a . J a i ” Wi a? AR! ll 4 vt 1 a THE DAWLY NEWS —- Ee hs rs ms te sr me re =) i N The Baby's Toilet | | is well taken care of here, New silk and sport skirts at have all the fine toile 1 helps which Demers. 90 will make the bath daintier and wie ecw the babies sweeter, if the latter Mrs. A. E. Young, of Stewart, TT ia I arrived in the city this morning, THIS PHARMACY Its Famous Aucde se for the excellence of its service. James Lamb, of Cassiar Can- In Sas tk ag chaeet tian | nery, arrived in town last even- puper y mor paren | Beek, in thine di otet to the toilet wants } ing. of the fittle ones. If you are ; qa ee particular aho it your baby, as of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ericksen course you ae, you'll be sure arrived in the city from Usk last that the wee supplies come evening : from . Rev. and Mrs. E, A. Price of O mes imite | Metlakatla left for Vancouver this r morning. ] h Pi er Dru soists | w. Sparkes, the Terrace store- Cc tone oa” j}Keeper, Was an arrival ‘on the Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 rain last evening. — HE REXALL STORE |} Best Wousehold Lump Coal, Sau 7 |13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85 I sa — ween | Te rininal Coal Co, — Black, brown and aig lisle | its. bhi anived. Mok hose. Regular 75¢ a pair, 2 pairs), oe i Ee : aia | ! Ty q i 6h: at dahoee atioliat Gaild: | Hazelt n last night and went : i : insurance Pi auaeace rece ae ghee jsouth this morning. ; | ‘ . pies ini | . . . arine ; J. Duffett and Martin Monson} iiok Ma. HK Sai ioscan And See. were each fined ten dollars in the As_ agente. for. the poleg -—# police court this morning for be- ee Be eee cana eas yeeet Insurance Society of Canton ing drunk. : Le 8 ‘ incapacity Pa ania | Children’s. white cashmerette can insure international Union of Steam jhose. Regular 65e and 75c a pair. Cargoees of all descrip- and Oper rating | Engineers. Meeting |, pairs for $4’ at‘ Jabour’s Dollar | tions. Friday night. ~ Every member re- Sale. 90! Barges, Scows, etc., Plea- quested to attend. fas eda’ ied ng oS sure Boats and Fishing au ha Ser ik ae seaane ee s| Get your carpenter repairs done Boats. TCO LATE 10 CLASSIFY at The Golden Age Carpenter } Our rates are reasonable CHR REE RH! 1 Bhop, 6th St. Residence phone! and adjustments quickly WANTED — Woman for renova- | Blue 404. pat 941) eee tory works \pply FW Mac- | M. McKenzie was a_ Prine¢ donald, cleaning and pressing, | George arrival ctin’ leat ane McCaffe Gibbons 516 Fulton: ic eae "| train and left for the south on | ry, BU rs DE AS AT TE NT WON? Lot on the Prince Rupert. : & Doyle, LBS {Habart 0s 6 canter ana marae ? were each fined ten dollars hy» Agents 3KEENA LTR RIE DIGT xe maTRICT OF Maes ste Me mr this morn 3rd Ave. Phone Ll FAKE NOTICE that I, Charles Hartie, of Rater fighting. ‘ tend te 8 : tote i or Sorthadien rancher, 40. i. Mares, si Nuckles arrived it = cee aa aac rs following deseribed tanda:— on the) the city from Burns Lake ~ lasi shore of Skidegate Inlet, about one mile!) night and was a passenger south: | 4 | corner of rh 27908; thence, shen are bound on the Prince Rupert this! Lee ( oal jowing: shure-lise 40. point of commons, | morning. ent, and enclosing ten acres, more or , , e se CHARLES giarn Skeena River arrivals on ‘as! CLEAN SCREENED Delivered April 6, $990: 317! night's train” which was delayed $13.75 ton. We strongly ponts 11:10 included- Thos, Dawe recommend it for your kit- ; Port Essington, and &. H. Peare. °@ ehen range. SCREENED LUMP Delivered $15.00 ton. For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, $12.50 ton. Sacked, $13.75 Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Goal ’o,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Room 11, Smith Block Manager Phone 7 STOW See A He ETE Best Coa! Alberta Screened CUSNRANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton |: Sacked ... $7.75 per '% ton | WGK), >. 53 $12.50 per ton Cnly a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now io : Albert & McCaffery : OO OOO or Or OO Om LTD. Phones 564 and 116 DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your. efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1,30 to 5.80; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings Tides, Wednesday and day, froin 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPO!INTMENT OF SIO CIELO OF OL OE BIO OLE OT ET OTe eae ri- insurance FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS Three good dwellings For Sale $2,000 $2,500 $3,600 City Lots from $160, Victory Bonds KExchanged, Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue LPP OPP OTP ODE Src Crown Soap wud Save the Coupons OPIS OPTED DOD OOLPOODO iMt.id. Stephens Notary Public Conveyar cel AOR SALE omed house modern ent, extra toilet in base- if, tt Walter heating, with un excelled water view, corner 4th Ave. and Emmerson Place, An at- ee and splendid home on an clive double corner, Terms Price under actual value. Sione hades dues lots on Park Avenue, close in, Section 1, $600.00 THE PAIR. double apartment ko , harbour view, paying 10 ‘ent. on $8,400. Price $6,000.00. use, Could not be duplicated for much more money, Two .splendid view lots Fourth Ave., Graft Hill, .... $1,600 EACH. M. M. Stephens ea! Estate Insurance Financial Agent Dealers in PAINTS ‘DUTCH KALSOMIME, etc. Silversides BROTHERS Second Street P.O, Box 120 Fhone 156 Green Out of town orders carefully attended to Dock tomorrow afternoon: lars. G. T. P— | Inverness. | The wedding of Miss Ruby Lu- | ella Greggs, second daughter of| | Mr. and Mrs. Edward) Greggs, | }2056_Albert Street, Vancouver, ix | ;R. O. Cutler, took place in Van-} /couver on Friday, Rev. O. M. San ford olliciating. Mr. and }Cutler will make their home in | Anyox. “K-K-Katie, beautiful K-Katie” | | in Captain Rackett.” uf | | It was reported at the meeting j of the Trades and Labor Council} on Tuesday night that $360 had been raised locally for the benefii of a distressed family at ‘Terrace ‘Three hundred through general subscription anc | $60 from the various units of the council, | ! dollars was ] Dollar Sale on| Friday and Saturday. The following are the names of the players in the football match between the Callies and the Dry Catlies Abbott Kinghorn, Black, Sel | Waldorf, Harri-| son, Fanthorpe, Roberts, Craggs, | Harding, Stanley, Jackson. Mc- | Ilravy, Foote. G. ‘TI’. P. reserves— Eddie Smith, Millwater and Gray Visit Jabour’s rhursday, —Martin, Bennett, Campbell, McLean, Wiggins, Williscroft, Ross, Tickets for next Sunday’s Sym- | , Phony Concert now obtainable at. |the Drug Stores and Music Stores. | } TORONTO Exemplifying the style that can be tailored into a double- RYANT COMPANY, breasted coat when you know i how to do it. ¥ THE CLOTHES SHOP FOR MEN SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY ee Prince Rupert, B.C P Tititiit TG TT HH Ty itt MUI HHA HUUSUVOOUUEENOOOOUTOSSAA TT ie oes. Uc, US ore Te eee eo : WEEK END Ct EGIAL $ j ‘Captain Rackett’ is not funny reete ele Scat acer AT CANNED VEGETABLES ff in parts, it’s a scream all through. $ THEO COLLART IN Pumpkin 2%-Ilb. tins 4 . 1Bc. | é its ; Tomatoes, 2-lb, tins .. | ‘2 for 35c. ff) " | Wuaker Standard Peas 2-Ib. tin 200 |} Judgment was given by Judges Buy a cheap Home.--7 room ri WUEKCPr COP, per tin, ........ , . 7 M. B. Ref, Deans 2 tins 46c¢ Young in the County Court yes- : , . haat yea ) i uil { Seal Braud Coffee ., 2-tb. tins $1.26 flerday afternoon for $726.64 iy papered, bath, outh kellog Corn Flakes’! .”. 2 for 26e favor of Albert ~& MeCatfery,, $2300.00; Eas) Noe Hirondelli Macaroni .... 2 for 35e laintiff Sin’ Ahan th W S00) at a tre de ae ee inSURA meee Olive 2%-Ib, tin, Regular qbe pPlaintil's, in the case with MARING INSURANCE REAL EStATe ox 66 mOTAA pil tee? £9.64 e (zreen and the Lockeport Canning Q j The: a Ev: iporated Prunes, size 70. 80, reg- ” estholme Theatre i oeent wast ragi Gpecia : for 45c Co. The defendants will also be Phone Klue 69 West ene reeee ee ae ‘ Aspa rus “Soup . | ad v eae Glacier Sardines in Olive oul Piones required to pay interest and costs. ve Rabinbood or Purity Oats in tubes (iets OOM cheese Eo; 30c each. " Pro ingle! Flour Onn Ib. wane $1.80 §) Passengers southbound on the BYNG TO BE CHIEF . \\ per dane. cae (Prince Rupert whieh left at 44 ome t f ails : eral ps qunted fa ttored i, cate. oes o'clock this morning included \ LANDON, Apel 35 c~The Dat fi res ) 80 es, el F om 3 : ‘ . J “ae vu ) I'¢ ress sug Just arrived. Head 9} A, Lewthwaite, Vietoria; F. Gor-}Uhronicle says Lord’ Byng, ft , : e ce ukes omatoes varsiey : | ‘ant ‘ : i or, W srene 4 green onions, caulinower fees man and wife; Mrs, Harry Large,| erly | avadian ARRON a furnil spinach,’ ee potatoes, rhubarb, 8. C. Jenknins, Vancouver: Mra«.|succeed General .MacCready as jfur ar kes, asparagus, new bee ee ¢ ‘ rae ice ttle new bara oranges, apples tee fie: * George Weston. Puyallup, Wa,:! thief of the London police. | ons, California or 1 } Pale rol OWEET MARKET PRICES | Mrs. lL. W. Reilly, Vancouver, and seen opeeelirnretienrntennr Tyrer oo J Bulent. _Nengouyer. Light prints, Regular 40¢ and u a nce Hupee Rupert Table $1 Supply C0. —-——-- —— iSe per yard, 3% yards for 84 /north 0, Fee Why not a box party at “Cap-!at Jabour’s Dollar Sale. 90 jmor alice AM PHONES 211, 212. j tain Rackett,” $86.00, Monday and} eR rere ne TS gon \nyo% ‘Tuesday next, tfi Advertise in the Daily News jE.