THE DAILY 4Y NEWS Paro — ee mates a a ne ne I : a ee Se e ° | . ‘ mtn. ie in WH HAN Give Interview to the Toronto Globe When on Way to Ottawa. asking about the _ erywhere are tor ' : Veterans Weekly. They ss ea tee A party of British Columbia In- ao ve 10 receive any. artic le you desire dians passed through Toronto en o do thie g coupon below brings all ;Foute lor Ottawa, where they in- without cost. sagen can come in on this. jlend presenting to the Federal the oe Government the demands of the Decide }allied tribes of the far western Veterans ee provinee regarding their land CL rights, says the Toronto Globe. The delegati i ade rtunity here that will prove Rev. biter yh ir ie rs a offers an OPP? to those who desire y, a handsome of wonderful assistance Lads ied and polished young Indian of the nany things which extre mepe ain Weal: Haida tribe, who is chairman of Foils that ove pressed ss et : : a a hem. ‘There is no eve we ‘ the Allied Tribes’ Executive, Chief aeoned occasionally the ‘ription you get means a definite Basil Davi . sa a wear 25 io go per prery subscription 3 nt of-ve ante \- 3asil David, of the Shuswap tribe, cent longer. rowards the attainmen \' iS ar pesting ¢ ictur : gop toward a , outtite sale alia in interpre ting and picturesque voy want, Holida member of this party. He is z th business course—all these are typically taeitur d litati ‘ equipment—a bu - tatstt aia ae typically taciturn and meditative toe by giving us your spare time. ! has not yet lear : OW tO make yo Old S as vasily possible BY | aa jaa and has not yet learned the Eng- » + wait for a later advertisemen lish language » was , Doo’ ¥ vr you may write tonight and ae 6 st = ” AS one of ones j i ies a 7 T | iree ndians who went to t is not every man that can afford There is a sound reason for this. heac a) yt ‘ ha f ; © © i oe é get ahea cae ae a on inn Hae y to wear a shabby coat,” Robert You wash your linen when it be- erview with the late Kin i iti t hadwar Colton once wrote. comes soiled—it is a matter of self- to teat ‘at th yut and fillin your simply full particu- Tee B.C. Veterans Weekty, ra ; oe 9 ee a1 se mail Send me full particulars of ; THE &.C. VETERANS WEEKLY offer. ' 65-69 P aac a a ‘ ee ne —hemarneGét@an a OFFICE SUITE, 3 Rooms, in Hays Block. Steam Heat. Suitable for Doctor, Lawyer, 2tc. DAVID H. HAYS General Real Estate Agent. Corner Second Avenue and Second Street. Fire Insurance - = P.O- Box 1555 - = Phone 57 NOTICE TO FISHERMEN and ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. THEO COLLART, ‘Notary Public FOR SALE—Five-room House 9th Avenda near McBride. Br $2000 WRINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE = FIRE INSURANCE Phone Blue? 69 Westholme Theatre Block P.0. Box 66 NONE OED OCI OL IO ODO LODE O DOOD OOD OM. rows Harry Hanson’s Patent Patent Ollice, Ottawa, January 27, 1920. directed to acknowledge ‘Lh inst, receipt of eller of the { No, 162 Water Was heater hol Made the Pat nt Aet ey subject licence and said compulsory 8 of the ’ herewith, )iiforin you that the fee for the : hill LA ne ; system) Hed DY S¢ ¢ Lion Yes lO enel 1am also t years Until the 18th M; ly, 4 aed and 4 COVering |i tter ind stating the Nutnbe is’ purpose for iil that will We necessary, I have the honour to be Your obedient servant, W. J. LYNCH, nade is ; Signed Har: Chief of the Patent Otlice. “tty Hanson, fs Esq., "9 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B, Cc, With reg; Thay Patent rd to the Comp! a With Act, and th, above letter, section and paragraph 38 | hefore do not come under Section and as J Sell said the Said Ag; Make ang I therefone the ppiy ileg ‘Water Heater” I) oF others making these water heaters. ing heate nh Ww it hy N each one a year’s lam y anyone Willing to pay the royalty Bvarantee goes with it. Harry Hanson “The Reliable Plumber” Phone 489 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, lo the conditions of Section 44 is gov- Act, an extract from which your on the subject of Canadian patent branted to you on the 18th May, 1915, for and in reply to inform you that this patent ol second six ' yet been paid, but it does not come due The required amount is $20.00 referring to the patent by date and which the remittance I wish to say that as of the 44 of 4in equipped and willing to install, to any and everybody, rtding lo law ean, and he reby do withdraw { ® negotiate for an agency to make my of ‘nstalied on the distinet understanding 139 Second Avenue Y his is his third trip to Ottawa in the interests of the Indian land | question in B. C. The other mem-'! bers of the déteeation ane George Matherson, member of the Execu- tive of the Allied Tribes, and J. \. Teit, special agent and acting | interpreter for the Chief. These! gentlemen are of Scottish ex-! traction, Mr. Teit claiming to be! a Shetland Islander as well as an! indian. The party is being con- ducted by A, E, O’Meara, counsel | for, the Allied Tribes. Mr. O'Meara | is brother to Principal O’Meara of Wycliffe College. The delegation represents about | ' j | | | two 20,000 Indians of various tribes in British Columbia, who ase ‘aiming their aboriginal rights} to the land. The grievances of | the British Columbia Indians are! old and outstanding ones, and the! \llied Tribes have-for years been pressing their claims upon botlr! the Provincial and the Féderal Governments without success. Draft Settlement Plan. | a basis of settlement has been drawn up and will be preseuted to the Government at Ottawa, and, the delegation hopes to secure a}! full discussion of the matter in the House of Commons. It is in-| tended to continue to press the! with the Privy Council; to} insist upon a settlement in court! on the basis proposed by the In-| dians, or the removal of all ob-! stacles to Indians going on with | the case, In the basis of settlement the | Indians ask that each tribe should, acquire full title to the land set} aside to it, with all the natural) resources thereof. That al] fore- shores be included in neserves; | that adequate additional] lands be | set aside under stated provisions. | Fishing Grievance. | case The words hold as true now as when first written, three-quarters of a century ago. Nevertheless it is needful today to make the old suit last—though not at the expense of becoming tattered. ‘Between the costliness of clothing at the one extreme, and shabbiness of taem at the other, there is a middle ground where economy and good appearance meet. Our modern dry cleaning estab- lishment is this middle ground. Here our experienced cleaners can tune up your old clothes and preserve your new. Every person realizes the business advantage and the social value of clothes well cleaned neatly pressed, but there is more in these details than improvement of ‘“‘looks” alone. Ask your tailor or your cloilfer. They wiil inform you that apparel frequently pressed, and cleatied at intervals of two or three months, will wear from 25 to 50 per cent and longer than clothes up-to-the-minute that are not so Send i: (oat aos dry cleaning considerately vik — A YiCleaner' methods. Tele- cared for. i a it phone us today. ; respect and personal hygiene, of course, but it is also true that if left unwashed your shirts would wear out much more quickly. Perspiration, oils, grease, and fruit juices have a corrosive effect; dust and dirt’ have a grinding action— your outer clothing needs purging of these equally as much as does your linen. The cleansing gasoline baths used in our dry cleaning process, and the pressing of the presser, with hot steam working through the fabric, have a sterilizing action—your ap- parel is made, by our scientific treatinent of each garment, as im- y maculate outside as inside, it keeps its shaper better, and is saved from — tell-tale shininess. Your old suit will last longer, and your new suit will do double duty if you will more freguently use our modern cleaning and pressing ser- vice, which is specially organized to meet your individual needs. Get started on the road to clothes economy. We offer you prompt de- aha and all the advantages of our: Phone 8 One of the sorest grievances seems to be the restrictions laid$o=—_—___::= upon the Indians in regard to! form an e fishing and hunting. Mr. Teit told | knoe kers. (Continued on Page Five.) THAT at ; ee | working } The Man in the Moon THAT it THAT Prince Rupert will soonjus. for an “I Remember Club.” . * * THAD since we know that much of our silk is made from timber THAT we are wondering if the aeroplane} moving, spruce logs are being ground into stockings. ways obey. THAT w grate, the *. * e THAT the day is almost past when the bad man carried a BUD) =‘ pRAT jj in his hip pocket. To live fu CT ee give life, THAT today the bad man car- ries a flask in the same old pocket and fills hts victims with squirrel brand made from wood alcohol. THAT * * + THAT the new weapon is much more effective than the old, f one ‘ ¥ ‘Pees THAT the latest proposal is t morning. overtime. are the means of health all around and when our everything in nature is The dead exhale putridity. the fortunate owner of a pair of gum boots was able to gloat this morning. THAT it@was proper even for ladies to swear ight- iis jas for the | ‘em present they persist in NEW Phone 453 * * is a pity their little NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Equipped fer building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central Britisn Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage in length. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 SAYS:-- hammers do not wear out. —_ pene nena inter iee THAT good behavior is the THAT it is proposed to start an| nest of the fine arts- “IT Remember Club” in Winnipeg. * * e For instance, one man says hé| THAT it is never good behavior remembers when he used to milk}to tell others of one's ills. A. Swanson, President the cow on the site of Eaton's eS eee Phone Red 391 store, and so on et cetera ad THAT it should be a shame to libitum. say we are not well, when there 5 . master cails we al- fore *. . . or under them, and PAND F REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134,) ‘and in default of @ caveat or cer- tifeate of lis pendens being filed be- the registration as owner of the person entitled under all persons so served _ and those claiming through ing any interest tn the land by virtue proceedings to establish ne claim, any, to the said lands, or to prevent Sail proposed action on my : i par be old enough for the same thing. Ree : DATED at the Land Registry are There will be people who will say THAT, “as a man thinketh, so-° Re Application No. 11484-1. File 6304. November, A.D. 1918, sae oun is . 9? ef atle No, » A they remember the good old days |!5 he, | TAKE NOTICE that application has beer nike . MACL EOD, men a}] Bee ;made to register Stephen Adams, of]. strict losistrar of T i of Centre Street; others will. te THAT the same applies to a. Prince Rupert, B. C., as owner in-fee’un- | TO Alfred O. Brandt, Esq., of the time when there was no : © a AND+OF der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of} ——_5P« okane, Wash, woman only more so. the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date pesky drydock to worry about- of s - | te 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALL MINERAL ACT Some will remember when most THAT the man who eats only le See e ae ad teaailas TAA te of the people lived in tents or av live te toch d- (ng, and being in the city of Prince Kupert, Certificate of Improvem*nte. ‘ peo} . so that he may live is to be ad- jb. par icularly knewo and described as xO ecan shacks; of the time when the! ined, but if all did it, the world Lot ‘Three (3), Block Bight (8), Section ? . : 2 e@ { » A oe ar whole city turned out to attend would be a mutual admiration! you are required to contest the claim] . KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral eting f the city council; of : lof the tax purchaser within 35 days from] 2laims, situate in the Bella Coola s meetings O y ’ society. ;the date of the service of this notice] ‘tyision of Coast District, the enjoyments of wading*through eee ‘which may be effected by publication in| | Where — located:—West ‘side of Dean Thi ! r the Datly News, Prince Rupert, B. C,,) and] ‘hannel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range the soft muskeg on Third Ave. THAT most of us eat because your attention is called to section 86 of the Coas. District, c : » shall be ready t atit lls vociferous! “Land Registry Act’ with amendments, TAKE NOTICE thatel, HUGH ARCHIBALD Yes, very soon we shall be Yithe appetite calls vociferously, and-to the following extract theretrom:— IACLEAN, a3 Agent for SMELTERS STEEL JOMPANY, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 239, ntend, sixty days from the date ereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder or a Certificate of Improvements for each f said claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above cl And further take notice that action un- er Section 85, must be commenced before such tax sale, with notice, all persons claim- Pett Fe of any unregistered instrument, and he, lesuaane of such Certificate of Im- ; ; Sai > ing any interest io . hen we die we disinte- the mL Aces whose Aisle Is wake this 15th day of January, A. D. ! a not registered under the provisions . movement goes on 4 this Act, shall .be for ever es- H. A, MACLEAN, ARs & topped and debarred from setting ee SAND AGT — ’ sists j ivi ‘ any claim to or tn respect o y fe consists an GLVING lund so sold for taxes, and the Regis- \ lly it is necessary to trar shall register the person en- | Wotice of Intention to Apply to Purchase , ; b t titled under such tax sale as owney Land. love, joy, and beauty. of the land so sold for taxes.” n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- AND WHEREAS application has been * * * to the of Stephen B, AND of October, 1918, said lands were ‘sold Ses at FURTHER same time I shall pursuance of such ap Certificate of Indefeas “By Gum" this made for a CertiNeate of Indefeasible Title above-mentioned lands, in the name Adams, WHEREAS on i title It appears that prior to the 9th day/apply for permission (the date on whicb the you were the registered owner thereof. TAKE NOTICE that at the;north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; effect registration plication and issue @ chains, and containing 1 trict of Coast, nana HI,, and situate on the west coast of Calvert Island, neag tts north end, eke, Gotiee that Mark Smaby of Ocean Falls, B. C., occu ason logger, intends to to purchase the tol. Jowing described lands at a post t planted ¢ one half N.W. cor, 7; thence investigating the for overdue Seze8?+ Commencin mile north o in| thence south 40 chains; thence east 46 0 ecres, more or le Title to the said, ess, lands in the name of Stephen B, Adams un- ARK SMABY less you take and prosecute the proper Dated Decomber Yon 1919, 2 py