wh} id a. i THE DALY bee Page 6 i : = —————E————— EEE gained i = The Baby's Toilet is well taken care of here. have all the fine toilet helps which will make the bath daintier and the babies sweeter, if the latter is possible. THis PHARMACY IS FAMOUS for the excellence of its service. In no other department is this superiority more apparent than in that devoted to the toilet wants }. of the little ones. If you are /] particular about your baby, as of course you ave, you'll be sure that the it supplies come from Ormes Limited Ps | ’ ~~) er eee ' Local News Notes / “hieutitat K-Katie” x— — in “Captain Rackett.” tf Bulky Rugs |.%*.aMrs. fot and Mrs. E. H. Stewart, arrived in day Washed for you Pa Laundering heavy rag and You go home with aching sides washable rugs at home is after seeing Mns. Duncan in “Cap- Barthorf, of town yester- The Pioneer Druggists | Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE | sie y) | \ — —— ee | BIRTH | . ' ‘There was born to Mr, and Mrs. | are nsurance ‘Sidney Cooper, at Telkwa, last) week, a son. AS: Boni Wi: Ne ome WATER NOTICE | Insurance Society of Canton Ua AND: STORAGE —a British company—we cone aes Take notice that the Taylor Mining Co., | Ltd., whose address is 607 Credit Foncier | Building, Vancouver, B.C., Will apply for | a licence to take and use'50 second feet, and to store 2500 acre feet of water out of; Clearwater Creek, tributary to Kitsauli can insure Cargoes of all tions. descrip= Baraes, Scows, etc., Plea- Kiver, Which flows westerly and drains into | Aitsault River about 23 mile north o sure Boats and Fishing f{ ice Arm. B.C. a R The storage-dam will be located at out- Boats. let of Clearwater Lake, The capacity ot| » pates Pe , uhe reservoir to be created is about 2500 | Our, rate a8 Feasonatie acre feet, and it will flood about 200 acres and adjustments quickly vt iand. The water will be diverted froin 1 the stream at a point close to lake outlet, | made, and will be used for power purposes upon | the mine described as Wolf Mineral Claim, | and lights to Alice Arm District. this notice was posted on the ground! on the seventh day of April, 1920. . A copy of this notice and an application McCaffery, Gibbons slow work, especially in these fain Rackett.” tf uncertain spring days when Che R ie the right sort of drying Father MeGrath was a passe i- weather is so seldom avail- ger for Terrace on this morning's able. train. j In five minutes, you can | Oats pack up half this heavy work Best Household) Lunip— Coal, of housecleaning, and have | $13.50 delivered, Phone Black 85, us do it expertly for you in Yerminal Coal Co. our modern way. ¥ nd Di ARE : Then, too, your floor and S. Kennedy arrived from Surt bath mats, which soil so Inlet on the Venture yesterday | quickly, probably need wash- pecans ot aa ae Oe Syne. Sees Get your carpenter repairs done tie tas is toil fat The Golden Age Carpenter aie tas Sh. hee Shop,. 6th St. Residence phone | help you make your home pSiue 404, oer at 1) brighter with old rugs washed F' A eonopéte foundation is belnb Ve pn Ent BEM ‘put in under the residence of|} Have our driver call for Superintendent McCall at Pacific! | your bundls, Telephoae Place. today. : - nae ) H. EB, Ross, accompanied by his apie ia , Wife and family, left on this LAUNDRY pmorning’s train for Rochester, PHONE 8 Minn., where Mr. Ross will un- fdergo an operation at the Mayo Clinic. The three new transformers for the municipal power plant arrived from the south on the - — Prince Albert this week and have | been transferred to a flat car to} be taken to Shawatlans Passage. | | Church Notices Carrying abunebeaten boiler | Pesos semester se eme® Necessities of the Season Cae re ee ee ee oan =a ITY: ts We are constantly adding to a our stock of seasonable 4 « ? 4 Merchandise and the = last i 5 \ few days’ have een manv ‘ } new alivals in all depart \ : \ ments, ' LIGHT SPRING UNDER. i | WEAR : in a@ great variety of style r and in sizes to fit all requ ments, f L° DIES’ AND MISSES’ 4 ' KMITTED SWE. TERS \ ' in Pull-over and Coat stvli S| in splendid colourings. and designs, ores “i BEAUTIFUL SPRING | 3 STRAW HA COATINGS hy " in the very newest shades. j | See these and many other at | WALLACE’; Corner of Third and Fultcn dursuant thereto and to the ‘‘Water Act, ne 14,” will be filed in the office of the ; : ee & Doyle Lid letters te the aBRLCN en nay be Oe ere rermerermarmermen me one of .Lindsay’s Cartage big} ? a led with ! she. (seid Wael, Ranotcee . oF First Baptist Church. Morning trucks went through the wher Ses Deneoeeeees — will e Comptroller o B 4 Bho 7% . sha raaetar i a a — Agents Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within 44 a.m. Subject: “Getting a move with one wheel yesterday after-| — ae Sales ihirty days after the first appearance of To a = ‘ " . ; noon near No. 2 shed A couple | 3rd Ave. Phone 11 .ais notice in a local newspaper. on. Bible School 2:30. Evening ys ae ; The powers of this undertaking are to ~.,-« HS tae, ak ‘ _g» Of hours was spent with jacks ‘ be exercised for power and !ghting within 7:30. Subject: “Is God Happy? before the wheel was finally ex ‘ a . the territory embracing all the Wolf min- Preacher, Rey. James Dunl yefore the wheel was finally ex- ‘f Rea Mss ceo) tc? gee eee eral claims,. the Dolly Varden mineral dBiosabinint Eye eyes wee tricated ‘ i I QO eiairns, and att IT of this Company's Railroad) First Methodist Church. Morr- . : eee 5 . ana h ~~ " ye > a . : oeryr . erties and buildings of others in and ad. ing 14 a,m, Subject: “The Surge Violet Pennentree appeared b ee se othe setitiod’” tor “the aeorovil of the of the Sea.”" Sunday School 2:38. fore Magisti ite MoMordie it tt ; Se ‘ *k (} of ; ei he ad ‘i ore Magistr: ; rdie ’ z ; ray rt YY f Oa undertaking will be heard in the office Evening 7:30. Subject: A Per- : . ” Peres c - a lale Stal ing F 2 s 4 0 of the board ata date to be fixed by the la . UT I tO SCREENED LUMP Delivered Bi ena 4 LAND DISTDICT ——DISTRICT of SUbject: ‘Christianity, Is It True? Aonorditte 46. the teade: renorta g POOP ener ETE RBe Ere oeS Ler bE OOO $15.00 ton. For your heater. @} QCEEN CHARLOTTE. Preacher, Rev. H. R. Grant. t tak * : nt a; re eee ne of last year, eighty-five of ——— CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles Hartie, of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church... 7 ae Bs ony , OUk @ $19.50 t Sacked, $13.75 Queen Charlotte, Occupation rancher,’ tn- M : { Snhiect: mT every hundred pianos manufac- | « me Pix. on, sacked, gh tend to apply for permission to purchase Morning 41 a.m. Subject: “The tured in the United tates were EB Fu the following described lands:— Strenuous in the Christian Life.” ’ : See ee Vee VV est Furnace Coal in City. Commencing at a post planted on the , ? a e player pianos. The reason is not ALE shore of Skidegate Inlet, about one mile Sunday School 2:30. Evensong ; oe 5 i C 0 ip Ltd in an easterly direction from the S.W./a¢ 7:20, Preacher. Rev Ganon! hard to find. The ordinary piano ee corner of T.L, 27305; thence south five ‘ +See 7 ’ Eg» is . j j onsumers 0d 0,, . chains; thence east, north and west, fol. Rix. {#8 too often merely * silent prec teopening in new w lowing shore line to point of commence- ' of furniture. d oo 9 Pa; ——-—- —_—— umber, Oak, Glass and Marine Paint Mi.M.Stephens Notary Public FOR SALE Best Coal Alberta Screened Coaveyancer Seven - roomed house, modern, GUARANTEED LUMP stone basement, extra toilet in base- For Kitchen Stove. nee no it water heating, with un- excellec water view, corner 4th Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Ave. and Emmerson Place. An at- e V ractive and splendid home on an Sacked ... $7.75 per 2 ton attractive double corner. ‘Terms MSM Sec te $13.50 per ton easy, Price under actual value. Gnly a Limited Supply Two lots on Park Avenue, close Phone Your Order Now in, Section t, $600.00 THE PAIR. Modern double apartment house, | Alb ri 7 Fifth Ave., harbour view, paying 10 é C ery percent, on 88,400. Price $6,000.CO. Could not be duplicated for much | LTD. more money, Phones 564 and 116 Two splendid view lots Fourth Ave, Graft Hill, .... $1,500 EACH. M. M. Stephens Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent ie 09 on | DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency -~— DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1,30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, ; Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT } } PFO TOT OI TOT AI OL OT OI OD OT OF OT OL OTOP OTS insurance i : Dealers in Why not a box party at “Cap-|time and energies, she too often tain Rackett,”’ $6.00, Monday and|lets her musie go, And as for the ‘Tuesday next. tf | boy, he never would practice, so eet ek ihis lessons stopped soon after Tickets for next Sunday’s Sym=!ihey began. But men are more phony Concert now obtainable at! ,; musical than they are given credit the Drug Stores and Music Stores. | for, and their desire to express ‘their feeling for music is met |fully by the modern player piano. |The expression control on a ;modern player gives one complete {mastery of every gnadation of WEEK END SPeCIALS CANNED VEGETABLES Pumpkin Jis-ie pins .......; time and tone, so that. anyone Quakes’ cist ae eee e.ik ae. _who has a liking for music can Vusker Corn, per tin, ........ Oc /8s00 Jlay in sueh a way é i gUemer OER, Dek tt avs Gee Swoon play in such a way that it ae ican be distinguished from mas- Seal Brand Coffee ,. 2-Ib. ‘ : ; Kellog Cord Plakee’e he 8428 Bl terly hand playing only by its Siranns iii cee ‘'* 2 for 35c absolute accurac y. pe Olives 2 -lb, tin, Regular 75e¢ . : Snehtaltey Meet re a tt oS | The Weber Piano Co, wired me Evaporated Prunes, Size 70-80, reg- as 2@ > “ee ian. S00 Special 2 tae din j last week that they had three Libby's Asparagus Soup 2 for 2&e players in Vancouver that they Glacier Sardines in Olive Oil 2 for 36 Robinhood or Purity Oats in tubes §} did not know what to-do with and Rupert Table Supply Co, ff ud cremit.camsir, fakin PHONES 211, 212. W. J. PITMAN, Prince Rupert Musie Store, FISH ARRIVALS Hand Your Baggage Checks to The following halibut boats ar- JOE BROWN ved this morning, but have not i of i fs z lyet disposed their catches: Motor Transfer and |Albatross, 14,000 Ibs.; Nidaros, BROTHERS Second Street P,O, Box 120 Fhone 156 Green Out of town orders carefully attended to Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue ¢ - or FIR E eee. Passenger Sei vice 11,000 lbs.; Cape Spencer, 8,000 As Herel !bs., and Chancellor, 5,000 Ibs. Three good. dwellings PAINTS mi nney ine eee seene The Canadian Fish’ and Cold For Sale Phones 176, Black 334 §)