TUE DALLY NEWS ae Or mes Phones 82 and 200 The Pioneer Druggists Neither Too Dear Nor Too Cheap are the drugs, toilet articles, sickroom supplies, etc., sold at é| this pharmacy. We do not fix | prices high enough to yield an exorbitant profit, or low enough to make purity and full strength impossible. The Best Drug Service | at Fair Prices is what this pharmacy offers. Better trade here than where deeply cut prices must mean cut quality, too. Limited P.O. Box 1680 a We have several new listings of HOUSES Under $2,000 in price. Two in Section Six are real bargains. Call and arrange for in- spection. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid. 3rd Ave. Phone 11 HEHREKEHRHER EE HR BH Father Rivet left for Ocean Falls on the Prince Rupert Thurs- day night. * * * Fresh oolichans for sale jon boat “Spider” at Rupert Marin fronwouks, &50c per bucket. * * * Special Easter services were held at the Methodist, Anglican and Catholic churches yesterday Best'Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per '2 ton Bulk ss $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery . LTD. Phones 564 and 116 morning. An excellent choir was present at the Anglican Church. * . * Prince Rupert Thursday night, where he will interview the Muni- cipal Inspector on city business. | *. . ‘ | Mr. and Mrs. W. ©. Porter left \for Vancouver on Thursday night, accompanied by family. Mr. Por- ,ter, who was recently manager of j the G. T. P. Telegraphs, has not jyet decided where he will locate. * * . | Harry Anderson, accompanied by his manager, Bert Smith, re- turned to Vancouver Thursday |night. Chet Neff is to remain here peal April 12 when he will go to CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 ton. We strongly recommend it for your kit- chen range, SCREENED LUMP Delivered $15.00 ton. For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, $12.50 ton. Sacked, $13.75. Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coal £o,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Egos Coal », Anyox to fight a six-round exhibi- | tion match with Skinner of that pprase on the 44th. | Arriving Wednesday Boat Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumber, Rhubarb, Fresh Spinach, Ar- Let- tuce, Parsley, Green Onions, tichokes, Asparagus, 3 * Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Beets, Parsnips, Cocoanuts, . } Florida Grape Fruit. DENTISTRY ; Lowest Market Prices 5 * Don’t negiect your Teeth } p T bl g OWN Sevayed or missing tooth Uper q 8 upply C0, owers »fficienc SEPEUR AE SICH AY PHONES 211, 212. DR. BAYNE 3 | Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; moprinreen are ei ieet eek Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- en oor. dsy, 9 to 12 enly. Evenin 3, Tuesday, Wednesday and day, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT PO OF BIR SERIO OL OIE CIO DICT OTOL OM Mae ri- M.M.Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer Wanted! Make me an offer for the following unimproved lots;— Lot 9, Block 12, Section 1, Lot 10, Block 25, Section 1. Lot 21, Block 38, Section 5. Lot 9, Block 86, Section 7. Lot 33, Bleck 38, Section 8. Lot 34, Block 88, Section 8, Lots 12 and 13, Block 214, Sec. 8. Agent for the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE Co. Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue FOR SALE — My double corner on Fifth Avenue and Tatlow Street, with six-roomed modern house garden, fences, chieken house, ete, .... $6,760.00, Terms, Good for this week only. Two lots on Park Avenue, close in, Section 1, $600.00 THE PAIR. Modern double apartment house, Fifth Ave., harbour view, paying 10 per cent. on $8,400. Price $6,000.00. Could not be duplicated for much more money, Two splendid ‘view lots Fourth Ave., Graft Hill, .... $1,800 EACH. M. M. Staite }/§ Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent PROVO | Se RR OK SS eR ROR OR OK OK | ot | * NOTICE ® * —— * * Free vaécination will be * * given daily at the Prince * * Rupert General Hospital, * * commencing April 6, fora “* * period of two weeks, be- * * tween the hours of 14 and * 12 a.m. Fifth Ave. Hos- * pital entrance. * J. P. CADE, 80 * * Medical Health Officer. * * | and Save the Coupons TENDERS FOR MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES With reference to tenders be- ing asked for motor boats for the Department of Marine, Simplex Winch and Windlass are speci- fied. This should read “Simplex Winch and Windlass or any other similar and approved make.” BOARD STILL SITS The conciliation board between ihe Cold Storage Co. and the fish- sat again this morning and resumed this afternoon. The ouleome is being looked for with a deal of interest by the people generally. packers good FOOTBALL Albion Rovers 6, Hearts 2. Ayn 0, Aberdeen 0. Clyde 2, Kilmarnock 1. Dumbarton 0, Falkirk 0. Dundee 2, Hamilton 1. Hibernians 41, Lanark 2. Motherwell 4, Morton 3. Queens Park 0, Partick Thistle Raith Rovers 1, Clydebank 3. 3, Airndrieonians 2. St. Mirren 0, Celtie 2. Rangers The Rugby International match oday esulted in victory for France over Ireland by 17 points to 7. Ss thiamine } BIRTHS. : Mayor Thomas McClymont was/ Mrs. B. Oveson, of Eighth Avenue a passenger for Victoria on the|at the general hospital yesterday. | | | | WANTED — Four A daughter was born to Mr. and} } | A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. | Jos. Auroi, of Fulton Street, at! (he general hospital yesterday. | A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.} Wm. MeCulloch, of Seventh Ave.,} ut the general hospital yesterday. | fhe “Director” Gorset. Manu-} wtured in Prince ltupert, sine 92, Phone For programme of tomorroy ight’s concert, see page 3. COU RHRESN TERE Hee * TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY , a Local News Notes A. R. Jayne went south Thurs- day night. * * , New arrivals in tweed suits and coats al Wallace's. 79 Mr. and Mrs. H. Irving arnived from Stewart last night. * . . R. W. Harris returned to Ocean Falls on Thursday night. * * * A. 8. Hanna, of Port Clements, arrived in the city on Friday. A. Cotter, G. T. P. travelling auditor, went south on Thursday nigut. * * . T. M. Shaefer arrived from Anyox on the Prince Rupert on Thursday night. * * lots $7.00 per ton f.o.b. car-— Albert & McCaffery. tf Best Household Lump Coal, $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. -Terminal Coal Co. Miss Wilson, school teacher at Jsk, left for the south on Thurs- day night for the Baster holidays. . * * The Westholme Luneh will be closed for a week or ten days while repairs are being effected ifter the recent fire. tf J. Peterson and L. Paterson, American fishermen, were each fined $15 for being drunk and dis- orderly this morning. * * . A. T. Broderick, manager of the Union Bank of Canada, left for. Vancouver on the Prince Ru- pert Thursday night. 9% ea a Port Simpson arrivals in town yesterday included Mrs. E, F. Dudoward, Mrs. George Magar and Mrs. Peter Wesley. . * * Tl. P. Lindsay, a well known mining man of the Coeur d'Alene country, was a passenger for stewart on the Albert Thursday. * * . Captain John Irving went to Stewart on Thursday afternoon ind will return on the next steam- er. He is interested in mines here. ak, wen Mrs. J..E. Bostrom, of Grassy Plains, arrived in the city on Thursday night's train and is egistered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. A building permit was taken out at the building inspector's |office this morning by W. Tatter- al d isal for a $1,500 residence on RRA KH RR HH RO HRM ~) Wleventh Avenue East. WANTED—To communicate with | G35 wrpte fluent having French ; Daily 79 who speaks with idea of conversational Apply box ollice. someone French, daily lessons. News 59, VANTED—Japanese or Japanese woman for cleaning in small flat centrally situated, one or two days per week. Apply box 59 Daily News oftice. 79) or five-roomed rent with option to! Apply box 60, Daily News 81 house to buy. Oflice, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of kidegate, B, C,, settler, intends to apply r a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following de- ‘ribed lands: Commencing at- a post planted at the north-west corned of D.L, 1853; thence uth 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; hence north 80 chains; thence west 80 hains, to point of commencement. WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920, | Wallpapers SPRING DESIGNS that will do much to make your home beautiful “ind attractive. Dainty coloring and style prevail. Silversides BROTHERS Second Street P.O. Box 120 Out of town orders carefully attended to artistic j Among the passengers going to stewart on the Prince Albert on Thursday afternoon were Dr. and Mrs. Davis. Dr. Davis will prac- tice medicine at the mining camp. Mrs. Frank Troughton, sister of the late Frank Mobley, return- ed to Victoria by the Prineess Mary yesterday afternoon. Her daughter, Phyllis, is remaining in the city. . * . J.N. Muir of Inverness has re- cently received word from the Board of Railway Commissioners that they had ordered a shelter to be built and a caretaker installed at Haysport. Skeena River arrivals on Thurs- day night’s train ineluded R. G, Cunningham and Thomas Dawe, Port Essington; V. Christopher- son, Osland; W. H. Utley, Hays- ;port, and W. F, Binns, Balmoral. *. * . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman went south on Thursday night bound for Vancouver via Seattle. Mr. Norman is the inspector of the Canadian Express Company and has been here since Sunday night in connection with his du- (ies at the local office. *. 7 . Constable Searlett arrived from Alice Arm on Thursday night and together with Mrs. Scarlett will sail on Sunday evening by the Princess Beatrice on the first ‘stage of his journey to his old home in Southampton, England, where he will spend a _ three months’ leave of absence. Con- stable McLean, of Fruitlands, has arrived at Alice Arm to relieve Constable Scarlett as provincial officer Dhere, NOTICE TO FISHERMEN I have for sale at my residence on 1st Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines: Two seven horse power, One twelve horse power. One twenty horse power: All the above are new and will be sold at a sacrifice. We offer steam coal in var load L Wednesday and Thursday cee high quality C nly All Silks from our regular stock for two days SILK TAFFETA 86 inch wide. Colors Black, Saxe, Sand. Reg. $3.50, MESSALINE SILKS Comes 36 inch wide. Splendid quality j gundy, Black, Sky and Pink, Reg. $3.50, Myrtle Special $2.65 rs of Bur. Special $2.75 SILK POPLINS 36 inch in all Wanted Shades, i cluding | Reg. $2.35, FANCY STRIPED SILKS In all newest designs in Mesealines and 7 Reg. to $3.25, BLACK FAILLE SILK Very heavy quality. Rog. value $5.50, Spocial $4.25 yd. Kf 1 Wh ite Special $1.75 ffetas, Special $2.85 Store open all day Wednesday and Thursday Evenin, WALLACE’S Corner of Third and Fultcn ororwres. T new Church, Thursday's steamer and will con- duct tomorrow. direct from Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, vas. A Good Breakfast for Good Friday Order early from ™:|_aCasse Bakery Phone 190 Auto Delivery Sette ME eee wwe reer ‘ ‘ harch - EASTER SERVICES Pastor—Reyv. JAMES DUNLOP Baptist C 11 a.m.—*‘The Unchanging Christ.”’ 2:30 p.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL, Open Session. 7:30 p.m.—‘‘The Power of the Risen Christ.” Soloists—Mrs.-Bennett and Mr. W. V. SPOT eee AOE PE LECCE POPPOPO LOC LS ne Davies. renee n Hate he Rev. James Dunlop, the! . irsday minister of the Baptist} bor, arrived in the city ‘on! night. ; ’ tner of We Macdonald, partner of & Frank Mobley at Alin, ‘ rived in the ¢ rom the a by the Princes Mary yesterda afternoon. M. late the services in the church Mr. Dunlop has come where his last charge SO EE SER P, RORVIK. tf 4 Eastertide is The Time for New Millinery ee ee ET ten. eve ree a acme a ND we have among our large stock the very best hat for you. Ladies and Misses can rely upon us. WE HAVE ALSO some beautiful Crepe de Chine & Georgette Blouses in all the wanted shades, a$ well as Crepe and Flowered Voile piece goods. Ltd. Street Jabour bros., Corner Third Avenue and Seventh