,day, salu! March oi mmenced mak- sneys COT! ; ; Fay ag jn 1843. Still in tne of business he same Hn 99, Hu prince Rupert. on —_—_ ng stove in use in lredas Qn SALE AT red Stork’s Hardware “eCOND AVENUS Phone Blac k 114 GHT vable of most lerstood. h, upon 1 directly will ute and t health prescrib to nor strain. Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist’ hird Ave. Prince Rupert OODLE PEA DOL PLE OL OOD Hotel Prince Kupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Oarte. a ee SET POL ODOD FT PLOLOLD "PROD LOIOCS THE DAILY NEWS Take No Changes © STEEL COULD odl) Medical Men Cold | of Iron and Coal in the Copper Treat the Slightest River District. Flu| Promptly---It May be ---Is Their Advice. EYES OF MINING WORLD Physicians learned something from last year’s influenza epidemic they are apply- “py % . : . Ae 1¢@ mini dustry ; ing to good purpose this year. They found | ng indu try in this colds” north country is receiving more that If they let “ordinary wet by | without treatment they could not cortrol jattention every hour from inten- the ‘fu, for in @ great many cases these |ests in the south,” said A. G supposedly mild colds were nothing but | Ge . ese . ; the first signs of the more serious disease. jarde, M. E., who has just re- The thing to do is to check these colds |turned from a four months’ so- at once, it isn’t safe to wait five minutes{journ in the southern part of B. after you begin to sniMe or feel the slight4 ( to a News representative yes- fever and weariness that always herald a , i oe van jtenday afternoon, “and the people cold.’ Just walk into the nearest drug G store and order a box of Grip-Fix. Take of this place must wake up to two capsules according to the directions {heir geographical advantage in and you can begin to say good-bye to], : aa J elatic . stry vy your cold, In the morning it will under relation to the industry. They ordinary circumstances, be gone. If {t has|™USt step out and bring business obtained a firmer hold on you, the Grip- {to the city if they expect to get it Fix treatment will have to be continued! ‘There is undoubtedly a move- a few more doses. , ; Grip-Fix is @ combination of drugs thar; ment on foot and there is actually any competent physician would prescribe |@ Company being formed in Great for colds The formula is plainly set| Britain to go into the steel busi- sre te pede ne ae | ness in British Columbia. These There can be no substitute for Grip-Fix,| People will have men in the fleld If you accept a substitute you are not|this season to look into proper- fair to yourself. Demand the original—i/ties of merit, many of which lie sold at 35 cents a box. On sale at all! A : send aaa right in this district. It behooves Prince Rupert to be on the look lout that a smelter may be estab- llished here. LAND ACT dotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In The Skeena Land District, Recording There are large deposits of istrict of Coast, Range Five District, and| Poth iron and coal at Copper ituate and known as Zayas Island River. This could be brought to NOTIC a 7 a » . nha See eo a i setibadion “me (20mé point in the vicinity of turned Soldier, intends to apply for per-|P?since Rupert and together with mission to lease the following described | magnetites assembled when steel lands: \¢ uld be produced. Many people Commencing at a post planted on the favor this point for a smelter for East Coast, about 1% miles distant in a . ? ’ Northerly direction from the S. E. ot Id 9Faaking steel as it could be very point of the Island: thence including the | economically produced. To bring whole of the said Zayas Island, and con-} A ic AR ints Sane. Gabedteade Ge Maat: | steel long distances from the WILLIAM A. NOBLE, United States when it could be so Per Hoomes K. Freeman, Agent. jeasily made right at our doors Dated March 12th, 1920 is utter non-sense.” MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements. TWO KILLED. “Copper Crest” Mineral Claim, situate injMagnus Johnson, Formerly of he Naas River Mining Division of Cassiar | Kispiox, and Ole Gartt are istrict. i Where located:—Glacier Creek, Granby : Buried Alive. —_—_ ixty days from the date hereof, to apply; Magnus Johnson, for - many o the Mining Recorder for a Certificate , s f Improvements, for the purpose of ob-| years a resident of Hazelton, hav- aining a Crown Grant of the above claim. | owned a ranch in Kispiox snd further take notice that action, un- | 28 er section 85 must be commenced before| Valley, and well known through- e issuance of such Certificate of Im- , ; ; , saidienrta : lout this district, and Ofe Gartt, tk } ; ; rere this 411th day of December, A. D.) who leaves a wife and four chil- ay TAKE NOTICE that I, B. L. Johnson, Free! diner’s Certificate No, 81762-B, intend, a Department of business in Canada CLASS 1 Forms tr returns on or before 31st of March, 1920. Minstrators. @ ssigy LS Employers return of the agents a unts paid to all dir- April, 1924, Stock companies must use ther ir tals, agents or Form T 2. other em 1 nin — Form T 4, eee PENALTY Corporati . i Ever erson required to St ee sc nee and Joint General Instructions make eee, who fails todo seompanies making a so within the time limited, seus ividends and Obtain Forms from the | shall be subject to a penalty bonus, id to sharehc Id Inspectors or Assistant | of twenty-five per centum ‘0 nd membe return, who fails vi time ail be subject to a during Which for each day person making a false state- ates os : the default ent in any return or in any alties shat “all such pen- nation required by the collected fre assessed and Make your returns marorepes oe tos St ee liable to m ike — person promptly, and summary conviction, to a egme manner in whieh oid penalty not exceeding $10,000, taxes a antiae in which avot / Pena yy months’ imprison- an ee A a penalties ment or to both fine and Address el i. of Inspector of Taxation for this District: Finance Dominion of Canada Should be Filed at Once!! Every corporation and joint stock company, whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year end- ed in 1919. All other individuals, | who during calendar year received or earned $2,000 | or more. | CLASS 2 Forms to be used in filing Time Limit March, 1920. All persons in Class 2, as shown hereon, must file on or before the 30th of must use Form T 1. Farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1 A. Corporations and Joint of the Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to @ penalty of $100.00 for each day during which the default continues. Also“that any Pre-pay postage on letters and documents for- warded by mail to Inspec- tors of Taxation. imprisonment. VANCOUVER, B.C. R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation. i BE MADE HERE A. C. Garde Points to the Deposits ARE ON THIS DISTRICT hee Frasra VOmna and ‘Sispovion uality, 3 ~~ t : MACDONALDS = — 2 5 MSTA PEALE € dren in Kamloops, were buried alive on Thursday last in a cave-|s in on the line of construction of | the Kamloops-Kelowna branch of the Canadian National Railway, says the Interior News. Double shifts of workmen were put on to drive a tunnel to the spot, but nol the slightest hope of finding Cold quickly take PENSLAR the men alive is entertained. acid and pure cane sugar. The cave-in occurred in the give ene by clearing the air passuges of 8 -tion. longest cut on the line upon r passages of the obstruction which crews have been working for the past eight or nine months, the accident occurring while a dumping train was being loaded. Timbers gave away and an im- mense quantity of rock came crashing down. made for their particular needs. THIRD AVENUE | It you want to get rid of that Cherry Cough Balsam A combination of wild cherry bark, wine of antimony, blood root, benzoic It tends to There is no morphine, cocaine or other habit-forming drugs in Penslar Cherry Cough Balsam and for your protection the exact formula is on the label. We can recommend it as being most effective For children, we recommend Penslar Children’s Cough Syrup FOR SALE ONLY AT THE PRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO. PHONES 134 & 117 Sheriff’s Sale — Of Mining Machinery, Plant, Tools, etc., in the County Court of Atlin holden at Prince Rupert. WwW. MM. MUICAL SOCIETY PREPARE FOR EASTER Wiil Give ‘From Olivet to Calvary’ In the Methodist Church on Good Friday. and Wm. Burke, PLAINTIFFS. | Molybdenum Mining and Reduction Co.,, | Limited, DEFENDANT. i Those who like choral music] By virtue of Warrants of Execution, | ' : : : oa. . issued in this action, and to me directed, | vill have an Oppo! tunity of liste n- have seized of the goods of the defendant ing to something out of the Usual] he following: in Prince Rupert next Friday, All the goods and when the Choral Society will give|'' lait company at the . inine, situated on Alice Johnson i chattels of the de-| beach and at the Arin, B. C., con- Maunder’s ‘From Olivet to Cal- sisting of stationary engine, flotation out vary” in the Methodist Church.|ii, crusher, rubber belting, rollers, ele- vators, shafting, pulleys, assay office com rhis cantata might almost be in- cluded in the oratorio class and is most dramatic in parts. Th words were written and arranged by Shapcott Wensley, and the piece is specially suited for the Kaster season. plete, 5,280 feet 4-inch air pipe, one tram, im line mile, and numerous other rticles, | Inventory can be seen at my ofiice. i All of which, or sufficient to pay claim nd costs, | shall offer for sale by Publi Auction for cash on Thursday first day of April, 1920, at eleven o'clock in the one lhe The Musica] Society have been] ereneon at tay office, Court House, Prince < vit cies k oa tk eee Oe ni , | Rupert very busily engaged during the Dated. at Prinée Rupert./ Bi a: Maren Commencing at a post planted at the West and only South corner of Lot , couth BUI LOCK-WEBSTER {34 Portland Canal Cassier District, : vy Province of British Columbia; South 55 ADDRESSES BRIGADE degrees 06 minutes East, three thousand North 85 degrees 55 minutes West, four by her agent, A, A. Forsyth. yard by Major Bullock-Webster, on the Victoria built ships as feet thence; North 34 degrees 54 minutes During a visit of the Boys’ hundred feet thence; South following high Date Sth January, - 1920. formerly of this city. IN PROBATE. soon as they were ready. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT East, two thousand one hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; North 55 de- grees 06 minutes West, two thousand five hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; Naval Brigade to the Harbor; Ma- ‘ine shipyards ic ‘ia ¢ aw | water line to point of commencement, rine shipyards at Victoria a few Approximate area one hundred and forty- davs ago they were addressed on] our acres, more or tena. lea ' , 5 LENORA MABEL SMITH, behalf of the management of the : The major said it was his in- tention to appeal to the Dominion Government to give these boys a chance to secure employment — and — MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH BROWN, DECEASED, TAhE NOTICE that tn order of His ilonour F. MeB. Young made the 3rd day of February, A.D, 1920, I was appointed Administrator to the estate of Joseph Krown, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verl- fed, to me, on or before the 6th day of Mareh, A. D, 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth- with, JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMeial Administrator, Nated this 6th day of February, 1920. IN THE MINING MAN’S VISIT Col. T. A. Hiam Looking After Sir Donald Mann’s Interests At Stewart. principals had during the Bear Sir Donald Mann's’ interests at|River boom with a view to using Stewart, was a passenger; for|them in operations at the Big Stewart on the Prince Albert yes-|Missouri in the Salmon River, val- terday. He is going to look over | lev He wil] return to Prince Ru- Col. T, A. Hiam, who represents the stock and machinery that his! pert next week- last few months getting ready for|4;, 1990. this occasion and the limited plat- JOHN SHIRLEY, | form space available has restrict-] __ ... Sherif of the County of Atlin. | ed the number of the society's LAND ACT members taking part. The fine (Form No. 9.) acoustic properties of the Metho- FORM OF NOTICE. dist .unch building should en 7 eer ek ible the tone colors which this PRINCE SUS eee Sateen piece affords to be properly ap-| ,TAKE.AOTWcH nat, Lenore, Mabel Smut Meee ene ent Toate assceibes innate: Eat at the Boston (ri WHITE COOKS ONLY | > Welcarry nothing but Swirt’s PREMIUM HAM and BACON and Strictly Fresh Eggs. For a Good Breakfast, try our Brookfield Sausage and Eggs Country Style. We make a specialty of Good Steaks or a Well Cooked Dinner. i i$ { i ees ; | OUR: Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel } CIGARS SODA ; Two per cent. Beer,} ee ‘ DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 12; 1:80 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue. Phone 454, PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Reliable Service at reasonable Rates, We have Warehouse facilities, 8. E. Parker, Manager e =S | Bee a age Ce i a me a ees = “ 1