Se ’ . aw - an x THE DAILY NEWS aia ili bias sr April 40. 1990, —————————_==_— — = a a < lat ay “yt OSSUSGRRBURADAGGAECE OUGRETMUEE STEEL LEEEEOVETA EE EUEETUGEE ERT EE CETTE EEE or = (APSFIES SES CF % Ys F y interested to sayannauenvevvenuennuanunnuenaueusauenneasunuengesnnensseanannannentszyiagis. i: ts The Original Light Weight, Portable, Gasoline Operated Drag Frequently Imitated—Never Equalied. There are fourteen exclusive money and time- saving features embodied in the “WEE MacGREGOR.” the the market today. WEE MacGREGOR SAW MANUFACTURING CO. 310 Granville Street HUNEUEUUOOUSULAUEOOESNNUGAUONEOOOSEOOOOSDSOOSESOUOUOOOOOSGUOAUGCLODDAUDODODOONDOOROCERIGOGONS “Wee MacGregor” DRAG. SAW Saw and Power Plant. — ef C4 Sve IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph$ Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- necessary when you know our easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords Just In Come and hear the world’s best artists. Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 is Put A Little In Your eosese? ve This is another of Mrs. Hall's ideas and a very good one it is. “When the por- ridge is ready for the table stir tablespoons of Beat it well for She says: in about five Pacific Milk. a few minutes and serve.” This is for porridge for four people. It makes it smooth and rich tasting. Pacific Milk Co... LAND ACT Limited 332 Drake &t., Vancouver, B.C. FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. = f - iit delightfully In The Skeena Land District, Recording jistrict of Coast, Range Five District, and ituate and known as Zayas Island. TAKE NOTICE that William A. Noble of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation Re- turned Soldier, intends to apply for per- mission to tease the following described ands :— Commencing al a post planted on the ast Coast, about 1% miles distant in a ‘ortherly direction from the S.E. extreme oint of the Island; thence including the | vhole of the said Zayas Island, and con- |} aining 3,000 acres, more or less. WILLIAM A. NOBLE, Per Hoomes K, Freeman, Agent. Dated March 12th, 1920. Notice of intention to Apply to Purchase Land. VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT——DISTRICT UF COAST, RANGE. IIL. And situave on the west coast of Calvert sland. TAKE NOTICE that Helge Smeby, of TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue; West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retell General Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation foreman of fish station, intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following described lands ;— Commencing at @ post planted 1% miles north of the N.W. corner of Lot 897; thence east 40 chains; thence north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; thence south 40 chains, and containing 160 acres more or less. HELGE SMEBY, By Mark Smaby, Agent. Dated January 2ist, 1920, LAND ACT IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — DIS- TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation returned soldier, intends to apply for permission to For Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER 7 Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 lease the following described lands:— Commencing at @ post planted on the shore on Sewell Inlet about 3 miles dis- lant, and in a westerly direction from entrance of Sewell Inlet; thence 5 chains south; thence 40 chains east; thence to shore; thence following the shore line to point of commencement and containing 20 acres, more or less. Honour F, MeB. Young made the 8rd day Phon® Green 607 1017 Sra Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Cou- struction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given ERICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING , CONTRACTORS ’ February, A.D. 1920, I was appotnted Administrator to the estate of Joseph Brown, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, preoerty veri- ‘ed, to me, on or before t 6th day of March, A.D. 1920, and all parties indebted fo the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth- with JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMctal Administrator. Dated this 6th day of February, 1920. A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue SOME MEATS UP A LITTLE Ordinary Market Fluctuations are Responsible for Slight Changes in Market Report. This week's market report shows slight increases in some of the meat lines, these being just.the ordinary fluctuations of the markets. Summer vegetables and fruits show slight raises while articles like lettuce that are coming in fresh are going down. Following is today’s corrected list: Space will not permit us to give them in detail, but Mexuts. which pp tinny them in detall, we believe you “wil t Sirloin steak wes eis ise os 45c r r ° > . . . features are nol pomewed By any Ota Otber Greasy on © | Pooh ot rwoasts Ibe en 80c Costs 4c a Cord Beef, rib roast, 1b. ........ 40c for Fuel and Oil. Betf, boiling, lb, ....20c¢ to 25c Vancouver, B.C. Hamburger, per Ib. ........ 25e Stewing beef, per Ib. ...... 25c REO FLT CR ~1Corned Beef, per ib., ...... 22¢ | Lamb, leg, .s<3..., woe 50c PRICE " Lamb, loin;®.s ace dseness. 55c ¢ Mutton, stewing .......... 25c Mutton, shoulder reast, .... 28¢ NOT CONTRO Veal, stewing) egies oo oe we 201 : Veal shoulder roast ....... 22c are Leg: Of VOadl 6s Aes 30c and 40c Wholesale Price of Wheat Offal!).j, ping, per Ib.......-.-. 25c Also Freed Temporarily. Pork sausages ............ Bue - Tomato sausages .......... 30¢ WINNIPEG, Aprtl 10.— The Pork, leg, .. Z i Shiels es 8 kath 45¢ Canadian Wheat Board has issued} ,,,; chops” eet coat gut the following statement: ‘As’ a Pork, shoulder, ..:........ 4c preliminary step towards general! 4 ypeshire bacon. sliced 55¢ 'de-control has withdrawn maxi-| Bacon, piece, per Ib. ...... 65¢ | num price on flour sold for d0-" Bacon, sliced, per Ib., ...... 70c mestic purposes, whilst returning , Meet, SNSSG, 6.06.5 seek te 60c control of price of wheat. The! yam, etieked,. . Fiass isso, 55¢ Board will temporarily discon~ gait backs ........+.+++++: 4c tinue to control the maximum’ Yhicken, per Ib., ........-. 50c wholesale price of mill offal.” a Hee thy. 5 Bee ks kT de 45c Sn NO SE cates |Pickled pork, per Ib. ....... 45c NOT CONSULTED 'Cooked ham, sliced, per Ib., 75c iSpare ribs, per Ib., ........ 30¢ ‘Question in Parliament Regarding, °25t ham . = $a aa a SA's oo French Occupation of [Bologna, POM ss. 66. c0t os c Germany. |Jellied LONSUS se oie. 63056) 'ss 60¢ BLOUSE 26 Gagiaw e's 3 © sides 6 4s 55c OTTAWA, April 9.—In ie stdin lives: ab ages Tes +: ke a member of the League of .Na- | Lamb hearts .......++++++- sti tions had been consulted as to the! Dairy Produce. : occupation of German cities by Butter ..... EI, te eth gy 75¢ the French troops. Butter (codking) J5..3.%.. 7Ce Hon. W. N. Rowell replied that ;Cheese, per Ib., .........-- 40c the Government had not been con- |Limberger cheese, per Ib. ... 600 | FEg@se (C80)... 0 cwes essere 50¢c sulted. . “Shame, Shame!” exclaimed | B. Cc. fresh CES .-..------ 65¢ Ernest Lapointe, laughin’. Strictly new-laid eggs ...... 75¢ — MRTATENG v5 5 ks cs 0 op uals 6 45c LAND ACT Clee mONGy. <2 sos sca) 9 nee 50c¢ . Bismeee OT S0ss oes Saree ceo es 20c totice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Bread, per loaf. 2 See. 15¢ Fish. MOG CAO: cists atin 04.0 6.8 «+. 35c¢ lod fillets, smoked, ........ 20c Fresh black cod per lb. .... 15¢ Finnan haddie, ..... 2 Ibs. 35c Halibul.” per 10s) :< <> 2 305 22%c Herring, kippered, per lb. ... 15c i Srlb Herring, Gach, ..<:0. 10¢ Fiounder Fillets, lb., ....... 20¢ Selt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 55c Oysters, per dozen, ........ 50c IRIN Ds a. gna sie ew 25¢ ‘kate, ROP A ig soaks ek ee 10c PARR kia tte 5 hana 3 for 25c HAA os 6 ois s ct'c 4 lbs for 25c Salt oolachans, Ib., ........ 10c Spring salmon, per lb. ..... 30c Vegetables : Onions, dry, per lb., ...... 15¢ Caerots, NOR Ts, Se see ev 5e¢ AUYMiDe: OT SO. cat sakes 5c Celery, per bunch, ........ 25¢ ER RR Na oltre gaat 5e Cabbage, per Ib. ........%. 12%e CEO OE? 552 eek ches 30c NE TR i ga est 10c srussels sprouts .......... 35¢ Potatoes, per sack, ...... $6.5) Rhubarb, per bundle, ...... 25c Fruit. MIMININIR rniscsdatie Wi-nerienarcdactc Leese a as 52 75¢ Grapefruit (California) 3 for 25¢ OIROOG” 5 6-5 ks 5A xs ore 45c¢ Dates (pam) 56s sciiwedes <5 35¢ 3ulk Dates, per Ib. ........ 60¢c Navel oranges ..... 30c to $1.00 THOMAS B, STRAIN, Beas w. E. Green, agent. Jonathan apples No. 1 .... $4.00 ated 26th October, : ——=- |Cooking apples........... $2.75 IN PROBATE. Ms . alis . IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Canned Italian prunes ..... 40 COLUMBIA. Raisins, per. 10s; +s... 60s. os 35¢ IN THE MATTER OF THE apMiNisTRA-|Currants, per Ib .......... 35¢ TION ACT faa Peel; Der Wi. see ee ek cs 60c IN THE MATTER wr THE ESTATE OF|Mixed nuts, per lb. ........ 35c SEPH BROWN, ; : faa ar ROWN, DECEASED Vable Figs, per pkg., ...... 15¢ TAKE NOTICE that in order of His! Mince Meat ............... 20¢ PHONE Blue 421 or 444 i . SOC E F'our (hard white) 50-lb sk $3-75 Milk, per case $6.25 to $7.75 Apples Yellow Newtons No, 2 3.75 Dominion of Canada Department of Finance Do not forget to file your Income Tax Return on or before the 30th of April, 1920, Att business in Cianada, on income, as follows:— 1. Every unmarried earned $1,000 or more. 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,009 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919. Forms _Form T 1. must use Form T 1A. to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use FARMERS AND RANCHERS CORPORATIONS and joint — compahfes must use Postmasters. Penalty fails to do so within the time to a penalty of which the default continues. Every person required to make a returo, who subject to a penalty of Twenty-five per centum of the amount of the tax payable Any person, whether taxable, or otherwise. who fails to make a return oc provide informa- tion duly required according to the provision of the Act, shall be liable on summary conviction $100 for each day during making a false statement in any return or in any information required by the Minister, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding $10,000, or to sis months’ imprison- ment or to both fine and imprison ment; orm | Form before filling it in. : Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of fimit, shall be | /axation. penalties. Also any person persons residing in Canada, em. ployed in Canada, or Carrying on widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or ; ° General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Read carefully all Make your returns promptly and avoid Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION VANCOUVER, B.C. R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation * t are liable to a tax person, or widow, or instructions on ! Bh mem re 2 a a ommerencrn &\FOR RENT—Two-roomed cabin d electric light, $10.00 rent, Fur CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS {| si: '0° 600 00a 2 > cE st. 8 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. 7 Avenue Hast ay No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c {}FOR RENT — Five-roomed fla THE DaILy News WILL Not BE RESPONSIBLE For INSTRUCTIONS OR THE with bath. Apply 725 Frase CANCELLATION OF WANT ADS OVER THE TELEPHONE, — \, ANTED—Gentleman comfortable room wishes a in town. R. F. Whalen, P.O. box 1714, Prince Rupert. 85 \\V ANTED-—Girl to kéep books and assist in general! store at Alice Arm. Apply to G. W. Bruggy, Alice Arm, B.C, 88 WANTED—Gir] to assist in house keeping during day only. Sleep out. Apply P.O. box 105. 85 WANTED—Good boy to work in shop, Daily News. “ tf CGCHAMBERMAID . AND PORTER Wanted. Apply Hotel Central. FOR SALE SNAP—35 h. p. 4~-cylinder 4-cycle Russell engine; only run one month, complete with dual mag. and Marine oiling system, $450. Also 5 h. p. 2-cylinder 4cycle Buffalo, complete with revers- ing propellor, coils, etc., $260. These engines can he seen at Parkin & Ward's Cow Bay store POR SALE—12 h.p, heavy duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- peller, magneto, coil, ete. This is the engine I used in the “Aileen.”’ It is in perfect order and very little used. $1,600.00—— M.M. Stephens, tf FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $%1,500.00.—M. M, Stephens. tf Evaporated Fruits. MON AOGs ia o's oa Bs ce 30¢c WR RUN 1G Seis 6s anc c, 30¢ NN an, WW bak sos «wnat 45c POOOMOS aie Go ss feeb odd oe 385¢ PMR Sigs iad Ss Seas eta Sa 35¢ Seedless Raisins .......... 30¢ SN aah ha eae 20c-30e¢ Crowded with ingoing passen- FOR SALE—Fifteen-foot rowboat FOR SALE—Spruce float—36 by in first-class condition. Apply Parkin & Ward Electric Co. 66. Price $400.00 havn & Hanson. Apply Dyb- tf FOR SALE—20 gasoline cans 15¢ each, Daily News office. tf gers for Centra) Alaska and the Yukon, the Princess Mary was in port yesterday afternoon. There were a few passengers disem- LOTS FOR SALE everywhere at LOTS FOR SALE lowest prices for cash-—M, M. arking at Prince Rupert. xi—. Please communicate with Mr. |FOR SALE—Lot 8, Block 10, Sec- “OR SALE—Lots 3 and 4, Block 32, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue, near drydock. $150.00 cash— M. M. Stephens. tf |FOR SALE—Lots 17 and 18, BIk. 26, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue, } close in. $500.00 the pair, cash —M. M. Stephens. | | |} FOR SALE-—Two fine view lots, Section 2. $750 the pair. Me- | CGaffery, Gibbous & Doyic, Ltd. | ‘Third Avenue. ti FOR SALI Lot LU, Block 46, Sec- | tions8. For particulars apply | owner, P. L. Fossy, Jnr., Hoss- tf | land, B. C, \FOR SALE—Lot 18, Biock 29, Section 6, Ninth Avenue, near McBride. $390.00 cash. M. M. Stephens. tf tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal Cove. $4175.00 cash. M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE—Splendid view jot in Block 1, Section 2. Price $600. iid. ti. Mortimer, 5324 Second Avenue. tf FOR SALE—Lane corner on Atlin Avenue, Section 2, $400. Theo. Collart, Westholme Theatre Block. tf FOR SALE-—Let 10, Block 49, Section 7, near Seal Cove $180 cash. M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE—Lot 15, Block 5, Seec- tion,7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal Cove, $175.00. M. M. Stephens. HOUSES FOR SALE VINE HOME, best residential section. Moderate terms. Hel- gerson, Real Mstate, Insurance, Notary Public. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Newly completed and decorated hall above the Candy Store de Luxe, on Third Ave. Hall is a hundred feet long and specially” suitable for dances and cther social events. For Street. t STEWART LOTS FOR SALE—Lot 2, Block 10, Map 905, Stewart 7 site $1,000, This \ ness sectior s Street, Apply Daily News flice. MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by th Prospector, wil! make a nice gift book for your easter friends. Poems of Love, Nature Religion and Sociology. It | fragrant with tlhe breath q balsams and Di! Leatheretlé covers, $1.50 velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid Published b Victonia Printing & Pub a Y vate storia, B.\ Co., 524 Yate s St. Victo i LosT a erat vege! Finder pleas: to 7 News Oflice as: INVESTMENTS Y. Owing entirely | in “en ol rates of exchane: pao gian and Italian 4% a in loans can be purcnases setter vestors using (al dian ( vi az at a very low figure pagel: possibilities df 125% ol a from) these invest” geal 7 Joans are of the same” in Victory bonds ® d eaten ties of the OU¥ the first securit ta » | tries concerned wri ® t votations concerning Baie arkable investment portunity. BURDICK BROS. BRETT, Ltd., Hote Vancouver, RB. { nad FARMS FOR SALE FARMING The U. choice | tricts 11 | Vancouver { MIXED has still some well-settled dis . gale at 0 ern Canada ! val to pay prices; twe! ty » soil irrigated lands !? Sun! * 99,006 ern Alberta, with Lone Fo ne in improvements to “they ar’ settiens. Ac! egy hooklet going fast. Fot rit? full information Canadian vancouver “4 and ati G. Loughra! Railway Station Cc. Stephens. tf terms, apply to Jim Killas. tf