ss 8 A PPO DODD OD OD .. Legislative Library PRINCE RUPERT Che Daily News Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ———— — diitimaaparels srcenmmppesmmmmameaninnamrs: PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1920. TA XI ‘Phone 7 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINGE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue ,$ M. H. LARGE ——— = —> PRICE FIVE CENTS hree Throu ¢ People Killed and Millions of Dollars Worth of | yed; Illinois, Indiana, Alabama and mber 0 | Property Destro Georgia Suffer. (Special to HICAGO, March 29. ndred more injure try and a number 0 ned some of this co! ge buildings an uni at least 36. pP ae eastward into Hlinois igan jus jgan. WART WAS HREATENED | WITH FLAMES Drink Parlor Was Wiped tand Two Big Buildings Badly Burned. SFOLK AND HOTEL GUESTS FIGHT FIRE Bre wh { itened the en- out Gay morn- drink stand e opposite the store itself the become Ste 4 broke rely and ell as the scorched ped s the street North Hotel was as its entire it $3,000, nod f ‘ peued OP s Linlie 1 were e and the 500 worth. a flurry number iipt i ungs fighters turned had just vith a big and the J is filled with These ere all turned é middle of the night as eed Certain that the hote! be burned also Worked With Will, hotel rrivals and ire fighters it the worked the fire. from the in- Ww from the a I were thrown on anes and ‘the blaze was ONsumed before it had got 4 hold as to burn the entire It was wel] on to bo 7 in ; Ming wher he fire was lely exting ; : ‘tinguished and much t ig to 1} ue Lo the iunteer fire- ONE WANTS #10 BE PREMIER an Mueller De i Clines Job of orming a Cabinet in ermany, Ris AAT. lelegraphs , ley 'f March 29, Herman ' 1OLGign mi, x Nt Of Promig ester in the Temiep By auer, he 0 acca , has de- ze *CeDt the task , € tesnie lew : mie rm ing German hinistry, a¢ s lo . y, ac- 4 Informati, N Piven out 50 oflice here loday BIRTH ele We Senne on ge Weare TN to Mr and Mrs Oe MN, of Puyallup Wn ’ The News via OG. T.P. Telegraph.) Twenty-three persons were killed and d yesterday by a tornado that swept the f towns north and west of Chicago and ty’s northwestern suburbs. The property ran into millions of dollars, including the demolition of d the razing of telegraph and telephone lines. cation with rural regions was for a time cut off. tlanta reporte dthat the death list in Georgia and Alabama arently there were ‘three distinct storms, one driving and dying out on the chores of Lake t north of Chicago; one striking in Georgia and ma; the third striking in Indiana and passing into Ohio and s be COL. PECK ON CAR SHORTAGE States That Railway Officials are Doing Their Best to Bring About Relief. GOVERNMENT NOT VET IN CONTROL OF RAILWAY The following letter has just been veceived from Col. Peck, M P., by Commissioner ¢ V. Evitt, of the Board of Trade, dealing with the present refrigerator Cat shortage: . “Regarding Lhe refrigerator cal shortage, F have been in confer- ence with the Grand Trunk Paciiie officials here who are doing their best to see that some cars ar obtained pending the building of Hore, “You may nemember that th Government is not actually 14 con trol of the railway yet and it is a roundabout way to get anything lone. However, | shall always be on hand to help the things along in any way I can.” TRIED 10 SELL GERMAN VESSEL Mine Sweeper Captured by Dutch in the Zuider Zee- -peeal via Gov. PP. Telesrapns THE HAGUE, March 29,—The capture by a Duteh torpedo boat of a German mine sweeper in the Zuider Zee has revealed what is said to have been’ an attempt by the crew of the mine sweeper to take advantage of the German revolution to sell the ship for their own profit. The vessel was left behind by the North Sea mine sweeping flo- tilla and after touching at seyi in the Zuider Zee early in the week, proceeded to Minzerber, near Amsterdam, PITMAN PURCHASES CUTLER PROPERTY AT PRINCE GEORGE W. J. Pitman of the Prince Rupert Music Store has purchased the building formerly owned by CG. G, Gutler of Prince George: The building has been moved to the north side of Third Ave. in that city near the Alexandra Hotel, whence the new owner will open a first class piano and music shop. VANDERHOOF LADY MARRIED AT ENDERBY Miss Mabel Ruttan, daughter of John J. Ruttan, who was one of the founders of Vanderhoof, was married recently to Roy E, Wheel: el, a general merchant of Ender- by. Miss Joyee Ruttan was bridesmaid. \( ing . SDital hepe , Ba daughter here this Ine "88 Levey Tap " arrive "80.00 last wigs = town 1 Coal. The best. Prince Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. CHILD DROWNED AT Blok- |. Great Storms Sweep gh The United States “sis: sma PRINCE GEORGE IN A ROADSIDE POOL The three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oakley of Prince (sorge was drowned last week in a pool of water by the road- side formed from the melting The funeral will take place to- snow. The child was playing morrow, Tuesday, from the B.C. rear the house and seems to have Undertakers’ chapel at 2 p-m., fallen off the steps into a deep Rey. T. Hl. Nuttall officiating, and pool and on being found was) interment will take place at Fair- quite dead. | view. Mr. Oakley, the fathér of the] iis . ‘ | child, is a fireman out of Prince} George on the G. T. P. | Falls Jast night. | FRANCOIS LAKE LADY DiED HERE YESTERDAY Funeral Tomorrow. The death occurred yesterday afternoon of Mrs: Jane Kastment, | widow of the late Mr. Eastment of Colieymount post office, Fran- Lake. After the death of | her husband about three months igo, the lady came here and lived l with her brother, John Rayment, at whose home her death took | place. } Mrs. EKastment was 59 years of fage and, coming originally froim England, had lived in the Fran- ecois Lake district for about five years, where her husband farmed. She was well known in that coun- try and highly respected. COIs T. J. Shenton went to Ocean HEAD OF THE NEW NATI Lord Birkeubead, Hyde lark, london as Lord Chancellor POPULATION AND TAXES LEVIED IN ALBERTA CITIES EDMONTON, March 29.—Muni cipal taxes levied in Calgary dur- ing 1919 were $2,767,213, and in Edmonton $2,795,436. The muni cipat debenture debt in Calgary is $22,875,967, and in Edmonton $25,316,884. The school deben- | tune debt in Calgary is $2,656,966, and in Edmonton $3,374,230. these figures are given in the annual report of Hon. A. G. Mac- Kay as minister of municipalities, just presented to the legislature According to the report the population of the various cities is: Calgary, 75,000; Edmonton, 66,000; Lethbridge, 12,000; Medi- cine Hat, 14,000; Red Deer, 8,000; Wetaskiwin, 2,250. Land values in Calgary are $57,239,421, Edmonton $62,471,- 850, Lethbridge $7,322,600, Medi cine Hat $10,923,114, Red Deer #2,270,110, and Wetaskiwin 41,- 343,906. Values of buildings and improvements in Calgary are esti-| who is show: mated at $20,359,836, as against) $16,834,470 in Kdmonton; busi- ness tax rental in Calgary is %2,- 952.836, and in Edmonton $1, 788,905, Advertise in the Daily News. presides over the House of Lords in his function He is better known in America as Sir F ONAL PARTY IN BRITAIN (Special to The News OTTAWA, Hockey League. one was evening. Naturally the western boys victory. PRINCE RUPERT WILL RECEIVE LIBERAL GRANT Several! Sums in Estimates for This City and District for Provincial Improve- ments- j | n with bis daughter ou a stroil m E. Smith, J 0STON BROKER IS ARRESTED Charged With Similar Offense to That of Thomas W. Lawson. FAILED TO SUPPLY PROPER INFORMATION (Special via &. T. P. Telexraphs.) BOSTON, March 29.—Arrests of brokers in connection with the Attorney General's investigations in the recent operations in Silver stocks on the local board was commenced today. James Bene- lisha, head of the firm bearing his name, was charged in five counts with violation of the law requir- ing the filing of certain informa- tion regarding properties, the stock of which is advertised. Like the nine other brokers ar- rested in the past three days, one of whom was the famous writer ¢ Frenzied Finance, Thomas W. Lawson, he pleaded guilty. \ Members of the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yachting Club are re- | minded of the annual meeting to | be held in the Prince Rupert boat- ij house tonight at 8 o’clock sharp ee area B. C, Undertakers. Phone 41. is -ecta) via G.T. 1. Telegraphs.) VICTORIA, March 27.—While the estimates from the Public Works Department have not yet i handed down, it is sure that a considerable Rupert. They » tabled during the coming ek and will then be considered the Legisiature. Prince Rupert will get $100,000 the commencement of a new irt house and other provincial buildings to cost at least half a inillion doHars, work on which 1] be commenced this summer. “be will also get a considerable for the new school, $6,000 oward the Morse Creek bridge and a sum to rebuild the founda- iions of the provincial govern- nent wharf. WALTER RUNCIMAN IS STANDING FOR NORTH EDINBURGE Tormer Member of Asquith’s Sabinet Fighting In Three- Cornered Bye-Election. LONDON, March 29.—Among ihe. by-elections pending now is ine Scottish constituency in the contain Prince rey will ui | capital city of the north. Walter | Runciman, shipping. magnate, ‘ormerly a member, of Mr. As- quith’s administration, fs ftight- ne in North Edinburgh, vacant through Scottish league changes. Patrick J. Ford has been adopted is a coalitionist by both wings of he party. Jas. Maxton, Scottish iabor organizer, is the labor can- didate. In Northampton, Charles Mc- ‘urdy, new food controller, wil! ight Miss Margaret Bondfield, aborite. Northampton Liberals are sup- porting Mr, MeCurdy “in special circumstances in this election, and because we feel that he is best man for the ollice to whieh he has been appointed.” But they have determined to main- ainthe Liberal party as a separate instrument and offer uncompro- mising opposition to fusion pro- posals. ALLAN CUP HOCKEY Winnipeg Falcons Defeat Toronto University by 8 Goals to 3. (Special via G. T.P. Telegraphs.) TORONTO, March 29-—In the first game of the hockey series for the Allan Cup played here on Saturday evening, the Falcons of Winnipeg clearly demonstrated their superiority over the Uni- versity of Toronto by winning the match to the tune of 8 to 3. The fishing boat Mary M. Chris- topher, came into port today with a broken rudder. The Alliance brought in her fish yesterday but soon after heading for the banks again the Christopher's trouble arose, Seattle Hockey Team in Third Game Beats Ottawas By Three Goals to One via GT. P. Telegraphs.) March 29.—Proving their claim that they are sentially a hard team, the Metropolitans of Seattle on Saturday night decisively defeated the Ottawa, champions of the National The game which was a very fast and exciting played in the Laurier Avenue rink and resulted in a score of 3 goals to 1 in favor of the visitors. As a result of Seattle winning this match the series is pro- onged and the next game will be played at Toronto on Tuesday are all up in the air over their They claim that luck was against them heretofore and that they have now a good chance of winning the Stanley Cup. CONCILIATION BOARD STARTS First Meeting Gver Cold Storage Dispute Held This Morning in Court House. .The board of conciliation be- tween the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and the Fishpackers Union held its first sitting in the court house this morning and has adjourned until Wednesday morn- ing to allow the contending par- ties to again come together and get out figures as to the actual increase of supplies necessary to the fishpackers- These figures will be used in deciding whether the wages paid are adequate, which is the point of contention. This morning the board was organized with Judge F. McB. Young as chairman and members S. P. MeMordie and Geo. Rudder- vim, The representative of. the company at the sitting this morn- ing was J. W- Nicholls, comp- troller, and N. Booth appeared for the fishpackers. It is still hoped to have an immediate and ami- cable settlement of the vexed matter. WAR VETERANS END CONVENTION Will Meet Next Year at Port Arthur, Ontario. (Special via G.T.P. Teiegrapns.: MONTREAL, March 29.—The Dominion Great War Veterans’ onvention closed Saturday, the first day of the session to be spent in non-contentious business. Port Arthur, Ontario, was chosen out of five proposed cities, as the convention city of next year. TWO CARLOADS OF FISH BOUGHT SUNDAY Booth and Pacific Fisheries Sent Shipments East by This Morning’s Train. The following boats sold at yesterday's fish sale: Clara, 4,000 lbs.; Direetur, 6,- 000 Ibs.; Viking, 3,000., and Agnes B., 10,000 Ibs- to Pacific Fisheries at 16.4¢ and 12.4c. Margalice, 6,000 lbs.; Tramp, 6,000 Ibs.; Alliance, 6,000 Ibs., and Marguerite, 4,000 lbs. to the Booth Fisheries at 16c and 13c- Three refrigerator cars arrived on last night's train. Two of these were dispatched east this morning with fish from the Pa- cife and Booth Fisheries. The other will be used to handle part of the catch of the George E. Fos- ter which arrived this morning. a DOUBLE aeape* Wostholme Only Shirley Mason in “The Rescuing Angel’ And Special Christie Comedy I Sally’s Blighted Career | A rapid action feature comedy of back stage fun with Beauty Chorus of 30 Follies i | ' at 2 2° V2 oH. oi Z sf aa BP ee joe 4 ee