THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. Maret ~4 1999 ta " SUC TEEEEEETE ei Rae WILLIAM FARNUM IN MORE EGGS ARE ig _ 7, -= “ , = WOLVES OF THE NIGHT” 2 (aTisFiES p. T s \ Vo NOW ON MARKET: = | : The story “Wolves of the 9 = = Night,” shown in picture at the = = Westholme last night, was one SUGAR GOES UP s \ § of Farnum’s best. The big hero = 4A 5 was even more impressive and ui 3 i § dramatic than ever, _ | Spring Salmon Was in Last Week| = un § The story is of a mining engi- For the First Time This = i = neer whe, having sought in vain Season. = I\ 5 ' for copper ore in his land in the saiddateaskonite = = | Northwest, has converted it into} Sugar took another jump of] & is ‘a sheep ranch. Adjoining is a]1%c wholesale yesterday morn-| 3 I —_ |mining plant in full operation, ing, so the retail price is now up = oe : = | owned by three men who covet his]{to 20c. Eggs are-going down as| & gah : | property. the supply is improving with the} 5 : The hero, Bruce Andrews, por-Jadvent of spring. Butter prices = 66 5 trayed by Mr. Farnum, is sent tOjare stiff, with signs of advance. = 9: | Chili to investigate some mines.}Flour and milk are also on the = ‘ 5 | While there he is imprisoned in}upward trend. Spring salmon 5 = 'a mine through an explosion, and] was offered for the first time last = = i news is conveyed to his wife that} week and a regular supply will = = ae IN YOUR HOME ta Ue tee” einen g a Regular suppl) = : io h infil that’s worth he has been killed e escapes}|soon be coming in. Following are = = as an influence tha abs Hace 8 craze > Kite : pa tA : Wed = = mm mote than wea!th. after days, but is crazed by his|this week's prices: = : THE PATHEPHONE sufferings. sg Meuts. Ss = = : the World’s Best Phonograph} The denouement of the story|Sirloin steak ........ e+e 45C = 5 ae did All R d is one of the most dramatic ever] Beef, pot roasts, lb., 25c to 30c = THE ORIGINAL LIGHT WEIGHT PORTABLE, GASOLINE = ths, Plays ecords seen on the screen. Beef, chuck roast, lb. ...... 25e] & OPERATED DRAG SAW & POWER PLANT = 4 ; ar = = ; ft hi Get one now,—delays are un- - —-—--—-—— Beef, rib roast, Ib. ........ soe = Frequently imitated N = ey pees and d when you know our George Adams arrived from]|Beef, boiling, Ib. .20c to 25¢ = f 7 1 eed) = got , eae Winnipeg, where he has been|Hamburger, per Ib. ........ 25¢ = = ‘ | f : : : ; , = , “6 TRh ‘ ”” ‘ ‘ ep 3 Rv Shipment of New Rec- spending the winter, on Thurs-]Stewing beef, per Ib. ...... 25c] a nan MacGREGOR Drag Saw is an xpensive & a ords Just In day night’s train and will go to]Corned Beef, per Ib., ...... 226] Ss Ae eacatn vane a ene eppalariy adapted for tl d= ” ; | Alice Arm by the Venture on MNO NOE re ee as Oks 45 = ; ae ve cutting of wood under any conditions, on land or & ” 4 Come and hear the world’s best aa irovnilie ae an pre = water. With equal facility and proportionate rapidity it will md the small or large loo ai artists. : a ; “fae Prete ree inky Px, oN pd = up to seven feet in diameter. Depending upon size and character it will , a dit 5 fe . . ee. a u » SLEWIN®W® .-eeeeeees a = ’ 1 = ; ?* Will Edmunds Pay ACE eta anatase coe Ap = green or dry logs, 20 to 30 cords of wood a day, a ae ite : Veal stewing il aa = So light is its weight it can easily be carried from one point to another : Pen Prince Rupert Music Store VANCUUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT] °°"? Museen Sy = can move it on the log and two men f i other. One man = ay Opposite the Post Office $} | UF CUAST, RANGE Ml, Veal shoulder roast ....... 22¢] & d 4-foot log i i two men from log to log. It has sawn a 2-foot log in 59 = | cnn Box 644 Phone BLACK 183. j TAKE NOTICE Gus 3. Gx Giaunen. 98 ew: of Veal: fis...’ 30e and 40c| = Seconds, a 4- oot log in 3 minutes and a 6-foot log in 6 minutes. Its operating cost for = p. . ee ee ee the following. described{>'ipping, per Ib ose]. = gasoline, oil and grease is approximately 4 cents a cord. 3 - uission to leas ollow BSC PC . PA Sr pices poe = x . : : . = i nt ~ | ands:— Pork sausages ..... ad ation 3uc] S Full operating instructions are furnished with each machine, and its mechanism is s9_ = : Al ; _, ommencing at 6 peat planted 9% sutles Tomato sausages .......... 30¢ = a s - be eee and kept in order by any person. Its power ean be hart ; 13 an west corner Of Lot 897 on the west coast = to the feed cutter » circular saw wa bith chet i? | TOM LEE CO. “s caettaah behemaas ee eee oe aieaes PORK 108 eis och ic bac sca eRe = : ut , the pump, the circular saw, the churn or the separator. = , hence west 40 chains; thence south 4v sork chops ........ Be tse ss vue} SS We carry in stock at all times in our Vancouver Warehouses a full line of - *hains ; ence east 40 chains oint oO = ° é : es 4M Of Service s ‘ 840 Second Avenue, West. commencement and containing top acres,|Pork, shoulder, ........... 40c = parts. In case of emergency there is no long wait for delivery. = i —_—— nore, OF 0s 2h CLAUSRN Ayreshire bacon, sliced 53sec] = " = % | VEGETABLES “pate January 91st, 1920. Bacon, piece, per Ib. ...... 65c| = Write For Our New Illustrated Folder. Sent Free If You Mention This Paper = y big Wholesale and Retall WATER NOTICE. Bacon, sliced, per Whey 4:64 70¢ = E peat General Contractors and DIVERSION AND USE. ae poets a sentence reese ove = = +i aris ; g ai 5¢ = . = : ¥ Labor Exchange. cAkt NOTION tent? Ol. whole te Ree he ee ee ps = WEE M GREGOR The “Wee MacGregor” = vf 4 « 8 address is Aiice Arm, Bs 03 will apply Bale PAOKRS ig is ko Sie eles e 4% 45c = ac Drag Saw 6 a = Kf Ln ee $/} or a licence to take and use 50 cubic-] sj jape . = ted by tl di A " ‘ al . Prince Rupert, B.C. £ cond-fe i and_ to store about 400 acre. ‘hicken, PEP [hs 6. 65 ee Her 50¢ = ag cee, he De nin § " eet heer uo Geartes et Mui] owl, per Iba ooo. ‘set 2 SAW MANUFACTURING CO Fisheries and Aric & ret , eee 79° jiuws southerly and drains into the Kitsault : , rt = sheries and wh nite Vows: (Gabe) Veo ork ces i 50c ferred. M. M. St Mortimer, Real Estate and In-| ¢ d veters Phone Gree Pi a HG > gy Fico x 7 5 coeeee ; . M. Stephens. tf urned veteran. hone Green i Hand Y 8 Seer th, Rc cue is. REPT S:-G, fregh QBS6 60 cence os 65¢c P surance Agent, 324 Second Ave:| 395, tf - an our Bagga Checks to Sat dl el at bares VANTEL Thi , sé . = eel Bt ggage Chec the Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk, | * tricly new laid eggs ...... 75c| WAN yED— White woman wishes] -. ga1ie—Seven-roomed house a é British Columbia, hereby gives notice that} dargarine ...... EE ae ae 45c house work by the day or hour. ‘ ae : ; , it has under section 7 of the said Act,} ,, Phone Blue 419 betw 9 d With large lot on Atlin Avenue, | —— iam —— v leposited with the Minister of Public Comb honey ........ coeeee 5OC ? ” ee een a section 2. New. $4,250. Ter (INVESTMENTS Our monthly - Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the} Sugar, per Ib 20¢ 12 mornings: 14 , DD a. 4 - $4,200, Lerms | ts wS LMNs PF moo ies Motor Transfer and District Registrar of the Land Registry , Ber SS Ott See oa arranged. McCaffery, Gibbons market letter inailed at your . a District of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, Breads Wer Wal, 62s oie See 15¢c WANTE : : rs : path oe # iN Passenger Service pe ab aeea of ee a al aoe Four (hard white) 50-lb sk $3-75 ANTED—Home for boy, 4 years & Doyle, Ltd., Third Avenue. request will give y latest re- 4) rn ans revers ope- , = : ; _— ‘ ‘tan ragantin Pe 47 Stand, E. Hotel way over the Skeena River, proposed to be} Milk, per case $6.25 to $7.75 old for two months or more. P. kINE HOME, best taste fiable iniormation regarding NOs * anc, Empress f-ot¢ bulls over. se a Skeena River at Usk, ee , Fish ey A: Smith, general delivery, Prince ‘ ot Mod "8 residentia Bonds, stocks and investments f. ; tritish Columbia, the supporting towers of sh. : = ie section. Moderate terms. Hel- ; . licited Ss the said Ropeway to be located on Dis-] , 3 Rupert, B. C. 4 : , generally. Enquiries solicited vy Phones 176, Black 334 iret Lots numbered 1437 and $33, ‘Range Sd. ADS Gia od oe a bale cms 35¢ e TES gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, regarding ANY B nd or Se >», Coas strict. ’ > orurn oe x ‘- . . . shu ° ick Deli é AND 1 Vk NOTICE tae atter the ex- a mee smoked, ........ 20c} W ANTED—Kitchen maid. Wages Notary Public. ity. Particula f prices, ~le ; piration of one mont C the te f 1S ack ¢ car ce $35 ; 1 ae 5 Quic eliveries the first publication of "this notice, the . esh Week Sue part. Ne: 480 ver per manth. Apply Prince LOTS FOR SALE yields and standing of any ls\- RIE said Kleanza Company, Limited, will under Finnan haddie, ..... 2 Ibs. 35c Rupert General Hospital. tf ad listed stock in We te Be section 7 of the said Act, apply to the! f7,)jbut, per Ib 20¢ . , : bs : e or unil: LOCK fh " rm ulster of Public Works at his office in » DOL 1D., co reereccee Cc SALE FOR SALE—Fine level lot wit! market forwarded — without ui ODM EL ese | ithe City o itlawa, v ) ? erring i FOR ; > P to ¢ " said ate and plsns, and’ for leave 4 ane § . ieee ne 2 |b. for ae Bea a ech pernor view on Fourth Avenue charge. Leased wires . all siruc : we sal seria Ropeway. ee “ 2 y CACN, «eee eee Cc s 4 a 3 Near McBride- Price $1,050 arts f the continent. nex- SMITH & MALLETT dhs OF tdunaee pupers, bo as: $881) Flounder Fillets, :Ib.;... ++ +++ 20¢|* OR BALE 12 bh. p. heavy duty Half cash, balance 6-12-18 celled Rosinose nections 10 f ay KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, Sult Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 55c| Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro-| i ooins. Theo. Collart. West New York, Chicago, Montreal, . : say atmore & Fulton, Solicitors. | Oysters per dozen 50c| Peller, magneto, coil, ete. This}. |) ee errs ee SOFm, ee” Ph ysters, co 4+ eth 6&8 . - ( » Theatre nk Maw linniper i , PLUMBING AND HEATING LAND ACT PPADS, 8B y. . Gac-chd vein «+ 00:0 25c} is the engine I used in the) ~~ re ~ ian cele 5 © European invest ‘ EN --— ske “Aileen.” It is in perfect. order| F SALE Tee eters! Hts» ; _¢, SOGIRRER IN THE SKEENA LAND pistrict —p1s-| ‘Kate, Per Ib, .....+++++-+- S001. ame si ag ae FOR BALE—Lot 10, Block 41, Bec ments specially dealt will ¥ : Estimates furnished. TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Bt oes tere 3 for 25c| 2nd very little used. $1,600.00— tion 5, Price $250. Ed. H. Mor- Leading financial housé if 0 ee AKE ! CE th omas ; é : > s0i ; an ~~ : " oT hae tocde Gy cate oe nen dr renga | HOLTME Ss 6:e't «nue seie 4 lbs for 25c M.M, Stephens. tf timer, Real Estate and Insur- Vancouver and Victoria. A(- A eald > of , fo > ssic rie ‘ . “294 28 ‘ = nt etenye 4 Address, 3rd Avenue, head lease. ihe following. described. we tol Salt oolachans, Ib., ........ 10¢;FOR SALE—25-40 h. p. Medium ance, 324 Second Avenue. ti dress all replies to Bl RDICK soe > ommencing at st pl ad »| Spring sé aL 206 " . 3 . a . n Stoc! hi of Repena-Wareel. tnt on Sewell Inlet about 3 miles. dis: dine Se fe em Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch! OR SALE—Two fine view lots BROS. AND BRETT, LD» \ i ‘ ant, and in a westerly directi f ‘ ’ ; 2y swala. ¢ na a ; : iz 7 7“? “okers Iotel Van- 7 Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 entrance of Sewell Inlet; thence S chains Onions, dry . ott ; for 25e [gnition, 4 cyl, 4 cycle, in per- Section 2. 8750 the pair. Mc- and Bond Brok: yk . BI south; thence 40 chains east; thence to}. 5, GLY, «+++. 8. for 25¢ fect condition. $1,500,00—M. Caffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd couver Bldg., Vincouver, *™ ee rs Feahe Tetwveteg: tne: wade “Teese Spanish Onions, per lb., .... 15¢ M. Stephens tf ie very, pons oyle, Ltd.,j °°! : : ie aint of com “eme Te , ; ranue - lg . heres, “ite or an nt and containing 20) (.-rots, per Ib., ...... Mc NG: Pisa TA _# lird Avenue. tf FARMS FOR SALE | OMAS B. STRAIN, Turnips, per Ib 5¢|FOR SALE—1%-inch mode] “L"' |} : : ——_—__—___——- . : ys: Co W. E. Green, agent. 3 ee G CAGE bee ¢ 4 oc ee 0 + |¥OR SALE—Lot 5, Block 46, Sec- _ : 1 e O Pf Pek For mfort, Courtesy og Tee eet Laem re} Jelery, per bunch, ......... 30c| carburetor, or trade for model} tion 8. For particulars apply MIXED FARMING—-The | nds in " . YR OBO ister 8 OF os ac oumrarcag eee rr eorentrs : 3 z ‘nN fee ea ‘ ; : ay ab some cl » lands | j and Service Boets, Rae Tice ice yh yg tec Be “D"—Apply evenings the “Billy| owner, P. L. Fossy, Jnr., Ross- has still som tatnte (ocen > e's Cabbage, per Ib. .......... 12%c| Boy,” Cow Bay. 741 Jtand, B.C, Ghee taettiod i ‘anle ee n Cauliflower ... Stn. eee eer ernie g , ern Canada ‘for sae ™ va tnsvrieinttarane . ati EY ; fe , ibid . ; i , rs to pay: i Th A The aon Talining 081 or les ‘5c FOR SALE—303 Savage rifle Inj} FOR SALE—Splendid view lot in prices; twenty yeal me i é ; . Srussels sproute .......... 35c good condition: Price $30, Ap-| Block 1, Section 2. Price $600.| irrigated lands |" © nny $2,000 % ¥ C e Potatoes, Oar 660k...) 4-60 $6.5 ply 215 Seventh Ave. West. 78 Ed. NN. Mortimer, 324 Second ern Alberta, W ith loa vaiat nev ; ~ ar . > . > > : > >. i i 3 ? gs to assicy © ' F. T. Bowness amp Cooking Rhubarb, per bundle, ...... 30c} FOR SALE—Spruce float—36 by Avasiue tf ees y — they are MANAGE 3 pj -lq . ; : settiers. ¢ rm nk lets “Ay, MANAGER ; ei Fruit. ¥ gh rig $400.00 Apply Dyb-|#OR SALE—Lane corner on Atlin soing fest. For free book! : RNG iiss ek aaa ee Pee 5e ‘avn & Hanson. is eld m F mC. ian nite: we i Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Revealed This Grapefruit (California) 3 for {80 if n tf ee een e re Theo. and full information wee ” means a8 ol EP : 76 : Ollart, estholme Theatre +I hran, Canadian *® SAUNIMER 635d cub doles ice wae 4 400] BALE—20 gasoline cans 150 me ONSaTS ancouver B lage r 7 " On Saturday we had a letter|Dates (drom) . 350 each, Daily News oftice. tf ___ Boek: bis Pen sai ol Railway Station, Var " ™s ; from a lady in New Westmin-| 3ulk Dates. per lb. ..... 1 oe aeerenend OO C et } p § BLO, DOR Io 4 aes 60¢ FOR RENT ——————__ are ; " A. eS GRAY ster who asks that her name] Navel oranges ..... 30¢ to $1.00 ens oe SAE. eae LAND AC M8 aiken ah ileus be omitted. Apples (Yellow Newtons) 4.25|FOR SALE— Apartment house FOR RENT—Newly completed and iporm No. 9 Me. Mihi ce Gada verse She said they discovered|(Cooking apples .......... $2.75 containing 4wo modern five- decorated hall above the Candy Se eicg i PHONE Blue 421 Pacifle Milk while she cooked| Canned Italian prunes ..... 40¢| foomed apartments on Borden Store de Luxe, on Third Ave. ee p pistRict . . ay she i ae . 2 8 * i . eERT ND Vis ; wed +l abet for her husband in 9 camp last AIG Oe I io oe 30¢ Street with splendid harbor: Hall Ao 8 hundred feet long and PRINCE ANicT "OF “CASSIAR: i. summer, where no fresh milk|Currants, per Ib. .......... 35e view. $6,000. M. M. Stephens, specially suitable for dances » NOTICE that Lenora Mabel ae a Ho: De Bats bs Peel, per lb. ....... tic oty 60c| Real Estate and Insurance, 3rd and other social events. For of EO irish Columbis, versie Phon® @reen 607 1017 3ra Avenue fi : mane Suen. delicious and|Mixed nuts, per lb. ........ 35c| Avenue, t¢|__terms, apply to Jim Killas. Bpinster, totes onlowine described "ig ine grained cakes and hot|'rable Figs. per pke., ...... 450) — > — —IVOR RENT —R A sommencing at & Post t westerly shore D & W tt breads and at less cost that she] Mince Meat 206 FOR SALE—Five-roomed house 4 — Room and kitchen on pier a ee enal, in tbe Nori ha U ; MING 4 dia a Sedcererl sate 4 2 7 ’ of the Port 2Oney, Oar Districts ammo allS kept on using it when they Evaporated Fruits and two lots in Section 7. Price} “unt Ot and cold water, fur- |dary ‘of Lot, ttt. aiumnit, distant soul? Bf CR RRRNR ep pEneme ei yee came back to town. Black Fius ........ 300 $1,600. One-third cash, bal- wlebed with everything, Phone Province of a ininutes Bas 0 and Aves BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS She says “Always reduce it] White Figs .............. 300{ anee one and two years, David Rep 2h6: 74 | sand three hundred An crinwest Cone op Specialists i; Light and Heavy Con- as i Vi . ater’ Seer OO Me cide ewes SNP sgt ; : 7 ome J TENENS Oe ice south 85 SHIN nonce Specialists ic Light end Heavy Con- at least half with cold water;’'| Apricots ............0.... ASo H. Hays, General Real Estate MISCELLANEOUS bok 404i, ort Pe a hundred reek Neb First Class Staircase Work and Pacific Milk C DURROR i a eee. 35c Agent, corner Second Avenue Eee ut et eee ar ea ©. OORT ees 12 mnenceNorth af wna Finishing. Oo. Apples 350| and Second Street. SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the hundred and ten fees two hunny ine 4 Rivgiasete $00 ++ ere eens ; rees, p yeniy4 ‘ollo . Estimates Cheerfully Given Limited Saitioss: Maininn S0clFOR BAER —_ Prospector, will make a nice hinety-sever feet thener i, ‘poit of com ERIOK AND CONCRETE BUILDING 832 Drake 8t., Vancouver, B.C. Ned cca E—Four'roomed house} gift book for your eastern | Mish win, Un and « nat este CONTRACTORS FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. Cet ae t *-9'9.4 -30c] with bath on Fifth Avenue—|] friends. Poems of Love, Nature,| Area approximately fo0" * eile i i r va se a , ; emITH, Ad eae oe $2,400, Terms. McCaffery, Gib-| Religion and Sociology. It is nore OF TTENORA MABEL. Moray dvertise in the Daily News, bons & ~oyle, Ltd. tf fragrant with the breath of by her agent, Date 8th January, ,