1920. _ april 19; galsrday a ee _ "\ _— the pores open and : pANSED with L febuoy ee a healthy skin. The. Tonic. Bath It is decidedly a gain to find a soap that makes the bath a refreshing delight. It is 1 decidedly a boon to find in that soap a | health bringer as well. That is the double henefit you gain with LIFEBUOY. exe To a soap base of the utmost purity we add a gentle disinfectant agent. that’ makes. the skin “gow with health”. The healing,..copious lather of Lifebuoy thoroughly cleanses the -pores and leaves them disinfected and sweet. The mild Lifebuoy-odour quickly vanishes after | use. Wl grocers sell Lifebuoy. e LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO 17 wail [HE VANDERHOOF HOTEL VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel That Is A Home. Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Goodservice European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT JAS. F. McCORMACK = = = Manager La Casse Bakery as for =i Bread Buns Rolls Pastry Pound Cake Pies @ Wedding Cakes a Specialgy Phone 190 Auto Delivery NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. Se = THEO COLLART, Notary Public by cheap Home,--7 room House, plastered and papered, bath, outbuilding; close in, only .___. $2300.00; Easy Terms WINE INSURANCE Nie Bae 69 i REAL ESTATE «FIRE INSURANOR . estholme Theatre Block P. 0. Rox 66 ~—, - en - LS [ee . Many . lotro, HARD Prominay ig ‘Onecar “oncert in the \Westholme “Theatre. |breaking point: Y / tas Mayor. Vetoed Pian. oy M4 VS Alderman. Casey explained that]’ { 4, Kh S ithe Board of Works; of which he yy ( vay OS \ was chairman, last year ordered | “A, 8 S . a letter-sent to the municipal -in- \ ty © it English violinist who will perform at THE DAILY NEWs +r nen enetnnnanancnenmemnenennntnsnnensistnstts DISCUSS PAVING OF CITY'STREET Committee of Board of Trade Fhet Works Committee of Counoil Last Night. —_—— Last night a committee of the Board of Trade consisting of President Parker, J. H, Pillsbury, M. P. McCaffery and H. F. Pullen, met-the Works«Committee of the City Council in the engineer's oflice and“diseussed with them the possibility of laying per- manent; «paving on «the busier streets*of ‘the»city. The’ Works Committee consisted of Aldermen Currie; Kerr, Casey! ‘and Roches- ter, The whole situation was can- vassed and it finally came out that the only difficulty in the way was one of finance. At present the city has power to work under a local improvement scheme by , which the property owners pay for the improvements on a front- age basis. As the whole city . would benefit from the improyve- { ments it was felt that this would not be-ust, especially as the taxes | # \ \ Section-4 are already at the’ 4 Se To & spector at Vittoria suggesting a plan for making~a single local | Mprovement> district of theewhol, ,cilty and asking for his approval. ; This. Jettem.was-never sent. The \committee wondered why a reply had not been received, but it was tot until recently that it came OU. swat the mayor had vetoed th 1 letter. It was on business con- nected with this financing that the mayor was now in Victoria, but they did not expect to get ,any action this.year as it was joo late to get a special bill through the Legislature. Engineer Clements said he was opposed to putting down per- wianent streets until after the new sewer system was installed. in answer to a question he ad- ir =sihies ts S em Safeguard Your Roof HE roof is an impoftant item—it ‘“‘makes”’ or “mars” the whole structure. In shingle-roofed. houses it is even more necessary to sez that it is in good regular repair, because once a roof commences to decay a general deterioration of house-value is the immediate result. To ensure a permanent durability, as well as an added appearance, use B -Hi b Shingle Stain either as a mixture in which shingles are dipped or as a stain to apply to the completed roof. * It comes in all colors, and gives a tough, durable “‘seasoning,”’ besides contrikuting largely to the artistic effect of your home. Like every other B-H product, the B-H Shingle Stain is first choice among people who know good paint. Parkin, Ward Electric Co. $ PRI? CE RUF EFT, B.C. I td. BRANDRAM-HENDERSON |’ TORONTO winenees SY.vonn MOnvTaca DIcine HA FALIFAX mitted that it must be several lyears before that was done. He — itt ht ¢ d ‘ ineuigts seaude Meminue Gcamiebeod FIRST EVENT IN Differing Methods. NEW DANCE HALL J. H. Pillsbury thought a road- Crowd of 120 Were Present at ‘Way up the centre of the streets wide enough for two teams to Delightful Private Party Last Night. Pass would answer the purpese and the sewer and other pipes could then be laid on the sides or! 7 in the Janes, He and the engi-| 4 Most enjoyable dance and heer discussed different kinds of Patty was held last evening in roads and road material but no te new Killas hall on Third Ave. progress was made-as-finance was|!he affair, which was the first one the one thing in the way. ito be held in the new hall, was At the cunclusion of the con-|8°t UP by Mrs. H. L. Roberson. ference the chairman of the com-|The hall which is spacious and imittee thanked the © Board of Well appointed, proved an excel- iTrade for the interest they were lent place for dancing and every ltaking in this matter, and the\"e of the 120 guests were thor- gy : aa oughly pleased. president of the Board expressed | For those who didnot Galios: jappreciation of the courtesy they!) — a ms had received from the committee oe hig ceaenana ain aah and said he thought the confer- micuny. ‘7 wie, ed. Gray's Orchestra provided ence had not been = altogether ; : + : the music, which was excellent as SAnORheme see by Tavares she ever. It was well after midnight city propose to do would at any rar oa Ca preparatory to . when the happy guests departed ; , jhomewards. paying scheme. | 2 NEW MINISTER SPOKE 'EASTER EXAMINATIONS ~~ BERORE-CORNER CLUB)» AT THE HIGH SCHOOL ‘List of Those Who Secured High Marks in the Recent Test. ee ee Addressed Gathering of Nearly Sixty on Friendship—Games mre ‘and Refreshments. | The following are the leading r ;pupils in the Easter examinations About fifty-five members of the 4; the High School. Corner Club assembled in the) ppelim, Grade, First Year. Class Baptist Church social hall last! o¢ 40:—Lee Gordon, 961; Gert- night to hear an address by Rev. pude Nelson, 954; Fred Kergin, James Dunlop, the new minister, 935; singe Erickson, 913; Willie on “Friendship.” Mr. Dunlop, Kergin, 893; Mary Sim, 864. who is an interesting speaker, Advanced Course, Jr. ‘Grade. covered the subject in an able qjass of 12:—-Margery Robents, manner and emphasized the ne- 737; Roth Gordon, 733; Cedric cessily for careful selection of | punean, 673. one's friends. Junior Matriculation — Helen Mrs.,L. P, Wright sang a Solo potos, 702, John Fotos, 666. which was loudly applauded, Fol*| Senior Matriculation—Richard lowing this, games were played pjlisbury, Caroline Mitchell. and after appetizing refreshments 2 “rve , ty broke, aa ee eer he moat success. SESSUE HAYAKAWA ful evenings of the season. IN SPLENDID FILM — -—_——_—_- -——_- ' TT. H, Johnson and J. F, Maguire | —- have been delegated by the Board It was a fine film shown last jnight at the Westholme and to be of Trade as members of m wat | repeated tonight in which the i Jommittee., Jesides |* ; A Cee nen Murray, Alder- |/@1008 Japanese actor Sessue : , 'Hayakawa-was seen to advantage. 3 J. W. , : ; iriohbate res a ‘CanmaR Ww. A.|This -aotor is a great favorite Mathieson and D. 8. Gamenon |W in a) puesennes — 7 comprise the committee one ‘DIs Japanese acton Pa) eee Sera world and his work is the equal Miss Crowe} of the Anyox’Hos-jof anything done in any part of pital staff, was a passenger south |the world, ‘ on the Rupert Saturday night. At the Empress the serial “The Miss Crowe had the misfortune to Tigér'’s Trail’ is running its sec- lose her sister in the recent Se ond episode with a synopsis of the NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS Phone 453. Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repaining sv classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Wa7s, Ltd. A. Swanson, President W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager; Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 Georgetown Lumber Co: PHONES 130 ang 423. . O. BOX 1632 _ Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8.°O. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Conavit Us. LAND ACT pirrbdireed a> (Form No, 9.) FORM OF NOTICE, PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, of Duncan, British Columbia, occupatica Spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; .. Commencing at a post planted at a point on high water line on the Westerly shore | of the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- dary of Lot 434, Cassiar District, in the lrovince of British Columbia, distant south 85 degrees, 06 minutes East, one thou-, sand three hundred and thirty-six and five- | tenths feet from the northwest corner of Lot 434; thence south 85 degrees, 06) minutes East, two hundred feet; thence) South 8 degrees 12 minutes West, eight! hundred and ten feet, thenceNorth 84 de- | grees, 55 minutes West, two hundred and) ninety-seven feet thence; following the) high water iine northerly to point of com: | mencement,. } Area approximately fqur and a half acres nore or less. LENORA MABEL SMITH, by ber agent, A, A. Forsyth, Date Sth January, 1920. LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) i Hand Your Baggage Checks to t JOE BROWN: Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 Quick Deliveries SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. FORM OF NOTICE, PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, yf Duncan, British Columbia, occupation Spinster, intends to apply for permission a 1o purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the outh West and only South corner of Lot 434 (Portland Canal) Cassier District Province of British Colambia; South 55 degrees 06 minutes East, three thousand feet thence; North 34 degrees 54 minutes East, two thousand one hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; North 55 -de- rees 06 minutes West, two thousand five fundred and fifty feet more or less thence; North 85 degrees 55 minutes West, four hundred feet thence; South following high Address; 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274” DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:80 p.m. OR. J. 8. BROWN ee attle hotel fire. jarst. water line to point of commencement, OENTIOT Approximate area one hundred and forty- our acres, more or less. Office: Smith Blook, Third Avenues. LENORA MABEL SMITH, Phone 484. by her agent, A. A. Forsyth. ° Bate 8th January, 1020, OO AOD IG AP OOOO POTOREE itd O2eem ~ ~~ =~ = ~~ * a ere ea = -_ . ‘ ero Pa i % ’ gmee 4 Ba 4 ie ies