THE DAILY NEWS ” Beware of cowaterfeits } TORK’ JTOVE == neys commence | Hundreds in Prince Rupert. On SALE AT red Stork’s Hardware OND A VENUE one Black 114 poston (pil WHITE COOKS; says she keeps P cific Mii Vancouver, B.C FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. Pool Room (21 Third Ave. The Empress Two Per cent, Beert 2 een oO ppo ood. M LEE CO. Cond Avenue. West Ontractors aud Rupert, B.C 047 : ’.O. Box 725 Bl worn, t21 oF 444 =< NEW FACTORY -1S ADEQUATE © BL | Shockley Wood Working Estab-| lishment at Cow Bay in Posi- | tion to Handle Increased Business. The new woodwording shop at Or Cow Bay, into which E. H. Shock- Sean leveaeaion” ‘ee ley has moved his increasing! These ren Sree were not cases of infectious diseases —- of consumption —of ty- phoid! They were cases where a person had sustained some slight injury—a cut, a burn, a wire-prick —and where the wound, being thought not serious enough for care- ful treatment, had been neglected. Blood-poisoning and death resulted. When you or your children sus tain*any injury, ensure against in- fection by applying Zam-Buk. This balm soothes the pain, stops bleed- ing, and by deftroying all germs prevents blood-poisoning, ete. Hence no time need be lost from work or Pleasure by those who use Zam-Buk, All dealers, 0c. box, yam -Bu ps SOVIET AMBASSADOR TO UNITED STAT business, is a deeided acquisition to the waterfront. The quarters are commodious and provide am- ple space for the machinery and stock. Since moving Mr. Shockley has installed a complete equipment of woodworking machinery for the manufacture of local spruce. At the present time the staff is.busy preparing dressed stock for the coming season. Boatbuilding is being especially catered to by the caiurying of a stock of hardwood and boat lumber. The equipment includes ma- chines for general wood working and moulding. With the increase of demand for finished lumber Mr. Shockley found his quarters at Grenville Court altogether too small and has now moved his plant to Cow Bay where all the work is carried on. POSSIBILITIES OF THE TEL-EL VALLEY | Messrs. Lineham and Lewthwaite | Suggest Development of Fine Country. lutionaries and May be Subject to Action. (Special via ©. T. PS Telegraphs.) WASHINGTON, April 15 Senate committee the case of Ludwig C. A. K. Mar. j Lens, That the Tel-el Valley has im-|iet ambassador to the mense agricultural possibilities; States. It was found that while is the opinion of Arthur Lineham | Martens had not been openly en- and W. A. Lewthwaite, both of|gaged in advocating the over- whom are inter@sted in the oil|throw of the United States Gov- boring on Queen Charlotte Is-|ernment he has publicly associat- lands. The Tel-el Valley is nother with and sympathized with far from Skidegate on Graham/those who do advocate such a Island. It is low lying and the | course. Tel-el river is sluggish and often| The report declares Martens’ j overflows. The meadows, how- jactivities subject him to action by ever, are very rich and, if ditched|the Department of Justice. | and the impediments in the river} — — -——— tremoved, would be very valuable. There may be something you Mr.“Lewthwaite has had to do|want. See the classified column with sugar beet growing in the} Advertise in the Daily News. —=— appreciation of the club was man- Has been Associating With Revo- |; lesting talk was given by Rev. ames Dunlop, pastor. Ww. Vaughan Davies was the aecom panist for the evening. The sing- —tThe | investigating | the self-styled Russian Sov- | United BAPTIST CHURCH HAD” | CORNER CLUB BANQUET Feasting, Music and Gereral Good Fellowship Passed Even- ing Away. The “Red” section of the Bap- tist Corner Club entertained the Blues” to a “Blue Supper” on |Wednesday evening when about fifty young people gathered to share common fellowship and ai evening's entertainment. A sumptuous banquet was serv ed in the gaily decorated church hall and the tables, at the hands of the young ladies, were made a work of art. P. Linzey expressed the greet- ings of the Corner Club and was suitably replied to by Miss M, Cosgrave, the club president. Mrs. N. L. Rose conveyed the con- tratulations of the Reds to the |} opponent Blues who were suc- cessful in the recent membership drive. I. H. Plint replied in fit ting terms on behalf of the Blues. Mrs. L. P. Wright and EK.°G. |\Crakgs sang and W. Vaughan Davies gave a piano solo. The lifested by the frequent encores. A special feature of the pro- jgram was the humorous reading iby J. C. Brady. A brief and inter- ing of “O Canada” brought the rather unique evening’s enter- tainment to a close. TIMBER SALE X 2123. } Sealed tenders will be received by the] Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 22nd day of April, 1920, for the pur- chase of Licence X 2123, to cut 555,000 fect of Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock on an area situated on Johnson Channel, Range 3, Coast District Two (2) years will be allowed for re- moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C TIMBER SALE X 2002. se oo page % sg ° Make areal job of it. property was never so valuable as today surface and thus saves the entire house. (Brandrants Genuine 8. because it combines permanence, covering capacity would still be the most economical—the shorter It contains the famous Brandram’s Genuine B.B, paint can boast. To this mixture is added fine When you use B-H Paint you will notice its permanence you will be able to prove. by other ex- Color cards free on request. we INTING becomes necessary as your property increases in value, and as there is a greater need than ever for that kind of paint which actually preserves the This spring, to make a real job of it, use ss “ENGLISH ”* 70% PureWhite 300% Pure Paint and economy. ; If B-H “English Paint” was dearer than it is, it life of other cheaper brands makes them more ex- pensive in the end. finely-ground white lead—70%—to which is put 30% of pure zinc—a guaranteed formula that no other turpentine and linseed oil from the B-H mills, which is of a quality in keeping with the other ingredients. “body” and brilliance—you will compare the 3 extreme covering capacity with other brands—the teriors paint :d with B-H paint years ago. This Store sells B-H Products— Parkin-Ward Electric Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ty) HTT EEE HHT LOE TAU =, e. sts « {M : a FRAID \S BURNED A y SHELL LEAVE CANT EAT TF Do {T-— Go IN AND BAWwL HER. OUT v YoU Reams “TO LET HER- GET AWA WITH THis OF. Watt 1 GAY SOMETHING — HEP. >. — AA PERAD « SOF HER- SHE. Breath s O ; LA Ne j— rv == Ds roe ™@ ral * = ba past and he thinks this valley “oo BRAhtDeAM-HENDERSON would be ideal for the purpose. — cones os ee — mowrnsat HALA Br.worin yonenro ween Q luster 0 ands o ater a uC HEoser . wt It would provide work during the 6th day of May, 1920, for the pur- eee ees Ce ee een : chase of Licence X 2002, to cut 1,409,000 winter and the cattle would use fest of. Cedar ‘uce, Hemlock and | fe Le , Spruce, Hemlock and Bal- the pulp after the sugar had been com on an ares pittened oa Big Lake, —_ — — — . iersiie Channel, Range 3, Coas stric a 2 y Mei extracted. Both visitors suggest Two (2) years will be allowed for re-| NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. WATER NOTICE. that the government would find ieicai aettastens ar ais ‘chbatwenatier ee eee vIVERSION AND USE. is j . hi Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince ‘he Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk, this an ideal place at .which to Rupert, B.C. British Columbia, hereby gives notice that TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose encourage settlement. There are — —— jic has under section q of the sald Act, address is Alice Arm, B. C., will apply . : : depositec with the Minister o »ublic r a licence to take and use 50 cubic- something like ten thousand acres TELKWA SCHOOL TIMBER SALE X 1980. Works at Ottawa, and = = mee of the daconit Saat ant to store about 400 Soe. of open land there and the pos- —_— District Registrar of the Land Registry | feet of water out of Clearwater River which : ' ' . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS _ : a by the! Pisttict of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, | hows southerly and drains into the Kitsault sibilities of development are. very ; - a Sealed tenders will be received by the) pritish Columbia, a description of the site| River ahcut 22 miles from the head of the a SEALED TENDE RS superscribed “Ten Minister of Lands not later than noon OB} and the plans of reversible Aerial Rope-|jujet of Alice Arm. ereat. der for Telkwa School, will be received | ‘Be 22nd day of April, 1920, for the pur-| \ay over the Skeena River, proposed to be| The. storage-dain will be located near Messrs. Linel d Lewth- aan tata” selntase: mublic | Chase of Licence X 1980, to cut 625,000) puiit over the said Skeena River at Usk,} natural outlet of Clearwater Lake, The Mé rs. sinenham an CWLD” iby the Honourable the Minister of Publi “et of Spruce, Cedar and Hemiock on an “itict - . ‘ers of 2 , Works up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, |‘°®! Of =pruce, Roscoe Injet, Ran 3 British Columbia, the supporting towers of capacity of the reservoir to be created waite are both very confident of soap es day of April, 1920, for the ere | fee enero on Koscoe Inlet, ge 3.) the —_~ nepens 2 poe gery Is about 450 acre-feet, and it will flood . a eet oe ee , } wast District. trict Lots numbere 37, an 33, e ) 5 “re 7 success in their boring opera-| ion and completion of a two-room school | “"ryo (2) years will be allowed for re-| 1%), b0'S numbere [phous 50 Scns St ne.” See. einer eee nd outbuildings at Telkwa in the Omineca | ; » VORSE DSSSrses. |be diverted from the stream at storage tions. If they do mot strike oi!} ‘Cetoral Distinct. B. ( juoval of timber, : sd AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-| dam and will be used for power for ; a OF nett ain eats sean he eeo 00 Further particulars of the Chief Forester, piration of one month from the date of mining purposes pon the mine described they feel sure that they will find aetna ht aeee teak ce tne cntoe of | Vice ria, B-< » or District Forester, Prince the te publication : ae ne ae as the Climax Gréup. 4 ‘ any , ; “Esa, Gover rent, | Rupert, B.C. said Kleanza Company, Limited, wi er) This bolice was posted on the groun coal, so that in any case the work 3. manoay, : as "De pce Agent ’ vine case 2003 section 7 pt the said Act, opply gor the jon the 26th day of January, 1920. ° » bee , ss “shania ane ernment Agent ‘ niinister Of Public Works at his office in| 4 copy of this notice and an application will not have been fruitless. s i Hoskins, Esq., Government Agent the |City of Ottawa, for approval of the | ursuant thereto andeto the “Water Act, ee a SERN Ban fbeen sat’ Agent . So sald site and plans, and for leave to con-/4914,” will be fled in the office of the TT a House Prince apart To Sealed tenders will be received by the| *truct the said Aerial Ropeway. , Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. BOYCO POTATOES eg W tk Gach, Esq., Secretary to the} Minister of Lands not later than noon on Dated at Prince Rupert, 6. G.,, Staley Objections to the application may ‘hool Bi ard, Telkwa. ie tie Department | the 22nd day of April, 1920; for the -pur-| Gay of January, A.D. 1920. a iled with the said Water Recorder or with f Public Works, Victoria, B. Cc. hase of Licence X 2003, to cut 530,000 KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, he Comptroller of Water Rigats, Parlia- AT SEATTLE TABLES | li sana eat can Obtain one copy|feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an é Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors, nent Buildings, Victoria, B. ., within f plane and specifications by applying to] area situated in Big Lake, Range 3, Coast} —— Trees sa hirty days after the first appearance of _—_—_—_— he undersigned with a deposit of $10.00, | District, Se a MINERAL ACT his notice a P."OLSEN, Appi ‘ li be refunded on their return] wo (2) years wi € allowe t , ie , « P. 2m cant. Cc rs Resent Having to Pay | ‘ch will moval of timber. The date of the Nrst publication of this atere eee 8 Yin a any tender not necessarily! Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Certificate of Improvem*nts. lotice is February 5, 1920. $200 a Ton for Common weenie e, " : ' Victoria, Pant or District Forester, Prince NOTICE ND rs a en ne Tubers. A. E. FOREMAN, j Rupert, B. LAND ACT. Public Works Engineer eee : : ; “ : - la lea e *ublic Works Department, LAND ACT gine sone ond a — ne id SEATTLE, April 15.—As a pro- Victoria, S.. ba | ie op ivision of Coast District. Notice of Intention ae to Purchase 1g ri se go ch ni enc aepieeieeialininaion VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT Where iocated:—West side of Dean} Land. lest against selling at $200 a ton); ——_—.——- : ; : CT OF COAST, RANGE Ui. hannel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range | * sd taloes have been put der the] SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT | alae Coasy District. ; n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- potatoes have been put under RLOTTE ; oe . . i DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARL » | TAKE NOTICE that J, C, Clausen of] YAK NOTICE that 1, HUGH ARCHIBALI) | trict of Coast, Range Hl, and situate op boycott of the Seattle. Caterers ISLANDS, |} Jcean Falls, B. C., occupation superintend-| f{ACLEAN, as Agent for SMEL TERS STEEL the west cqast of Calvert Island, near its ‘it ‘ t Yriday ri nt of logging, irtends to apply for per- OMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No.|north end. Association and after Friday will NOTICE that William J. Leary of mission ee jonse the following described} ,239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date} Take notice that Mark smatfy of Ocean disappear from the menu of the SARI ; t : ee intends to apply | ands:— ereof, to appiy to the Mining Recorder) Falls, B. C., occupation logger, tntends to ’ Skicegate, : e ti vahan eet. for coal “and | Commencing at a post planted 2% miles| or a Certificate of Improvements for each | apply for permission to purchase the fol- establishments of every member |for a Meens¢ S ergePtine following de- | & Mortuerly direction from the north-| f said clatms for the purpose of obtaining lowing described lands:— til the rice he ‘eached nor- petroleum on me oF west corner of Lot 897 on the west coast Crown Grant of the above claims Commencing at @ post planted one helf ust ree. ee Seen norteas rs at a post planted at the {of Calvert Island; thence north 40 chains; And further take notice that action un-|mile north of N.W, cor. Lot 897; thence ma! levels le a ea » L. 1853; thence! hence west 40 chains; thence south 40] er section 85, must be commenced before |north 40 chains; thence west 40° chains; ; - : nore Sh chatoey = ce east 80 chains; | ‘hains; thence east 40 chains to point of] he issuance of such Certificate of Im-| hence south 40 chains; thence east Ad More than 100 Seattle nestau- thene "n rh 80° chains thence west 80/commencement and containing 150 acres, rovers isth 2 .y A“ | ere and containing 160 acres, more’ or “ are repres . > as- eee, ae ; aravaasnariant | nore or less, Dated this 15th day of January, A. | ess, rants are represented in the as-| chains, 9 point of Cony Apcaicent . C. CLAUSEN. 1920. : : | MARK SMABY sociation, | Dated this 6th day of March, 1920 Date January 21st, 1920. H. A, MACLEAN | Dated December 29th, 1919. ~ ———. $$$ sw us ‘ , , IT’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES , - iTS A GREAT LIFE IF You DanT WEAKEN is ipa ak C or i! , at % ee a <. THE SICAK 5 eg oe FLICIGUS BUT Yee Rie PREFER IT A TRIFLE i t