of ih a y THE DAILY NEWS Mo} THE DAILY NEWS - PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News *Printing a> 1 Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. —— §SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. H By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 “TELEPHONE 98, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 85 cents Contract Rates on application. oss: Monday, March 29, DAILY EDITION. —_—_— ae Relief for Cities Under New Bill. Under a bill which has been introduced into the Legislature by the Minister of Finance the amusement tax is to be increased very considerably and half of the amount will be given to the cities or municipalities in which it is collected, the amount to be used for the upkeep of schools and hospitals. In addition to this the Government is taking off the provincial poll tax and is giving the cities and municipalities the power to collect a five dollar in its place. asked, is a valuable concession. it will amount to in Prince Rupert, but it will be enough to help) along the schools and hospital appreciably. Other Changes In Tax Collections. Another change which is being made by the Provincial Government in connection with the collection of taxes is the placing of a graduated tax on automobiles in place of the present ten dollar flat rate on all cars. provincial treasury but will be used for the construction of trunk roads. visit the outside. to have the roads. affect Prince Rupert very considerably as most of the cars here | are smal} ones. Unearned Increment Tax Proposed. The Minister of Finance is proposing to impose a tax on unearned increment. Those effort of their own but simply through the increase of value of natural resources will have to pay the Government a part of the increase. This is in line with the most advanced ideas in tax- ation and will in all probability meet with general approval. It is $0 far only a suggestion, but if it meets with the approval of the people it is to be assumed it will be adopted in the near juture. who receive income through no Dual Income Tax To Be Discussed. The Minister of Finance proposes discussing with the Do- minion Government the question of income tax with a view io preventing the duplication of work, and also the duplication of forms to be filled in. It takes an immense lot of work in a busi- ness house getting out all these forms, and is one of the con- siderable expenses to be considered in conducting a business. Between the queries from the industrial department and from the tax collecting department, one person is kept busy a good deal of the from part of this work it will be worth a great deal to them and will tend to keep down the cost of living. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms: 7 © 8 Smith Block Member of B.C. College of Dental Surgeons. time. If Mr. Hart can relieve the business people LOWEST PRICES HIGH-CLASS WORK Best Material Money Can Buy. Personal attention, with 20 years experience, will give you results. Modern Equipment based on Mechanical and Scientific Principles. 575--Phone--575 a ner Assistant) -12; 1-6; 7-9. Open Evenin Sunday by Appointment ne 7 and 8 Smith Block Office Hours: Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR Coisult Us. CEDAR a Subscribe for The Daily ‘News The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia + GUARD ACAINS tax | These two amounts will add very considerably to} the revenue of the cities and, while it is nothing like all that was, It is not clear just how much} This tag will still go into the | Unhappily Prince Rupert is so situated that at present | she gets no benefit from these trunk roads except when citizens | it will, however, be an advantage to the province | The change in the form of the tax will not} ThE “FLU all over Canada “GOOD HEALTH IS THE SUREST SAFEGUARD “FRUIT-A-TIVES” Brings Vigor and Vitality and Thus Protects Against Disease There can ba no doubt that the situation regarding the spread of Influenza throughout Canada is one of grave concern. It is quite true that the number of cases does not constitutean epidemicsuch as caused the suffering and sorrow during the | terrible days of 1918. Yet there is no disguising the fact that everyone should be on their guard against the disease. In Montreal alone, from January 20th to February 2ist, three thousand, one hundred and twenty-two cases of Influenza and 189 deaths from the disease were reported to the Health Department. If the outbreak had come at the beginning of the winter instead of the end, we might reasonably feel that the very cold weather would check the spread of the disease. But coming as it has, at the end of the winter, there is grave fear that an epidemic may occur, For spring, with its slush and rain under foo its dampness and chill, its constant changing from cold to warm and back again, is a prolific source of coughs and colds, pleurisy and pneumonia. The best protection, in fact, the only safeguerd against the ’Flu, is, | GOOD HEALTH. Those who are not as well and strong as they should be; those who are underweight; those who are “run-down” through overwork or | sickness; should build up at once, What they need is a Blood-purifier, a body-builder, a strength-giver, like “Fruit-a-tives”’, the wonderful fruit medicine. ‘Fruit-a-tives’’ regulates the kidneys and bowels, causing these organs to eliminate waste regular] and naturally as nature intended. ‘‘Fruit-a-tives’’ keeps the skin active and insures an abundant supply of pure, rich blood. ‘‘ Fruit-a-tives” tones up and strengthens the organs of digestion, sharpens the appetite, brings restful sleep and renews the vitality of the nervous system. lit-a-tives” contains everything that an ideal tonic should have; to purify the blood, to build up Arnage and yigor, and to regulate the eliminating organs, so that the whole system would be in the best possible condition to resist disease. Now is the time to build up your health and strength, not only as a precaution against the ravages of Influenza, but also to protect you against ‘“‘spring fever’? and the inevitable reaction which comes with the appearance of warmer weather. Get a box of “Fruit-a-tives” today a Jet this fruit medicine keep you well. “Fruit-a-tives’ fs sola by all dealers at 50¢ a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, trial size 25¢, or sent postpaid ou receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, 3s LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and i134.) fie Application Nc, 11085-I. File 6207. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to register EdWard H. Mortimer, of Prince Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee inder a Tax Sale Dbeed from the Col- lector of the City of Prince Rupert, bear- ing date the 19th day of July, 1918, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel wv tract of land and premises situate, lying ind being in the City of Prince Rupert, nore particularly known and described as Lot Seven (7), Block forty-one (41), section Eight (8), (Map 923): You are re- juired to contest the claim of the tax pur- chaser within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice (which may be ef- fected by publication in the Dally News), and your attention is called to section. 2 f the “Land Registry Act’ with amend- ments, and to the following extract there- from:— “and in default of a caveat or certifi- cate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the per- rutt ertitted under sucn tax sale, all persuns 80 served with notice, . , - + . and those claiming through or under them, aod ail persons claim- ing any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and ail persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act. shall be for ever estopped and debarred from Selling up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall register the person entitled un- der such tax sale & ownel of ihe land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application nas been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe ‘0 the above-mentioned lands, in the oame f kdward H. Mortimer, \ND WHEREAS on investigating the itle it appears that prior to the 14th day f September, 1915 (the date on which the sald lands were sold for overdue taxes) you were the registered and-assesscd own er thereof, FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same tine I shall effect registration tp pursuance of such application and issue 4# Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said ands in the name of Edward H. Mortimer unless you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your claim, tf iny, to the said lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part, DATED at the Land Registry Office Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20th a: August, A. D. 1919, oe H. F, MACLEOD, 3 District Registrar of Titles, To Paul Hartman, Esq., Care Royal Bank of Canada, Prince Rupert, B,C, LAND AOT Notice of satention se: Apply to Purchase VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—prs OF COAST, RANGE Wt MoT And situate on the west coast of Calvert sland. TAKE NOTICE that Helge Smet TA ase Smeby, of Prince Rupert, 7, °t., occupation foreman of fish Station, intends to apply fe mission to purchase the z desorbed pieaion 1 é@ following deseribed Commencing at a post planted 11 north of the N.W. corner of ia “e thence east 40 chains; thence north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; thence south 40 chains, and containing 160 acres more or less, HELGE SMEBY, By Mark § Dated January 21st foggy Agent. ee ee SHR REH HREE MAIL SCHEDULE ‘ SHR ERRRRR BED For the East. +s Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdays at 10:30 a.m. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver and South. - TUGSAAYS wi evccscsvsess 7 p.m. Thursdays ...... 6a CURE 11 p.m. Saturdays ...... ».+ 10:30 a. m. March 24; April 3, 14, and 23. From Vancouver and South. Sundays .......+.+..... 10 p.m. Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. March 29; April 9, 19, and 30. For Anyox and Alice Arm. SUNGAYS . vce ccsiccssoss 11 p.m. Wednesdays .......... 44 P.m. From Anyox and Alice Arm. Tyesdaye: oss bi se esis Pom “*hursdays. (25.:54 eee si cues De My For Port Simpson, Arrandate, Mil! Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. Sundays 1i p.m. From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mili Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. CieSGAyh: os:s-iivca' suiw te cews Be ee Queen Chariotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island poiats: March 24; April 2, 7, 16, and 21. ‘roms Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: March 25; April 3, 8, 17, and 22. “ur Skidegate, Queen Charictte City and Lower Island points Apnmil 3, and 17. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points—- March 30; April 16 and 30. For Skagway and the Yukon. March 29; April 9, 19, and 30. From Skagway and Yukon. March 24; April 3, 14, and 23. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—-March 25, 341; April 8, t, 22, and 28. From—March 26; April 4, 9, 15, 23 andn 29. - 1920. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. MORSE CREEK BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. Tenders 19th April, 1920, Prince Rupert, B. C. Sealed Tenders for the construction of @ Timber Bridge across Morse Creek, Second Avenue, City of Prince Rupert, will be received at the ofMce of the City Clerk, Prince Rupert, B. C., until 5 o'clock p.m. Monday, the 19th day of April, 1920. The Contractor to supply all labour, material and equipment. The work includes, Three Howe Truss Spans, each Seventy-Seven (77) Feet in length, together with the necessary ap proaches, connections, substructure, econ crete footings and excavation. Total length of structure being Six Hundred Feet (600) nore or less, and as shown by the plans ind specifications on file in the oMce of he City Engineer, Prince Rupert, B. C. Each Tender is to be accompanied by i certified cheque for One Thousand Do! ars ($1,000), payable to the City of *‘rince Rupert, said cheque to be re urned to the Tenderer unless he fails to *xecute the contract, should it be awarded to him, A Bond for One Third (1-3) of the Tender, satisfactory to the City Councii Prince Rupert, will be required for the aithful performance of the Contract. Plans and Specifications may be obtains ‘rom City Engineer on payment of Pive Dollars ($5.00) to City of Prince Rupert, rw they may be examined at office of ‘ity Engineer, All Tenders must be ‘orms, Gifainable from The City Council reserves ‘eject any or all Tenders. ' F. 8, CLEMENTS, City Engineer. made upon blank City Engineer. the right to Tenders for Freighting of Supplies for the Yukon Telegraph Line. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the indersigned, and endorsed ‘fender fol ‘acking Supplies,’ will be received unt 12 o’clock noon, Thureday, April 15, 1920 or the packing of material and supplies vr points along the Yukon telegraph lin between Hazelton and Atlin, in the course f the seasons 1920, 1921 and 1922, Forms of tender and specification may be obtaired from the Superintendent of jovernment Telegraphs, Vancouver, B, C. Vistricl Superintendent Government Tele sraphs, Victoria, B. C., and from the Goy ‘rnment Telegraph Agents at Ashcroft, B C., Quesnel, B.C., Hazelton, B.C., and Telegraph Creek, B.C, Persons tendering are notified that ten Jers will not be considered unless mad m the printed forms supplied and signed with their actual signatures stating thel: »xccupations and places of residence, Each tender must be accompanied by im accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Honourabk the Minister of Public Works, equal t ten per cent (10 p.c¢.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into + contract when called upon to do so, o fail to complete the work contracted for if the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned, War Loan Bonds of thx Dominton will also be accepted as security or War Bonds and cheques if required t make up an odd amount. The Department does not bind ttself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, Kh. C, DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public works, Ottawa, February 14, 1920. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it without authority from the Department,—890807. \ ee: DENTISiRY| oe Of... QUALITY Dr. Bayne {OFFICE HOURS’ , Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur fEvery Evening from 7.36 10 9 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. Best Equipped Office in Northern BC ! t\ M arch 29, 1999, “AUS, 9 1012 oy Srd and 6th LARRAAARARARARRR RRR RRR RARER RARER FOO UR Ky Ky y LADYSMITH Screened or Lump (QAI iS THE BEST Burns Longer, Better and Brighter, and Gives PRINCE RUPERT COAL (0, PHONE 15 FAI ICI III III IOI OOOO IOI OOOO OOOO IIT I tate, OTHER COALS WE HANDLE ARE: Steam Coal, Bulk on Dock ....... Steam Coal, bulk, Delivered ..... sh Household Egg Coal, Screened, bulk on dock 10.00 « « Household Egg Coal, screened, skd. on dock 11.00 « « Household Egg Coal, screened, bulk delivered 12.00 “ « Household Egg Coal, screened, skd. delivered 13.00 « « SPECIAL PRICES QUOTED ON Car Loaps. hy More Heat, —= $8.25 per ton. 10.00 « «uw §.S. PRINCE RUPERT Ae TRUNK PACIFIC For Stewart March * 44th, 17th, 25th, 1 31st Massett, Port Clements, Buckley Bay, March 10, 18 & 24 Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, Marc} & 20th, TRAIN SERVICE Wednesday ai Saturday 4) {1:30 an making dire all points east and south Passenger Monday, Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipes, Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines For information and reservations apply ¢t 626 Third Avenue. City Ticket Office, SAILING Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Wednesday Midnight for Anyox. S.S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT for Smithers, nnections for Phoné 260. LLY Dale th a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES S.8. PRINCESS February 14, 28; 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Hardy Bay, Vancouver and Victoria— Every Sunday at 9 P. M. From Prince Rupert for Beaver Cove, Powell River, For rates, W, C, ORCHARD, Genera! Agent Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street B.C. Coast Steamship Services MARY for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert: February 9, For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert March 13, 24 reservations and sailings, 23; March 8, 19 Alert Bay, apply % Prince Rupert, P.( Sd UNION B Governor Harding Federal Reserve Board reo tho Canadian Club said:- “oi k and Save’ is the grea’ remecy for the High Cost of Liv.ng.” ‘ne advantages of a Savings Acoount are apparent to most } Ss. s80ns, but have youexperienced ,a6e convenience of a Joint Ac- oun? Any cf our 890 Branch Managers Ww! parciculars, Prince Rupert Branch SLL TET FOOD DRAFTS SOLD Do you wish to provide FOOD for relall’’ in Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czecho Slova If so, this bank will sell you for the | of $10 or $50 New York funds Food Dri American Relief Administration Warehouse these countries, The drafts will be !ss! : charges and are payable in food, fom any of oul Full particulars may be obtained !rv' branches, : 14 a The Royal Bank of Canae®.« . “950,000,008 $500, Capital paid up and Reserve: $35,000,000 'SSETS EXC"ED £174,000,000 ANK OF aT. Broderick, Managet ll give you the ADA CAR wd be anor any? I Germé nt ia uo ‘anadian equivalet ; fis drawn on al ; in any one oF of pank ued free