tt = wh nei “ee! THE | riday DAILY NEWS 97a IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph} Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- necessary when you know our easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords Just In Come and hear the world’s a Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 best For Better Acquaintance Possibly you know us and we know you, but we would like to Strengthen. this acquaintance, and for this reason we will be using the pages of this paper from now on. We will tell you interesting things about our store, our service, our goods You will have an oppor- tunity of keeping in closer touch, with considerable advantage to your- self, with “Canada’s National Jewel- lers.”’ Let us become better § ac- quainted. Vancouver, B.C. GREE SEAE GAVE YOUR lGHT YESIGHT—-The most valuable of all the senses—is the most heglected and the least understood Many suffer from ills, which, upon esaiination, can be traced directly lu cefective eyesight, the cause will | (E removel of often restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health, When glasses are properly preserib- ed. “hey restore the vision to nor- nal and eliminate all eye strain. Fred Joudry _ Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Opposite Post Office Prince Rupert I j | | | | [1 PREPARING FOR RUSH | OF CANNING SEASON Wiany Boats are Fitting Out at Cow Bay to Take Advantage of Demand for Salmon. | he ad, | The governinent float at Cow |Bay is now a hive of small fishing iboats fitting out for the rush of ithe salmon fishing season which will commence in a short time. |The craft are being fitted out with salmon trolls and already some of them have been out and taken their first catches. Indications would go to show that more per sons than ever will be taking to sea for the harvest of salmon to supply the ever increasing de- mands of the many canneries in the district. It is reported that the Inverness Cannery, which was recently de- stroyed by fire, will be rebuilt by June 15 to start the canning of the sockeye run. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. | | | { TALE NOTICE that William J. Leary of ? | skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply ie wv a license to prospect for coal and j petroleum on and under the following |} described lands:— | Commencing at a post planted at the | Horth-west corner of D.L. 1854; thence pees 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence’ west 80 chains, to point of commencement. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of ataaate. B. C., settler, intends to apply a license to prospect for coal and and under the following pelroicum on j ibed lands:— lumencing al a post planted rth-west corner of D. L. 1853; ith 80 chains; thence west su oes thence’ east point .of lumencement WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant zLed Unis Sth day of March, 1920. RECORDING DIVISION, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. E that William J. Le settier, to prospect and under at the thence 80 chal is en vorta 8 ¢ ains to EENA LAND ‘DISTRIC T OF i ae legate u., ary of intends to apply for coal and the following a ie se vetroleum on scribed liuwencing at @ post planted lands ai the north-west corner of D.L. 1853; Caen thence east chains; south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains, to point of -commencement. WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant. Dated this 61h day of Mareh, 1920 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT OF thence ve - FE 80 hence RECORDING QUEEN ISLANDS. that William J, , Settler, DIVISION, CHARLOTTE TALE NOTICE Skidegate, B. ¢ or a liceyse to prospect petroleum on and under leseribed lands:- Commencing at a post northwest corner of D.L. north 8060 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thenee east 80 chains, to point of commencement. WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant. Dated this 6ihb day of March, 4920. * Leary of intends to apply for coal and the following planted at the 1853; thence — For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F, T. Sowness ad awracee R Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 | DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: ® a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:80 p.m. DR. J. S. BROWN DENTIST OMmce: Smith Block, Third Avenus. Phone 484. - PS mo Hotel Prine. Rupert ; EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La “arte. COMPENSATION — FOR INJURIES QUEBEC RIOTS Ottawa Cabinet Will Consider the Matter—Papers to be Produced. G.T. P (Special by Jelegrapis.) OTTAWA, April 15.—Echoes of Juebec riots of 1918 and charges ard counter charges regarding campaign funds were heard in the of yesterday. Parent raised of the riots on the compensation for “in- who “were either Commons of Quebec House reorge the question pom nocent victims” illed wounded by Majesty.” Parent claimed that newspaper reports of resistance offered to conscription officers were greatiy exag and publication of such had intluenced the Government to use military force or tlis gerated reports He read letters in which soldiers were accused of looting and of insulting priests who had gone out to minister to injured and dying. Mr. Parent submitted a motion for the production of papeys. Fol- lowing the debate Hon. C, J. Doherty, minister of Justice, an- nounced that there was no ob- jection to the production of papers, and the motion passed. Mr. Doherty proceeded further to say that cabinet consideration would be given to the question of er PEOPLE DECIDE LIQUOR PROBLEM Provincial Legislature Will Cause a Plebiscite to be Taken in August or September. Provision for the referendum on the prohibition issue is contained in a bill pre- sented to the legislature under the title of “An Act to Provide for a Temperance Plebiscite,’’ the second reading of’ which was unanimously passed in the legis- lature last Saturday afternoon. The bill gives. effect to the an- rnouneement recently made by Attorney-General Farris that the plebiscite would be held during the coming fall. Under the provisions of the bill provided that the vote be not earlier than August 1 than September 30, and if no date is fixed by proclama- tion, the date shall be August 14. The vote will be taken on the new taking of a it is Laken later list which will be prepared un- the Provincial Elections Act whieh is at present before the ouse. Exact setting of the ref- rendum date will depenti on when this list will be completed. The question which it is pro- posed to put before the people will be as follows: “Which do you prefer? “The present Prohibition Act, or : ‘An act fo provide for Govermn- ent control and sale in sealed ackages of and malt liquors.” Lhe government expresses the preamble the doubt as vhether the electors are satisfied with the present prohibition en actment. It also emphasizes the need for the support of public opinion behind a prohibition law and the desirability of the plebi- scite in the sine ucihcamed interests. IMMORTALITY IS QUESTION OF AGES spirituous in to Communication With Dead is Subject of Big Griffiths Picture. The story to be told tonight in picture at the Westholme Theatre based on spirit communication, is a wondgrfully interesting one. It isa Griffiths production and that in itself should be sufficient guar- intee that it is of great excellence. It is a poignant drama, but it contains hilarious comedy, stern tragedy, love and life. At 9 p,m. the concert will com- mence. There are two leading artists, Miss Mary Igard of Vic toria, and Mrs. Dalby Morkill. Miss Izand’s playing pleased so many people on Sunday night that a packed house is assured to- night to hear this concert and to see the big picture. Come and see the youngest ac- rlors on the stage in “Captain Rackett.” tr soldiers on fie Do not forget to file your Income Tax Returp on or before iis. 30th of April, 1929 AMX persons residing in Canada, em. ployed in Canada, or Carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tay on income, as follows:— Dominion of Canada aS To ue TA Stet at en Bea CIN = 1, Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 re earned $1,000 or more. 2. Alb other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,099 or more. Department of Finance ceived or 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,800 during the fiscal year ended in 1919. to be used in filing Forms returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T 1A. CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must use Form General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions on Form before filling it in. * Prepay postage on letters and docu- Penalty Every person required to make a returo, who fails to do so within the time timit, shall be subject to a penalty of Twenty-fige per centum of the amoun: of the tax payable Any person, whether tazable, or otherwise. ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Make your returns promptly and avoid penalties. who fails to make a return or provide informa. tien duly required according to the provision of the Act, shall be Hable on summary conviction Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION to a penalty of $100 for each day during VANCOU VE R B C which the default continues. Also any person " is sei making a false statement in any return or in i any tnformation required by the Minister, shall ‘ be jiable, on summary comviction, to a penalty 1 | not exceeding $10,000, or to six months imprison - R. y v. BRE EA D NE | to both fine and Imprisonment. : . er ‘ nee 7 Commissioner of Taxation — || : ! a a! 7 rene | eee i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEN TS ! PACIFIC CARTAGE,LID. ] PHONE 93 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. Reliable Service at reasonable Rates No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c We have Warel _ 7 | THe DaiLy News WILL Not Be ResponsipLe For InsTxucTIONS OR THE a j CANCELLATION OF WANT ADS OVER THE TELEPHONE | bi —— x ~ —H LAND AU ie WASTED. Haale | o HOUSES FOR SALE Re Lae oe aaaty bo Leeebaell WANTED—Three-roomed flat or! yjNii HOME, best residential ln The Ske rd house, near McBride Street and section. Moderate terms. Hel-! dist , the waterfront. M. M. Stephens.| serson, Real Estate, Insurance. © and | WANTED.-—By meliable woman,| S°t@ty Publics ce Ruy work by the hour or day. Apply | STEWART LOTS 1 ( P.O. box 858. Og ieintvwnintlw | iat a -— ., , {FOR SALE—Lot 2, Block 10, Map Comm ' WANTED—Good boy to work in| 905 Stawaes wuiadtte prigs ast Coast, al : shop, Daily News. Ss sf! Ss 44.000. This lot adjoins busi-! i oe Tt eed, th ncluding CiUAMBERMAID AND PORTE ness section on Sixth Street.| ynole or the und C0 Wanted. Apply Hotel Central. | _ Apply Datly News office, —_tf | aining 3,000 ess stats SITUATIONS WANTED LOTS FOR SALE eee 1930. Eicerioaced bookkeeper, male, de- ‘OR SALE—Lots 3 and 4, Block - LAND A507 ree pores: eee rae as mection 8, Eleventh AYERUS, | Noti f Intention to Apply to Purchase . Six years. Phone Red 271. § -| near drydock. $150.00 cash—! etlee ° Land A young girl desires poaitian inj ™. M. Stephens. _ cn Eve VANCOUVER LAND DIS pIsTRIct a COAST t ‘ Lt store. Apply P. 0. box 779 lr R SALE—Lots 17 and 18, BIk.| , ist of Calvert ~— ot 26, Section»8, Eleventh Avenue, | oes eipuas ° SF FOR SALE | elose in, $500.00 the pair, cash leak KE mow E Oat 1 f rem FOR SALE—P. R. T. No. 4, poets --M. M. Stephens. [of Ms stato ate oliowins jescribed ° ae mebictat ie lan Pr er SATE jmission to purcha fav, toning OF packing Salmon ron SALE—Lot 18, Block 29,| 998 wong ata mi eh 572 feet long, $4.3 ae section 6, Ninth Avenue, near jo rth of i a W ! f 7.9 deep. Gross tonnage 39.96, McBride. $390.00 cash. M. M. | peace 3? : S ais mere registered tonnage 27.18—50 Stephens. tf | south 40 chains h.p. Wolverine. Heavy steel | ——————————— iamnaee o e HELGE SMEBY, plates tanks, capacity 2,000|FOR SALE—Lot 8, Block 10, Sec Fae ie ales $808. . gallons. Iron sheeted bottom.| tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal | -———-——~ AND ACT! Apply Theo Collart, Westholme Cove. $175.00 cash, M. M. | LA! le Theatre Block. 444 Stephens. Mf | aw THE SKEENA LAND pIsTH) I sLANDS seeetisal * rar ie ~— ” TRICT Or QY UL : , ; FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium|/FOR SALKE-——Lot 10, Block 19, TAKE NOTICE that ‘Thomas B. oie Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Section 7, near Seal Cove $480 | of Vancouver: B, ¢ ie ssi0n ignition, 4 cyl,, 4 cycle, in per- vash, M. M. Stephens. tf bold rs ae aiowing scribed ape ue feet condition, $1,500,00,—M, | ~~~ : ete Commencing | At ty miles er M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE—Lot 15, Block 5, Bec- anon and in 8 we ste) ee euains _ ~e tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal | entrance of 5 well east; tence FOR SALE—Fifteen-foot rowboat Cove, $175.00. M. M. Stephens, aroedi grence Coot and cul rani # in first-class condition. Apply ee ee mn Or CORBENCN is Parkin & Ward Electric Co, |YOTS FOR SALE everywhere At} acres, mare TT MAS 3 rr ABET og a lowest puices for cash—-M. M ile aanmen” 4030 FOR SALE — First - class milk Stephens, ig] Baws 988 ~ goats. Apply to J. Larusson, a EN Te r IN Doge op peimisl! Osland P. O., B.C, 94 FOR RENT IN THE SUPREMD nia es iapovesepadiaieaa ,pMINISTAA FOR SALE—Massett Inlet, spruce|FOR RENT—Newly completed and] IN THE MN" TTER MEAS and cedar 40 acres, $2,000—| decorated hall above the Candy : npn ‘OF. THE Botan " Phone Black 547. 92 Store de Luxe, on Vhird Ave.}!N ee pit BROW N, DECEASED an wer He 8 £ ‘e ’ y that in order on day FOR 8ALE—Spruce float—36 by) [Ail is a hundred feet long ant) caxe worice, tay inde tS 66. Price $400.00 Apply Dyb- specially sul able or ances ag ey AD, 192 is a 40 a t and other social events. For gtrator to the CO aties havi, Administ ' 1 f el havn & Hanson. tf : : P jeceased, and a” are nere® see terms, apply to Jim Killas. tf Bree against the said Ost iony vor FOR SALE—Bone aay fir luraber.| ~ are required to fur ator the 6t gente Also some good tables. Phone Lost Cea 4. D. 1990, am a Oe 10, Blue 404. ; ai mes aren sterner tty the aatate ANE Tiinngs to me ot Oe aces [LOMT—Helt aesareten pease senatint of tele inne yvull ‘OR SALE—Second-hand kitchen] Finder please return to Daily JOHN Facial Aamir G80 range, phone 172. tf News Office. {1} pated this 6th day of Fed