Northern and PRINCE ad RUPERT Central British Columbia’s Newspaper TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep __ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 107 Second Avenue §f M. H. LARGE trike Said to | Definitely Broken Twenty -five Many Returning Leaders Be under Arrest, to Work and Freight Moving; Discussion as to Red Activites News \fter wd of R rhe co vit strikil a ‘ {istrict to y UNICOR n the union ol the ins violation piel ©) With 29 hicago | har {live wilh 1OCK duty, railroad which start WeeKS vil 17.—At- s conclu- itlaw’’ railway le to activities itionists 1s a statement ison, secre’ Vederation gation of railway ex- t said, re- ordinary istice had uncement to onclusions. pment affecting ailway J'rainmen, AL Rr: vod office ere ago, | Telegraphs. the via 6G. T.f revoking charters of three two in Chicago Whitney, members vice-president of the the by ig of return to work and lose sentority. urgent forces under of the Lever Act, midnight, or arrest FORBIDDEN STRIKE. ON MONTREAL HERALD |Paper Appears in s in Curtailed Form Owing to Trouble. ri. Yelegrapbs April appears owing to (Special vis &. MONTREAL, Montreal Star curtailed size today the fact without warning. Enough decided not to go out to enable the paper to be printed. The work was supplemented by type set on instructions of officials of the fypographical Union, who have forbidden the strike, at other printing officés ‘here. s connection with rik was the on- ization 2 of the Railway | tr Board “with members j esent. They ted oflicers determined to} ie up the question of! way ¥ s at the point where een the men} dropped. It they were usion. BRT IS SAFE NOW AT BERLIN ger of Uprising Seems to Have Passed—Expensive Rebellion, situation meetin retegraphs,) The danger nst Ebert in} has passed cording to Strict pre » still be- The damage plunder-' ! Germany s at 13,- Essen al Phone ai. WESTHOT. ME ME TONIC sHT Lerplece | com Life \ Wone lor all, Fox News Ga HAROLD Ly te COMED Y tte $ D ATR Tonight une -LVIDGE e “ the Woman” Ford Ga, ail” The Fie 8 Tr a ONthly ana be ana © omedy * meme sevpn of ‘its! | Modern ie i tof the teeth (set now for i tle | runner May CORNER CLUB HEARS DOCTOR BAYNE SPEAK “Ancient and Modern Methods in Dentistry” Proved Interesting and instructive. At the meeting of the Corner Club last night about 35 persons were present to listen to a very interesting address given. by Dr. A. H. Bayne on “Ancient and Methods in Dentistry.” outlined the for the years and gave some good advice. After the address delightful re- freshments were served and an informal good time enjoyed. 1000 or listeners last the sO ‘STAGE BEING SET FOR HEAVYWEIGHT BATTLE (Special via G. Tv. P. Telexraphs.) MILWAUKEE, April 17.—Tom Andrews says the stage is being the heavyweight bat between Fred Fulton, once up for the championship, Johnson, former title Tiajuana, Mexico, just Mexican border at San time in and Jack holder, at across the Diego, California, or June. 93RD BIRTHDAY Mrs. Craig Goes East to Take Part in Celebration. Craig, accompanied Mrs. D. D. Me- and her little some Mrs. Morte by her daughter, \'Tavish, of Victoria, and boy, left on for St. Joseph, They will arrive there for 23 when the 93rd _ birthday olf Cavlain Enos Craig, father of Mr. Craig, will be celebrated. Captain Craig, who is a veteran of the Civil War, is one of the oldest jpersons in the state of Missouri. | £i1;] /ing’s train Mo. :| Mrs. Graig will return to Prince /Rupert in about six weeks, visit- jing on her way west Denver, /Portland and Seattle. Mrs. Me- ,Tavish will remain in St. Joseph HIGH PRICE OF HAY (Special via u. T. P. Telegraphs.) PROSSER, Man., April 17.-—-The demand from Alberta and Mon- tana has advanced the price of first quality hay to $35 a ton and Conlene predict 840 by June 1. | Launch ‘Alice B,” Phone sa in|} 17.—The | in that the typographical staff struck men | pany care and troubles | this morn- | April) PRINO iE RU eaecpapenesne aaneaentesaliibaaes PE RT, C., SA organization | the movement | ght is appenrine normal and with the return | 1 Vresidert Wilson pused tor thinner than before his illness. TURDAY, APRIL 17, 1920. ——— SST AS |HE PRESIDENT. LOOKS TODAY wore than ais ; tive milliles fur Weélivu piclure meu 4 lew days age as be was ‘eaving the White House grounds for an automobile ride with his wife The picture shows him somewhat et (Special to AGUA PREITA, apply to the U 1 Stat republic The Sonora, es iter for ol Sonora CGuliacan, the they Sonora’s re troops capivat the -entry move wrestled to force Military give the seceding State President powas in Sinalos have authorities say the force Carranza TROLLING BOAT ON THE ROCKS AT SKIDEGATE News via G. T. P. April re today of the adioi aggress into the military might felie n bet fore New State of Sonora Will Ask Recognition fro —— aR U.S.: Troops Invade Sinaloa Telegraphs. ) Sonora will t. The toward which seit state of b {7.—The ognition as a belligeren continued marching ing state of Sinoloa, by ve Carranza from Mexican federation of troops states. that Sonora success in Sinoloa would to overcome them. power necessary send Four the against invading Sonora troops. AMENDMENT TO G.T. BILL VOT DOWN IN HOUSE $12,500,000 IS PROPOSED FOR CIVIL SERVICE Cne Sixth of Amount voted and Matter Will Come up for Further Discussion. (special via G. T.P, Telegraphs.) “OTTAWA, April 46.—A motion | provide $12,500,000 for civil service bonuses was introduced the House of Commons by minister; of finance, Hon. N. Rowell said it was designed to 1cel the abnormally high cost of living due to the war. He also stated that the time was coming soon when the bonus’ system would have to be stopped and salaries paid in one sum. After a long discussion, in which the increases were criticiz- ed, the House agreed to the pass- ing of one-sixth of the amount, ie custom followed in regard to rdinary estimates. This leaves imo the Nobody Aboard the Little Craft Mackenzie King Wants Protection |). :aiter open for funther dis- “Macduff” but Name Abel Edwards in Papers. Chief yvincial police telegram telegraph Charlotte ‘Trolling rocks neal m board. Minty of the pi department received a this morning from the operator at Queen City as follows: Macduff found Bay. with sailed in ection of Rupert this sails set and was about noon with name found and yund, was boat Aliford She on no one ¢ from di morning found on Some Edwards had been appears that whoever bad fallen overboard, as thing intact, ineluding dory and anchor. with rocks Abel cloc ‘ papers were recently ind abo every Ww is FITZSIMMONS WINS Cuipoinied Ray Temple in Ten- Round Bout. | j (Spec TP relerrapns MINNEAPOLIS, April 17.—Ed- |die Fitzsimmons of New York out }pointed Ray Temple of St. Paul in a ten-round bout. The men are \lightweights. Kar) Baird of Seattle and Eddic Debeau of St. Paul, feather- weights, fought to a fast eight- round draw. Captain Racket | al via G at the Westholme ON MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT at 6.30 p.m. Seats at Oran fee Store T5c and $1,00 7 ere COOeer Given to Employees of Rail- way in Arbitration Proceedings. 17.— hours, leader of the Liberal and in the Hous« { Commons, submitted an mendment to the Grand Trunk bill. The amendment provides for a clause in the acquisition iting that any by the Grand the affected by Rrow After Mac- OTTAN A, April cing for two enzie King, party in Canada eae ement stipul pension rights held nk men p! to 1910, not rike or any circu out of a strike Hon. C. J. Doherty r. King for not niunauadine ilismanie clause’ before the terms of the ment ere settled. He said that eve opportunity would be to place their the arbitration Pru ior strike ol July, be nstances cribicized his last session agree ry issible given the men ime before board. Mr. King’s amendmeny was d° claned lost and progress was then reported on the bill and the House adjourned at 1:30 a.m. W.A.A.C.S DID NOT LIKE COLLEGE LIFE Refused to Work as Domestio Servants at Gueiph In- stitutions. Ss April. 17 ix- dissatisfaction Macdonald Hall, English W.A.A. arrived here GUELPH, Ont., pressing complete vith their lot at nine of sixteen .8. who recently under contract to work at the local ladies’ college in return for tuition, left the city for Toronto, where they wll seek more con- genial employment. They refused to act as dOmestic servants at the college, cussion. BASEBALL National League. Pittsburg 5, St. Louis 0. . All other Natiogal and American League games postponed on ac- count of rain. Pacific Coast League. Los Angeles 1, Vernon 0. San Francisco 2, Oakland 3. Portland 4, Sacramento 8. Seattle-Salt Lake game post- poned on account of rain. IMPERIAL CONFERENCE (Specia) vie GT. P. Jelegrapha.) London, April 17.—Lord Mil- been possible to hold the Imperial ner has announced that it had not Conference in 1920, but would he held some time in 1921. KILMARNOCK [S SCOTTISH CUP WINNER (Speciat by G.T.P, Telegraphs,) GLASGOW, April 17.-—The final for the Scottish Cup was played today resuiting in a victory for Kilmarnock over Albion by a scone of 3 to 2. The results of the Scottish League games played today are as follows: Aberdeen 0, Clydebank 2. Clyde 4, Ayr 0, Dundee 2, Partick 1. Falkirk 1, Morton 1. Hearts 1, Dunbarton 3, Motherwell 0, Celtic 0. Raith 4, Hibernians 0. Rangers 3, Queens Pank 1, PRICE FIVE CENTS PENSIONS ARE DISCUSSED IN OTTAWA HOUSE Sol. Peck Emphasizes Importance ef Caring for Pensioners’ Chiidren. (Special via G. 7. P. Telegrapns.) OTTAWA, April 17.—The spec: ial House Committee on pensions and Soldiers’ Re-establishment held its first sitting at which Col. Jotun Thompson, chairman of the Pensions Board, made a general statement. In 1919 Canada's pension bill was over $16,500,000 and by March, 1920, the total was $23,000,000, In all 175,906 peo- ple were receiving pensions. (G$ these, 70,950 were disabled sol- diers and 41,283 children of dis- abled soldiers. Dependents of disabled soldiers excluding child- ren number 17,725. The number of totally dis- abled soldiers pensioned was 2,- 370 in class one disability. Sol- diers down with affections of the réspiratory system numbered about 10,000 and these were 100 per cent tubercular. Allowances were made to. a pensioner’s children while he lived. They should bé eontinued after the pensioner met death. Col. Peck said the point naised was very important. He told of a man who married after being discharged from the English army. He died, but his wife re- ceived no pension. NEW SCaut Ottawa Reports Receipt of Find- ing of Local Board. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs. OTTAWA, April 17—A new scale of wages for employees of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B. C., is rec- ommended in a report of the Board of Conciliation, which in- vestigated the demands of the men. The Board recommends 67% cents per hour for an eight- hour day instead of 60c, 80c an hour for overtime instead of 70 cents, and 85 cents an hour for Sundays and holidays instead of 75 cents. The increases take place as from February 24, 1920. In addition the Board recom- mends payment of a bonus of $1 per week to employees working in freezers and cold storage rooms. HAD BEAVER SKINS IN HIS POSSESSION Cle Samuelson Has to Pay Fine of $500 for Offence. DAWSON, Y. T., April 17.—A fine of $500 was imposed on Ole Samuelson by Judge McAuley for having in his possession 22 beaver skins. Samuelson arrived from Leduc district of White River with about $25,000 worth of skins including beaver, some foxes and 230 marten. It is illegal to kill beaver Yukon Territory. in SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SEVENTH CONCERT Soloist— Jennie Taggart Westholme Theatre SUNDAY, APRIL 18, AT 9,15 P.M. Special Cash Prices Balance of this Month Barrie’s Furniture Store