XI. + 0 rted ope is ‘ (special 10 The News cago, April {0.—The continues to spread ensier in Chicago, the ation. The stri Columbus, ht men. { switchmen subsequent spread to a of railroad centres ‘was ed today by A. A, Whit- president of the Broth- of Railroad Trainmen, ferred with the committee ors front the Chicago and stern Railroad. The del- is said to have told Whit- a vole would be taken o) hours with a view to the strike on that rail- Saturday night. rs of the insurgents said ewas not only not broken id be carried on until a ion was completed. Beyond Control. INGTON, April 10.—Vir- hdmitting that the strike ad trainmen and switch- rthe country had got be- pntrol of union officials, ee, president of the Broth- if Trainmen telegraphed native. Cooper, Republi- om Ohio today asking tie present laws “apply mde organizations or to uiting illegal strikes."*. tule yesterday adopted a vole Senator McCor- wsdlution directing the Commerce Commis- investigate all strikes of employees not sanction- ofieers of the railroa The investigation wid be next Tuesday. SPOR ARTMENT UNDER WAY Already Rented in Ing to go on Corner of ond Avenue and First Street. are Being drawn for a * storey flreproof apart- wk onthe vorner of Sec- ‘ue and” First Street perty adjoining the oflice | H Y occupied by T. D. Pat- i Fistor, who is act- rae of the owner, an the on orning that J. W, i. or al architect is work. iy oe and that in all , #@ Work will be un- Within the hext two COMey "on which the build- be erecte 60 feet on feet on d has a front- Second Avenue First Stre = aNd brick will setae en used and the tat hy * erected’ in suoh 3 12 lower Suites may diet: Into Stores, ee the new building . en rented and it oo that all will be oe = the Completion hcoacs Will be steam Saat Ul and modern in CHERS WANT ED Lilyte ee saa! “acherg wanted— Indly forward Lon "signed, to be *Ubstitute hist sPert schools, CE, eeretary, argent Strike ‘still Going Strong Break on One Railway, but Extended; Senate Refers atter to Commerce Committee PRINCE = he RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspape woe Area 1» = Phone 75 and 35 We Never Bicep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue , ; M. H. LARGE > . —— FIUME PROBLEM IS NOW SETTLED Telegram from Trieste to Geneva Tells of Agreement Between Jugo-Slave and Itallane. (Special via G.T. PF. Teleerapns.) GENEVA, April 40.——A telegram received from Trieste asserts that the Italo-Jugo-Slavic commission, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920. DIFFERENCE IN CAUCUS OVER Liberal Unionists Want it Drawn on National Lines. (Special via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) OTTAWA, April £0.—Sir Geo. FRANCHISE ACT for Report break: in:the unauthorized a and enginemen which started nine days ago the Jugo-Slavs, according to the agreement, would receive Susak, the Canal Della Fiumara, Porto Baross and the port of Volosco. The port of Abbazia, to the south- east of Volosca,* would remain +ftalian with the’ Jugo Slavs: re- ceiving Scutari, on the Albanian coast, as compensation. GIVEN RENT CASES IN NEW YORK) tsvavp Lownen camp ases Deal The workmen who have — been a i Sy Sener todas ") doing the Port Elements Box ang the Week [Lumber Co., «the Massett Inlet iB Lumber Co., and the Edmonton (Special vie @. ¥.P. 7 slegrepns.) A pane Exchange for wages at NEW YORK, April 40.—Rent|te camp on Queen Charlotte Is- cases heard in New York courts|!#9ds have obtained a judgment their favor. In his finding this week since the passage of nd : Ps allipgg [the - anti-profiteering measure, |“ D°8° Suns: Sas: ae |have passed the four thousand rights on 195,000, feet of lumber | 'mark. Restriction of rents to 25|i2 the yards at Port. Clements per cent more than those paid a iwhich belongs jointly to the Port headquarters of the insurgent 6 is over. He did not carry with bim-all Conservative Unionists. have always favored more or less openly this’ policy, but there is a smal! group of Ontario members wits declare that the Government is*siinply drawing a razor across jits’ throat by allowing aliens of western Canada to have the vote. Certain Conservative Unionists say that they will move an amend- ment to the Franchise Act as the bill is reported, in order that they may have the lining up the members personally on the question. EVACUATION OF RUHR HAS BEGUN li€D’ German Government Troops Re-| store Order in Essen, year ago, caused such joy among |Clements and Masset companies. ‘500 tenants in a Bronx court that |! tis judgment will cover their} iMr. Justice Robitzek broke his) *®Ses amply, it is believed. The workmen concerned include gavel maintaining order. |Baga Singh, Arthur Ives, Richard Baghan Singh, David ; /. | Briggs, ST. ANDREW'S HAD —- aCrocker, B. Goedkoop, J. Whyle, SOCIAL EVENING |:'* Singh, A. A. McRae, Thakar | |Singh, and- Harry Plaster. M.! |Gonzales, of the firm of Williams} Scotemen Enjoyed Themeelves|& Manson, was the successfu With Music, Song and Dance lawyer for the plaintiffs. The! Last Evening. |Port Clements Box and Lumber, 79 |Co was represented by W. O. Ful-| After the business meeting of ton, and W. E. Fisher appeared | the St. Andrew's “Society last'for the Edmonton Lumber Ex-, evening an enjoyable social gath- change. i ering was held in the club rooms! where a large number of ladies and gentlemen were in attend- ance. The time” passed away | ,quickiy with song and music and | BEING CHANGED! before the breaking up a few) dances were held. | The orchestra consisting of’ oe ee Robert Arthur, Jr., Dr. Bayne and Bill re. res aoe } J. Stephens played selections y 7 ge tage ogg Ttisotata,| VICTORIA, April. 10.—The rule aes a net 7 *'of the road will be changed in Miss Beatrice Killen, Hobert NOD- prince Rupert probably on Jul : 4, 145 i ; rision for floss sang solos which were fully 15. of this year Provisio appreciated. Joe Brown, and Ray ‘Mcwonald proved delightful re- .citers. “During the course of the eyen- ‘pubrey works. Under the provisions of the} Says Report. (Special via vu. ff. P. Telewre Headquarters of the Army, Mayente, April 10.—wzasr night the German Reichswehrn held the front of Duisburg, Mul- heim, Essen, Dortsund, and Iser- lohn. It is .reported also that they have occupied Hagen. ,Dus- Sei.c.. tad not been entered by ; the Reichswehr but the troops member for Cranbrook in, the were a few miles north of the city. . ARIS, April 10.—According to information received by the Havas Agency from Cologne, the Reich- swehr were reported to have be- jgun the evacuation. of the Ruhr | RULE OF ROAD iisvtesct"esint as cc?! CAUSE TROUBLE district. According to reports stored there. PURCHASES. 1,000 ACRES © President of the Grain Growere to Farm Near Telkwa. (Specia) via G.T.P. Yelegraphs.) VANCOUVER, April 10.—John Kernedy, vice-president of the United Grain Growers, has pur- v acres “in’ crop“ this ive The: Prince Rupert ‘Board of Liberal and western Unionists | opportunity of! — — PRICE FIVE CENTS a eet, BELGIUM BACKS FRANCE IN OCCUPATION of GERMAN CITIES (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telemrapas.) LONDON, April 19.—The reply of France to the British: note on the action taken by France in occupying part of Germany has been received. It is maintained that. France gave Great Britain ample warning on April.6 that France considered it necessary to take military steps if Germany failed to withdraw her troops. The note concludes with the expression of the wish of France io act in accordance with the wishes of the Allies. The British Foreign Office has not stated what form the warning to France took. Officials here, however, view the reply as conciliatory and it has relieved the tension of yesterday. PARIS, April 10.—Dr. Goepphet, head of the German peace delegation, has addressed to Premier Millerand, as president of the Peace Conference, a note asking an éxtension of three months % after April 10 for the reduction of German military effectives. COMPEICNE, France, April 10.—Shipments of German cattle into France in accordance with the terms of the Verseilles treaty have begun. . WEEKLY BOATS TO STEWART Prince George to Initiate Service With Mining Town, Leaving Vancouver April 21. j j | | | The summer service with the jbig steamens Prince George and Prince Rupert will commencé this year earlier than usual. The Prince George which has been out of commission undergoing overhaul, will re-enter the ser- vice, sailing from Victoria April 21 for Seattle, then to Vancouver, leaving there at 8 p.m. Thursday and arriving here the following Saturday morning. She leaves here at 10 p.m, Saturday fiight for Stewart and arrives back on Sunday evening at 8, setting out at gnidnighf as. usual for Van- couver. Legislature who introduced a bil] THis will give Stewart a regu- yesterday to change the rule of lar weekly service. The Prince the road. Rupert will continue as at pres- ent giving a weekly sérvice to Anyox. BURIED SHELLS {| The Prince Aibert will give a fortnightly service to the Islands until such time as the Prince John is repaired, and will spend the intervening time in carrying tin- plate and supplies to the Alaska and canneries and bringing heavy freight from Vancouver. | i i t i ae: HON. DR. KENG, ' Minister of Public’ Works and { ‘Explode In Flelds and Kill InJure Those Who | Are Near. persons were killed and two in-| | sept ttiider arcadia aaa iaanadan as —_ | j (Special via G. T. P. Telegrapns.) LONGEST TOW IN 5 | CAMBRAI, France, April 10.— | A OF T jured, occurred in the district of! Villers Guislain. | 'Two explosions, in which twelve The explosions! VICTORIA, April 10,—Complet- the change is contained in a bill chased 1,000 acres of land in the were caused by agricultural trac- ing the longest tow ever recorded . tabled in the Legislature yester- Bulkley Valley near Telkwa and tors coming in contact with un- jn Pacific marine annal day by Hon. Dr. King, minister.of-will have -- yesr. ‘ §yphe tus s exploded; shells in flelds. which. Hem,iwith the auxiliary schooner were being plowed. _ i } i a — The Hero:towed her from Tahiti, »:jlaurel’ Whalen has arrived bere. .- ‘img Mrs. Reid, president of the’... 7.) oy : fect | ; : 740i RR t ies’ ili biii; the change comes into effect ', et where she had been damaged in Raties® “Auxiliary, | Seanad . ic ‘ow Vancouver Island and the low- “Trade ‘has extended an tnyitation | JENNINGS FUNERAL; s a storm, to Honolulu and thence " raising by the auxiliary. the society the sum of $250, the results of the efforts for fund This is Lo be divided between general so- ciety funds, the pipe band and the football association. | “| A certificate of welcome was | tendered by the chairman, 8. D.) Macdonald to Jock Campbell, one of the boys who served long over- seas and returned a few months ago. A welcome was also ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Aberdeen, who have come to this country to settle. Mr. Woods is engaged in the fishing business. During an intermission nefresh- ments of the usual high standard provided by the society were ,Served and fully enjoyed. ‘DAYLIGHT SAVING iS LOCAL MATTER Acting Prime Minister Says the Government Has no Proposale. OTTAWA, April 10.—Yestenday Sir George Foster, acting prime minister, made an announcement to the effect that no daylight sav- ing bill was under contemplation by the Government at ...e present time. Daylight saving was en- tirely a matter for the towns and villages which-wished to adopt it. ef-intihland where the street rail-;to the Canadian Fisheriés Asso- way systems will be affected on ciation to have their delegates December 34, 1924. In the rest visit Prince Rupert while they are of the province it is effective July on the coast at the convention to 15 next. Conciliatory Reply from France Regarding Matter Of the German Occupation'"* respects and many of these (Special to The News via G. Tf. P. Telegrapns.) COBLENZ, April 10.—Belgium is backing France’ in the oc- cupation of German cities. Notification was given through the Belgian military mission of the participation of Belgum in the French action in occupying Frankfort and neighboring towns. Belgium is sending a detachment of troops with the French in order to mark its co-operation. . Government Again Refuses Cash Grant to Ex-Soldiers (Bpecial 10 ‘The Nvws via 0. T.P. Telograpns.» OTTAWA, April 10.—In the House ef Commons yesterday the acting prime minister, Sir George Foster, stated that the Government had not changed its views in regard to the granting of a cash bonus to returned soldiers. It did not consider it a wise measure of re-establishment to place a lump sum of money in the hands of each returned man. Respected Old Timer Was Lald to Rest this Afternoon—Many Olid Friends Attended ibe held in Vancouver in June. { Service. The funeral of the late Robert to the British Coiumbia coast. METHODIST CHURCH. By request, the Sunday evening service will take the form of the ;Cantata “Olivet to Calvary” by O. Jennings was held from the ‘Anglican Church this afternoon. {A large number of the old time {friends and associates of the de- | ceased assembled to pay their the Prince Rupert Choral Society. Soloists and choruses as before. Mn. John E. Davey, conductor. Collection as usual. Hearty welcome to all. (Note—-In order that the ser- vice may close promptly on time, the opening will be shortly after 7:15 p.m.) \follewed the bier to the Fairview |Cemetery. Rev. Canon G. A, Rix, in touching terms, conducted the service both in the chuneh and SEs at the graveside. The pallbearers, irre ; aa all old friends of Mr. Jennings, were L, W. Patmore, Duncan Mc- WESTHOLME THEATRE } Sessue Hayakawa Kenzié, J. R. Beatty, J. H. Thomp- son, George D. Tite and J. G.} Scott. Floral tributes were received from Tsimpsean Lodge No. 58 A. F. and.A. M., Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Pillsbury, Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ander- son (Alice Arm), Provincial Gov- ernment Buildings, Mr. and Mrs. David Glennie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Tite, H. F. McLeod, Mr. and HALE N Mrs. C, W. Homer, and Mr. and ee AE Toe i> Mrs, Jack Barnsley. ms “Tigers Trail,” Episode 2 The tug Coutli called in port CHARLES this morning, having come across in “The Flirt” from Buckley Bay. Wwesereserurerureournrte errr irernrare ie s SUNSHINE COMEDY, ‘‘JAILBIRDS”’ Fox News MUTT AND JEFF EMPRESS | THEATRE “The Gray Horizon” j° ne Re Roe SRE Ben a ee = Pte SS os . — -— oe - oe 4% (7 ie « eo ai ° =e cipes’ 9 re - ag fe Bis BPR Ye SR: tee. ef ~~. = 2H wales Sites: