- avn april 7; {92U. (urday: mit Aol laa ny CATARR ’ of the BLADDE R relieved } 24 HOU RS sul benrs the ~amne 4a” i non therhalt MIDY, Beware 0 7 ave eommenced gyre) tn 1843. Still in t~] line ol mak- efove a : business sal > n use in ) Hundreds ne Prince Rupert. — On SALE AT . ? red Stork's’ Hardware skKCOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 Bat at the ston Gl DOLLY VARDEN Announcement of Refusal to Dis- allow Provincial Act Followed by Litigation VANCOUVER, April 17.—Liti- gation in the British Columbia courts to have the Dolly Varden Mines Railway Act of 1919 de- clared ultra vires and of no effect was launched within a few hours of publication of the Dominion Government's refusal to disallow the act. ‘Two writs were issued from the office of Burns & Wal- kem, local solicitors, on instruc- tions from R. T. Elliott, K.t., legal adviser of the Dolly Varden Mines Company, original owner of the valuable mine which came into the hands of the Taylor En- gineering Company under the terms of the provincial legisla- tion which it is now sought to have set asde. One writ asks for a series of declarations setting aside the act and all proceedings taken under its proyisions. ‘The other writ asks for damages for alleged trespass and for payment to the plaintifY of all money realized from ores produced at the mine. The Taylor Engineering Com- pany and the Taylor Mines Com- pany ane named as defendants in both actions. In the damage ac- tion the names of the incorpora- tors of the Taylor Mines Company WHITE COOKS, ONLY carry nothing but SwiFt’s eviuM HAM and BACON and St F Eggs. —_—_— B ast, try our field S und Eggs { St € Good Vv ed are added as defendants. These are: A. J. Taylor, H. C. Chine, John Anderson, C. M. Rolston, J. F. Tener and R. P. Butchart. In the action which raises the constitutional question about the validity of the Legislature’s act, SUITS ENTERED § } | EALLY fine, well- tailored, perfect- fitting Clothes CAN be made et moderate rices. The secret lies in Chewing how to buy. Those “who have experienced the satisfaction that comes with Clothes made by AK AF E KRHA RRP He BS (aa. Oe. » LIMITED unite in Stating that this system is by long odds the most economical way to pur- chase. For with reasonable prices go correct style, choice material, fine workmanship, perfea fit, and longer-than- ordinary-life. W. G. HUGHES Resident Agent P.O.Box 948 Phone Red 505 PRINCE RUPERT, B.c. KARE eR KRHe SKK KE ES HH nan dnd ee ee oe oe ee ee ae v ©. M. Rolston is the only personal defendant in addition to tlie two| Taylor companies. The first dec- laration sought is that the Dolly Varden Act is ultra vires of the! Legislature and invalid and of no; force and effect. The second dec laration asked is the setting aside bd all acts, documents and pro- (ceedings under the said act as ine valid, unlawful and void, together | Fletcher 7 = gl} 28 AG >— | we | i 2 fasaioned cite bss S, Flet he ys she keeps sefor her brother in a little the Coast [am quite ned ny ways, and they e the old ways g Py ips they're g ar d woman,” she says that all £ ( e with Pacifie t is her ex- prefs rs it I zh I was sed on a f she adds. Sas Ti s aciiic Milk Co. Limited 882 Drake st., Vancouver, B.C FACTORY ary LADNER, 8. 0, rm, Pool Room Moved ty (21 Third Ave. Opposite The Km) ress Hote] ICA Re ‘UARS SODA a ‘WO per cent, Beer}? CO. 840 g Second Avenue Weat it SETABLES holesate and R nepal Contr aboy atall actors . and Exchange P.O. R ‘YU, Box 725 “ PPO aoe. Maia OP Dw ore, ”? A MM Onno nae ne e ¢ - GRAY Tea . cher >: tudio 197 « of Piano *1 Second A PHO» Avenue *roeeee Blue 421 »» 444 ‘ noe $ of all documents and_ registra-| tions affecting the alleged rights, | titles and claims of the plaintiff. Setting aside of all proceedings | before Justices Clement Another order asked is that the! defendants be required to execute and deliver to the plaintiff com- pany all documents and writing necessary to reinstate the plain- tiff company in the position it occupied before the passing of the act. FINE CONCERT AND PICTURE Miss Mary Izard and Mrs. D.B.} Morkill again captured the large | audience at the Westholme night. last | )cean Falls, B. C., / ; oat } nt Miss Izard’s violin play-~ mission to u nes » re , nds :—- ing Was splendid and Mrs, Morkill! “Co iencing at a post planted 2% miles rae an a eg ERRLLLTS INTRIGUES IN GERMANY . with the delivery and. cancellation | Tatk of Attempts to Overthrow |‘! Government by Reds and Reactionaries. PARIS, April 16.—The German and/Government has decided to place Murphy under the act is asked./ guards around the Government and other public buildings and! has sent for fifteen large tanks and twenty armored cars because of the rumor of a new attempt to overthrow the Government for the purpose of forming an alliance with Soviet Russia to declare war on France, according to advices from Berlin . today. BERLIN, April 16.—-Reports of continual reactionary intrigues attracting great attention in Berlin press. f are the LAND ACT } VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRIC1 OF COAST, RANGE Ill rAkt NOTICE that J. ¢ Clausen of occupation superintend to apply for per following deseribed intends the of logging, lease THE DAILY NEWS FERRYMAN ADAMS WAS KILLED At ULAXYON Jammec Bciween Boat and Dock Ke Was Crushed to Death. | Well Known. ae The death oceurred yesterday afternoon at 1:15 of James Adams |the well known ferryman between | Port Kssington and Haysport, at! j}Claxton Cannery. This was the} word received by Chief Minty of | the Provincial Police, yesterday | afternoon. Coroner John Conway left for the on this morn ing’s train investigate. The death when the deceased was working with ‘his boat at Claxton and in some man- ner was jammed between a launch One scene to oecunred and the piling of the wharf. nan Was a witness to the accident. Mr. Adams was a well known old timer and especially so with travellers who went to Port Es sington as he has been engaged for several years in the ferrying of passengers and mail from the railroad at Haysport across the river. He was about 60 years of lage, and leaves a widow who re isides in Port Essington. | = Harvey Linzey has taken over the building loan held by George |Doughty and will commence the building of a residence at the cor- iner- of Ninth Ave. and McBrid jStreet at once. Hugh B. MeGuire, a well known New York mining man. has re- lcently bought several claims in ithe Salmon River valley and ex- lpresses much faith in that see- ition. TELKWA SCHOOL CUNTHACTUORS superscribeu ben whi be ieceiveu SEALED ter aur atin tue hulourabie lu TENDERS at MisblDied vi B Ussais WO ip w iz vt Monday } we ies Udy OL Apri, 1¥zU, ior the ere LWU-PrOUIl ScMUUL Ullige &t Teukwa eect, i, ¢ culivis sVCK LOCH Ul sua COMIPieliul ui a | /llcce wu vulbul Wise | ab bide can be tue OULL Liel., at the lig, Ly, ververlibedst il tiuuse, Valicuuver. fi. USKilis, bSYy., GOVernmenut Diulluers . ti, MOeOlULn, bsg, Governinent UUPt Livune Piiuice saupert i, J. Walainson, bsq., secretary to tie foot Board, Teinwa, of the Departiieni Works, Victoria, B, C teuderers can obtain oue cop) speciiications by applying to Wilh @ deposit uf $10.00, refunded on their rewurp fiuiis Bu SyeLil seell Uli we Biel UIC ur i | j a Mau Agen, 1 le } Ageut, diuuse, Agent, ‘ § Ussale imienaing f piane aud lie undersigned yuich Wilt be au good order. Lowest ol ccoeptled apy tender not necessarily A, E, FOREMAN, Public Works Engineer. ublic Works Department, Victoria, B. C,, varch 24, 1920 MINERAL ACT, (Form F.) CERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS NOTICE, Wolr’ Mineral Claim, situate in the Naas Hiver Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- trict, Where located:—Near the head of Alice Arm bake notice that I, J. E. Stark, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 20386 C, intend, sixty days from tbe date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate oO! linprovements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, un- nas wy WM) te yi g. | —— Make a teal job of it. AINTING becomes necessary as your property increases in value, and as property was never so valuable as today there is a greater need than ever for that kind of paint which actually preserves the surface and thus saves the entire house. This spring, to make a real job ofjit, use because it combines permanence, covering capacity and economy. If B-H “English Paint’”’ was dearer than it is, it would still be the most economical—the shorter life of other cheaper brands makes them_more ex- pensive in the end. It contains the famous Brandram’s Genuine B.B. finely -gi cuad wliite lead—709%—to which is put 30% of pure zinc—a guaranteed formula that no other paint can boast. To this mixture is added fine turpentine and linseed oil from the B-H mills, which is of a quality in keeping with the other ingredients, Vhen you use B-H Paint you will notice its “body” and brilliance—you will compare the extreme covering capacity with other brands—the permanence you will be able to prove by other ex- teriors paint :d ‘vith B-H paint years ago. This Store sells B-H Products— Color cards free on request. Parkin-Ward Electric Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mm MONTREAL MEDICINE HAT WATER NOTICE, VIVERSION AND USE. \VIGABLE h. 5S. C. WATERS PROTECTION ACT, 5 Chapter 115. the Kleauza Company, Limited, of Usk, Leitish Columbia, hereby gives notice that TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose bas under section 7 of the said ACt,/address is Alice Arm, B. C., Will ply ‘eposited with the Minister of Public] or a licence to take and use 50 cubic- \orks at Ottawa, and ip the office of the! gecond-feet and to store about 400 acre- wisuict Registrar of the Land Registry | fee: of water out of Clearwater River which vistrict of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, | nows southerly and drains into the Kitsault british Columbia, a deseription of the sile] xiveroabcut 22 miles from the head of the aud ibe plans of reverstiie Aerial Rope-) jjjet of Alice Arm. way over te Skeena River, proposed to be fhe storage-dam will be located near bullt over the said Skeena River at USK,| natural outlet of Clearwater Lake. Tbe ubriuish Columbia, the supporting towers Of! capacity of the reservoir to be created (ne said Kopeway to hg located on Dis- js about 450 acre-feet, and it will flood trict Lots numbered 1437 and 833, Range gpout 50 acres of land. The water will , Coast District. be diverted from the stream at storage AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- gam and will be used for power for piration of one month from the date Of mining purposes upon the mine described ibe rst publication of this notice, the as the Climax Group. iid Aleanza Company, Limited, will under ection 7 of the said Act, apply to the ninister of Public Woiks at his office in} fuis police was posted on the ground on the 26th day of January, 1920, A copy of this notice and an application he City of Ottawa, for approval of the| ursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, iid site and plans, and for Jeave to COn- | 4914," will be filed in the Office of the uruct the said Aerial Ropeway. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C Dated at lrince Rupert, B.C., this 31st Objections to the application may be jay of January, A.D, 1920, sled with the said Water Recorder or with KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, Z Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors, MINERAL ACT he Comptroller of Water Rights, Parila- nent Bulldings, Victoria, B. ., within ~| hirty days after the first appearance of his notice tn a local newspaper. M. P. OLSEN, Applicant. The date of the first Fopuess on of this was roo. roice. {ny a nortuerly dipection from the north- |der section 85, must be commenced Lefore a 7 syst voles o-. paceman Pals, | SOSL CORSE OF Ld 897 on the west coast} the issuance of such Certiicate of Im- Certificate of Improvem*nts. voice ‘Is "Venrmary (Oy SPCCr bao The picture, D. W, Gritlith’s | yp Calvert Island; thence north 40 chains; | provements. CONTE s “The Great ation” is ¢ aq] | hence west 40 ‘chains; | thence south 40 Dated this 3rd day of April, 1920. NOTIC LAND ACT. lf ireat Question is a Tea *hains; thence east 40 chains to point of 4. RB, STARK. KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral ft j ares YY > oe « ence » 1} containip 160 acres, Ee re eee 5 eee ee ee NU S s4UMUL ‘ he a p —_—- ot human interest story of love and eoeener and cor woo NOTICE launs, situate In the Bella Coola MINING) \ 5109 oF intention to Apply to Purchase iife and with the psychic element "J. CG, CLAUSEN. , ; TOD OF eee tees alae de hess Land , Date January 21st, 1920. ‘ ite +s ane Where — docated:-—-West side 0 e . rather -strong. It deals with the} —.*--.-—-—--—-—--—_—--_- IN THE MATTER of an. application fo: | -hannel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range : — i i ; p AND RECORDING DISTRICT | the issue of a fresh Certificate of Title to] Goas. Distriet, n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- life of a girl and of course there | SKEENS at Of QUEEN CHARLOTTE Lot Three (3), Block Fifteen (15), Town! TAKE NOTICE that 1, HUGH ARCHIBALD | trict of Coast, Range IIl., and situate on is a boy It is a picture well} Ba ISLANDS: of Stewart (Map 818A), Satisfactory prooi | 1ACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL | the west coast of Calvert Island, near its th mr. aA ! ld t t : f the foss of the above Certificate 0: | OMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate ae ar A hat: Minar’ Banbhe er ieaiet worth seeing an shou attract 4 + 5 f rilite J. Leary of] Tithe having been produced, notice i: | .239, ‘nlend, sixty days from the date ake no ! AKE NOTICE Mat Willlam a ¢ ; Gate) t u 1 ‘ d a ge aos sbidarate, B settle mds to apply] hereby given that it is my intention t reof, to apply to the Mining Recorder | Falls, B, C., occupation logger, intends to be good crowd at the Westholme Skidegste, B. ' to oer Bae coal At issue after the expiration of one monti | yy a Certificate of Lmprovements for each} apply for permission to purchase the fol- ‘tonight ie . n and indor the following de- | from the first publication hereof, a fresi | ( said claims for the purpose of obtaining ] wing described lands:— i i pen A nin cern 7 Certificate of ‘Title to the above men | Crown Grant of the above claims. Commencing at a post planted one half At the Empress June Elvidge Bush reais pf at a post planted at the] tioned lands, in the name of Victor A. G | And further take notice that action \n- mille north of N.W, cor. Lot 897; thence } : _ ae ne 53: thence} Eliot, Which Certificate is dated 24ti | er section 85, must be commenced before|nerth 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; V ’ age north-west corned of D.L, 1853; ! } vill be seen again in the fine alm 10" in MoS Core OT ee cast 80 chains; | October, 1910, and ts numbered 269-1, ie issuance of such Certificate of Im-| hence south Ae gpeihei whenee out = on , ” Ssuul : Le ’ ; > ‘ a: Painha i a ovemea ‘hains, > Love and the Woman, thenee north 80 chains; thence west 80] Land Registry Office, Prince Kupert, B.« ements, rs eu te chains and con & 8, ; | Chains, to. polnt of commencement th day of March, 1920, Dated this 15th day of January, A. tina dais ie alireemnenter pe eat oI sant, . F, MacLEOD, (920, Advertise in the Daily Neovs. Dated he Sh ay LET oh 1080 District Registrar of Titles. H. A, MACLEAN, Dated December 29th, 1919. —— Se IT’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN / \ WAS “THINKING OF © HITTING HIM OF | FOR ATEN SPOT: THINE HELL FALL * SAX— LARRN'S HAD THe SAME UMBRELLA eos HE LAST TWO YEARS so You HAVE A SWELL CHANCE OF SEPARATING Rom Wy ihine | By GENE BYRNES SA chun LIFE iF YOU DONT WEAKEN <<. ae