By pe wi b wii ‘ ICED . rT FAIRLY | ‘Ormes Phones 82 and 200 The Pioneer Druggists Neither Too Dear Nor.Too Cheap are the drugs, toilet articles, sickroom supplies, etc., sold at | this pharmacy. We do not fix prices high enough to yield an exorbitant profit, or low enough to make purity and fall strength impossible. The Best Drug Service at Fair Prices is what: this pharmacy offers. Better trade here than where deeply cut prices must mean cut quality, too. i Limited P.O. Box 1680 We have several new listings of Under $2,000 in price. : Section Six are real bargains. . Call and arrange for in- spection. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. | M.M.Stephens Notary Public , Conveyancer ; | FOR SALE My double corner on Fifth Avenue and Tatlow Street, with six-roomed modern house garden, fences, chicken house, etc. .... $6,760.00. Terms. Good for this week only. Two lots on Park Avenue, close in, Section 1, $600.00 THE PAIR. Modern double apartment house, Fifth Ave., harbour view, paying 10 per cent, on $8,400. Price $6,000.00. Could not be duplicated for much more money. Two splendid view lots Fourth Ave., Graft Hill, .... $1,500 EACH. M. M. Stephens Real Estate insurance Financial Agent a C d ( | FURNACE & STEAM COAL RMD CA 5 talk 04 WA Hs Ton Loose DSBITO 35) FinSiada'd.0 vars Ton Sacked CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP. OS RES i AE A Ton Sacked SCREENED EGG COAL $13.75 TON. NO WAIT -— FULL WEIGHT. Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smit Block, Phones: 7 and Black 293. DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT —} Rs OF OI SE OF BLES BIOL ES OF OF CI DL ODO OAOZOL SG Wanted! Make me an offer for the following unimproved lots:— Lot 8; Block 12, Section 4, Lot 10, Block 25, Section 1. Lot 21, Block 35, Section 5. Lot 9, Block 36, Section 7, Lot 833, Block 38, Section 8, Lot 34, Block 38, Section 8. Lots 12 and 18, Block 21, Sec. 8. Agent for the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ed.H. Mortimer fieal Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue e e eo ; NOTICE sao all whom il may concern :— | fake notice that the Prince Ru- pert Bazaar has been sold and all persons having claims against this business should file same, with Messrs. Patmore & Fulton verified by statutory declaration, on .r before the 31st day of March, 1920. 75 PATMORE & FUL'TON, Solicitors for the Purchasers. Work has commenced on the erection of the new addition to the city hall by the contractors, Delgarno & Watts. ‘The “Director”? Corset. Manu- ‘autired in Prince Itupert. Phone isiue U2, tf Sheriff’s Sal e Of Mining Machinery, Plant, Tools, ete., io the County Court of Atlin holden at Prince Rupert, W.M. and Wm. Burke, PLAINTIFFS, Molybdenum Mining and Reduction Co., Limited, DEFENDANT. By virtue of Warrants of Execution, issued in this action, and to me directed, have seized of the goods of the defendant he following; Ai) the goods and chattels of the de- fendant company at the beach and at the laine, situated on Alice Arm, B, C., con- sisting of stationary engine, flotation out- fit, crusher, rubber belting, rollers, ele- vators, shafting, pulleys, assay office com- plete, 5,280 feet 4-inch air pipe, one tram, ram line one mile, and numerous other rticles. Inventory can be seen at my office. All of which, or su™icient to pay claire nd costs, I shall offer for sale by Publi: auction for cash on Thursday the first day of April, 1920, at eleven o’clock in the erenoon at my office, Court House, Prince Rupert Dated at Prince Rupert, B. &., 11, 1920. Johnson Mar-b JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff of the County of Atlin. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT DISTRICT OF oie CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to app!y for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following de- scribed lands:— Commencing at a post planted at the north-west corned of D. L. 1853; thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains, to point of commencement. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. SPADES WHILE THEY LAST 75 Boxes No.1 Jonathan Apples Wrapped Stock $1.50 per box This is the biggest special we have yet attempted Arriving Wednesday Boat Phone your Easter Ordens Thursday Fresh ‘Tomatoes, Cucumber, *Rhubarb, Fresh Spinach, Ar- tichokes, Asparagus, Let- tuece, Parsley, Green Onions, Celeny, Sweet Potatoes, Beets, Parsnips, Cocoanuts, Florida Grape Fruit. Lowest Market Prices Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212. Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton Ss ie $12.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD, Phones B64 and 116 Ne eel Tak: Some Saves labor. The Coupons with each package are a value in thefaselves, See KE EK RR RK RH RR HRD * IN THE LETTER BOX * RR RRR ER REPLY TO MR, MOERSCH To the Editor,—Permit me to reply to the letter of Mr. Moersch in your recent edition. My reply will be to take two excerpts from his letter, so to enable your readers to judge as to how much reliance can be placed on what he writes when appears in print. a) “Lt went to Mr. Brady ‘a friend, to give him an oppor- tunity to clear his name before as 1 ue as the public. > (b) “I don't think we owe an apology to Mr. Brady or any inonymous writers whose motives ecem well-known to him.” (Mr. jrady, I presume.) How Mr. Moersch can make the sentiments expressed in (a) agree with those expressed in (b) is beyond my comprehension. Seeing that the Shamrock Dra- matic Club “forced” (as he him- self says) Mr. Moersch out as heir champion, it is evident they knew what they were doing when hey assigned to him the role of he blundering “Rascal Pat.” JAMES ©, BRADY, High School. ALICE ARM reached Alice Arm on Monday afternoon that William ‘everly, working at the Moose yroperty building camps for the faylor Engineering Company, had een hit on the head by a falling seriously injured. A Report imb and log team zhas left Alice Arm to neet the stretcher bearers at amp Eight and bring him in vhen he will be immediately sent to the hospital at Anyox. The Taylor Engineering Com- vany has about forty men at work yuilding new ore bunkers at the vharf and changing the system f tracks leading up to them. * * * Sleeping space is at a premium in Alice Arm. The hotel and ‘ooming houses are full, many leeping on cots in the halls, hile strangers have been known » walk the streets unable to get . bed. It will be several weeks vefore this condition is changed the enlarging of the hotel and i new Kitsault House to be built. n the meantime unless one has business or arranged for iccommodation in advance it is very probable that new arrivals will find themselves without sleep- ing quarters. Among Telkwa arrivals on_last evening’s train were Wm. Boyle ud Mrs, G. W. Jones. irgent os ese eee RRaEES TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY * » + ae *e Ce @ . LOST — $26.00 in bills between train and express office, Finder, please notify Daily News of- fice. 78 ¥@-. “OR REN T—Two-roomed flat. Ap- ply Mrs. Wolters, St. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 914. 78 SPRING DESIGNS that will do much to make your home beautiful and attractive. Dainty coloring and artistic style prevail. Silversides IBROTHERS Second Street P.O. Box 120 Out of town orders carefully attended to THE DASLY NEWS ‘ ue. { Local News Notes cet Rt a Et et SY ~—— A. M. Kipp came in from Port Essington on last night's train. * * ’ James McAleenan arrived from Alice Arm on the Chelohsin last night. i. W. Franklin returned last night from a fortnight’s business trip up-riven. ec: ete \We offer steam coal in var load lots $7.00 per ton f.0.b. car— Albert & McCaffery. tf Best Household Lump Coal, $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. Terminal Coal Co. . * * Mrs. D. W. Morrisey and Miss Mary Morrissey returned from the south this morning. . * * L. A. Smith, manager of the Granby Stores at Anyox, is in town today en route north, Mr. and Mrs. W. GC. Harnis re- turned from Ocean Falls on the Prince Rupert this morning. * * . i. EK. Strickland, of Smithers, arrived in town last night and is registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. * * . The Westholme Luneh will be closed for a week or while repairs are being effected ifter the recent fire. t! . * . H. Browning, accountant for the ‘Taylor Mining Co., at Alice Arm, arrived on the Chelohsin ‘ast night from the north. Forest’ Cave, the well known Anyox engineer, was an arnival in the city last night and is regis: tered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. * * . Harry Anderson, the lightweight boxer, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning to meet Chet Nelf in a fifteen- ound contest at the Westholme tonight. Miss Jean Willett returned fio 1 holiday trip in Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. She is to substitute on the public school staff in place of Miss Grace Cowan who is leaving. The fire department had a run it 3 o’clock this morning, answer- ing a false alarm rung in from Comox Avenue. It was found tha it was the police who were want- ed and not the fire department. A. B. McLean, formerly in- spector of Dominion police here, ha sbeen sent to Alice Anm to take over the duties of Constable Scarlett as provincial policeman while the latter takes a three months’ leave of absence to visit england. * * * Word has been received from Vancouver that Daniel Leachy has been granted freedom from Okalla prison farm by his ap- peal, He was convicted, along with S#mon Duff, in February for offering to sell and exposing for sale intoxicating liquor. STEWART TO DEVELOP DUNVILLE PROPERTY ON GLACIER CREEK J. W. Stewart, of the Stewart Land Co., arrived this morning on his Way north to develop his property, the Dunville Group of mineral claims on Glacier Creek, five miles out of Stewart. Mr. Stewart says there have already been good showings on the prop- erty and he is intending to prove its value. “OH BOY!” TONIGHT AT EMPRESS THEATRE With oodles of pretty girls in picturesque poses, dainty dances ‘and lovely tableaux, the comedy at the Empress Theatre. There frivolity, the only real attempt ever made to translate te the screen the complete essence and story of a modern up-to-date “girlie-girlie’ musical comedy hit. It is said to be a riot of laughter from start to finish. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN I have for sale at my residence on ist Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines: Two seven horse power. One twelve horse power. One twenty horse power. All the above are new and will be sold at a sacrifice, oe Be ten days] “Oh Boy!” is to be sttown tonight f is to be sixty minutes of fun and], > fA Forrosycheeks, i happy smiles, white ’ teeth, good appetites and digestions. {ts benefits are as GREAT as its cost is SMALL! {t satisfies the desire for sweets, and is beneficial, too, Sealed Tight Flavor Lasts Al2 A a OU ROC UU UU LADYSMITH Scre:ned or Lump COAL i IS THE BEST Burns Longer, Botter and (righter, and Gives More Heat. OTHER COALS WE HANDLE ARE: Bteam Coal, Bulk on Dook .........-...: $8.25 per ton: Steam Ccal, bulk, Delivered 10.00 “ “ Household Egg Coal, Screened, bulk on dock 10.00 Household Egg Coal, screenod, skd. on dock 11.00 Household Egg Coal, screened, bulk delivered 12.00 Household Egg Coal, screencd, skd. delivered 13.00 SPECIAL PRICES QUOTED ON CAR LOADS. pecans “PRINCE RUPERT COAL Co. | PHONE 15 PK PIRI AAA IAAA AIA AIA AI AD IK LI III TAI I IIIT IIIT —, ae FOOD DRAFTS SOL Do-you wish to provide FOOD for relatives or friends in Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czecho-Siova r Germany If so, this bank will sell you for the Canada! of $40 or $50 New York funds Food Drafts drawn on al American Relief Administration Warehous: equivalent n any one 0! these countries. The drafts will be issued free of D charges and are payable in food. Full particulars may be obtained from an) branches. The Royal Bank of Canada ; Potal Assets ove Gapital paid up and Reserves s, Georgie? at the Empre “What's the meaning of thi Scene from “Oh, Boy!!” to be shown P. RORVIK, Theatre Tonight.