9 v F a, a ar Phones 82 and 200 Neither Too Dear Nor Too Cheap are the drugs, toilet articles, sickroom supplies, etc., sold at t! this pharmacy. We do not fix | prices high enough to yield en exorbitant profit, or low enough to make purity and full strength + impossible. The Best Drug Service at Fair Prices is what this pharmacy offers. Better trade here than where deeply cut prices must mean cut quality, too. Ormes_ Limited The Pioneer Druggists P.O. Box 1680 (2 We have several new listings of HOUS: Under $2,000 in price. Two in Section Six are real bargains. Call and arrange for in- spection. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. | 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Perera en M.NLStephens otary Public FOR SALE Apariment House Borden Street $6,000.00 This consists of two modern five-rocomed apartments with a splendid harbor view. A first-class investment either for for M. M. “Stephens Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent Conveyancer rent or homes. GPL ODL ELE OPEL LPO OP OL DOLD OOD RL D& - Cadomin Coal | WE a Omit Uoal : EMRRARS. & aTsem COAL ; $12.60 - Ton Loose WON 3. Gta ewe oo ki Ton Sacked oon SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP $15. Ton Sacked boseanin rac COAL $13.50 Ton. | NO WAIT — FULL WEIGHT. | Consumers Coal Company, | td. J. Lorne Maclercn, Manager Roon 11, Smith Block. Phones: -7 and Black 293. | DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth } One decayed or missing tooih ; lowers your efficiency $ ; DR. BAYNE ‘ Office Huurs--Morning, 9 to 12; ¢ Afterneon, 1.89 to 5.80; Satur- § dy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wedne ssday and Fri- day, from 7 7 to. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT arererer were ueures ucfensclnaelPnadnastdsctlncaitmtheaaed PPO Te Wanted! Make me an offer for the following unimproved lois:— Lot 9, lock 12, Section 1 Lot 10, Block 25, Section 14, Lot 21, Block 33, Section 5. Lot 9, Block 36, Section 7. Lot 83, Block 38, Section 8. Lot 34, Block 38, Section 8. Lots 44 and 13, Block 21, Sec. 8. Agent for the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ed.H. Mortimer Neal Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue ; I importations from Goldbloom’ s. Direct York at DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, that William J. settler, ‘to prospect petrole um on and under described lands:-— Commencing at a post planted at north-west corner of DL 498, east 80 chains, thence south thence west 80 chains, thence chains, to point of commencement. Dated this 22nd day of ctober, WILLIAM _J. LEARY, Applic: TAKE NOTICE skidegate, B.C., for a_ license for coal the SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that William J. Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to for a license to prospect for coal petroleum on and under the described lands:— Commencing at a post planted at north-west corner of DL 498, west 80 chains, thence north 80 chai thence east 80 chains, thence chains, to point of commencement. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEM Applica 6) a Omer or erence mr ermeen-waner cme, D reese, New 74 > SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. Leary of intends to apply and following the thence 80 chains, north 80 1919. anit DIVISION, Leary of apply and following the thence ns, south 80 nt, = THE DASHLY NEWS hots ai mw Le BA oN oe ae ee Is Economical. The Coupons which it carries -+ redeemable for useful articles -- are a further economy. MAY BILLINGS IS SUING EMMA HOUS\ON Claims That Business was Mis- represented When She Took Qver Westhoime Lunch. The case of May Billings versus Emina Houston commenced in the county court before Judge Young this morning and evidence for the Alberta in Car Load Lots or Smaller Quantities at Wholesa'e a’ Quotations hupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. Potatoes Best Coal Alberta Sereencd GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton MUIR oo es $12.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery “LTD. Phones 564 and 116 Auction Sale of Household Furniture will be held on Monday next, March 29 at 2 p. McIntyre Block 3nd Ave, W. m. sharp, in the Wop Floor, Consisting of McClary range, 2-burner oil stove, morris chair, grass and other chairs, side-board, china cupboard, lange dining room table, wish stands, settee, etc., ete. We want other furniture for this sale, let us have it before 12 o'clock noon, on sale. day of plaintiff was taken. Miss Billings claims that the amount of the business of the Westholme Lunch was misrepre- to her when she entered negotiations for the pur- chase of the restaurant. W. E. Williams appearing for the plaintiff and L. W- Pat- more for the defence. ail NOTICE ented into is To all whodt: it may concern: Take notice that the Prince Ru- pert Bazaar has been sold and all persons having claims against this business should file same, with Messrs. Patmore,& Fulton verified by statutory declaration, on or before the 31st day of March, 1920. 75 PATMORE Solicitors for & FULTON, the Purchasers. Board of School Trustees. Prince Rupert NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Secretary of the [rince Rupert Board of School Trustees, Prince Rupert, B. C., will be reeeived up to and including April 4th, 1920, for the erection of a twelve Public School Building in the City B.C, Tenders may be bulk or separate for the following trades Masonry, hollow tile and brick; Concrete, plain and reinforced; Plastering, Art stone work, Carpentry and joinery, Roofing and galvanized iron work; Steel sash, Fire. esc apes and steel work, Painting and glazing, Terrazzo foors, Electric wiring, Plumbing, Heating and ventilation. Each tender shall be accompanied by a ‘ertifed cheque on a chartered bank of Canada, for the sum of five (5) per cent. of the amount of the tender, the. cheque of unsuccessful tenderers to be returned immediately the tenders are opened. The lowest or amy tender not necessarily ae- epted. Plans and specifications and all f Prince Rupert, information may be obtained from the office of the Architect, J. W. Potter. W.D. VANCE, J. W. POTTER, Secretary. Architect DEMERS YORE TB OES VS orpettat yunce their ani Spring Opening Tuesday March 30 Hats, Coats, Suits, Bli uses, Dresses for all cecasiors. We shall be pleased to show. you our Spring Stocks 053. Wallpape ors SPRING DESIGNS that will do much tomake ) yous home beautiful and attrac Dainty Galariag und artistic style prevail. Silversides BROTHERS Second Street P.©, Box 120 Out of town orders carefully attended to —_—_——_— [ Local News Notes | Deiners. hk. Clothier, of Stewart, return- | cue New Spring suits and coats | have arrived at Goldblocm’s. 74 ce fe Ladies are invited to inspect| the new arrivals in spring goods | at Goldbloom’s. 74) * . . | Mr. and Mrs. John Bergi and | family returned to Usk on this morning’s train. . * * Best Househoid Lump _ Coal, $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. Terminal Coal Co. We offer steam coal in var load | lots $7.00 per ton f.0o.B car-— Albert & McCaffery. * * . Ernest Crawford arrived from the south on Wednesday and went on to Stewart yesterday. The Margalice arrived at the fish wharves this morning with 7,000 pounds of halibut for to- morrow’s sale- . . * The music at the Green benefit dance on Thursday night was provided by an orchestra headed by Mrs. Gawthorne. The B. C. prohibition commis- sioner has written to the city au- thorities requesting that the stock of liquor held by the police in this city be reported to him. * * ye Abdut sixty young people were at the gathering of the Club last night when} refreshments and a gen-! eral good time were indulged in. A message was received from Rey, J. Bavin Rowell, the founder of the club. present Corner games, WELCOME GIVEN IN HONOR MRS. NICHOLLS | Nirs. T. H. Johnston Rutettained| Delightfully at Bridge Yester- day Afternoon: The home of Mrs. T. H. John- ston, Seal Cove, was the scene of an enjoyable reception yesterday afternoon to Mrs. J. W. Nicholls, nee Miss Vena Phelan, who has recently arrived in the city after her marriage to J. W. Nicholls: The affair took the form of a bridge party of four tables, the first prize winner being Mrs. J. C. MeLennan. Mrs. Jarvis H. Me- Leod and Miss Belding, sister of Mrs- Johnston, assisted at the tea. Mrs. Nicholls will take up her residence on Fourth Avenus West on the completion of the new home in a fortnight’s time. FAREWELL PARTY Miss Grace Cowan Guest of Honor At Miss Rothweil’s Bridge. A farewell party was given by Miss Jessie Rothwell at the home of Mrs. F, G- Dawson last evening in honor of Miss Grace Cowan, who leaves the city next Thurs- day night to take up training nurse in the Vancouver General Hospital. Miss Irwin was the nner, of the first prize. Miss Cowan, who has as become deservedly popular in social cir- cles during her two years’ stay in Prince Rupert as a teacher, will be missed-very keenly by the many friends she has made and the best wishes will follow her to the new field. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN sale al my residence Marine Gas Ingines: I have for on 1st Ave, 4 Two seven horse power. One twelve horse power. One twenty horse power- All the above are new and wil! he sold at a sacrifice t! P, RONRVIK, The Westholme Lunch will f closed for a week or ten da while repairs are being effect after the recent fire. i The “Director” Corset, Mans factured in Prince Kupert. Plo Isine 92. {1 e et ‘7 2 + €¢#e @ @ Oe wee * TOOLATE TO CLASSIFY * eR Ree eee ee FOR RENT Two. furnished rooms. Apply Pat Carey. Phone Red 259. 77 F "OR REN’ P -4-roomed anes flat furnished. Mrs, Wolters, St. i ed north yesterday mocning } } é3 i! We have this week received an img | } ; in newest Georgette patterns. ‘i Colourings are Crey, Copen., Meuve and iB} : : bs th Tan grounds, in various original designs, if Reasonably priced at $1.95 per ya. i if 3) | Figured Voiles | in Georgette Designs shipment of Figured Coloured Voiles, made | WALLACE’S i Corner of Third and Fulton ort SHOES ST!LL SELLING AT SALE | ae I PRICES, i ck one i Se Wen 28 es EE + OR ee | OT aes TI ilk Bread 717 Third Aaviniin Phone 190 We wish to announce our Bread is being made with M You will find that the qualit better, DOMESTIC BREAD ttered is worth trying. Li bel, It ensures quality an “a Casse Lakery POLE TT ar CPOD PEP OP LIE LLL COLL O OM coccssseriita Rev. MORNING 11 a.m.— EVENING 7:30 p.m.— Baptist Church, Sunday, mar. M. Vansickle, o ‘‘A Message from the Beyond.”’ SUNDAY SCHOOL at 2:30 p.m. “The Devil, Profession as Contrasted with Christ.” ab, 1920 f Vancouver, wil his Power, Charactergand ee SERA &Special:Music at each'Servic uae +2 ebmage oe anne peta ~ INTER™ATIONAL SPEED SKATING CHAMPIONS. Bis. Rose Johnson, of Chicago, ice skating championship Miss Rose Johnson, of Chic Louis Rooms, phone Red 91. Everett McGowan, of St. Paul, Minn., skaters, and lowered the balf mile record for wom tance in 1 minute and 50 seconds. of St. Paul sii l., and Everett McGowan, won the international re 0 ake Placid witb @ sce ae e the speediest of en, cove ou ints owes ago, proved to bi dls