The Daily Ne PRINCE RUPERT \. Monge Bee Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Neen” coeney % TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep 1 0 mmense Shipbuilding (special to The News via 6. T.F,. Telegrapns.: * \pril 16.—Colonel Grant Morden, well known in cere r oy with the Ganadian Steamship Merger, is in ele organization of the biggest industrial pee ie Rritish Empire. It will embrace the whole of pn pally 5 ce -ipe! and iron companies, the Canadian Steam- ; oe -jipyards in various parts of the Dominion and eon nada in et the » \OVa ips h large roncerns, er jarg The new concern will be known as the British Empire Steel | pe jization will be $250,000,000. (p,, seve r il The object of the merger is to compete with the United States | ‘ion and deprive that company of its immense trade p, alia the | apili lee] Corpor’ British marine. SAITO “EMERALD ISLE” SUNK POSTON nat LOCAL DRY DOCK LEADER T0 Paddy Burke, Owner, Had mental Vist WEST: Abberation, and Left Sea ii Leave for British Columbia Cock Open. Atout Second \Week in June; Ministers Coming. After having*spent a night tied up by the bowline to the dry dock ;with its stern pointed perpendicu- ‘larly towards the bottom of the ‘harbor, Paddy, Burke’s pea green ! . ene ” Se 7 slegraphs.) private yacht “Emerald Isle’ was — Corporation for ncern Capitalized at Quarter of a Billion Dollars to Take ryiet Existing Concerns to Enable Canada to Compete | ! Chet PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1920. Railway Managers Give Ultimatum to Striking Employees (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) NEW YORK, April 16.—The Railroad General Managers’ Association of New York delivered an ultimatum to the “Big Four” railroad brotherhoods, giving them until noon on Saturday for their men to return to work. After that time, it was stated, the railroads will themselves open their books for a period of 24 hours ending at noon on Sunday, for application to register. cision over Al, Skinner at Anvox | Vuring that period any who are acceptable will be taken back un Wednesdas: night-in 4 6-round | D. B. HANNA jinto service, retaining their former rights. exhibition battle. Tommy Sher-| President of the Canadian Na-| The railroads retain the right to refuse to reinstate or re- man, of this city, also won over tional Railways, who recently ad- ‘employ certain employees, who have shown during the period of “Scotty the Wop,” of Alice Arm, “’essed the Canadian Club at’ Jimmie MeAleenan, of Alice Arm, Ottawa on “Some Phases of the’ refereed the matches. Both boys !'@nsportation Problem.” returned to Rupert on the Prince! SET ASIDE DIVORCE Rupert this morning. Net! will fight Carl Ruder, the . champion of Alaska, at Ketchikan Action in Regard to Mary Pickford | on Wednesday next. tc be Commenced Today. FISHING AT MILE 21. SS ee eee | in Canada NEFF WINS AGAIN. Gained Easy Decision Over Al. Skinner at Anyox on Wednes- day Night. Net! gained an easy de- well defined means as unfit for the railway service. TENNISDANCE GRAND TRUNK Diente" GREAT AFFAIR) DEBATE TODAY ~ | CARSON CITY, Nevada, April| About 260 Persons Enjoyed Long|W. L. Mackenzie King to Speak George Bryant, W. E, Willis-'{6—A suit to set aside the divorce| looked for Social Event; Com- On the Bill for Final croft, Fred Gilhuly and J. Me- decree granted to Mary Pickford| menced on Time. Ratification. Neill went to Mile 24 yesterday on from her former husband, Owen} cs og BES the first trout fishing expedition Moore, will be filed at Minden,| The ball of the Prince Rupert (Specias py G.T. P. Teweraphe. of the season, Although the wateg Douglas County today, according; Tennis Club, an event that has© OTTAWA, April 16.—Opposi- at 24 is extremely low on account to the attorney general. Fowle;| een looked forward to with a tion criticism of the Government's of no spring freshets as yet, the has been investigating the divore- | 004 deal of pleasure during the bargain with the Grand Trgnk party came home last evening of the past month or so, came off last Railway Co. was deferred until to- movie star. PRICE FIVE CENTS the trouble by violence, seditious utterances, intimidation or other om] VA. April 16.—It is un- Successfully raised yesterday siood that Hon, W. L, Mac- Morning. King dey of the Liberal’ Paddy, who is the genial patrol- he entire west Man at th drydock, recently bought | this boat and after making sundry | repairs getting it ready for the en- ) with a good catch. The trip was made in Mr. Bryant's launeh, “Harla.” {01 bargains at Jabour’s three- day dollar sale. the end of the pre sent session, inniag h j)) about the see- i week in June and going as Joyment of the long summer even: | ras Victoria, B. C., and work ings when the yards may be left. S eastward without fear of bandits or ruflians, There is also talk of a move- left it-on Wednesday afternoon. | i induce cabinet ministers Unfortunately, in leaving it Paddy | mr the country angl it is likely forgot that the ship would sink | b véral prominent members if he left the sea-cock open, and the Government may come west Next morning his boat was on the | Hog the summer, start of a stefn dive to the wets tom. Brilliant salvage work on the | % j } iE DONATION FOR part of the owners and friends | soon brought the vessel to rights, GENERAL HOSPITAL the only damage being a coat of er: 'mud and the threatening list to} mert Last Night on Prince the pontoons during her submer- | fupert Nets $55 for that sion. Fortunately, representa- | Institution. ‘lives of various ship repair firms | ‘were on the scene and with their | kindly assistance the damage will | be quickly repaired. | Last night « the steamer neert was given Nt nagement of} VY Brown, th eed s.of which wted to 859, hos been band: /POPULAR PURSER WILL Y Vaptain M enzie to the ily Nos for the hospital, Miss MARY VICTORIA GIRL | ard and Mrs. D, B. Morkill econ- a es say bite” largely to the entertaia.; Then Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bone | ft and there were also ad | Will Make a Three Months’ oses by Capt. Mackenzie, Joe] Tour of Old Country. ¥ ne Dawson, J. L. Baldwin pees | s Conway; a song by Mr.| D. W. Bone, the popular purser eee ‘lulions by Miss}of the Prince Rupert leaves t* e| ¥ a i and Charles Sang: |vessel at Vietoria this trip where | iden Was aeeompan-|he will be married on Wednesday | to Miss Freda Protich, of: that | city. After the marriage, bride | and groom will leave for a three | months’ tour of the old country.) Ona s : During the absence of Mr. Bone, | ie mre Nena Major Norman McLean will be purser on Di onorary, ithe Prince Rupert. A. H. Robson, mater, lof the Lorne, will take Mr. Mc- t, Lady Marie Evelyn Bing, wife of General Sir Julinn, tledworth Byng, who may be appointed Governor General of the Dominion, HOSPITAL MEETING Mountjoy Prison Again Al the meeting Lean’s post on the Albert while Fill d e h L d f e ace oS the Hospital| Mp, Woods remains purser on the 1 € wit ea ers Oo DL. MeIntosh. ‘ conation from’ prince George. sh rovonto, Ont., | Of Pastmaster R. L. Me- ee BLOSh, 4 844 : v Arse man 100 ova the FISH ARRIVALS IN aoe Wels ICKHE 2 > being received that W PORT HERE TODAY ’ back by the | ae . resume the The following were the boats olnplimentary re Selling at this morning's fish ex- Hade as to the ex. change: Alor Gibsoy of his substitute, | Sampson, 10,000 Ibs., Cold iP nN, and the genial ma-'Storage, at 15.5¢c and 7.5c; Liv- Sinn Fein Activities (Special to The News via GT. P. Telegraphs.) DUBLIN, April 16.—Fxtensive midnight raids were. carried out last night and a hundred persons are reported arrested. The raids constituted the biggest roundup operations ever known in the city with about 110 arrests made. Mountjoy prison regained more prisoners than it lost yesterday through the remoyal of hunger strikers. Bn Wor, Wri St of the Week ti “telaryship Marks Ware ellen Servic ry nade ¢ 0 aa - - t i er of the boana , horary mero- ingstone, 24,000, Cold Storage, Three persons were reported killed and nine others wounded I ec ori iti \ f ’ R : , Ge | SSO ae and * H, Pati oe in a shooting affair at Milltown, County Clare, It is alleged that 200Pon . . mage BS : ’ e : : : so sae oe Findlay arrived trom |7 Saath Be ee danis 10.9 |(he police and military were involved. Those killed were civilians. 8 Orga Ie ’ ” ’ , Na Se ae "ge last hight, and 6c; Westfjord, 7,500, Co OO a ¢ i 8 ; Atlin, 10,- lindnobere, hes, de torage, 10.8¢ and 6c; Special for Tonight only | Miss Mary Izard ~ 000 Ibs, Atlin, 14.9¢ an d7c, Shrub untae 0/900, Atlin, 12c and 7,2c; Al- P R E S iance, 4,000, Royal, 12¢ and 7.2c; Tonigh THEATRE S /Fisher cleared for Seattle with ~—Neht and To, 19,000 Ibs. , YUNE tives The Mary D. and Jean arrived “v8 and the Woman" with 420 Ibs. and 1,050 Ibs, of Supported by MRS. MORKILL Your last opportunity to hear this famous violin soloist CONCERT AND FEATURE PICTURE Picture starts 7,15 p.m, Concert at 9 Reserved seats, $1.10, General One show only D. W. Griftith’s latest masterpiece “THE GREATEST QUESTION” . ‘salmon respectively. admission, 5c, Poignant drama—Hilarious com: f 0 Tigers ; oe ‘i edy—stern tragedy—Love—Life ' ‘ Pert Canna hell veaptain Rackett" Monday and W Ber. eae tes ore ( DB e : Tuesday, April 19 and 20, West- holme, 8: i\were required to accommodate the ;£uests. jdainty and appetizing. s'a lot of action from the very be- night in the St. Andrew’s Hall and was as complete a success as preparations for the carrying out! if arrangements had been made iwell ahead with the result that jthere was not a hitch during the jwhote evening. About 250 per- sons assembled to enjoy the af- fair and nothing was left undone towards making the dance one of the most successful of the season, which it indeed proved to be. | For once the program started lat a reasonable hour and by. 9:30 | Harvey's Orchestra had arrived jand the dancing had commenced. | |The hall was tastefully decorated with patriotic bunting and em- blems of the tennis sport. The room was comfortable and the {loot was in excellent shape so the guests danced with a will. Har- vey’s orchestra provided the inusi¢e, At midnight the serving of sup- per commenced and three sittings The refreshments were The com- nittees in charge, the members of which were all active members of the club, worked unselfishly. Tl’. Heward was floor manager and J. GC. Brady was at the door. Che general committee comprised W. O. Fulton, W. E. Fisher, J.C. Brady, C. T. Heward, Fred Bald- win, M. Gonzales and Misses Chris Stephen and Tingley. “CAPTAIN RACKETT” IS FULL OF PEP Seen at Rehearsal Last Night Great Promise is Shown; Difficult Roles. Seen at the rehearsal last evening, the farce “Captain Rack- ett,’ which will be presented by the Prince Rupert Dramatic So- ciety on Monday and Tuesday at the Westholme, promises to be one of the livest plays yet pre- sented by that organization. Th: | story forms itself about the com- ‘promising situations brought about by the efforts of the leading character, portrayed ably by A. W. Barr, who will be a surprise to. Rupert audiences, to conceal ‘love secrets from a jealous uncle. The cast is smaller than in former productions but there is {ginning and the members are all jenthused with it, / Mrs. Duncan as a termagant | wife and Rip Boyd as an inebriated ‘husband ane going to be screams. | The personal direction of J. Stuart Pudney is having an im- |proving effect on the play. Hi itakes only a minor role and has {been devoting all his time to the \direection. a ee Launch “Alice B,"’ Phone 414. day on the suggestion of W. L. Mackenzie King in the House of go ,;could have been desired. Careful Commons, On the second deading of the bill to confirm the agreement be- tween the Government and_ the- coinpany, Hon. J. D. Reid, minis- ter of railways, produced a mass of correspondence. This corres- pondence had been requested by the leader of the opposition on the previous evening, but when he found that \ t60k about two Evtrs for the minister to read it, he asked for more time to look it over. aue request was acceded to by the Government. f SWEARS TO DEATH Captain Newcombe, Dixie Rupert, Makes Affidavit as to Drown- ing of E. P. Gingras. The circumstances pointing to the death of Ernest P. Gingras, assistant public works engineer, were sworn to in an affidavit bys Captain Newcombe of the Dixie Rupert this morning. The -rela- times of the deceased in the east lave been communicated with. The estate is in the hands of J. H. MeMullin, official administra- tor, and the provincial police have been instructed to spare no ex- pense in its efforts to recover the body. BASEBALL. National League. Philadelphia 8, Brooklyn 7. Boston 1, New York 0. St. Louis 3, Pittsburg 2. Cincinnati 4, Chicago 3. American League. . New York 4, Philadelphia 1. Boston 7, Washington 6. count of rain. Pacifico Coast League. Seattle 3, Salt Lake 0. All other games postponed. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SEVENTH CONCERT Soloist — Jennie Taggart Westholme Theatre SUNDAY, APRIL 18, AT 9.16 P.M. Special Cash Prices Balance of this Month Barrie’s Furniture Store Other games postponed on ac- -