i thy” Ormes The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 Marine [nsurance THE REXALL STORE As agents for the Union Insurance Society of Canton —a British company—we san insure Cargoes of all descrip- tions. Barges, Scows, etc., Plea- sure Boats and Fishing Boats. Our rates are reasonable and adjustments quickly made. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Egg Coal CLEAN SCREENED Delivered $13.75 ton. We strongly recommend it for your kit- chen range. SCREENED LUMP Delivered $15.00 ton. For your heater. CADOMIN MINE RUN Loose, $12.50 ton. Sacked, $13.75. Best Furnace Coal in City. Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd. J. Lorne MacIaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUNP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per ' ton WRK 3550565: . $13.50 per ton Cnly a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Alberi & liicCaffery Phones 564 and 116 ST TEE ; DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your @fliciency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.80 to 5.80; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenin 8, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT & Insurance FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS Three good dwellings For Sale $2,000 $2,500 $3,600 City Lots from $100, Victory Bonds Exchanged Ed.H. Mortimer Rea! Estate and Insurance Agent, 324 Second Avenue =) The Baby's Toilet is well taken care of here. We have all the fine toilet helps which will make the bath daintier and the babies sweeter, if the latter is possible. THis PHARMACY Is Famous for the excellence of its service. In no other department is this superiority more apparent than in that devoted to the toilet wants of the little ones. If you are particular about your baby, as of course you are, you'll be sure that the sagog 4 supplies come from Limited P.O. Box 1680 a 796 was eollected in fines the city department. There were 48 cases with 39 con- victions, the majority being drunk and drug cases. ‘The maintenance of prisoners at Okalla for the month amounted to $224 sum of $7 | During the month of March the | police 4. WATER NOTICE USE AND STORAGE Take notice that the Taylor Mining Co.,, Ltd., whose address: is 607 Credit Foucier Building, Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a licence lo take and use 50 second feet, and to store 2500 acre feet of water out of Clearwater Creek, tributary to Kitsault River, Which ows westerly and drains into hitsault River about 23 miles north of Alice Arm, B. C. The storage-daim will be located at out- let of Clearwater Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about 2500 acre feet, and it will flood about 200 acres of land. The water will be diverted from the stream at &@ point close to lake outlet, and will be used for power purposes upon the mine described as Wolf Mineral Claim, and lights to Alice Arm District. This notice was posted on the ground the seventh day of April, 1920. A copy of this, notice and an application on pursuant thereto and to the ‘‘Water Act, 1914," will be filed in the office of the Water Decorder at Prince Rupert, B. C Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of -Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The powers of this undertaking are to be exercised for power and lighting within the territory embracing all the Wolf min- eral claims, the Dolly Varden mineral claims, and all of this Company’s Railroad and properties and buildings, or any prop- erties and buildings of others in and ad jacent to the Alice Arm district, The petition for the approva! of the undertaking will be heard in the office of the board at a date to be fixed by the Comptroller, and that any interested per- son may file an objection thereto in the office of the Comptroller, or of the Water Recorder of the District. TAYLOR MINING CO., LTD, Applicant. Cc. B. North, Agent. by The date of the first publication of this notice is April 17, 1920. SKEENA LAND DISTDICT ——- DISTRICT OF QCEEN CHARLOTTE. TAKE NOTICE that I, Queen Charlotte, Occupation rancher, in- tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:— Commencing at a post planted on the shore of Skidegate Inlet, about one mile in an easterly direction from the S.W. corner of T.L, 27305; thence south five chains; thence east, north and west, fol lowing shore line to point of commence- ment, and enclosing ten acres, more or ess. Charles’ Hartie, of ‘ CHARLES HARTIE. April 6. 1920, 317 From Fraser Valley. & Refugee beans grow in the fertile Fraser Valley. They are stringless. QUAKER BRAND is the choicest of these, and only the perfect ones are canned under this famous name, Dominion Canners B.C. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B- C. WEEK END SPECIALS CANNED VEGETABLES Pumpkin 24%-lb. tins ........ Gc. Tomatoes, 2- Ab. tins .. 2 for 35c. Quaker Standard Peas 2-lb. tin 20c Quaker Corn, per din, ........ 20c M. bB. Ref, Beans 2 tins 450 Seal Brand Coffee ., 2-1. tins $1.26 Kellog Corn Flakes ...... “2 for 260 Hirondelli Macaroni .. 2 for 36c Kipe Olives 2%-lb. tin, Regular 75¢ EGGS 5:4 Aidisannsekais nieseetdetace 60c Evaporated ecneg, size 70-80, reg- ular 30¢ Special 2 for 46c Libby's Asparagus Soup 2 for 26ce Glacier Sardines in Olive Oil 2 for 36 Kkobinhood or Purity Oajs in tubes Reecial ......:. sittin ta ek 80c each. Provincial Flour 24-!b, sacks $1.80 ALBERTA FRE EaGas per doz. B6c, Wholesale prices in case lots quoted to stores, hotels or cafes, etc. Green stuft just arrived, Head lettuce, cukes, tomatoes, parsley, green onions, cauliflower, fresh spinach,’ sweet potatoes, rhubarb, artichokes, asparagus, new beets, new parsnips, oranges, apples, lem- ons, aaa or Florida grape fruit.’ OWEST Annet PRICES Rupert Table $i Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212. THE DAYLY NEWS — Local News Notes “K-K-Katie, in “Captain Rackett.” M. A. MeNeil arrived in the city from Edson last night. xi~-~- o— beautiful K-Katie” tf Mrs. Carpenter, of Dorreen, an- rived in the city by last night's train. . *. ° Usk arrivals last night included 8S. Balaam, John Anderson and Roy Dyer. 7 * . You go home with aching sides after seeing Mrs. Duncan in ‘“Cap- tain Rackett.”’ tf . * . i Win. Beynton, of Port Simpson, was negistered at the Hotel Prince Rupert on Saturday. Best Household Lump Coal, $13.50 delivered. Phone Black 85. Terminal Coal Co. - * * Nick Gurvich returned fnom Nidson, where he is interested in coal mines, on last night’s train. * * * Plain sewing and home cooking for sale in the Methodist Church parlors Wednesday afternoon, April 24, at 3 o'clock. 93 * * . an absence from this port ral months, the neat fish protection cruiser Malas- sailed into the harbor yes- afternoon. * * ‘ St. George's Day dance Friday, April 23. ‘Tickets can be obtained from any mem- ber of the England So- ciety, $3 a couple. 94 * * . Skeena River arrivals in the city over the week-end included R. W. Sinclair, Inverness; James Lamb, Carrias, and Fred W. Rudge, Port Essington. . * * Word has been received in the that George Hull, Dominion works engineer at Prince is expected to arrive’ on after a visit to Cali- After of seve eries pina terday banquet and sons of city public Rupert, Wednesday fornia, Word has been received by the chief of police that T. G. McLen- nan, a Vancouver lawyer, is ap- plying for the reversal of the conviction of Daniel Leachy in the notorious Duff case. * * . Tomorrow, with Commissioner Myhill-Jones as, chief execution- er, all the liquor in the possession of the city police that is of no use for emergency or sickness, to be dumped in the bay. * * . Laborers, riggers and fasteners. An organization meeting will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o*clock in the Carpenters’ Hal! to form an Intermational Union of the above. All interested are invited to attend. 94 is * * . A letter from the secretary of the G. W. V. A. stating that the association was not satisfied with the police commission's explana- tion of the recent stool pigeon case was ordered filed at this morning's meeting. * * . Samuel Swift was drunk on Sunday and on Constable Leek attempting to make his arrest, Swift resisted and assaulted the oflicer. This morning he was fined $410 and $2 costs for drunk- enness and $50 and $3 costs for assaulting a police officer. Coroner John Conway returned from Port Essington last night where he made inquiry into the death of Ferryman Adams at Claxton. The circumstances were plainly seen to be accidental so no inquest was held. Mr. Adams will be buried at Port Essington. Comments as to disorders on Fraser Street were made at the police Commission meeting this morning and it is understood that the chief take steps negard- ing the eradication of it. Com missioner Myhill-Jones pressed for a motion to this effect but obtained no seeonder for it. The matter of adding two con- stables to the regular police force is to be taken up at a special meeting of the commission on Friday, March 30. Special Con- slable George Leek is to be asked if he wants to join the force at the stipend of $140 as a regular constable. If so it will be neces- sary for him to give up his busi- ness as an SnomneAt is to Why not a ie hacker at “Cap- lain Rackett,’’ $6.00, Monday and Tuesday next. tf Tickets for next Sunday's Sym- phony Concert now obtainable at * PPPRDCD IGS we “ THE DENNY Al LE | SINCE Ss ii EN ( DRO Sale starting Ap il 20, 3087 srPsCOUGHS- rl, Crockeryware, China, Glass Kitchen 9 = a 1€én ¢ | SOCIETY PLAY Stationery, Toys, Ladies’ Ware. ; ha dha e_¢ 4 ’ IS hes * Requisites, Hair Ornamen. nd » Toilet Rr WRAP... Elsie Ferguson at Empress To- Everything to be sold to make room f night in “The Avalanche.” rT new Stock “The Avalanche” is not a story | =" SSS of the western mountains, but a E. F i. ttre society drama featuring Elsie OC FY 1 iS Lit, Ferguson, one of the big stars of Dideiineetoeee ua the movie world. This actress is Reopening in new y — well known, but her pictures are Cow ke ; not shown so often as to tire With additi a ay audiences of seeing them. They fe ) additional Machine are always top notchers. Doors, Windows, D.D. Fir and Sows. Coden Baill a | —_—_—_-_ Lumber, Oak, Glass a nd Marine P, T Boat W. J. Jefferson, manager of Phone 38: aint Butedale Cannery, arrived from Quick Del 8 » > ick : ry v ou Vancouver on the Princess Bea- . wrvery Dy trice yesterday, aia ceake - — OO ee er RRR HKER RH HH — * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * yj aise. sae weese Balke WANTED—Young man for whole - oh CF sale warehouse work, with —— = for = grocery experience. Good op- a ies portunity for advancement, Bread Buns Rolls Apply box 62 Daily News. tf P ir ? % sa Rane sora as ound Cake Pj- TO RENT—Two room suite fur- y : ac ries nished. Apply Mrs. Wolters, Wedding Cakes a pe ialty St. Louis Rooms. Phone Red 94 Phone 190 Le caetaameeneereeey eT ie eae uto Deliy FOR SALE Dining room suite, saa i ery reasonable, Apply suite 10 ete Summit Apartments. ft ee Geor efown Lum! LUI WEY 0. PHONES 130 ang 423. — P. 0. BOX 169 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Gentral B C FisSH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY TIMBER SALE X 2338. ‘i CED _ Sealed tenders will be received by the SPRUCE FIR 4 DAR Mistrict Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C., not r i ‘ ater than noon on the 20th day of April, Gonsult Us 920, for the purchase of Licence X 233+ scar Kitimat, B.C., to cut 425,000 feet of Spruce and Balsam, and 5,000 Iin. feet 2 — of Piling. ee a Two years will be allowed for removal of timber, Pesecocos sc seorosroos eee css cet EMME Me Om Further particulars of the Chief Forester Victoria, B.C., or the District Forester, | Prince Rupert, B. C. Be eek ee iyi Vi St h e. ? ol . ep ens : s\\, Sear } : Qy ae ; x =, Sites 1: Notary Public Conveyancer *; ee 4 ’ Un ttas z : : ;| FOR SALE ; | Seven oomed house, ern Stone basement, extra toilet in be Sf Dent, wot water heating, with un TIMBER SALE X 2722. excelled water view, corner 4th Ave. and Emmerson Place, An at tractive and splendid home on an Sealed tenders will be received by the attractive double corner rerms Minister of Lands not later than noon on easy. Price under actual value the 22nd day of Aprtl, 1920, for the put , ‘ « chase of Licence X 2123, to cut 555,000 lwo tots .on Park Avenue, close feet of Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock on an in, Section 1,. $600.00 THE PAIR. area situated on Johnson Channel, Range i 3, Coast istrict, ¢ is er “ame ouse Two ig years will be allowed for re _ Modern double apartm Re how moval of timber. Fifth Ave., harbour view, paying 10 Further particulars of the Chief Forester, per cent. on 88,400. Price $6,000.00. Victoria, B, C., or District Forester, Prince Could not be duplicated for much Rupert, B.C. ‘ - onan more money, TIMBER SALE X 2002. Two splendid view lots Fourth Ave., Graft HIN, $1,500 EACH. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on Se Lea ae the 6th day of May, 1920, for the pur chase of Licence X 2002, to cut 1,409,00( M. M. S ‘ae feet of Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Bal tep ens sam on an area situated on Big Lake Ellerslie Channel, Range 3, Coast District Rea! Estate Insurance Financial Agent Two (2) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. ue we Further particulars of the Chief Forester ee ee eee Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince LAND ACT. Kupert, B.C. i —— |Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Sates Le a TIMBER SALE X 1980. Recording District of Skeona, and situate | _ Sealed tenders,will be received by the}on Naden Harbor. | BAER TS ee Minister of Lands not later than noon on Take notice that Hume B. Babingt oe . er 7m - | the 22nd day of April, 1920, for the pur-| Prince Rupert, occupation master mariner Ph iy DT ACE (TD, chase of Licence X 1980, to cut 625,000] intends to apply for -permission to lease | . At Ij : ARIA ’ feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemiock on an] the following described lands } . ONE 93 area situated on Roscoe Inlet, Range 3 Commencipg at a post planted about 20 | PHON Coast District. chains southeast of George Ft., thence | | Two (2) years will be allowed for re-|north 10 chains; thence west about 2( . se facilities moval of timber. chains more or less to shore; thence south- | ee ve. Manager Further particulars of the Chief Forester, | casterly along shore to post and containing! @ 6. & ’ Victoria, B. C., or District Porester, Prince | i acres, more or less ’ Rupert, B.C. H, B. BABINGTON | wee the Drug Stores and Music Stores. e ar ELSIE FE RGU SON 2 nao. 7 AnARTCRAFT Picture es At the Empress Theatre tonight ‘ — * aig 7