance = « ra NOTICE’ TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRES . BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. eee Re eee mes seer. THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE —Five-room House 9th Avenue near McBride. $2000 REAL “ESTATE Westhoime Theatre Block FIRE INSURANCE P.O. Box 66 MARINE INSURANCE Phone Rive 69 LIL LLL ELL LLL LLL ALLA ALLL MO ALLOA L LLL LLL ALLELE AO A ee A a ’ we re = ——w larry Hanson’s Patent Patent Offlee, Ottawa, January 27, 1920, airected to acknowledge receipt of th inst. on the subject of Canadian patent anted to the 148th May, 1915,,for a and in reply to inform you that this patent your you on subject to the conditions of Section 44 of Let colnpulsory licence system) and is gov- ' , S of the said Act, an extract from which herewith, )intorm you that the fee for the second six nol yet been paid, but it does not come due May, 1924. The required amount is $20.00 and eller referring to the patent by date telling the purpose for which the remittance ad “il that will be necessary, have the honour to be, Your obedient strvant, ned W. J. LYNCH, Chief of the Patent Ollice, “alry Hanson. Esq.. 139 Second \venue, Kupert, B. G, | ee c.f ) the above letter, I wish to say that as Patent Av ‘ With section and paragraph 38 of tite thie ania aut ‘ therefore do not come under Section 44 of id as Tam equipped and willing to install, wid “Water Heater” to any and everybody, rit © according Lo law can, and hereby do withdraw | oe of others making these water heaters. am | ‘ Walter heat tie to negotiate for an agency to make my , $2.00 on o ' With anyone willing to pay the royalty of that a ve “| One installed on the distinct understanding “© Buarantee goes with it, “ y Manson ” Phome agg he Reliable Plumber ? — 139 Second Avenue Re pe, RUPERT, B.C. — 4 JUDGE YOUNG ~ SPOKE ABOUT SOCIAL EVIL (Continued from Page One.) THE DAILY NEWS of one around the island. To- gether with gonorrhea, a disease} that is taken lightly but is often | chronic, this disease is making | | awful inroads on the health of and is responsible for a large percentage of the insanity, | and other defects of our people Ve a me: blindness people. Duty of Parents. | | The United States has already | | taken the matter in hand and if} Suits that ave pressed Srequently and | cleaned occasionally u read some of the literature} | wear 2$ 10 go per they spread on the subject you | cent longer ! would think it raw. There's no} mincing matters and they cal] a; spade a spade. This literature; is circulated in the Y. M. C, A., | normal schools and other organi- zations. In some states a study sex hygiene is a necessary part} of normal school training. Where! formerly this:subject was pore] ed upon, it is now being studied “It is not every man to wear a shabby Colton once wrote. varnestly. An inexcusable mis- take for parents to make is to a century ago. send their children out into. the world without a word being said | of sexology. Much of the spread of venereal diseases could be pre- vented by parents. } Red Light District. | ‘Hegarnding red light districts, I once thought that the establish- ing of such was a way of con- trolling venereal diseases. I now appearance meet. see the folly of that belief. Com- petent medical authorities will , tell you that they are the very breeding grounds of venereal] dis- It is impossible for a wo- up your old clothes | | eases. man to live that life without in a your new. very short time becoming affected E 5 ; i vith syphilis. The districts vO ee ee should be cleaned out, but not clothes well cleane pressed, but there is unless a strict follow up campaign is kept up- If it is not followed up better have the districts, but it can be followed up and eventu- ally almost eradicated. These arguments for segregated areas are piffle and only advertise and encourage vice.” President 8. D. Macdonald pre- alone. They will inform yo intervals of two or sided at the meeting which was il ; largely attended. On behalf of Ww wear re the society he thanked Judgé 25 to 50 per cent longer than clothes that are not so considerately Young for his address. mn us mn te rs ! The Man in the Moou cared foe. l SAYS:- x i THAT Prince Rupert is growing, if the optimists are to be be- | lieved. THAT the pessimist wants to) know if she is growing better or) worse. THAT there was a time when | cynies spoke of men, women ane | | —— — = = curates: now they speat ot se. SCQTSMEN. WELCOMED women and movie actors. cl BACK TO ST. ANDREW’S ses ¢ ‘l] fed jackass for sale | co ai eet oe bei ak wie — aes oat husband. | speak THAT the woman who adver- | At the social given last night | by the St. Andrew’s Society, Presi- {dent 8. D. Macdonald on behalf of | the society, welcomed back the old members, James Dick, J. Mc- Kechnie and M- J. MeNeill. To Mr. McKechnie, who has just return- ed from military semvice, a roll of honor was presented. THAT many other women} would do the same if they thought they would get a bid. THAT the average young girl has an abiding faith in early marriages, a few years later she is in doubt, but when she passes the untellable age she is firmly convinced that all carly marriages | A good musical program was unhappily. |rendered in which Ed, Ross, R. Ries Mea Arthur, Jr., Joseph Gay, Dougkas* THAT it is said the Stork, J. Y. Fraser, W. Wilson | in this city have a hard time rais-| Murray and J. Brough took part, turn out landlords ing *the rents, but nothing like | with W- Vaughan Davis playing as hard as the tenants have. the accompaniments. During an Pi ue |intermission refreshments were} THAT the loss of the Dor e n| eniuad- | with the terrible loss of life con-] Po a aire rite aa sequent thereon is anpther ex-} ample of the facility with which | SMITHERS ‘ince ar xople absorb fic- ——---- M1 ince Rupert peopie ( | The Skead interests who are| Sets ae loperating the new Smithers nw f THAT if the Daily News had) mill last week acquired eight hun- | published one quarter of the weird!|dred acres of timber limits ad-| stories told of the boat, it would) joining the Smithers townsite on have needed big headlines to ex-|the west from the North Coast press them satisfactgrily. jLand Co. : i Pes ee | The Catholic Club presented THAT some day Rupert willithe first concert in the new cease to be a village. ; Smithers hall last Wednesday Mey 9 inight, when they honored St- Pat- THAT this is the time of year | pick with a recital which netted to give advice to boat owners. | $300. The concert was of a high . ee | order, owt 1 ciao) a” 3: If you . ; i THAT here is a little: If you, A steady business in realty is take more gas out of your tank | reported by Smithers real estate thag. yha gar fa. s SES: FOG dealers who remark on the lange ang Tous OTS - nr: jnumber of inquiries for houses ! overhauling and the impossibility of supply THAT boats need if sometimes: jing the demand. Ree T. A. McMartin has just re- THAT oil is said to be im-|covered from a severe attack of the internal economy, pneumonia which at one time ap- ‘peared to be very critical. portant in The words hold as true now as when first written, three-quarters of Nevertheless it is needful today to make the old suit last—though not at the expense of becotaing tattered. Between the costliness of clothing at the one extreme, and shabbiness of them at the cther, there i ground where economy and good Our modern dry cleaning estab- lishment is this middle ground. our experienced cleaners can tune advantage and the social value of details than improvement of ‘‘tooks” Ask your tailor or your clothier. frequently pressed, and cleaned at iit | | | i How to make your old suit last that can afford coat,” Robert You wash your comes soiled—it left unwashed of these equally your linen. The cleansing 3a middle in our dry cleaning process, and the pressing of Here hot steam workin and presery parel is made, “a : maculate outside es the business d and uneatly more in these if you will more modern cleaning u that apparel Get started on three months, economy. We o a tolthe Dry wir , fe*G,)\' Cleaner There is a sound reason for this. respect and personal hygiene, of course, but it is also true that if wear out much more quickly. Perspiration, oils, grease, and fruit juices have a corrosive effect; dust and dirt have a grinding action— your outer clothing needs purging have a Sterilizing action—your ap- trentment of each garment, as im- its shaper better, and is saved from teli-tale shininess. Your old cuit will last longer, and your new -suit will do double duty wire, which is se vice, Wsich 3S spe meet your individual needs. linen when it be- is a matter of self- your shirts would 2s much as does gasoline baths used the presser, with g through the fabric, by our scientific as inside, it keeps frequently use our and pressing ser- ialiy organized to the read to clothes ier you prompt de- livery and ail ihe acvautages of our up-to-the-minute dry cleaning methods. Tele- phone wus today. Phone 8 NEW MAR Phone 453 Equipped for building and repairing A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS in leng WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Centra! British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. INE WAYS Shawatlans Passage * classes of boats up to 100 feet th. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 onan: LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134. Re Application No, 11484-19 File 6304, TAKE NOTICE that application has beer made to register Stephen B. Adams, of | Prince Rupert, B, C., a& owner in fee un- |} der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of} the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the 28rd day of October, 1919, of ALL ANI S{INGUULAR that certain parcel or sract of land and premises situate, |) ing, and being in the city of Prince Rupert, more particularly known and described as Lot Three (3), Block Eight (8), Section One (1), (Map 923). You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice (which may be effected by publication tn the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B. C.,) and vour attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act’ with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom:— “and in default of a caveat or cer- 1iLeate of lis pendens being filed be- fore the registration as owner of the person entiéd under such tax sale, ell persons so served with notice, ‘ . and those claiming through or under them, end all persons clatm- ing any imterest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and al) persons claiming any interest ip the land by descent whose title ts not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es8- topped and debarred from sétting up any claim to or tn respect of the land se sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person en- titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.”’ A\O WHEREAS) application has been joade for a Gertificate ef tndefeasible Title fo if above-mentioned iands, in the name of Stephen B, Adams, AND WHEREAS on investigating the tue it appears that prior to the 9th day of October, 1918, (the date on which the said lends were sold for overdue taxes), you were the registered owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the sume time J shall effect registration in pursuance of such application and issue & Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe to the said) lands in the name of Stephen B, ACams un- less you take and prosecute the proper of the engine. nn ee to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part.- DATE at the Land Registry oon, Prince Rupert, B, C,, this 26th day oO} November, A, D, 1919. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of ‘Titles, fo Alfred 0, Brandt, Esq., Spokane, Wash. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvem*nts. NOTICE and IRON KING Mineral aims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining ivision ef Coast District. Where located:—West side of Desn channel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range ods. District. TAKE NOTICE that 1, HUGH ARCHIBALD 1ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL SOMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. ,239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date ereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder or @ Certificate of Improvements for each f suid claims for the purpose of ob Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un- er section 85, must be commenced before he issuance of. such Certificate of Im- rovements, . Dated this 15th day of January, A, D. 920 H. A, MACLEAN. LAND ACT, Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- triet of Coast, Ran ll., and situate on the west coast of vert Island, near its north end, fake notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean Falla, B. C., occupation logger, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands:— Commencing at a post pleptes one half mile north of N.W, cor. Lot 897; thence proceedings KING SOLOMON north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains; thence east chains, and containing 160 acres, more or ess, MARK SMABY Dated December 20th, 1019. ° r 2 as ee i van,» Seaahe: se arts | ga Bonds << oe » eae. 7 ioe 8 aes 5 * Spperiaes aed sapshscndne ~ +e