Ltd oo : an experience) y Br qaguiRe f “COND AVE. f ~ Che Daily News PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspape . eats rae sent n(), 84 f , atiakadid wt — ewman Erb Pays P, Rust, Settlement D y which All Others are Contracts wotiating for Twenty {ankers for $36,000,000 — £ Incidents Connected with Case by All Charges are Withdrawn t Review © Man on Spot; i; morning E- P. Rust, general “manager of the Prince Drydock & Engineering Co., Ltd., here, received the ing telegram from Newman Erb, president of the company, noouver.— we concluded arrangements for the purchase of the in- of the Mullen Construction Co., F. F. Schellenberg, and ner associates.” snecial to the Daily News via Government elegraphs. NCOUVER, Apri! 9.—(1 p.m.) Under the terms of settle- of the drydock case in an agreement signed and approved » court, Newman Erb pays Mullen $75,000 for his 49 per interest in the company and acquires complete control. » his departure for New York, Erb stated that he had vast for the utilization of the lease of the government drydock hipyard, which is the chief asset of the company. Before “ieft New York he had opened negotiations for a contract iid twenty tank vessels at figures approximating $36,000,000. svecta he News vie G T.P. Telegrapns.) “NCOUVER, April 8.—In reviewing the settlement of the ulien case under which Newman Erb was suing for re- of contro! of tht shipyard ani drydook at Prince Rupert John L. Mullen and others, one who was intimately con- {with the case here, and who has been in constant attend- ai court, says that beforesthe court opened, Erb submitted posal of settiement by which he would either buy or sell. ounter proposals were made between the two parties for a dahalf. in a final endeavor to effect a settiement Mr. bfieres 1o pay much more’than he offered to take. nder the final settlement the Mullen interests sell out to nd the action stands adjourned until Mr. Erb performs all bligations under the settlement. Should Mr. Erb fail to his engagements, the action is to stand dismissed and the ; charges of conspiracy against the defendants have been W FISHERY POPULAR LUMBER MEN f ISHERY DEPARTED FROM CITY LEGISLATION ecu cvs coosice ane a. 0 Gee Formed Large Circie of Friends in Rupert. David Lougheed, the capable ; and congenial superintendent of (TIVE HERE the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills, NOVEMBER FIRST) left here Jast night for Vancouver. mrt A large number of his former em Telewraphs, ) and were on sons of Fish inspection and | Rules for importing Fish Products. aly ployees associates ‘lr ‘~The House hand to bid him farewell at the i, ‘OK Up a resolu- steamer. Mr. Lougheed says li Dace fish in- is returning to the Seal Cove ‘orning. It pro- Hunting Club next fall if not be- hat the Ane fore. A. H. Gee, the genial secretary, slipped away quietly on the Chel ohsin on Tuesday night, but not Without the knowledge of the Prince Rupert Dramatic Society. This club made him the present handsome suitcase on the Value eve of his departure tant prov sreat, Mr. Lougheed and Mr. Gee have ‘d amendment ‘ion in the associated themselves with a new B imported a, a. that all company that will construct a N countries gh, anada shingle mill near Ruskin, on the ont hall be packed Fraser River, The best wisues of Md of ree charae- their many friends in town wil! Med under {h cae to that follow them in the new venture. 101), wwe proposed leg j aamaniaieaidddeiceapaieentaian shall be clearly | HONEYMOON TRIP “0G and grade | mre niry of or Mr. and Mrs.. R, Lockwood ar- * Droposed lsmiste origin, | nived in town on last night's train F INto forge wit) ation would|}!°om Winnipeg and left again on “aught on the 4 respect to the Prince Rupert for Seattle. Mr. ember 1 4909 ‘le coast Lockwood, who is on the staff of Mic Coagy 01 Al 4nd on the the Union Terminals at the prairie ‘April 41,4924, leity, was married recently and the TEACHERS WANTED |couple are now on their honey- ‘moon, Arriving as they did last Mbstitute : Hall apply to mackerel as the con- M0 hew ing SHIINLOY as well Mm Whie} hasa : led and " Uhese fish are “ud Marketed rhe alewive Similar to the be mes { $n igs to the sprat et is hot found on this of a 41) Ils Commercial ARR me Allantic is not PNP from alners and K ((| With thy Bh they t ee Contain, and with the | , the Cou " inight when the weather was like | balmy spring, they were quite WE 8 y ‘nted—itaken with the coast. forward | "lSignec : ‘ : ete to be} Alice Arm arrivals on the Prince ite by UPert sche list Rupert last evening included John '™ VANOR cea iA. Anderson, D, M. Sattrie and ' ecretary, |O. M, Watson. Se Kindly J. ¢75,000 for Share in Company General Manager here, gets Word of Final idants will be left in sole possession, | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920, L.Mullen PRINCE JOHN NOW AFLOAT Raised Yesterday Morning and Will Leave for Rupert on Saturday. Superintendent Beaumont has eceived word by wireless from Dead Tree Point, that the Prince John was raised at 14 a.m, yes- and at 5 o'clock yesterday Eliminated from afternoon was anchored in Ali- SPLENDID BALL |" | “ It is expected to leave for kK Prince Rupert on Saturday, ar- terday riving here on Sunday or possibly earlier Two Hundred Guests Enjoyed the The salvage steamer Algerine Affair Thoroughty—Fine ist well fitted for the work of Wiusic. - raising and repairing the vessel. ee Not only could she put in wooden ihe Ninth Annual Ball of the;orm cement patches, but she had Prince Rupert branch [. 0. O. F.,/on board a well fitted machine which was held in the St. An duew's hall last night, was largely attended and was a complete suc- cess. The committees in charge left nothing undone to make the event enjoyable and the 200 guests in attendance were highly pleased. Commencing about 10 o’clock, {he first few dances were played by Miss Mabel Adanis. The regu- I lar orchestra for the evening was TEN KT ED Gray's and they were, as usual, 7 Re IN JERUSALEM Ad linha’: fully pleasing. ‘The floom was in Three British Officers Among the the best of condition and the night was excellent so there was noth- Viounded, Says Despatch to Times ing to mar the complete enjoy- shop and qualified mechanics so thal a steel patch could be put in place if found desirable. ‘Ihe plan usually adopted is to pul a lemporary patch on the hole snd then pump the vessel out, if necessary using auxiliary floats to make her more buoyant. ment of the affair. | Refreshments were served to | (uree siltings in the supper room, which was daintily decorated rhese weye of excellent order and vere under the supervision of the general committee, A. H. Allison i. Valentine and Harry Love. € (Special via GU. IT. , Telegraphs London, April 9.—It is reported that ten civilians were killed and The]{80 wounded and that three Brit- | nlerlainment committee con-Jish officers were wounded in tie sisted of Ben Crossett, Frank|disturbances in Jerusalem on atorgis and Frank Salter. Harry |itaster “Sunday. There was, a |Love was master of ceremonies, |eontlict between Jews, Moslems lwhile W. G. Barrie and J. Rew Jand Arabs. This news comes by }were on the door. way of Cairo in a special des- HIGH PRICES BEEN Sanh ae a Si SEVEN HUNDRED TONS HERRING BAIT IS AT COLD STORAGE NOW The herring bait pack at the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage patch to the Times dated Aprii 7. : |\Small Boats are Reaping Benefit | From the Present Market Condition. | + : From the fishermen's point of iview at least, the fish situation | Co. is coming along very satis- | ’ jat this port is again very satis-|factoriy according to the state- ifactory. With the arrival of a ment of T. H. Johnson, manager. ‘number of refrigerator cars late-|Already between six and seven lly, that part of the trouble is/hundred tons have been brought jover. The demand for esh}in and iced down. It is expected lhalibut is again strong and the|that the objective of 1,000. tons |supply scarce with the result that|will be reached before the run is {prices are high and | stay that way until some big at promise to vel ap Inlet, Porcher Island, wher H] PRICE FIVE CENTS New Liquor Law for Ontario Province Measure Introduced into Legislature at Toronto Gets as Near to Bone Dry as is Possible (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs,’ TORONTO, April 9—In the Ontario Legislature a bill was introduced supplementing the Dominion legislation prohibiting the importation of liquor into Ontario. The measure is calculated to render the province as nearly as possible bone dry as rests within the power of the law. person who, either by himself or his servant or his agent transports or carries liquor into’ Ontario for sale or con- sumption within the province or who delivers liquor to any person in Ontar'o for sale or consumption within the province, shall be guilty of an offence and subject to penalties provided. The act does not forbid the sale, transportation or delivery of liquor for export from Ontario, transportation of liquor through « Outario from any place out of the province to any other place seeermemers ANGLOFRENCH “RELATIONS ARE NOT IMPROVING Great Britain Does Not Approve of Occupation of Rhine Cities yesterday Every (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, April 9.—The .Times says a crisis has arisen in the Anglo-French relations and that, contrary to assurances that dif- ference of opinion between the Allies regarding violation of the ‘Ineutral zone by German troops were about to be settled under a friendly understanding, it ap- pears that the British Govern- iment yesterday took steps to |minimize their disagreement with ithe policy of France. France is without the approval aah abe END : of Great Britain or the United States when vecupied the German Rhine cities, according iwd EACHERS ¢ authoritative information to- ARE LEAVING ae Miss Tingley and Mrs. Golden Sev buildi iN Will Resign April 30; Mise Seven: DOW. Pneree er fee be, or are at present, under con- Sivek Appetiter, struction at Terrace this spring. Those building are H. Mist, W.C. Sparkes, C. A. Waite, Terrace |Laundry, James Thompson, and ‘the Scfiool Board. | , W. D. WILLSON “ember for Rossiand, who often otes against the Government at Victoria. she EUSINESS OF ROUTINE NATURE AT MEETING At the regular monthly meeting of the school board last night the} irivals are here, and there are | none immediately in sight. In the; jineantime the small boats are do- ing well. ‘The Thelma arriving yesterday | sold her 11,000 pound catch to th: Pacific Sea Products at 17.2c and 43c. Today the following boat sold to the Atlin Fisheries at {8.6c and 15.5c which is the hie est price paid in months: Reliance 1,000 ibs.; Cora, 6,000; Rosesp: 8.000, and Bayview, 5,000 Ib ; | The last catch came in from ijongeaged in herring tload of fuel oil for Granby at the two boats owned and operated by jack Bradbury and Don Yelf are fishing. Company's tug barge Griff in Anyox this take a barge The Tarter, tow, arrived and Granby with the from nonning will Imperial Oil dock as soon as the Dilworth has ‘finished discharg- ng. The Chicago Switchmen's Strike Spreads to Other Cities; Efforts to Break (Special to The News vie G. T. P. Telexraphs.) CHICAGO, April 9.—Threatened by revolution as a result of the growing strike of insurgents among the railway switchmen, | organized labor today considered appealing to the Government plans of the architect for the] grading of the Hays Cove school | site were adopted and the city may | now go ahead with the alterations | to the pipe line. The resignations of Miss Ting- ley, vice-principal of the Borden Street School, and Mrs. Golden, of Seal Cove, weré received and ac cepted. Miss Tingley is going to the Islands to be with her mother who is in poor health, and Mrs. Golden is accompanying her hus- band to Vancouver. Both resig- ‘ations are effective April 30. Miss Rivet of the city has been appointed to the regular teaching staff and new teachers are being) advertised for. The matter of a schedule of! salaries .was discussed and the Board went on record as being in favor of keeping’ 15 per cent) ahead of the scale existent in| Vancouver. A letter was read from David H. Hays inquiring why the Hays to take drastic measures to quash the strike. Industries in many sections of the country were closed down | today because of the inability to obtain supplies as a result of| the unauthorized. strike. The strike has spread to leading railway centres of the nation from. New York to San Francisco. CHICAGO, April 9..—(later)—-The unauthorized strike of switchmen and railroad enginemen, which started in the Chicago district and spread to several cities, will be broken within the next 48 hours, A. F. Whitney, vice-president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, and A. E. Heberling, international president of the Switchmen’s union of North America, predicted this | morning.’ The traffic handled is stil] less than fifty per cent of normal. One thousand brotherhood men from other cities have answered ihe call to come as strike breakers. Block school room was being used for night classes contrary to the agreement with the owner... It was decided that this must be, discontinued. The room was not! being used for this purpose with the permission of the board, "A letter from the secretary of} the Municipal Chapter, 1.0.D.E., | ‘to Superintendent Macdonald in-' quiring why the flag was not raised over the King Edward) School was receiyed and filed. | The reason given is that the weather conditoins make it im- possible. B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. It is expected that the increas: production of strawberries thie Season will necessitate the erec- tion of a cannery at this point. ‘The Co-operative ‘Association al- ready has the matter under con- sideration. * . * Mr. Robinson assumed oflicial charge of the Co-operative Store on April 4 in succession to Mr. Beard who has gone ranching. * *. . A cement sidewalk is to be built from the Northwest bank corner two blocks south and then a board walk connecting up to the Lazelle store. The grading of the street is completed. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrick have arrived here to take up their uesidence. Mr. Kirkpatrick w) be associated with his brother in the mil] across the river. ——-—_] “WESTHOLME THEATRE Sessue Hayakawa “The Gray Horizon” SUNSHINE ComMEDY, ‘‘JAILBIRDS”’ Fox News MutT AND JEFF EMPRESS THEATRE HALE HAMILTON in “After His Own Heart” } “Tigers Trail,” Episode 2 CHARLES CHAPLIN 2. 3. a: | | in “The Flirt” j wwewworn wee Ree : ‘ he 4 : w 7 t i 4 = wr = a te - ° zz. we aE ae a * ae m= Bion nis rapes 9 BP es x gt :