“y + THE DAML NEWS Ormes Phones 82 and 200 . Limited Risder tax. bin it {fa proposed The Pioneer Druggists en =i FRANCHISE BILL IS UNDER DISCUSSION Chief Electoral Officer to be Appointed for Life. (Special via G.T.P. felegrapns.) OTTAWA, April 9.—Thbere was keen discussion of the Franchise keep our address on hand. We have everything that you could possibly want in the way of sick- room supplies and Pure Drugs Bill in the House of Commons and your doctor or nurse will yesterday. Under the provisions recommend to you the quality of of the bill a ec “hief electoral of- the goods we sell. ficer is appointed. His appoint- Give our modern Drug Std ment will mean the abolition of the office of the clerk of the your patronage. crown in chancery, an ofiice which dates back in Canadian history that the parliamentary counsel of the House of Commons shal! also 'be chief electoral officer. He shall ibe appointed for fife and re- |movable only as a superior court judge may be removed, P.O. Box 1680 J e —— | WELLS KNOCKS OUT ae ae We have several new listings of HOUSES + Under $2;000::. in price. Two in Section Six are real bargains. Call and arrange for in- spection. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. | 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Egg Coal CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 ton. We strongly recommend it for your kit- chen range. SCREENED LUMP Delivered $15.00 ton. For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, $12.50 ton. Sacked, $13.75. Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coa! Co, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... *$15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.76 per ‘2 ton aah ons ects $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD. Phones:564 and 116 . DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth { One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT Insurance FIRE LIF ACCIDENT SICKNESS Three good dwellings For Sale $2,000 §2,500 $3,600 City Lots from $100. Victory Bonds Exchanged, 4 d.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue L yesterday afternoon and sold her, New spring goods arriving every 7 boat'for Goldbloom's, Third Ave. EDDIE M’GOORTY Charles Phillips, a well known (Special by G.T.P. Tetegraphs ) northern mining man, was a pas- LONDON, April 10.—Bombar- senger for the Yukon on the Mary dier Wells, English heavyweight, yesterday afternoon. i, knocked out Eddie MoGoorty of ee OS sant 4 Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in the six- Mis. Phil McDonald returned toenth of a twenty-round bout at on the Princess Mary Ye rore§ Holborn Stadium. b . afternoon after spending. several months visiting in the north-} western states. | SCOTTISH LEAGUE The Haysport arrived in Airdrie 3, Raith 1. Ayr 5, Dundee 3. Clydebank 1, Kilmarnock 0. Celtic 5, Aberdeen 0. Hearts 0, Rangers 0. Morton 1, Hibernians 1. Motherwell 4, Queens 1. Partick 1, Dunbarton 1. Lanark 4, St. Mirfen 1. Clyde 2, Albion 2. port catch of 7,000 pounds to the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. at 18.6c and 15.5c. * ° Two hundred British Columbia mining men are at Seattle attend- | ing the mining convention. These} men represent interests: in Kam-| loops, East and West Kootenay, | Alice Arm, Stewart, Skeena and} At the conference between the many other provincial. mineral ;CO™mittee of the Board of Trade districts. jand the City Works Committee, ji. be |Engineer Clements last night NOTICE stated fhat some regulations bs et tae are | would be made soon in regard to IN THE MATTER of an application for the width of tires and the size of | the issue of a fresh Certificate of Title to! 2 Lot, Three (3). ak Fifteen (15), Town loads to be carried on drays and j; of Stewart (Ma A). Satisfactory proof. . |of the loss oF the sbovo Certincate of, busses. The matter was now un- Title having been produced, notice is} . ai : , . | hereby given that it is my intention to | der consideration, The streets mo after the expiration of one month | would not stand heavy loads in from the first publication hereof, a fresh! , ° . ‘ha Certificate of Title to the above men-|!heir present condition. tioned lands, in the name of Victor A. G. Eliot, which CertiNecate is dated 24th! Octoper, 1910, and is numbered 269-1. i Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. 30th day of March, 1920. * H,. F. MacLEop, District Registrar of Titles. R. P. Lepine, accompanied by jhis son R. V. Lepine, arrived by | the C. P. R. boat yesterday from | Halifax and will make their home fr j : : ; ae DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE | (0 this city, Mrs. R. V. Lepine, ISLANDS. who is a sister of Mrs. Leopold TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Wright, will anrive here to join Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply| jer : ¢ » for a license to prospect for coal and her husband early in June. ee - and under the following de- -_ - scribe ands :— . : Commencing at a post planted at thr Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harris, of north-west corned of D.L. 1853; thence Faaj anie hy south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains. | Port Ess ington, accompanied 4 thenee north 80 chains; thence west so|jtheir two children, were arrivals chains, to point of commence : : WIL! nent in town last night an@ are regis WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. tered at the Hotel Prince Rupert SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT WEEK END SPECIALS | It is just as cheap tu get yu: printing done wel’ dnd dene 10me as it is to seud it away. !: Che News Print Shop. 150 dozen tins pure spices, com- prising all lines, Packed in full, generous size tins that retail «from iic to 25c per tin on today’s mar- - eee | Mean The “Director” factured in Prince Ktupert. Phone Corset ket. While they last @ 11e tin. Blue 92. tf Prepared Mustard in jars. Regular te 5c value, Special .......... t1c. § See a cre Arab” Brand Jelly’ Powder. 600 Tomorrow night’s Concert—$ packages to clear @ ........ 4160. sharp. Fine Orchestra. Com- Arab Brand Tea, regular 75¢ per Ib. munity Singing. BOOED soa. es Sk. 2 Ibs for $1.26. 5 a St SN Arab Brand Baking Powder, 12-oz. * tins @pecial.............. 25c. ® ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. Wagstaf’s Pure Jams, 4-lh. tins— assorted peach, plum, apricot, grape, conserve, blackberry and pear— Extra Special ~ .......... $1.15. Victoria Brand Seville Orange Mar- matade, 4-lb, tins. Regular value, Launch “Aliee B;” Phone 41, City of Prince Rupert. Tengers will be received for the supply $1.25. Special ...... 80c per tin. f 100 Telephone, Poles,; until Monday, Salt Pork (just arrived from Edmon- pees —_ Specifications from the under- ton) xtra special per ib. 32c. or A. BROOKSBANK Apr. 10-42 Clty Purchasing’ Agent. Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. M.M.Stephens Notary Public FOR SALE Seven - roomed house, modern, Stone basement, extra tollet in base- ment, hot water heating, with un- excelled water view, corner 4th Ave. and Emmerson Place. An at- tractive and splendid home on an attractive double corner. Terms easy, Price under actual value. Conveyancer Two lots on Park Avenue, close in, ection 1, §600.00 THE PAIR. SPRING DESIGNS that will do much to make your home beautiful and attractive. Dainty coloring and artistic style prevail. Silversides BROTHERS Second Street P.O, Box 120 Out of town orders carefully attended to Modern double apartment house, Fifth Ave., harbour view, paying 10 per cent. on $8,400. Price $6,000.60. Could not be duplicated for much more money, Two splendid view lots Fourth Ave., Graft Hill, .... §1,600 EACH. M. M. Stephens ' heal Estate Insurance Financial Agent , es ee ree | Local News Notes es Es John Burns, of Pacifle, is reg- istered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. Evening gowns and new spring goods just arrived at Goldbloom’s Third Avenyg. 85 Me ass James Oliver was an arrival in town from Skeena City last night. We offer steam cual in var load lots $7.00 per ton f.0.,b. car--— Albert & McCaifery. tf Jack Mullen and W. J. Ether- ington, of Stewart, arrived in town yesterday afternoon. Best Household Lump _ Coal, $13.50 delivered. Phoné Black 85. —Terminal Coal Co. Special. meeting of the Fish- packers Unit will be held in the O. B. U. hall Saturday, April 10th, at 8 p.m. 85 Miles Donald, the Alice Arm mining man, leaves for Vancou- ver on the Princess Beatrice to- morrow night. George Wickdal and J. H. Stick- ney were this morning fined ten dollars in the police court for be- ing drunk. : * . . Drydock workers’ - (particularly laborers and helpers) are earn- estly requested to attend at the O. B. U. hall on Sunday night at 8 o'clock. IMPORTANT BUSI- NESS. ’ it The United States Government has placed a lighted beacon at Angle Point, Bold Island, on Re- villagigedo Channel. It is on a small house 51 ‘feet high and flashes white. A corrected list of all the lights and fog signals on the Pacific coast has just been issued by th: Department of Marine and copies are distributed free to mariners on application. * . . Jennie Taggart, the famous Scottish soprano, is coming to sing at the Symphony Orchestra concert in the Westholme Theatre m Sunday, April 18. Word was received to that effect by Secre- tary Woods this morning. i | For your Spring Coat | New Silvertone Coatings are the inos and deservedly so. texture, pure wool and have sufficient to.hang well. Colours are Turquoise, Sand, Taupe Saturday, They are April] 10. 1929, a M ms es ee en rm BE t popular Of beautify! weight Grey, and are 54 inches wide. — | Ask to be shown these - } u = —S >] sd se | SILK HOSIERY | We can show you a full range of colours jn the following wéli known Jines:--- Radium Pure Silk Monarch oe WALLACE’S Corner of Third and Fulton mere ee ee | 1 Winsome Maid Phone 9 a ee ee FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Sunday, April 11 11 a.m.—Subject, ‘‘World Sorrow and the Cure.”’ 2:30 p.m.—BIBLE SCHOOL. 7:30 p.m.—Subject, ‘‘Life’s Wild Chase.’’ Preacher—Rev. JAMES DUNLOP ad | a — GRAND DUCHESS FOUND IN BOX CAK a . Grand Duchess Olga and Her Younger Sister, Latiana, of Russia Grand Duchess Olga, sister of the late I'sar Nicholas of Russia, was recently found b) Cross workers living ip a box car uear Norvorossisk, South Russia. The Grand Duchess !s o¥+ °' , Wiving members of the bouse of Romanoff. She was foupd living among fellow refugees frou ~ recently conquered by the Bolsheviki, giving such assistance as sbe could, although berself clad 4 eratefui for any food and clothing she could find Ampere rivan Ged of three sor territory rags and