i ps i be at ‘ , a i . a mi t NCE "e fu h . . O rl | ao, 5, T i (uy rt | THE BOARD OF TRADE ISSUE BOOKLET Draws Attention to Natural Re- | sources and Possibilities of Prince Rupert District. eter A’ descriptive and_ illustrated | | ; ‘Index and Guide of Prince Rupert H and district published by F. 38. Wright under the auspices of the Prince Rapert Board of Trade has ‘just made its appearance. The booklet is excellently written and welt illustrated and will prove a boon to those who wish to send authentic information to the out- side. The book gives figures on and ‘describes the potential indus- tries of the district including mining, lumbering, fisheries, ship building and agriculture. The desirability of the country as an objectve for tourists is also men- tioned. On the whole the booklet is a credit both to the Board of Trade and the publisher, and should prove very profitable as an advertising and publicity ane- dium. PA ven IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph’ Plays All Records are un- know our Get one now,—delays necessary when you easy terms. Shipment of New Rec- ords Just In Come and hear the world’s best artists. Will. Edcaunds Prince Kupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phove BLACK 183 | _ For Better | Acquaintance | | Possibly you know us and we | know you, but we would like to | Strengthen th acquaintance, and for this reason we will be using the | pages of this paper from now on. | We will tell you interesting things } about our store; our service, our goods. You will have an oppor- tunity of keeping in closer touch, with considerable advantage to your- self, with “Canada’s National Jewel- Jers.” Let us become ac- quainted. better | Vancouver, BC. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Cowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 ee rreveray TERRACE A very enjoyable evening was spent in the Presbyterian Church last Monday when an excellent instrumental and vocal program was rendered. The sum of $41.95 was realized, which wile be used for Church purposes. . . . The tennis club has again been reorganized for the 1920 season Riya at a meeting Friday last. GC. J. | The Bill providing for pensions McGrath was elected president, jto mothers which is a Govern- with various committees to assist jment measure before the Legis- him. lature provides for aid for indig- ek oe ent mothers up to $42.50 a month Clearing land about here has where there is one child under/gjready commenced. There will sixteen years of age and an ad-|be a lot of new land opened up ditional $7.50 for each other | his spring. child. * * . | In discussing the bill on_ its Rev. Dr. H. R. Grant, of Prince second reading, Hon. J. D.|/Rupert, was in town last week McLean, who is in charge of it,'looking to getting his ten acre pointed to the concensos of tract cleared and under cultiva- ‘opinion among social workers tion this season. ithat the hitherto accepted insti-! ° Aid Provided for Those with Children to be Granted by Province SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Ww a Jicefise to petroleum on and lescribed lands:— Comunencing at rorth-west corner thence aa ‘tutional methods of caring for! Mr. McGregor is choirmaster in neglected and dependent children the new Anglican choir. \is not desirable, but rather must} it Taeernde hiv ennuved the i thie ormi roa hence § secur wap CHS oy Deremeveed vee nere’ ontract for the erection of the the care of its mother. He re ’ ; ; hict rat * eye re } , SB Pp res . » y s \ferred to the difficult position Ayes ce ee ra widow with a family finds herself ‘aio 1 a P y r jin in facing the world following ,* oe ithe death of the preadwinner., | ° ° | /She could either send her children SMITHERS to an institution while she her-} iself went into the labor market Pi | GOV e Ss. H. Hos- to earn a living, she could give i er er a dition of her children away by permitting ‘ane ed tacttaam ny salethteny’ tm thie . ae 5 them to be adopted, or she might the ashe sai dean Hiaitebils resort to doubtful methods of oo ee ena all bis time gaining a livelihood for herself w aa ae ian " and them. It was in the interests | ™ Laer of the state that a mother so A considerable portion of the situated should be permitted to energy of the Land Settlement ee tae reg iede a ee Board will this spring be occupied an¢ yr z e ) é i rr : : 7 in the construction of silos on ; « ala , > 2 A a B i that ee yee of them future farms in this district, a campaign PeSPGOlLanie. CHZENS. for which it has well under way. 6 inache Dr. C. H. Hankinson has moved his offices to a handsome suite in wri: Wierwerih tee aloe A ; he new Town Hall. The doctor TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of -. ,W.:., ine f-payv ig Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply 18: SOMES to install X-ray applian- prospect for coal and Ces and will place the oflice on under the following ii: equal footing with any other pti, stcmabdbtiee cal modern oflice in the country. é Os lg e e . e of D.I 1854; thence ~_ r outh 80 chains; thence east £0 dunes Yelkwa Methodists are launch- horth 80 chains; thence west 80 ing a campaign for funds with the Ao itt ot 2 aapenoeenen object of building a church there IL . LEARY, Applicant. oa : Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. this Spring. . . ° | SKEENA LAND RECORDING privision, | L. 8S. MeGill has been elected | DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE secretary of thé Smithers’ Miners ISLANDS. eed " Associatoin STEWART The firemen’s Hard Times Ball TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of | Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply | for a license to prospect for coal andj, petroleum on and under the following described lands:— | Commencing at a post planted at the north-west corner of D. L. 1853; thence J ay of meas . south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; on Monday night waa id most Ons thence north 80 chains; thence east 80 joyable and unique affair, rhe chains, to point of commencement. inain event of the evening was WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920, the prize waltz which was won by Tom Taylor and Mrs. Peter Mur- phy. A motion picture of the dance was taken by a Gaumont (Graphic camera man, which will SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Hotel Priace Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La ‘ arte, POSS BPD OBE PO PO BED DLE ML LE OA BOLE OD- POOP LOD PPR OP LIE Be HF APP'SFOCPIOOP OE cs noTey ae Nevin homme rs be displayed in the gazettes of skidegate, B, C., settler, ends to apply et cor : for @ lieense to prospect for coal and that orporation. . vetroleum on and under the following ee . daahvied Mathes. The death occurred here re- Commencing at a post planted at the cently of Mrs. H, Horstman, one horth-west corner of D.L. 41853; thence | Stewart's e i nerth 80 chains; thence east 80 cas |e twart's carly Pane. ihenee south 80 chains; thence west 80! It vhains, to point of eommencement, WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant, Dated this 6th day of Mareb, 1920. is expected to reopen the |Stewart Hospital this spring. A ladies’ auxiliary was formed. last SKEENA LAND RECORDING pivision, |Week with the following oflicers: DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE President, Mrs. W. B. George; DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS, 8 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:80 p.m, OR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue. Phone 454. DEP PDL IED IRE OO OE OS DIE qeevaqvnammscewanscrorrsoces coccees | ISLANDS. vice-president, Mrs. P. 8. Jack; TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of secretary, Mrs. W. Cameron; ikidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply }treasurer, Mrs, H. P. Gibson; ex- for a license to prospect for coal and ecutive, Mrs. Ward, Mrs Gray ° ’ ° ’ petroleum on and under the following | sak , . described lands:— ; Mrs. Tooth, Mrs, Stratford, Mrs. Commencing at a post planted at the |}Jankowski, northwest corner of D.L. 1853; thence ° ° north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; The Stewart Citizens’ Associa- thence south 80 ehains; thence east 80 tion is pressing upon the author | chains, to point of commencement, tah WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant. ities an early start on the new Stewart wharf. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. DAILY NEWS Saturday April ta eS = : ———— 17, 499 — : ee : ee Do not forget to file your Income Tax Returp on or before the 30th of April, 1920 AL persons residing in Cana ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a ta on income, as follows :— . Dominion ef Canada da, em. 1. Every unmarried person, or widow widower, without dependants as defined by - Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received ; earned $1,000 or more. 7 Department of Finance 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock « whose profits exceeded $2,000 during ti year ended in 1919. ompany 1e fiscal to be used in filing Forms returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T 1A. CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must use Form General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all Form before filling it in. instructions on Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Penalty Every person required te make @ returao, who fails to do so within the time Iimit, shall be subject to a penalty of Twenty-five per centum of the amount of the tax payable. Any person, whether tasable, or otherwise. who fails to make a return or provide tnforma- Make your returns promptly and avoid penalties. tion duly required according to the provision of the Act, shali be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $100 for each day during which the defahit continues. Also any person making a false statement in any teturn or in any information required by the Minister, shal! be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding $10,000, of to six months imprison - ment or to both fine and imprisonment. Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION VANCOUVER, B.C R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation 2 STEWART LOTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS| "3: 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c THe DaILy NEws WILL Not BE REsPoNSIBLE For INSTKUCTIONS OR THE CaXCELLATION OF WANT ADS OVER THE TELEPHONE, bl JUR { a te, Priel idjoins bus Sixth Stree $1,000. 1 ness sect hess meso BE | \pply D FOR RENT a xu ete BE | WANTED. ,FOR SALE—Spruce tloat—36 by FOR REN'T—Newly completed am ete "= 66. Price $400.00 Apply Dyb-| am ted ; ve the Can WANTED — Woman for renova-} jayn & Hanson. ee te tory work. Apply J. W..Mac-|-——————_—___—_——- ie GOS | in donald, cleaning and pressing, | !'OR SALE—Bone dry fir lumber.| Hall i 5% 95} Also some good tables. Phone; = spec a 516 Fulton Street. ‘ ; nee |} Blue 404, 90] and othe! 1 even WANTED—Cruising launch about _ terms, 2pply to Jim Killas bALE—,Boxes for window} - 7 25 feet long. State price and/?OR | particulars to box 61, News! boxes at $4 each, Daily News | INVESTMENTS _ oflice. g2| Office. oh : sped by actual ol epee ceigecienntieeienseatinatnctnatlanstadiamnieerattaniiininne tetriregisotoe ; - — - | \\ Posceyy 8 , “toe investt WANTED—Three-roomed flat or! ‘OR SALE—Second-hand kitchen, servation anc) rune situ house, near McBride Street and| ‘ange, phone 172. tf en S eicka A Che watnoirant MM ntenneie. 2 7 ee oe |, AMON BG MY we ian TE tec aliah. cot). Bers plik. dana HCUSES FOR SALE tin h va WANTED—Good boy to work in| ———————————|_ British Columbia Phis on shop, Daily News. tr) FINE HOME, best residential is unbiased and is not Iss beet ae sie armies ; | section. Moderate lerms. He! with the f disposins CHAMBERMAID AND PORTER | #erson, Heal Kstate, Insurance, | oil sto ely diagnos _ Wanted, Apply Hotel Central. Notary Public. the specu possible at i citi } defines __ SITUATIONS WANTED LOTS FOR SALE actual jained up | ‘xperience seeper ale Sashes bi | e Writ a canes ag: ig ge de-| «oR SALE—Lote 3 and 4, Block | th 4 eee. BRURICK BROS roe ee a ace : ny ona nae 32, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue, | A rr. LTD. Stock, Bom BSE ORNS. bORO EAPO ETS. near drydock. $150.00 cash—| o oe { + Brokers, Hole . Ane ’ A young girl desires position in} M. M. Stephens. tf Va er, B. Ye! Vancouys FARMS FOR SALE pa rhe u, Pp. store. Apply P. O. box 779. YOR SALE-—Lots 17 and 18, BIk. 26, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue, close in. $500.00 the pair, cash TOR SALE : et MIXED FARMING ee tands Mt FOR SALE—P, R. T. No. 1, boat) --M..M. Stephens. | has still sv se in West for towing or packing salmon.'roR gaLe—Lot 48, Block 29,| We sree er cate at Im Is 57.2 feet long, 14.3 “wide,| Section 6, Ninth Avenue, near) OPO. years to Pa 19 deep. Gross tonnage 39:06,/ vopride. $390.00 cash. M. M.| PMC Oo’ sunny Soul registered tonnage 27.48—50) won, eg| irrigated lands on of $200 : Stephens, vith ; h.p. Wolverine. Heavy steel} — —————_______—_- ern Alb nts to assist Me plates tanks, capacity 2,000} FOR SALE—Lot 8, Block 10, Sec: in improve iv wy e—they até gallons. tron sheeted bottom.| tion 7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal settlers. Act o hhen pooklels Apply ‘Theo Gallant, Westholme| Cove. $175.00 cash, M. M.| going fast 0° wnite tl ‘Theatre Block. 444} Stephens, tf ape full f ' : radian Pacili ” ° Scene EN FPO ai. ,OuURL “Ou of, Be FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium|FOR SALE-—‘Lot 10, Block 49,| paijway Station, Vance’ Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch! Section 7, near Seal Cove $180 C. ann Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per-| cash. M., IM. Stephens. Dicer TAND ACT M. Btanheng “#1e800.0Oe—MGHPOR SALE—Lol 46, Block 8, Seo- = canttentaoas 0 voll tion ‘7, Fifth Avenue, near Seal | dotice Cove, $175.00, M. M. Stephens. aording necordi one crich am Land FOR SALE—Fifteen-foot rowboat in first-class condition. Apply In ‘The Skeena ast, Range jsland , . MDRNT y Yistrict of ¢ : 13 Zayas opie Parkin & Ward Electric Co. | BUILDERS ATTENTION! Lot on ituate and ki n a william . — sand pitat Conrad Street, $400) dake NOTIY Ce occupation FOR SALE— First-class milk] -—Helgerson, Ltd, 91 of ows en Pert ends 10 8PDIY 1 tg oats. A teen eT rere mn NTnen ST tne fol wink Boats. Apply to J. Larusson.|) ors GOR SALE everywhere at{mission t | pee Osland P, O., B.C. O41 : eT vat planted 02 -| lowest prices for cash—M, Mop cmencing at & POE te gists FOR SALE—National seven pas-| Stephens. tf] rast Coast al ut 1h 8. fe senger, car. Apply Little's] —~ 7 | Aortherly Orersiand; wence I sag newstand at wharf. 96 LosT an .. ed zayss ee nr per er: SNe ooo acres, ™ ° NOBLE FOR SALE—Massett Inlet,-spruce|LOST—Half sovereign .brooch—| 1% 8° wii 1AM oa ‘get and vedar 40 acres, $2,000—| Finder please return to Daily per Hoames Fogg Phone Black 847, 92) News Office. tf| pated March 1