wie’ f om oa etn hi meme emer ts ~m| IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph} Plays All Records Get one now,--delays are un- necessary when you know our easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords just In Come and hear the world’s best ey Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall General Contractors and Labor Exchange, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- ways in stock. Agent for J..Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estiinates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN ba Phons Green 269. i Hand Your Baggage Checks to | JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 Quick Deliveries SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND KEATING EKGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Mrs. Mc Cooks Everything Mrs. McI——— has sent a salad dressing recipe which we will print a little later in the sea- son. One of our men has taken it home for his wife to try. Mrs. Mcl says she uses Pacific Milk for everything in the line of cooking, and as for coffee, it cannot be beaten. There are great stacks of let- ters making similar statements. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 332 Drake St., Vancouver, B.C. FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. La a KK ERK RK RK HK EK ER * IN THE LETTER BOX * KR KKK KERR HKG TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:— instrumental in al- late Mrs. As I was most compelling the Jane Eastment, whose malady had been pronounced incurable by her medical doctors, to avail herself of Christian Science treat- ment, I feel that, in justice to all concerned, an _ explanation is needful. Christian Science heals only when its spirit and letter are adhered to, and I regret to be called upon to say that Mrs. East- ment did not comply with the rules of Science, for she resorted to material medicine whenever she thought it might relieve her. Then, too, her sympathising friends, not Trealizing the harm they were doing, would often state in Mrs- Eastment’s presence that better, but she was getting no was failing all the time. And again, when the Scientists were workng, doctors were called who reaffirmed that her affliction was incurable. Christian Science does not promise good results where such a state exists. ° Were I a finished Scientist, would not make these statements, for Christian Science embraces the beautifu] principle of turning the other cheek, but I am yet upon a lower plane that will admit of ad . : oon4 A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 wow ete t Phon® Green 607 1017 3ra Avenue Dalgarno & Watts - BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates BRICK AND CONORETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS Cheerfully Given justice and fair play to even those who would willingly allow them- selves to be unfairly dealt with. Yours in sincerity, HOBART PARROTT. Prince Rupert, B. C. LAND ACT VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF CUAST, RANGE Il. NOTICE that J. C. Clausen of Jcean Falls, B. C., occupation superintend- nt of logging, intends to apply for per- luission to lease the following described ands :— Commencing at a post planted 2% miles H @ nortuerly direction from the north- west corner Of Lot 897 on the west coast of Calvert Island; thence north 40 chains; hence west 40 chains; thence south 40 ‘hains; thence east 40 chains to point of commmencement and containing 160 acres, nore or less, J. C. CLAUSEN. Date January 2ist, 1920. WATER NOTICE, DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that M, P. Olsen, whose address is Alice Arm, B. C., will apply or a licence to take and use 50 cubic- second-feet and to store about 400 acre- feet of water out of Clearwater River which flows southerly and drains into the Kitsault ltiver abcult 22 miles from the head of the inlet of Alice Arm. will be The storage-dam natural outlet of Clearwater Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about 450 acre-feet, and it will flood about 50 acres of land. » The water will be diverted from the stream at storage dam and will be used for power for mining purposes upon the mine described as the Climax Group. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of January, 1920. A copy of this notice and an applieation ursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914," will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application may be ‘led with the said Water Recorder or with he Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia- nent Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of his notice in a local newspaper. . P. OLSEN, Applicant. The date of the first gaewcenen of this iotice is February 5, 1920. TAKE located near ROBATE. IN P - IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH BROWN, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Honour F, McB, Young made the 8rd day of February, A.D. 1920, I was appointed Administrator to the estate of Joseph Brown, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly veri- fied, to me, on or before t 6th day of March, A.D, 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth- with, JOHN H. McMULLIN, OmMelal Administrator, Dated this 6th day of February, 1920. LAND ACT IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — DIS- TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B, Strain. of Vancouver, B. C., occupation returned soldier, intehds to apply for permission to lease the following deseribed lands:— Commencing at a& post planted on the shore on Sewell Inlet about 8 miles dis- tant, and in a westerly direction from th entrance of Sewell Inlet: thence 5 chains south; thence 40 chains «ast; thence to shore; thence following the shore line to point of commencement and containing 20 acres, more o7 less. THOMAS B,. STRAIN, E. Green, agent w. Dated 26th October, 1919. I{come potential industries on the THE DAILY NEWS ! { { It is interesting to note for comparative purposes that British Columbia, with an estimated de- crease of about 20 per cent in the value of mineral production for 1919 as against that of 1918, has to her credit a much better show- ing than the chief mineral pro- ducing states of the United States. Official figures as follows substantiate this statement— Arizona, decrease 46 per cent; Montana, 46 per cent; Utah, 47 per cent; Nevada, 52 per cent; California, 36 per cent; Colorado, 35 per cenl; Idaho, 47 per cent; and New Mexico, 60 per cent- * * *. The decrease noted in British Columbia was, of course, based; upon the province as a whole and not upon this district, although there was a decrease in copper production here as well in other parts. It will be safe to say that the production in the north coast distriet this year will exceed that of last because there will be a number of new shippers. Silver and gold will probably show the greatest in- crease, as it is probable that copper will not resume its great demand. i Mining News as George E. Macdonald, general manager of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, has resigned to take the position of general man- ager of sales distribution and traffic of the Blackstone Coal Co. of Edmonton. The mines are located in the foothills about 50 miles west of Edson at the mouth of Yellowhead Pass. The coal is bituminous and is said to be equal in quality to the Vancouver Island coal. The shipping capa- city is now 1000 tons per day- ‘ihe mines are owned by Messrs. 6. W. Cross of Edmonton and Cameron and Davidson of Van- ecouver. - * * . Queen Chanlotte Island people are still confident that coa] min- ing and oil drilling will yet be- islands. ‘They say that in time the Queen Charlotte Islands will become as thickly populated and as productive as Vancouver Is- land. The present oil drilling operations are being watched with a good deal of interest in ‘all parts of the mining world and the importance of the discovery of actual quantities there would mean much for the Northern country and Prince Rupert as a distributing centre. If coal and oil became realities there, Prince Rupert would lack nothing to make it as great a commercial point as Vancouver is today: * *. * Atlin hydro-magnesite is again being shipped to England after several years’ lapse owing to the war. Last week, Nichol Thompson of Vancouver shipped the first consignment since 1914 of 50 tons. Shortly after the war began his principals, Mahor Lim- ited, of London, ordered 200 tons, but immediately after the first first fifty tons had been des- potched shipment was _ discon- tinued for the reason stated. For more than two years Mahor Ltd. have been paying for storage in Vancouver. ® * * In his bill to amend the mineral survey act, Hon. William Sloan believes he has a measure that will drastically curb, if not ac- tually bring to an end, the activi- Lies of “wild cat’ promoters. One of the prime objects of the bill is to ensure that money invested in mining and other enterprises will be spent in actual work, and “not for the benefit of brokers and promoters whose chief inter- est commission.’ Promoters of mining companies must not only file their prospectuses with the registrar of joint stock com- panies, but also with the resident engineer of the district. The kat- ter is to report on the truthful- ness of the claims set forth in the prospectuses. 18 MIXED GIRLS’ TEAMS PLAYED BASKETBALL The Dry Dock Girls and the Maple Leafs met in a basketball game on Saturday afternoon in the St. Andrew's hall and the for- mer were successful by a 3-4 score. Neither teams were com- plete so the result cannot be as- sumed as a defeat for the Maple Leaf team proper, Isabel Kelly and Inez Ross did some good playing for the Dok. Frank Tinneti refereed the game very satisfactorily. Ue} ATISFIES AVES water. green or dry logs, 20 to 30 parts. 310 Granville Street FUOUCUUAREUUSGEUTEATRELULOUDEORERTANUEDADAUAGGUUOUOUGEOEOOOSUEOMEOUOEOEOAOAGOUOUOLODOOOGQURAEOEOEOEOUONOUSEOUOEDBONASOUOOOOGUOOOOOOOSOOOGOOONNOONOEOEOUOOOGOONENOSOUOUGUOOLOUASQUOUGUOSOAEOOOSURRSEEOEONDD a LASUAAUEALELEGTALLLCES EATS OONO OOM UGCA TTT TTT ——-— —————a (Frequently imitated The ‘‘WEE MacGREGOR” Drag Saw is an iy, practical and proven machine, peculiarly adapted {o, and accurate cutting of wood under any conditions. With equal facility and proportionate rapidity it will cut the small ; up to seven feet in diameter. Depending upon size and character it will cut fro cords of wood a day. So light is its weight it can easily be carried from one point to anothe: can move it on the log and iwo men from log to log. seconds, a 4-foot log in 3 minutes and a 6-foot log in 6 minutes. gasoline, oil and grease is approximately 4 cents a cord. Full operating instructions are furnished with each machine, and its mechanism js 80 simple it can be operated and kept in order by any person. to the feed cutter, the pump, the circular saw, the churn or the separator. We carry in stock at all times in our Vancouver Warehouses a full In ease of emergency there is no long wait for delivery. Vancouver, B.C. e | { |CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | WAKTED. WANTED — First class stenog- rapher and clerk, one with in- surance ollice experience pre- ferred. M. M. Stephens. tf WANTED—Kitchen maid. Wages $35 per month. Apply Prince Rupert Genera] Hospital. tf FOR SALS FOR SALE—12 h.p. heavy duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- peller, magneto, coil, etc. This is the engine 1 used in the “Aileen.” It is in perfect order and very little used. $1,600,00— M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $1,500.00.—M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE-—1 14-inch mode] “L” carburetor, or trade for mode] “D”—Apply evenings the ‘Billy Boy,” Cow Bay. 74 FOR SALE—303 Savage rifle in good condition. Price $30. Ap- ply 215 Seventh Ave. West. 78 FOR SALE—Spruce float—36 by 66. Price $400.00 Apply Dyb- havn & Hanson. tf FOR SALE—20 gasoline cans 15c each, Daily News office. tf HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE— Apartment house containing two modern five- roomed apartments on Borden Street with view. $6,000. M. M. Stephens, Real Estate and Insurance, 3rd Avenue. uf FOR SALE—Five-roomed house and two lots in Section 7. Price $4,600. One-third cash, . bal- ance one and two years. David ‘H. Hays, General Real Estate Agent, corner Second Avenue and Second Street. FOR SALE—Five-roomed house and lot on Ninth Avenue, near McBride. Price $2,500; $1,000 cash, balance arranged. Ed. H. Mortimer, Real Estate and In- surance Agent, 824 Second Ave. FOR SALE—Seven-roomed house with large lot on Atlin Avenue, Section 2. New. $4,250. Terms arnanged. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid., Third Avenue. FOR SALE—Four-roomed house splendid harbor: with bath on Fifth Avenue— $2,400, Terms. McCaffery, Gib- bons & ~oyle, Ltd. tf FINE HOME, best residential section. Moderate terms. Hel- gerson, Real Estate, Insurance, Notary Public. LOTS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Fine level lot witl harbor view on Fourth Avenue Near McBride. Price $1,050 Half cash, balance 6-12-18 months. Theo. Collart. West- holme Theatre Block ti FOR SALE—Lot 10, Block 41, Sec tion 5. Price $250. Ed. H- Mor- timer, Real Estate and Insur- ance, 324 Second Avenue. ti FOR SALKE—Two fine view lots, Section 2. $750 the pair. Mc- Caffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd., Third Avenue. ti FOR SALE—Lot 5, Block 46, Sec- tion 8. For particulars apply owner, P. L, Fossy, Jnr., RKoss- land, B. C. tf FOR SALE—Splendid view lot in Block 1, Section 2. Price $600. Ed. H. Mortimer, 324 Second Avenue- tf FOR SALE—Lane corner on Atlin Avenue, Section 2, $400. Theo. Collart, Westholme Theatre Block (ft FOR RENT FOR RENT—Newly completed and decorated hall above the Candy Store de Luxe, on Third Ave. Hall is a hundred feet long and specially suitable for . dances and other social events. For terms, apply to Jim Killas. tf “Wee Mactre DRAG SAW THE ORIGINAL LIGHT WEIGHT PORTABLE. OPERATED DRAG SAW & POWER PLANT Monday, M - See. arch RUvHAUOTE0EANETONERESUEOEDOGERE MEE AECL yy . hy Never Equalied) Its operating Its power car a } Write For Our New Illustrated Folder. Sent Free If You Mention This Paper, WEE MacGREGOR SAW MANUFACTURING CO. The “Wee Ma Drag Saw has been adopted by the Dx min- ion of nada the Fisheries and Agricul tural Branches, and by the B rovernment Forestr Service and Provincial F DOUCUEEEDECEDOG DDE S TEED EDEU PETER ERAT TT EE EATEN EELS ETT TN covers, $1.5 Velvet sheep) $2.00, post paid. Published) Victonia P Co., 521 Yates § iALLOWAY'S gr” GASOLINE xpensive I large lo One man It has sawn a 2-foot log in 6 arm. ting & Publishing TRANSFER CARTAGE—Orde 29, 1999, pi 1and or ™m either cost for arnessed f service t. Victoria, B.C your Coa! Patronise res turned veteran. Phone Greem 325. INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS market le nequest will give you latest ree liable int regarding Bonds, st nd investments generally. 1 ies solicited regarding ANY Bond or Secut- ily. Part 5 { prices) yields and sl {ing of any list ed or ul k in the market ied without charge. Leé i wires 0 all paris of th ntinent. Unele celled business ¢ onnections New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, Wi and Calgary. ! ments S| Leading Vaneouvel dress all rej} BROS. AND Bi and Bond Brok couver Bldg., \ FARMS FOR SALE MIXED FARMING has still well-settled ern Canad prices; | irrigated I: ern Ajberta in iraprovel settlers. Act fast ent going and full G. Loughral Railway >tabien Cc, uu FOR RENT — Room and kitchen with hot and cold water, fur- nished with everything. Phone Hed 259. 74 FOR RENT — Two furnished rooms. Apply Pat Carey. Phone Red 259. 77 FOR RENT—4-roomed front flat furnished. Mrs, Wolters, St. Louis Rooms, phone Red 914. MISCEI.LANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of LAND ACT gorm No. 9.) porM OF NOTICE ein gridct, PRINCE RUPERT LAND. i pIsTnHi I ’ emits sm » Ice that Lenora Mabe’ pal TAKE NOTH ish Columbia, permissia ef Duncan, B ply fOr ed lanl 4 intend Spinster, 10 purchase the foll wis ‘ianted ath Commenci fk i a po the Wester pout ater im Ae : 0 on high w . * canal, on we wet, I De OF tne gad, Cassin DMG erat $f Porac et arit eh ut “one r Sinan 0 mpi, 0 BB degrees, 06 MINNIE ay. Hg BH ie pree hundred and thle ce conmtl i sand three hundre? e northwes ot tenths feel hence 80! th 8 feet the Lot 454; ” “1M pundred. west: ul minutes Ea top id minutes, Wi ¥ hundr 1 and “ry feet me yundred hundred 5 minutes west, (WO owilt Rinety-seven feet NNN 'Gg polat Bien wate! line nortmerly a mencement